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ONLINE (/IN PROGRESS): Yiddish Cultural Dictionary (English-Yiddish Lexicon). Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA).Webinars & lectures. Online courses. Manual of Ashkenazic Hebrew. Ashkenazic Hebrew Dictionary. Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna. Virtual Mini Museum of Interwar Jewish Life in Lithuania. Bible translations into Lithuanian Yiddish. Holocaust Studies papers in academic format. Mikháleshik Yizkor book.
BOOK PROJECTS seeking a traditional hard-copy publisher.
NOTE: In citations of videos posted on youtube, the reference is also to the text in the description box (channel, most recent; and: Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive). See also relevant Facebook posts.
Short story collection translated by Barnett Zumoff. Noir Press: Nottingham 2025
12 February: Latest additions to Yiddish Cultural Dictionary (Vílner Vérterbukh | ווילנער ווערטערבוך) [readers invited to send in words missing & corrections: info@yiddishculturaldictionary.org].
9 February: “Welcoming Lithuanian Prime Minister’s New Working Group on Antisemitism” in Defending History.
31 January: “Far Right Antisemitic Establishment & Genocide Center in Vilnius: Launching a New Campaign Against Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky (1922-2024)?” in Defending History; supplementary text on Facebook.
19 January: “Yisroel-Tsvi Piesker Announces Death of Rabbi Pinkhes-Moyshe Gordon of Ramayles Yeshiva (10 Aug. 1917)” in Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (exhibit 94). English summary on Facebook.
17 January: “East Broadway to Whitechapel, review: ‘Stirring snapshots of a bygone world’ by David Herman” in the Jewish Chronicle.
16 January: “Will Vilnius State Jewish Museum Reconsider Featuring Head of ‘Holocaust Fixing’ Genocide Center for International Holocaust Remembrance Day?” in Defending History.
14 January: “Director of ORT’s Vilna Jewish Technical College Recommends Shepsl Ratner of Zelva for Physics Studies in April 1923” in Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (exhibit 93). English summary on Facebook.
12 January: Memoir on Jan. 1981 Tsúkunft article on the aims of Yiddish philology in the 21st century with scan of article, on Facebook; comment on Tsúkunft editor’s article in same issue, on Facebook.
6 January: Updates to DefendingHistory.com.
30 December: Latest additions to Yiddish Cultural Dictionary (Vílner Vérterbukh | ווילנער ווערטערבוך) [readers invited to send in words missing & corrections: info@yiddishculturaldictionary.org].
24 November: Posting online of scan-ins of publications in Yiddish that appeared at Oxford in the years 1990–1998: “Oxford Books and Magazines Published Entirely in Yiddish (1990-1998)”.
21 November: “Freud et le yiddish au 21ème siècle. Idish (avec alef à l’initiale), yiddish (avec double-yud à l’initiale) et yiddish (avec double-yud à l’initiale, le second portant signe diacritique)”. Traduit du yiddish par Erez Lévy. In: Max Kohn & Raphaël Koenis (eds), Le yiddish, l’inconscient, les langues (Brill: Leiden 2024), pp. 269-273.
24 September: “On the Forthcoming Jews-for-Jesus Conference in Vilnius” in Defending History.
22 September: “Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky (1922-2024)” in Defending History.
25 August: “Arkady Kurliandchik’s Heroic Stand at the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery” in Defending History.
12 August: Updates and corrections to translation of the Book of Lamentations in Lithuanian Yiddish. Part of the Bible in Lithuanian Yiddish project.
11 August: “English Translation of Lithuania’s TV Evening News Coverage of Recent Demonstration to Rescue the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery!” in Defending History.
4 August: “Welcome to Participants in This Year’s Revived Vilnius Summer Program!” in Defending History.
31 July: “First Impressions of Vilnius’s New ‘Museum of Culture and Identity of Lithuanian Jews’” in Defending History.
22 July: “American Jewish Committee (AJC) Needs to Look Again at its Involvement in Lithuania” in Defending History.
21 July: Posting of Menke Katz’s 1978-1979 diary. On the Menke Katz Resources page.
18 July: Posting of Menke Katz’s 1976-1977 diary. On the Menke Katz Resources page.
17 July: “Exactly How Many Thousands of People Will Fit into Events at Planned ‘Museum in the Middle of the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery’?” in Defending History.
22 June: “New plaque glorifying ‘chief spokesman for ethnic cleansing’ in Lithuanian Holocaust goes up in central Vilnius” in Defending History.
19 June: “Rabbi Elchonon Baron, asserting that Bnei Brak Rabbi was misrepresented, makes clear: ‘There will not be a museum on Shnípishok Cemetery” in Defending History.
18 June: Posting of Menke Katz’s diary (1951-1952) on the Menke Katz Resource Page. Personal comments added on Facebook.
17 June: “Building sheets down, scaffolding removed, builders’ barriers are ‘last stage’ for ‘Noreika section’ of National Library of Sciences Facade” in Defending History.
14 June: Posting in the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA), and in the series The First Week of the Lithuanian Holocaust, an interview with Misha Jakobas on his mother’s memories of the Holocaust in Varzhán (Veiviržėnai).
13 June: Posting discourse be Rabbi S. J. Feffer on how a Litvak, and how a Lubavitcher, look back on their years in old age. Part of the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA).
10 June: Posting in the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA) of a video of Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky (Fania Brancovskaja) recounting Jewish tales of the old (interwar) Lithuanian-Polish border (2020).
9 June: Posting in the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA), of videos of Sháye Epshtein (2011?), Benjamin Harshav (2011), Dov Levin (2009).
5 June: “A Letter Opener (or Spoon, or Fork) with the name ‘M. Katz’ Engraved in Yiddish” in Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (exhibit 90).
4 June: “The Vilna Tarbut (Tarbus) School’s Lapel Pin” in Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (exhibit 89).
31 May: “Kháne (Hannah) Gives Photo to her Brother, Tsvi Shuster, on 31 March 1935, on his Emigration to the Land of Israel” in in Virtual Mini-Museum of Jewish Life in the Interwar Lithuanian Republic (exhibit 30).
29 May: “Lithuania’s Minister for Jewish Affairs, Max Soloveichik, issues document confirming N. Feinberg is headed to Vilna (Wilno) on official business” in Virtual Mini-Museum of Jewish Life in the Interwar Lithuanian Republic (exhibit 29).
27 May: “Vilna Yiddish Linguist Max Weinreich inscribes — on the Train to Svintsyán (Święciany, Švenčionys), on 10 Dec. 1936 — his famous paper in French, to Tel Aviv Yiddish linguist (& Hebrew editor) Daniel Leibel” in Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (exhibit 88).
22 May: “In honor of Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky (Brancovskaja) on her 102nd Birthday” in Defending History.
20 May: “Rabbi S. J. Feffer, Scholar (and Descendant) of Gaon of Vilna, Condemns Project to Defile Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery — Cites Ensnaring of Conference of European Rabbis (CER) & Bnei Brak’s Beth Din” in Defending History.
19 May: “Builders’ Curtain Down, Scaffolding Still Up, at Vilnius Science Library’s Facade: Will the Gov. Step in to ‘Just Say No’ to Plaque Glorifying a Collaborator in Genocide of Lithuanian Jewry during the Holocaust?” in Defending History.
17 May: Posting of extended Dec. 2008 Columbia Falls, Maine, interview with American poet, publisher and small press movement founder Harry Smith on Youtube.
15 May: Posting of extended Nov. 2008 New Haven interviews with Mikháleshik natives, siblings Gershke Perecman (Gershon Gubersky), Blumke Kusovitsky and Frumke Greenberg on Youtube.
6 May: “Yom HaShoah 2024: Please can you spend five minutes and six seconds to watch something?” in Defending History. Reprinted in Tribune Juive on 11 May.
26 April: “Rwandan Genocide Remembrance Deserves Better than Being Lassoed into Baltic Holocaust Obfuscation Politics” in Defending History.
21 April: Posting of a description of (and reflections on) rabbi of Shaki (Šakiai) Yeysef (Joseph) Goldin’s forgotten 1939 Yiddish book published in Kaunas (Kóvne), on Facebook.
19 April: Posting of Lithuanian Yiddish Passover texts, map, and links to recordings, on Facebook.
18 April: Report of intensive seminar on Yiddish and Litvak culture for Hebrew Union College students on study trip to Vilnius led by Jeremy Leigh, on Facebook.
17 April: Posting of scan-in of first Yiddish article 52 year earlier and other materials pertaining to early 1970s movement for Yiddish at the Yeshivah of Flatbush in Brooklyn, New York, on Facebook.
29 March: Posting of materials to mark the tenth yortsayt of president of the Lithuanian Jewish Community Dr. Shimon Alperovich (1928-2014), on Facebook.
28 March: Latest additions to Mikháleshik Yizkor Book.
21 March: “Updates from Lithuania’s Liveliest Cemetery” in Defending History.
8 February: Interview with Daniella Pinkstein in Tribune Juive.
17 January: Posting of 1970s-1980s correspondence with Solomon A. Birnbaum (1891-1989). Also: Memoir on Facebook.
16 January: “Vilnius Winter Mystery: When the Curtain Comes Down — Noreika or No Noreika?” in Defending History.
9 January: Posting of 1970s-1980s correspondence with Florence Guggenheim-Grünberg, master of Swiss (and Southwestern) Yiddish. Also: Memoir on Facebook.
7 January: Posting of 1970s-1980s correspondence with Hartog Beem (1892-1987), master of Netherlandic Yiddish including our working papers on Netherlandic Yiddish realizations of pan-Yiddish items. Also: Memoir on Facebook.
1 January: Initiation of the webpage “Correspondence of Yiddish Linguists Hartog Beem (1892-1987), Solomon A. Birnbaum (1891-1989), Jechiel Bin-Nun (1911-1983), Florence Guggenheim-Grünberg (1898-1989)” with links to three unpublished papers and extensive correspondence with Jechiel Bin-Nun (Fischer). Also: Memoir on Facebook.
1 January: “DH’s 2024 Person of the Year: Julius Norwilla” in Defending History.
25 December: Latest additions to Manual of Ashkenazic Hebrew.
24 December: Latest additions to Mikháleshik Yizkor Book.
22 December: “A ‘Shameful’ Public Letter by Five Vilnius Architects: Would They Say This About a Christian Lithuanian Cemetery of 500 Years’ Vintage?” in Defending History.
10 November: “A Masterclass in Orwellian Discourse: The Vilnius Cemetery Commission Minutes of 26 October 2023” in Defending History.
3 November: “Rabbi Elchonon Baron, Citing ‘Morally Despicable Plan to turn the Shnipishok Cemetery into a Museum’ Tells the World: ‘I will Not Remain Silent’” in Defending History.
5 October: “Furore over the ‘Baron Memorandum’ to Lithuania’s Prime Minister and Speaker of Seimas” in Defending History.
27 September: “Will the Working Group Have Courage to Just Say No to New Wave of Building & Profit from the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery?” in Defending History.
25 September: Citations in Emily Tamkin’s “Vilnius is Celebrating its 700th Anniversary” in JTA.
21 September: “Yad Vashem Director Dani Dayan, Speaking in Lithuanian Parliament, Boldly Raises the Glorification of Holocaust Collaborators Noreika, Škirpa and Krikštaponis” in Defending History.
18 September: “Painfully, Yad Vashem Heads for Vilnius, Again ‘Legitimizing’ the ‘Red-Brown Commission’, an Engine of Holocaust Revisionism” in Defending History.
23 August: Latest updates to “Saulius Beržinis’s ‘Censored Film’ on Lost Shtetl Sheduva: Lithuania’s ‘Satanic Verses’?” in Defending History.
23 August: Citations in Taylor C. Noakes, “Black Ribbon Day Is an Ahistorical, Antisemitic Fraud” in Jacobin.
1 August: Posting (on youtube) by documentary film director Loic Salfati of 2020 videographed interview on the Gaon of Vilna.
23 July: Posting of translation into Lithuanian Yiddish of the Book of Malachi (part of the project to translate the Bible into Lithuanian Yiddish; progress to date).
23 July: Posting of translation into Lithuanian Yiddish of the Book of Zechariah (part of the project to translate the Bible into Lithuanian Yiddish; progress to date).
7 July: In Memoriam: Professor Robert D. King (1936-2023).
5 July: Posting online of scan-in of compilation of materials for course at the 2005 Yiddish Teachers Program at Vilnius University.
1 June: “Torah Scribe Kasríyel Léshem of Náyshtot-Távrik (Žemaičių Naumiestis) Explains Delay to M. Kroshéyev (Krevošejevas) in Radvíleshok (Radviliškis)” [=exhibit 28 of the online Mini Museum of Jewish life in Interwar Lithuania].
30 May: “J. Slavin of Abólnik (Vabalninkas) Invites Dentist Jacob Stotsky of Remigóle (Ramygala) to Relocate and Set up his Practice in Abólnik” [=exhibit 27 of the online Mini Museum of Jewish life in Interwar Lithuania].
29 May: Posting online of scan-ins of issues 1 to 30 of the mid 1990s Oxford monthly Yiddish Pen.
28 May: “Elkhónen (Elchanan) of Kóvne (Kaunas) Sends his Photo to Relatives (or Friends) in the Holy Land on 14 April 1929” [=exhibit 26 of the online Mini Museum of Jewish life in Interwar Lithuania].
25 May: “Time for France’s Embassy in Vilnius to Just Say ‘Non!’ to French Bookstore that Features Books Glorifying Lithuanian Holocaust Collaborators” in Defending History.
7 May: “A Home-Cut Ticket Issued by a Prayerhouse in Plungyán (Plungė)” [=exhibit 25 of the online Mini Museum of Jewish Life in Interwar Lithuania].
4 May: “Lithuania’s Prime Minister Announces Members of New Commission on Fate of Hated Soviet Ruin in Heart of Vilna’s Old Jewish Cemetery” in Defending History.
27 April: “Defending History Proudly Supports Lithuanian Documentary Film Maker Saulius Beržinis” in Defending History.
24 April: “The Yiddish Poem of Dvéyre Klaz of the Shtetl Tsáykeshik (Čekiškė) in the Last Days of Independent Interwar Lithuania (1940)” [=exhibit 24 of the online Mini Museum of Jewish Life in Interwar Lithuania].
23 April: Report on visit to Vilnius of Ruth Reizin (Webb) and Rachel Reizin (granddaughter-in-law and great-granddaughter of Zalmen Reyzen) on Facebook. Reposted as “Family of Master Vilna Yiddishist Zalmen Reyzen Welcomed to Vilnius” in Defending History.
21 April: Latest additions to the Yizkor Book for Mikháleshik (Michalishek) in Vilna Province (Michalishki, Belarus).
17 April: “A ‘Faked’ 1851/1852 Vilna Bible from the Days of the Mid 19th Century Culture Wars” [=exhibit 87 of the Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna].
10 April: “Nov. 1922 postcard from the National Jewish Council in Kóvne (Kaunas) to the Jewish Council in Utyán (Utena) asking for completion of a questionnaire on the economic situation and holiday aid proved” [=exhibit 23 of the online Mini Museum of Jewish Life in Interwar Lithuania].
9 April: “An interwar bilingual Lithuanian-Yiddish commemorative envelope from Sheduva (Shádeve, Shádov) from the local Jewish branch of the Union for the Recovery of Vilnius” [=exhibit 22 of the online Mini Museum of Jewish Life in Interwar Lithuania].
9 April: “Antisemitic Commemorative Envelope, Linked to 700th Vilnius Anniversary, On Sale on Vilnius’s Main Souvenir Thoroughfare” in Defending History.
6 April: “A Great City’s 700th Birthday: For the Sake of Vilnius, Will They Now Take Down Public-Space Honors for Local Holocaust Collaborators?” in Defending History.
5 April: “Blaming Inna Hecker Grade for Bashevis Singer’s Greater Success in English Translation” (text of unpublished letter sent to the New York Times on 6 March) in Defending History.
5 April: Obituary for Phyllis Kushner Katz (1926-2023) on Facebook.
4 April: Obituary for Troim Katz Handler (1927-2023) on Facebook.
17 March: Editing of Noah Barrera’s original Yiddish short story, Hemingway in Brooklyn (at author’s request).
16 March: “Latvia is a Democracy: So Why Fear Critique of Annual Riga Worship of Hitler’s Waffen SS?” in Defending History.
14 March: “Zalmen Reyzen’s Letter of Aug. 1933 from Vilna to the Shaarei Zion Library in Tel Aviv” [= exhibit no. 86 of the online Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Villna].
12 March: Revision of post “Dictionaries for advanced students of Yiddish literature and press“.
16 February: “Review of Michael Kretzmer’s Film J’Accuse!” in Defending History [+ addendum of 20 Feb.].
16 February: Comments on Lithuania’s Independence Day and participation in ensuing discussion thread on Facebook.
29 January: Obituary for Roza Bieliauskiene (1946-2023) on Facebook. Revised version posted in Defending History. Addendum of Yiddish text for the 1 February funeral in Vilnius.
29 January: Posting of syllabus for completed Jan. 2023 Yivo-Bard course on History of the Yiddish Language.
26 January: Posting of initial reading list on the Western Ashkenazic Holekraysh (Hollekreisch) for History of the Yiddish Language students (Yivo-Bard).
1 January: “Defending History’s 2023 Person of the Year: Evaldas Balčiūnas” in Defending History.
Mikháleshik Yizkor Book מיכאַלישקער יזכור⸗בוך
Sept. 2022 Launch of an online, multimedia, multilingual 21st century yizkor book (yízker-bukh, book commemorating the destroyed Jewish civilization of an East European shtetl) for Mikháleshik (Michaleshik, Michalishek, Michailishok; today: Michalishki, Belarus)
30 December: Latest 2022 additions to Yiddish Cultural Dictionary.
27 December: Latest 2022 updates to Defending History.
10 November: Compiler of “Papers by Professor Michael Shafir (1944-2022)” in Defending History.
30 October: “Five Recently Published Poems in Hasidic Yiddish Magazines” in Yiddish Responsa.
26 October: Latest additions to online Mikháleshik Yizkor Book.
3 October: “Defending the (Real) History of Yiddish at Oxford” in Defending History.
26 September: Latest additions to DefendingHistory.com (which celebrated its 13th birthday this month).
13 September: Founding of the online Mikháleshik Yizkor Book. First draft with preface.
12 September: New page: The American Hebrew Day School Boycott of Yiddish: ‘Aleichem Sholem’ and Other Documents from the 1972-1974 Yeshivah of Flatbush Dispute (including uploaded scan-ins of all issues of Aleichem Sholem, coverage in the New York Post and Forverts, etc.).
9 September: “Will ‘Jewish’, ‘Litvak’ & ‘Yiddish’ Parts of ‘Kaunas 2022 Capital of European Culture’ Festivities Include Calls for Removal of Kaunas’s Hurtful Public Shrines to Holocaust Collaborators?” in Defending History.
7 September: Memoir (text & photos): “Eli S. Rosenzweig: Dear Friend and Unique Satirist” on Facebook.
6 September: Memoir (text & photos): “My friendship with London Yiddish authors I.A. Lisky & N.M. Seedo (Sonia Chusid)” on Facebook.
5 September: Updates to earlier memoir (text & photos): “A.N. Stencl (Avróm-Nókhem Shtentsl) & Our Friendship” on Facebook.
12 August: [update to] Compilation of articles, documentaries, videos, etc in honor of Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky’s 100th birthday in Defending History.
24 July: Updates to “Course Packet for Readings in New York’s Leftist Yiddish Daily, the Fráyhayt (1920s-1930s)”.
6 July: Posting of 1994 Oxford interview with Vilna-raised Yoni(a) Fain. In the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA).
6 July: Posting of audiotape of 1975 visit by Vilna-born Dovid Botvinik (David Botwinik) and his family with Menke and Rivke Katz in Spring Glen, N.Y. In the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA).
5 July: “Remembering my late Uncle Meishke (Edward M. Katz)” on Facebook.
5 July: Posting of 1978/1979 audiotape of London interview with Kóvne-born Khéme Pon(y)emúnsky (Nehemiah Ponting). In the the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA).
4 July: Posting of 1994 Llandudno interview with Rabbi Jerachmiel Cofnas (Yerachmiel Tsofnas, 1912-2010) of Déksne/Shiló in the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA).
29 June: Posting of late 1970s interview with Yiddish poet A. N. Stencl of Tsheládzh (Czeladź, 1897-1983). In the London Whitechapel Video Archive.
29 June: Posting of 2008 West Palm Beach interviews with Yoysef-Ziskind (Yosele) Sandále (Josef Sandala, 1920-2012) of Góveròve (Goworowo), Poland, where he lived before the war. In the Southern Yiddish Dialect Video Archive (SYDVA).
27 June: Posting of 1968 Boro Park interview with Harry (Hershl) Feldman (±1886 — 1974) of Káminetz Podólsk (Kamianets-Podilskyi). In the Yiddish in Ukraine Video Archive (YUVA).
27 June: Posting of 1979 London Whitechapel interview with A. N. Stencl (1897-1983) of Tshéladzh (Czeladź). In the London Whitechapel Video Archive.
20 June: Posting of June 2022 Vilnius interview with Yéte Gurvitsh (Eta Gurvičiūtė, born Kóvne 1920). In the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA).
19 June: Posting of June 2022 Vilnius interview with Misha Jakobas (born 1949) of Telz (Telšiai). In the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA).
12 June: “‘Morbid Memorandum’ (of AJC+LJC+GWF+Vilnius Mayor) Says Jews in Lithuania ‘Dying Out Altogether’ — While Allocating Millions for New ‘Community Center’ Building on Sacred ‘Great Synagogue Square’” in Defending History.
7 June: Latest additions to Mini Dictionary of Ashkenazic Hebrew.
3 June: Latest additions to Mini Museum of Interwar Jewish Lithuania.
3 June: Latest additions to Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna [in Yiddish].
3 June: “Crucifix with (Unverified) Wartime Hidden Insert of Page of Hebrew Psalms” [in Yiddish]. in Virtual Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna [MOJV].
30 May: “Max Weinreich’s 1931 Review of Vorobeichic’s Photo Book on Jewish Vilna” in Virtual Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna [in Yiddish].
30 May: Latest additions to Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive. On YT.
29 May: “1921 Pin Celebrating in Yiddish Fifth Anniversary of the Vilna Jewish Craftmens Association” in Virtual Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna [in Yiddish].
29 May: “Uh-Oh, Here We Go Again: Secret Memorandum on Future of Vilna Great Synagogue Courtyard” in Defending History.
27 May: “Happy 60th Birthday to our Staff Writer Evaldas Balčiūnas, Unique Lithuanian Ethicist” in Defending History. Also: personal tribute on FB.
23 May: “Another ‘Fake Litvak Congress’? Litvaks of Lithuania are Excluded on Orders of Election-coup ‘Pylimo 4 Bosses’; Photo-op Foreigners In Town for Gov. Hosted Event” in Defending History.
22 May: “Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky, State-Defamed Jewish World War II Partisan Hero, Turns 100” in Defending History.
18 May: “Updates on Kaunas’s ‘Capital of European Culture 2022’ Year Without (So Far) Removing a Single Shrine to Local Holocaust Collaborators” in Defending History.
13 May: “1931 Bilingual Ad for Sh. Abelsky’s ‘First in Lithuania: Rope Factory & Retail’” in Virtual Mini Museum of Interwar Lithuania.
5 May: [co-editor of Yiddish text (only) in], Meyshe Kulbak: Ale Lider un Poemen (appeared in Prague in separate Yiddish and bilingual Yiddish-Belarusian editions), published by Vesna Publishers. On FB.
5 May: “Memories of Professor Gershon Winer (1922-2003)” on FB.
26 April: Lastest Additions to Yiddish in Ukraine Video Archive (YUVA): Dedicated to the People of Ukraine in 2022. On YT.
26 April: Posting of video interview with Roza Bieliauskiene of Vilnius in the Lithuanian Yiddish Video Archive (LYVA).
17 April: “27 Months Later: Lithuania’s Defense Ministry Still Flaunts Website Homage to Hitlerist Theoretician of Ethnic Cleansing of Jews” in Defending History.
20 March: “Ottawa Citizen & N.Y. Times Break Media Silence on Self-Damage of Eastern NATO/EU Democracies by Public-Space Adoration of Holocaust Collaborators” in Defending History.
6 February: “Exotic Antisemitism? Declaring a Soviet Ruin to be a National Treasure — to Keep an Old City-Center Jewish Cemetery Verily Underground?” in Defending History.
1 February: “A Jewish Museum Without a Single Jewish Staff Member? (in a country with some 3,000 Jewish citizens)” in Defending History.
20 January: Syllabus for Yivo-Bard winter session course on History of the Yiddish Language.
10 January: “Editor’s Comments on Defending History Persons of the Year 2022” in Defending History.
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
10 November: Review of J. Shandler’s Yiddish: Biography of a Language in Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Proof available here.
24 September: “Open Letter to (1) Archimenai; (2) Institute of Design & Restoration; (3) Sigitas Kuncevičius; (4) Vilnius Architecture Studio” in Defending History.
15 September: Latest additions to The Ashkenazic Manual and the Ashkenazic Mini-Dictionary.
9 September: “Honoring Holocaust Victims One Day, and Two Days Later” — Perpetrators” in Defending History.
5 September: “In Lithuania, President’s Speech, New Monument, and Major Conference Glorify Participant in June 1941 Kaunas Atrocities Against Jewish Citizens” in Defending History.
1 September: “Will Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas Remove Nazi-Collaborator Shrines as it Honors the Great Leonidas Donskis?” in Defending History.
27 June: “Vilnius Court’s May 10th Verdict Illustrates ‘Insidious and Tragic’ Destruction of East European Cemeteries via London’s CPJCE” in DefendingHistory.
16 April: “No Sir, This is No Photoshop” in Defending History.
14 April: “Far-Right Historian Who Poses Proudly with Posters of Holocaust Collaborators Nominated to Head Lithuania’s ‘Genocide Center’” in Defending History.
22 February: “President of Germany Honors Major East European ‘History Dissident’ Rachel Kostanian, Longtime Head of Vilnius’s Only Holocaust Museum” in Defending History.
14 February: Text of online speech at the Leyvik House book launch evening for Rivke Basman’s In blíung fun ash.
12 February: “Zalmen Reyzen’s Perception of the Common Ground on Issues of Standard Yiddish and Extreme Purism” [in Yiddish: Zalmen Reyzens daas haklal vos shaeykh dem standardn yidish un dem ekstremen purizm] in D. Katz, Responsa in Yiddish Linguistics, no. 4 (Feb. 2021).
3 February: “Suddenly, Strong Statements from the Long-Silent: Holocaust Posturing or Sincere Outrage?” in Defending History.
31 January: (ed.) and compiler), “Tributes to Rachael Kostanian on her 91st Birthday” in Defending History.
1 January: “2021 is DH’s Year to Honor ‘First Week Victims and Savers’ — on 80th Anniversary of 1941” in Defending History.
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
Book: Einstein from Svir and Other Short Stories [collection of twelve Yiddish short stories, eight set in pre World War I Lithuania; four set in London and New York], H. Leyvik Publishing House: Tel Aviv [project officially dated 2019, appeared in early Jan. 2020]. Book available at publisher’s website (or via: leyvikmail@gmail.com).
Paper: “Reflections on Czernowitz at 110” in Wolf Moskovich (ed), Jews and Slavs, vol. 26 [= Yiddish: A Jewish National Language at 110. Proceedings of the Czernowitz Yiddish Language International Conference], Dukh i Litera: Kyiv, pp. 11-50 [comprising also, on pp. 11-20, the original keynote lecture at the conference in Yiddish].
13 December: Latest additions to A Yiddish Cultural Dictionary: English-Yiddish Lexicon for the 21st Century.
4 September: “Remembering London’s Beloved Rabbi Avrohom Pinter (1949-2020)” in Defending History.
3 September: Posting of draft translation of the biblical Book of Habakkuk into Lithuanian Yiddish (books in the series to date).
30 August: Posting of draft translation of the biblical Book of Nahum into Lithuanian Yiddish (books in the series to date).
2 August: “Motke Chabad Says: Rabbi Forbids His Own Community’s Bagels in Vilnius — ‘Not Kosher’” in Defending History [Russian translation by Julia Rets].
22 April: Translation of the Book of Micah (from Biblical Hebrew) into Lithuanian Yiddish.
25 March: Translation of the Book of Obadiah (from Biblical Hebrew) into Lithuanian Yiddish.
24 March: Translation of the Book of Amos (from Biblical Hebrew) into Lithuanian Yiddish.
10 February 2020: Translation of the Book of Joel (from Biblical Hebrew) into Lithuanian Yiddish.
2 February: PDF of 2017 Vilnius publication of The Book of Ruth in Lithuanian Yiddish posted online.
21 January 2020: “Chelm or New York? Yivo Fires its Librarians, While Investing “Fortune” in PR for Lithuanian Government’s Jewish Politics” in Defending History.
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
“On the (Ab)use of Law to Remake the Historical Narrative of World War II” in Mémoires en Jeu / Memories at Stake, no. 9 (Paris), pp. 88 -93. PDF of proof only.
LRT TV interview; English original (part).
22 November: “But What is a Litvak Symbol?” in Defending History.
12 August: Cited in Jillian Deutsch, “Plaque by Plaque, Lithuania Confronts its Wartime Past” in Politico.
4 August: “Who’s Afraid of DefendingHistory.com?” on Defending History Facebook page.
1 August: “Bravo to Hizzoner Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius!” in Defending History.
29 July: Cited in JTA report, “In Eastern Europe, Holocaust Museums are Missing from Key Historical Sites”. Report by Cnaan Liphshiz also in Sun Sentinel.
22 June: “Monument to Hitler Collaborator in Chicago: A Story that Won’t Go Away” in Defending History.
2 June: “Turmoil Growing over Monument in Chicago that Glorifies a Hitler Collaborator” in Defending History.
24 May: “Honest Mistake at Irish Embassy” in Defending History.
13 May: Interview with Alexandra Kudukis in The Lithuania Tribune.
15 April: “A Tale of Two Cities? New Britain (Connecticut) and Chicago (Illinois)” in Defending History.
1 April: TV interview on issues of Holocaust remembrance and democracy in Eastern Europe (Jazz News TV).
10 February: “The New Yiddish Book about Vilna and its Author Aaron Garon” in Defending History.
24 January: Cited in JTA report, “Lithuanian Church Removes Jewish Headstones Used as Stairs”.
23 January: “Once Again, Sophomoric and Substandard Journalism at the Yiddish Forward” in Defending History.
10 January: “A Significant Trial of Holocaust History” in Defending History (quotation).
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
Jump to: 2018 Projects in Progress; 2018 By Date.
Papers, essays, Bible translations and a dictionary:
“A Forgotten Poem by Hirsh Glik on the Beauty of Nighttime Winter Vilna and its Viliya River” [in Yiddish] in Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (exhibit 67).
“Lithuania’s Museum of Holocaust Denial. A state-sponsored institution in Vilnius rewrites history to the delight of Europe’s new ultranationalists” in Tablet. In Russian translation.
16 December. “Another One-Sided Yivo Program on the Lithuanian Holocaust — in New York?” in Defending History.
29 November: Interviewed on the Real News Network regarding events in Poland.
21 November: “US Taxpayer-Funded Commission Taken to Court in DC for Helping Vilnius Builders Desecrate City’s Old Jewish Cemetery” in Defending History.
19 November: “A Hebrew Betar Medal from Interwar Vilna” in Virtual Yiddish Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, (no. 68).
19 November: “Is Yad Vashem Legitimizing Vilnius ‘Genocide Center’?” in Defending History.
21 October: Posting of draft translation of Hosea from Biblical Hebrew into Lithuanian Yiddish (books translated to date).
10 October: “Jacob Piliansky, 72, Soft-Spoken Spokesperson for Historic Jewish Truth, Dies in Vilnius” in Defending History.
1 October: “The Question Fareed Zakaria Left Out of Interview with Ukraine’s President” in Defending History.
23 September: “Sept. 23rd Ponár Memorial and Pope Francis’s Visit to Vilna Ghetto Memorial” in Defending History.
21 September: Cited in JTA report “Pope Francis Urged to Speak Out Against Construction Atop a Vilnius Jewish Cemetery”; also in Times of Israel on 22 Sept.
10 September: Cited in Andrew Higgins, “Nazi Collaborator or National Hero? A Test for Lithuania” in The New York Times.
6 September: Cited in Saul Chapnick, “The Midnight Plane to Czernowitz: The 2018 International Yiddish Conference” in The Times of Israel.
23 August: “WJC Tweet Causes Pain to Holocaust Survivors and their Families” in Defending History.
24 July: Cited in Jada Yuan, “Places 24 and 25 of 52: In Tallinn and Vilnius, the Complexities of Independence” in The New York Times.
2 July: Cited in Margherita Nasi, “La Lituanie troublée par la mémoire de la Shoah” in Le Monde. As PDF.
4 June: Cited in Joanna Plucinska’s “Ghosts of Lithuania’s Past Brought Back by a Child’s Toy” in Politico.eu.
30 May: Cited in “Lithuanian Jews Protest in Vilnius Against Leadership of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Demand Free and Fair Elections” in The Weekly of Vilnius, pp. 34-39.
29 May: Cited in JTA’s “Lithuanian Jews Rally to Demand Fair Internal Elections” in JTA.
22 May: “An Opportunity for Leaders of Israel’s ‘March of the Living’ in Vilnius” in Defending History.
18 May: Cited in Shalom Goldman’s “The Catholic Priest who Became an Orthodox Jew” in Tablet.
25 April: “Poland’s New Holocaust Law is Bad, but Not the Worst” in Jewish Currents.
25 April: Cited in JTA report, “Congress Members Call our Ukraine Government for Glorifying Nazis”.
30 March: Cited in Rod Nordland’s “Where the Genocide Museum is (Mostly) Mum on the Fate of Jews” in The New York Times. Hebrew translation of the article published by Haaretz, 2 April 2018.
30 March: Compilation and posting of old Vilna area Yiddish versions of three principal Passover songs in “Litvak Culture” section of Defending History.
30 March: Interviewed by Adam Asher: “Vilna Without Vilna” in the Oxford Review of Books.
16 March: “Could Lithuania’s Single Freedom of Speech Lapse be on Questions of History?” in Defending History.
13 March: Co-author of Defending History’s eyewitness report on the March 11th neo-Nazi march in central Vilnius [cited in Weekly of Vilnius, 12-18 March 2018, pp. 15-16].
6 March: “Chief Rabbi of Western Wall and and Holy Sites in Israel Calls on Lithuania’s President to Cancel Convention Center Project at Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery” in Defending History.
19 February: “A Forgotten Poem by Hirsh Glik on the Beauty of Nighttime Winter Vilna and its Viliya River” [in Yiddish] in Virtual Yiddish Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (exhibit 67).
18 February: “Nationalist” March in Central Vilnius on Lithuania’s 100th Birthday Ends Up in Usual Neo-Nazi Spirit” in Defending History.
17 February: “Red-Brown Commission’ Boasts of Conference Honoring Alleged 1941 Collaborator” in Defending History.
16 February: “Defending History Celebrates Lithuania’s 100th Anniversary” in Defending History.
9 February: “Israel Chonicle [Updated]” in Defending History.
1 February: “Registry of Opposition to “The National Convention Center” Atop the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery at Piramónt (Šnipiškės) [updated]” in Defending History.
1 February: “Agnieszka Jablonska’s August 2017 Report on Wrocław Jewish Cemetery Now in Public Domain” in Defending History.
21 January: Yiddish Cultural Dictionary for the 21st Century project goes online.
15 January: “Chief Rabbi of Israel Pleads with Lithuania’s President to Abandon Plans for Convention Center on the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery” in Defending History.
14 January: “Great Expectations for Kaunas, as City is Named 2022 ‘Capital of European Culture’” in Defending History.
14 January: “Does the City of New Britain, Connecticut Really Want to Honor Someone who Led a Hitlerist Militia in the Early Days of the Lithuanian Holocaust?” in Defending History.
1 January: “Malvina Šokelytė Valeikienė is Defending History’s 2018 Person of the Year” in Defending History.
2018 Projects in Progress:
Yiddish Cultural Dictionary for the 21st Century [online].
Dovid and Goliath: Writings on East European Holocaust Revisionism and Antisemitism, 2007-2018 [in preparation in partnership with publisher].
Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna [in Yiddish, index in English] (work in progress). https://defendinghistory.com/keepsakes-of-old-jewish-vilna-index
Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Jewish Life in Interwar Lithuania [in Yiddish, index in English] (work in progress). https://defendinghistory.com/index-to-virtual-mini-museum-of-jewish-life-in-the-interwar-lithuanian-republic/91524
Responsa on Yiddish Linguistics [in Yiddish] (work in progress). https://defendinghistory.com/responsa-in-yiddish-linguistics-by-dovid-katz
Bible translations into Lithuanian Yiddish (work in progress): Ruth, I Kings, II Kings, Jonah, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Daniel, Esther
Youtube postings of a quarter century of interviews with the last in-situ Litvaks (work in progress). https://www.youtube.com/playlist=PL89369D626BD42D2C&feature=plcp
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
“The Extraordinary Recent History of Holocaust Studies in Lithuania” in Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust, vol. 31.3 “Scholars’ Forum: Holocaust Historiography in Eastern Europe (Part II)” (December 2017), pp. 285-295. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23256249.2017.1395530?journalCode=rdap20; PDF of proof at: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Dovid-Katz-on-Holocaust-Studies-in-Lithuania-PROOF-ONLY-Dec.-2017.pdf
“Inseparable Threesome: Leyzer Ran, Vilna, and Yiddish” in Charles Berlin (ed.), Catalog of the Leyzer Ran Collection in the Harvard College Library, Harvard Library: Cambridge, Massachusetts 2017, pp. 13-16.
The Book of Ruth. Translated from the Biblical Hebrew into Lithuanian Yiddish, Ele-Leyzer (Elchik) Chait: Vilnius 2017, 20 pp. Prelim pages available at: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Ruth-first-3-prelims.pdf
“Free Trade Awry? The Westward Export of Double Genocide” in Danielle Buschinger and Roy Rosenstein (eds), Mélanges offerts à Jeff Richards par ses amis à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire. Centre d’Etudes Médiévales de la Picardie, Amiens 2017. Proof at: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Dovid-Katzs-paper-in-Earl-Jeffrey-Richards-festschrift-2017.pdf
“West is West, East is East: The Specific East European Incarnation of Antisemitism” in Krytyka Literacka, 2017 (2), pp. 15-17.
Dated Entries in Reverse Chronological Order:
Latest entry in Virtual Yiddish Mini-Museum of Jewish Culture in the Interwar Lithuanian Republic, 25 December 2017. Index (in English): https://defendinghistory.com/index-to-virtual-mini-museum-of-jewish-life-in-the-interwar-lithuanian-republic/91524
“Take Note, Historians of Israeli Diplomacy: Betraying the Truth about the Holocaust is Not a Good Idea” in Defending History, 24 December 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/take-note-historians-of-israeli-diplomacy-betraying-the-truth-about-the-holocaust-is-not-a-good-idea/92431
“Vilnius District Court Nullifies LJC Head’s Spring 2017 Alleged ‘Kangaroo-Election Power Grab’” in Defending History, 21 December 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/vilnius-district-court-nullifies-heads-may-2017-alleged-steal-the-election-power-grab/92375
“Two Perspicacious Comments in Today’s Issue of Weekly of Vilnius” in Defending History, 17 December 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/two-perspicacious-comments-in-todays-issue-of-the-weekly-of-vilnius/92200
“Did Israel Cross a Holocaust Red Line Today by Honoring Leader of a Pro-Nazi 1941 Militia?” in Defending History, 15 December 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/did-israel-cross-a-holocaust-red-line-today-by-honoring-leader-of-a-pro-nazi-1941-militia/92121
“28 Oct. 1919 Issue of Kóvne’s Zionist Yiddish Paper Yídishe shtíme” [in Yiddish] in Mini-Museum of Jewish Culture in the Interwar Lithuanian Republic (9), 4 December 2017.
“Lithuania’s Jewish Affairs Minister Max Soloveitchik Writes to his German Counterpart in 1922” [in Yiddish] in Mini-Museum of Jewish Culture in the Interwar Lithuanian Republic (3), 28 November 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanias-jewish-affairs-minister-max-soloweitschik-writes-to-his-german-counterpart-in-1922
“Lithuanian Language Textbook for Hebrew Schools with Ékhod mi yoydéya in Lithuanian (Mariampolė 1928)” [in Yiddish] in Mini-Museum of Jewish Culture in the Interwar Lithuanian Republic (1), 26 November 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/childrens-lithuanian-language-textbook-for-hebrew-schools-mariampole-1928
“The ‘Double Genocide’ Theory: The New and Official Form of Holocaust Denial” in Jewish Currents, 22 November 2017. http://jewishcurrents.org/the-double-genocide-theory/
“Real or Rigged ‘International Conference on Fascism and Antisemitism’ in Vilnius on 9 November?” in Defending History, 7 November 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/real-or-a-rigged-international-conference-on-fascism-and-antisemitism-in-vilnius-on-9-november/91109
“Harvard Publishes Catalog of the Leyzer Ran Collection in Harvard College Library” in Defending History, 6 November 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/harvard-publishes-catalog-of-the-leyzer-ran-collection-in-harvard-college-library/91082
“Joseph Melamed, Major Leader of International Litvak Community, Dies in Tel Aviv at 93” in Defending History, 29 October 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/joseph-melamed-major-leader-of-international-litvak-community-dies-in-tel-aviv-at-93/90846
“New Prague — Brussels Battle over European History?” in Defending History, 24 October 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/new-prague-brussels-battle-over-european-history/90736
“Anti-Nazi Partisan Hero Chasia Langbord Shpanerflig, 96, Dies in Vilnius” in Defending History, 21 October 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/anti-nazi-partisan-hero-chasia-langbord-shapenerflig-97-dies-in-vilnius/90566
“Text of Irish Ambassador Dónal Denham’s 2008 Speech at Brantsovsky Reception is Released for the Record” in Defending History, 20 October 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/text-of-irish-ambassador-donal-denhams-2008-speech-at-brantsovsky-reception-is-released-for-the-record/90606
“Lithuania’s Prime Minister Bizarrely Claims that Conference Center on Old Jewish Cemetery will ‘Lift’ Vilnius…” in Defending History, 5 October 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanias-prime-minister-bizarrely-claims-that-conference-center-on-old-jewish-cemetery-will-lift-vilnius/90332
“New ‘Litvak’ Postage Stamp Brings Pain to Lithuanian Jews, Holocaust Survivors, Yiddish Lovers” in Defending History, 25 September 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/new-litvak-postage-stamp-brings-pain-to-lithuanian-jews-holocaust-survivors-yiddish-lovers/90224
“Historic Conference on Future of Vilna Great Synagogue Site is Open to All” in Defending History, 29 August 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/historic-conference-on-future-of-vilna-great-synagogue-site-is-open-to-all/89733
“New NATO Film Unwittingly Glorifies Holocaust Collaborators” in Algemeiner.com, 28 August 2017. https://www.algemeiner.com/2017/08/28/new-nato-film-unwittingly-glorifies-holocaust-collaborators
“Brand New Yiddish Signs Come to Malát (Molėtai), Town in Northeast Lithuania” in Defending History, 27 August 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/brand-new-yiddish-signs-come-to-lithuanian-town-malat-moletai/89622
“Honest Error at German Embassy in Vilnius?” in Defending History, 27 August 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/honest-error-at-german-embassy-in-vilnius/89683
“Neo-Nazis in Lithuania Again Get “Material” from “Official” Jewish Community’s Leadership” in Defending History, 26 August 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/neo-nazis-in-lithuania-again-find-material-in-website-of-official-state-sponsored-jewish-community-of-lithuania/89662
“New Hotel on Top of Old Jewish Cemetery in Wrocław? A Challenge for Poland’s Jewish-Interest Activists and London’s CPJCE” in Defending History, 25 August 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/new-hotel-on-top-of-old-jewish-cemetery-in-wroclaw-a-challenge-for-polands-jewish-interest-activists-and-londons-cpjce/89636
“12 US Congressmen Call on Lithuania’s President to Move Convention Center Project Away from Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery” in Defending History, 13 August 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/12-us-congressmen-call-on-lithuanias-president-to-move-convention-center-project-away-from-old-vilna-jewish-cemetery/89344
“Vilnius Jewish Community Releases Letter Signed by 20 Elected Board Members Addressed to ‘Good Will Foundation’” in Defending History, 7 August 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/vilnius-jewish-community-releases-letter-signed-by-20-elected-board-members-addressed-to-good-will-foundation/89289
“Defending History Releases Yiddish Version of Julius Norwilla’s Lithuanian and English Poster for Piramónt” in Defending History, 11 July 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/defending-history-releases-yiddish-version-of-julius-norwillas-lithuanian-and-english-poster-for-piramont/89208
“A Letter and a Dedication from the late Yesháye Epshteyn (Yeshayahu Epstein)” in Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (66), 29 June 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/mini-museum-of-old-jewish-vilna-66
“In Reply to 40,000 Petition Signatories, Lithuania’s Chancellor Rehashes Reliance on Allegedly Corrupt Group of London Rabbis who Reject Consensus of Litvak Rabbis Internationally” in Defending History, 14 June 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/in-reply-to-40000-petition-signatories-lithuanias-chancellor-rehashes-reliance-on-allegedly-corrupt-group-of-london-rabbis-who-reject-consensus-of-litvak-rabbis-internationally88871-2/88871
“Neo-Nazis Pick Up Hate Materials from… (Hijacked?) Official ‘Lithuanian Jewish (Litvak) Community’ Website” in Defending History, 10 June 2017. http://defendinghistory.com/neo-nazis-pick-up-hate-materials-from-official-lithuanian-jewish-community-website/88811
“Young Vilnius Jews Converge on Jewish Community Center to Protest Rigged Election” in Defending History, 28 May 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/young-jews-converge-on-jewish-community-center-to-protest-rigged-election/88719
“Adopting Antisemitic Trope, “Official Jewish Community Website” Blasts 300 Vilnius Jews as “Mainly Russian Speakers Calling Themselves Jews” in Defending History, 24 May 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/adopting-antisemitic-parlance-official-jewish-community-website-blasts-300-vilnius-jews-as-mainly-russian-speakers-calling-themselves-jews/88619
“Has Anti-Lithuanian Political Operative Infiltrated Official Jewish Community to Sow Turmoil?” in Defending History, 19 May 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/has-anti-lithuanian-political-operative-infiltrated-official-jewish-community-to-sow-turmoil/88505
“Arkadijus Vinokuras: Chairperson’s Henchman-Spoiler or Independent Candidate?” in Defending History, 18 May 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/arkadijus-vinokuras-chairpersons-henchman-spoiler-or-independent-candidate/88471
“Is ‘Good Will Foundation’ Enabling a Mockery of Jewish Community Democracy in Lithuania?” in Defending History, 16 May 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/is-good-will-foundation-enabling-a-mockery-of-jewish-community-democracy-in-lithuania/88397
“Fake Nationalist Menorah: New Low in Litvak Identity Theft?” in Defending History, 12 May 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/fake-nationalist-menorah-new-low-in-litvak-identity-theft/88322
“Lithuanian Jews Dismayed at New Attempt to Crush Democracy” in Defending History, 7 May 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-jews-dismayed-as-communitys-democracy-seems-crushed/88273
“Vilnius Jews Shocked by Maneuver to Rig the Community’s Elections” in Defending History, 21 April 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/vilnius-jews-shocked-by-maneuver-to-rig-the-communitys-elections/88092
“Would a Lithuanian Church Proceed in 2017 to Honor an Alleged Local Holocaust Perpetrator?” in Defending History, 19 April 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/would-a-lithuanian-church-proceed-in-2017-to-honor-an-alleged-local-holocaust-perpetrator/88036
“Major German Holocaust Scholar Slips (Again) into Baltic Nationalist Discourse” in Defending History, 28 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/major-german-holocaust-scholar-slips-again-into-baltic-nationalist-discourse/87609
“US Taxpayer-Funded Commission Mixed Up in Desecration of Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery is Reported to Senate Oversight Committee” in Defending History, 27 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/dc-commission-colluding-in-desecration-of-old-vilna-jewish-cemetery-is-reported-to-senate-oversight-committee/87584
“State-Sponsored “Genocide Center” Issues Document that is ‘2017’s Jew-Witch Hunt’ Against 95 Year Old Holocaust Survivor Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky” in Defending History, 26 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/state-sponsored-genocide-center-issues-document-that-is-2017s-jew-witch-hunt-against-95-year-old-holocaust-survivor-fania-yocheles-brantsovsky/87385
“Vilnius Jewish Community Board Issues ‘Historic Call’ for Restoration of Democracy” in Defending History, 23 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/vilnius-jewish-community-issues-bold-letter-demanding-a-formal-meeting-be-called/87377
“Vilnius Author of Piramónt Petition, Head of Kaunas Synagogue Present Petition’s 39,000 Signatures to Lithuanian Government” in Defending History, 21 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/vinius-author-of-piramont-petition-and-head-of-kaunass-choral-synagogue-present-petitions-39000-signatures-to-the-lithuanian-government/87333
“‘Statistics” Posted by the ‘Good Will Foundation’ in Vilnius” in Defending History, 19 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/statistics-posted-by-the-good-will-foundation-in-vilnius/87260
“Defending History’s Statement on Need for Announcement of Democratic Elections for Leadership of Lithuanian Jewish Community” in Defending History, 19 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/defending-historys-statement-on-urgent-need-for-announcement-of-fair-and-free-democratic-elections-for-leadership-of-the-lithuanian-jewish-community/87195
“Simóntshik Launches Campaign for Leadership of Lithuanian Jewish Community” in Defending History, 14 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/simontshik-launches-campaign-for-leadership-of-lithuanian-jewish-community/87113
“Over 500 Neo-Nazis Granted Center of Vilnius for March 11th Parade; A Tirade Against Holocaust Survivor Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky, 95” in Defending History, 11 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/over-500-neo-nazis-granted-center-of-vilnius-for-annual-march-16th-parade-tirade-against-95-year-old-holocaust-survivor-fania-yocheles-brantsovsky/86980
“London Beth Din (Rabbinical Court) Issues Summons to Two Leaders of Lithuania’s Official Jewish Community” in Defending History, 3 March 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/london-beth-din-rabbinical-court-issues-summons-to-two-leaders-of-lithuanias-official-jewish-community/86880
“Vilna or Chelm? After 22 Years of Service to Community, Rabbi is Driven from Synagogue Gates by Hired Armed Guards for Having ‘Called out Page Number'” in Defending History, 28 February 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/vilna-or-chelm-after-22-years-of-service-to-community-rabbi-is-driven-from-synagogue-gates-for-having-called-out-the-prayerbook-page-numbers-last-saturday/86832
“After ‘Blissful United Congregation’ on Sabbath, Some Leaders of “Official” Community Again Take Aim at Rabbi Krinsky” in Defending History, 27 February. https://defendinghistory.com/after-blissful-united-congregation-on-sabbath-leaders-of-vilnius-community-again-take-aim-for-rabbi-krinsky/86799
“Lithuanian Jewish Community Chairperson Faina Kukliansky Issues Powerful Statement on Annual ‘Holiday’ that Humiliates Jews and Roma” in Defending History, 27 February 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-jewish-community-chairperson-faina-kukliansky-issues-powerful-statement-challenging-the-annual-holiday-that-humiliates-jews-and-roma/86776
“Ethical & Cultural Level of ‘Admas Kodesh’ (/CPJCE) that is Underpinned by Taxpayer-Supported USCPAHA” in Defending History, 27 February 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/ethical-cultural-level-of-admas-kodesh-cpjce-that-is-revered-by-taxpayer-supported-uscpaha/86757
“London CPJCE Spokesman Proclaims a Soviet Ruin in Vilnius to be Lithuania’s ‘London Tower’ and its ‘Statue of Liberty'” in Defending History, 23 February 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/london-cpjce-spokesman-proclaims-a-soviet-ruin-in-vilnius-to-be-lithuanias-london-tower-and-its-statue-of-liberty/86666. Reposted on 27 February 2017 by the Five Towns Jewish Times in the United States. http://5tjt.com/london-cpjce-spokesman-proclaims-a-soviet-ruin-in-vilnius-to-be-lithuanias-london-tower-and-its-statue-of-liberty/.
“A Year & One Month Since US Commission on Heritage Abroad (USCPAHA) “Reported to Satmar Rebba” in Monsey, N.Y.” in Defending History, 20 February 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/a-year-a-month-since-us-commission-on-heritage-abroad-uscpaha-reported-to-satmar-rebba/86546
“Neo-Nazis, Glorifying Holocaust Collaborators & Spewing Racism, Again Gifted Center of Kaunas on Lithuania’s Cherished Feb 16th Independence Day” in Defending History, 16 February 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/neo-nazis-glorifying-holocaust-collaborators-spewing-racism-again-gifted-center-of-kaunas-on-lithuanias-cherished-feb-16th-independence-day/86753
“Kaunas, Lithuania: Run-Up to the February 16th 2017 Neo-Nazi March on Independence Day” in Defending History, 15 February 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/kaunas-lithuania-run-up-to-the-february-16th-neo-nazi-march-on-independence-day/86478
“A Major New Shtetl Museum for Shádev (Shádov, Shádeve, Today’s — Šeduva)” in Defending History, 15 February 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/a-major-new-shtetl-mueseum-in-shadev-shadov-shadeve-todays-seduva/86444
“When the Picture and the Headline Tell Opposite Stories” in Defending History, 12 February 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/when-the-picture-and-the-headline-tell-the-opposite-story/86363
“Weekly of Vilnius is First to Cover Bloshtein Petition in Lithuanian Media” in Defending History, 6 February 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/the-weekly-of-vilnius-first-to-cover-bloshtein-petition-in-lithuanian-media/86240
“Additional Reading Suggestions for Participants in a Feb. 2017 Yivo Course” in Defending History, 24 January 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/additional-reading-suggestions-for-participants-in-yivos-feb-2017-holocaust-in-lithuania-course/86078
“Song of Songs translated into Lithuanian Yiddish”, posted 20 January 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/song-of-songs-in-lithuanian-yiddish
“Reply to Rabbi Herschel Gluck” in Defending History, 17 January 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/rabbi-hershel-gluck-obe-speaks-to-jewish-chronicle-trashing-the-international-petition-with-34000-signatures/85915
“CPJCE’S American Affiliate Calls 34,000 Petition Signers ‘Evil People'” in Defending History, 17 January 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/cpjces-american-affiliate-calls-34000-petition-signers-evil-people/85935
“Official Community’s Private Security Force Again Bars Rabbi Sholom Ber Krinsky from Sabbath Services” in Defending History, 9 January 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/official-communitys-private-security-force-again-bars-rabbi-sholom-ber-krinsky-from-sabbath-services/85737
“Ecclesiastes translated into Lithuanian Yiddish”, posted 5 January 2017. https://defendinghistory.com/the-book-of-ecclesiastes-in-lithuanian-yiddish.
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
“Antisemitism in the Twenty-First Century Shtetl” in ISGAP Flashpoint, no. 38. http://isgap.org/flashpoint/antisemitism-in-the-21st-century-shtetl/.
“Is Eastern European ‘Double Genocide’ Revisionism Reaching Museums?” in Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust, vol. 30.3: 1–30 [Nov. 2016]. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23256249.2016.1242043; https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Dovid-Katz-2016-Dapim-paper-PROOF-ONLY.pdf
“Barring a Jew from Prayer Services is a Human Rights Issue” in Defending History, 1 November 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/where-barring-a-jew-from-synagogue-services-becomes-a-human-rights-issue/84523.
“Did ‘Double Genocide’ Just Get to the O’Reilly Factor?” in Defending History, 22 October 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/did-double-genocide-just-get-to-the-oreilly-factor/84320
“When ‘Putin’ Becomes an Excuse for Hitler-Glorification’ in Jewish Currents, 10 October 2016. http://isgap.org/flashpoint/butchering-history-but-not-the-jews-the-case-of-post-revolutionary-ukraine/
“Yiddish Loses Last Global Position as Symbolic ‘First Jewish Language’ in Vilnius” in Defending History, 20 September 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/yiddish-loses-last-global-position-as-symbolic-first-jewish-language-in-vilna/83979
“Media coverage of the Malát (Molėtai) Holocaust Remembrance Project” in Defending History. 14 September 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/media-coverage-of-the-malat-moletai-holocaust-remembrance-project-selection/83789
“Att. Mr. Mayor of Vilnius: Streets Named for Hitler’s Local Partners, and Plans for Congress Center on Top of Old Jewish Cemetery’ in Defending History, 13 September 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/att-mr-mayor-of-vilnius-streets-named-for-hitlers-local-partners-and-plans-for-congress-center-on-old-jewish-cemetery/83186
“Editor’s Comment on a Yad Vashem Group Visiting Lithuania” in Defending History, 11 September 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/editors-comment-on-a-yad-vashem-group-visiting-lithuania/83826
“August and September 2016 Memorials for Destroyed Jewish Communities” in Defending History, 4 September 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/august-and-september-2016-memorials-for-destroyed-jewish-communities/83776
“2016 Deterioration of Holocaust History and of Freedom of Speech in Poland” in Defending History, 2 September 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/2016-deterioration-of-holocaust-history-and-of-freedom-of-speech-in-poland/83803
“How Does a 21th Century Municipality of a Former Shtetl Deal with its Annihilated Jewish Population?” on Facebook, 30 August 2016. https://www.facebook.com/dovid.katz/posts/1324916140872928
“Séyfer Yóyne” [‘Book of Jonah’: Bible translation into Lithuanian Yiddish], 28 August 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/%20the-book-of-jonah-in-lithuanian-yiddish
“Megílas Éykho” [‘Book of Lamentations’: Bible translation into Lithuanian Yiddish], 21 August 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/the-book-of-lamentations-in-lithuanian-yiddish
“Baltic Red-Brown “Nazi-Soviet Hunter” Featured at Brazil’s Olympics in Rio” in Defending History, 12 August 2016. Defending History: ‘Baltic Red-Brown “Nazi-Soviet Hunter” Featured at Brazil’s Olympics in Rio’.
“Interpretation of a 19th century Belarusian rabbi’s comments on the phonetics and phonology of Ashkenazic Hebrew”, Responsum no. 3 in Yiddish Linguistics series, 9 August 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/responsa-in-yiddish-linguistics-by-dovid-katz#giml
“But Who is Against the National Congress Center in the Old Vilna Jewish cemetery?” [annotated bibliography of publications to date, in progress] in Defending History, 8 August 2016. Defending History: [updated version of] ‘But who is against the National Congress Center in the old Vilna Jewish cemetery?’
“Lithuanian State Bank and Major UK Firm Seem Deeply Involved in Vilnius Jewish Cemetery Scandal” in Defending History, 8 August 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/turto-bankas-announces-national-congress-center-project-in-heart-of-vilnas-old-jewish-cemetery/82905
“Séyfer Doníyel” [‘Book of Daniel’: Bible translation into Lithuanian Yiddish; Aramaic parts of Daniel into older version of Northeastern Yiddish], 7 August 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/the-book-of-daniel-in-lithuanian-yiddish“
“Wiesenthal Center Calls on Kaunas Mayor to End Abuse of “Seventh Fort”; Pressure Builds on Vilnius Mayor’s Jewish Politics” in Defending History, 2 August 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/wiesenthal-center-calls-on-kaunas-mayor-to-act-on-holocaust-mass-murder-site-used-for-weddings-and-fun/82797
“When Yiddish is a Prop for Holocaust Revisionism” in Defending History, 24 July 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/when-yiddish-is-a-prop-for-holocaust-revisionism/82568
“Defending History Responds to Vilnius Architects’ Visualizations for National Convention Center in the Old Vilna Jewish cemetery” in Defending History, 15 July 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/defending-history-responds-to-vilnius-architects-three-visualizations-for-convention-center-in-the-jewish-cemetery/82384
“Joseph Levinson’s 1990s Map of Lithuanian Mass Murder Sites is Released by Family” in Defending History, 11 July 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/joseph-levinsons-1990s-map-of-lithuanian-mass-murder-sites-is-released-by-family/82278
“Latest Judicial Abuse of an East European Country’s Redefinition of “Genocide” to Obfuscate the Holocaust” in Defending History, 10 July 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/latest-judicial-abuse-of-an-east-european-countrys-redefinition-of-genocide-to-obfuscate-the-holocaust/82261
“In Response to the Media” in Defending History, 9 July 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/in-reponse-to-the-media-9-july-2016/82236
“Asra Kadisha on Vilna Cemetery: From Proud Powerhouse of Historic Truth to Silent Mouse?” in Defending History, 15 June 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/asra-kadisha-on-vilna-cemetery-from-proud-pillar-of-historic-truth-to-silent-mouse/81819
“Ruta Bloshtein Discovers 1935 Vilna Rabbis’ Condemnation of Plans to Desecrate Old Jewish Cemetery at Piramónt” in Defending History, 9 June 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/ruta-bloshtein-discovers-1935-vilna-council-of-rabbis-document-condemning-plans-to-build-on-the-old-jewish-cemetery-at-piramont-in-snipiskes/81657
“San Francisco Examiner Bamboozled?” in Defending History, 3 June 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/san-francisco-examiner-bamboozled/81565
“On the Age of Lithuanian Yiddish”, Responsum no. 2 in Yiddish Linguistics series, 8 June 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/responsa-in-yiddish-linguistics-by-dovid-katz#beyz
“When the EU Finances Far-Right Holocaust Revisionism” in Global International Analytics (GIA), 24 May 2016. https://gianalytics.org/992-when-the-eu-finances-far-right-holocaust-revisionism
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“The Battle for the Memory of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe” in Novaya Gazeta (Baltics), 4 May 2016. http://novayagazeta.ee/articles/5859/
“West is West, East is East: The Specific East European Incarnation of Antisemitism” in Flashpoint (ISGAP), 8 April 2016. http://isgap.org/flashpoint/west-is-west-east-is-east-the-specific-east-european-incarnation-of-antisemitism/
“What’s Behind the West’s Wall of Silence on East European Glorification of Nazi Collaboration?” in Global Independent Analytics (GIA), 29 March 2016. https://gianalytics.org/629-what-s-behind-the-west-s-wall-of-silence-on-eastern-europe-s-glorification-of-nazi-collaboration. French translation: http://arretsurinfo.ch/quy-a-t-il-derriere-le-mur-de-silence-occidental-sur-la-glorification-de-la-collaboration-nazie-en-leurope-de-lest/; https://www.les-crises.fr/quy-a-t-il-derriere-le-mur-de-silence-occidental-sur-la-glorification-de-la-collaboration-nazie-en-leurope-de-lest-par-dovid-katz/.
“Lithuania: Where the Government Agrees (In Part) with Neo-Nazi Marchers’ in Global International Analytics (GIA), 8 March 2016. https://gianalytics.org/475-lithuania-where-the-government-agrees-in-part-with-neo-nazi-marchers
“Vilnius Prosecutor Skirts Key Question: Will the List of Alleged Holocaust Perpetrators be Made Public?’ in Defending History, 3 March 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/vilnius-prosecutor-skirts-key-question-will-the-list-of-alleged-holocaust-perpetrators-be-made-public/80081
“Israel’s Foreign Ministry Faces a Lithuanian Dilemma” in Defending History, 26 January 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/israels-foreign-ministry-faces-a-lithuanian-dilemma/79892
“Images from the February 16th 2016 Neo-Nazi March in Kaunas” in Defending History, 16 February 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/images-from-the-february-16th-2016-neo-nazi-march-in-kaunas-lithuania/79731
“Massive new Vilnius Construction Site Borders City’s Old Jewish Cemetery Site” in Defending History, 14 February 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/massive-new-vilnius-construction-site-borders-citys-old-jewish-cemetery-site/79690
“Sugihara abused? Red-Brown Commission Ropes in Japanese Embassy for 11 Feb. Event” in Defending History, 4 February 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/sugihara-abused-red-brown-commission-ropes-in-japanese-embassy-for-11-feb-event/79442
“An Open Letter to Holocaust Scholars and Educators in the Francophone World” in Defending History, 18 January 2016. https://defendinghistory.com/an-open-letter-to-holocaust-scholars-and-educators-in-the-francophone-world/79189
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
Yiddish and Power. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke and New York 2015. http://www.palgrave.com/page/detail/yiddish-and-power-dovid-katz/?k=9780230517608&loc=uk
I Kings in Lithuanian Yiddish: Vilnius 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/74250-2. II Kings in Lithuanian Yiddish: Vilnius 2016 in progress. https://defendinghistory.com/ii-kings-in-lithuanian-yiddish
“Ber Horowitz’s Six 1929 Portraits of Vilna Yiddish Intellectuals” [in Yiddish] in Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (63), 27 December 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/mini-museum-of-old-jewish-vilna-63
“Is Lithuania’s President Distancing Herself from Prime Minister’s “Religious Zeal” for the “Convention Center in the Old Jewish Cemetery”? in Defending History, 23 December 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/is-lithuanias-president-distancing-herself-from-prime-ministers-religious-zeal-for-the-convention-center-in-the-old-jewish-cemetery-in-vilnius/78556
“Lithuania’s Liveliest Cemetery” in The Times of Israel, 13 December 2015. http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/lithuanias-liveliest-cemetery/
“A 1930 Petition in Yiddish and Polish Opposing the League of Nations’ Calendar Reform Plan” [in Yiddish] in Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (62), 13 December 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/mini-museum-of-old-jewish-vilna-62
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“A 1916 Vilna German Postcard Featuring Four Local Languages: Belarusian, Lithuanian, Polish and Yiddish” [in Yiddish] in Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna (60), 16 November 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/mini-museum-of-old-jewish-vilna-60
“Question in the UK Parliament on the Old Jewish Cemetery in Vilnius” in Defending History, 12 November 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/question-in-the-uk-parliament-on-the-old-jewish-cemetery-in-vilnius/77989
“Vilnius Mayor Plays with Fire: Yiddish, Pilfered Jewish Gravestones, and an Olympics of ‘Barbarism'” in Defending History, 11 November 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/vilnius-mayor-plays-with-fire-yiddish-pilfered-jewish-gravestones-and-an-olympics-of-barbarism/77957
“As Rothschild Conference Winds Up in Vilnius, Kaunas Religious Jewish Community Issues Statement of Defiance” in Defending History, 29 October 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/date/2015/10
“Rothschild (of London) Finances ‘Closed’ Conference (in Vilnius) on Jewish Cemeteries (That May be Cover for Most Painful Desecration Yet of Vilna’s Old Jewish Cemetery)” in Defending History, 14 October 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/rothschild-london-finance-closed-conference-in-vilnius-on-jewish-cemeteries-duped-by-government-and-property-developers-interests/77615
“Run-Up to a Vilnius Rothschild Foundation (London) Conference” in Defending History, 12 October 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/run-up-to-a-vilnius-rothschild-foundation-london-conference/77824
“Impressions of the 11 October 2015 Memorial Program in Svintsyán (Švenčionys)” in Defending History, 11 October 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/impresssions-of-the-11-october-2015-memorial-program-in-svintsyan-svencionys/77546
“First Moral Victory in the EU, in Effort to Prevent Unprecedented Desecration of Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery” in Defending History, 9 October 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/office-of-eu-president-juncker-denies-european-funding-will-be-available-for-vilnius-convention-center-in-the-cemetery/77457
“Purveyor of Racist, Misogynist, Antisemitic, Homophobic, Nazist ‘Art’ is Alleged to Work in Lithuania’s Economy Ministry” in Defending History, 9 October 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/purveyor-of-racist-misogynist-antisemitic-homophobic-nazist-art-is-alleged-to-work-in-lithuanias-economy-ministry/77499
“Police Prevent Kaunas Jewish Guide Chaim Bargman from Attending Annual Memorial for the Annihilated Jews of Ukmergė (Vilkomir)” in Defending History, 4 October 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/police-prevent-kaunas-jewish-guide-chaim-bargman-from-attending-annual-memorial-for-the-annihilated-jews-of-ukmerge-vilkomir/77338
“Another ‘Conference on Antisemitism’ in Lithuania” in Defending History, 1 October 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/another-conference-on-antisemitism-in-lithuania/77290
“Suspicions Rise on Role of ‘U.S. Commission for Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad’ in Plans to Build a $25,000,000 Convention Center in Heart of Vilnius’s Old Jewish Cemetery” in Defending History, 27 September 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/suspicions-rise-on-role-of-u-s-commission-for-preservation-of-americas-heritage-abroad-in-plans-to-build-a-25000000-convention-center-in-heart-of-vilniuss-old-jewish-cemetery/77112
“Vilnius Names Street for Beloved Lithuanian Rescuer Ona Šimaitė” in Defending History, 25 September 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/vilnius-names-street-for-beloved-lithuanian-rescuer-ona-simaite/77166
“Ponár (Paneriai) Commemoration on Lithuania’s Annual Holocaust Day is Dejudaicized Even More in ‘Nationalist Takeover of Litvak Heritage’: No Rabbi, No Cantor, No Kaddish” in Defending History, 22 September 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/ponar-paneriai-memorial-no-rabbi-no-cantor-no-kaddish/77600
“Ninetieth Anniversary Yivo Conference in Vilnius is Major Success” in Defending History, 20 September 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/90th-anniversary-yivo-conference-in-vilnius-is-a-major-success/77091
“Israel Faced Some Delicate Post-Holocaust Issues During Lithuanian PM’s September Visit” in Defending History, 15 September 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/israel-faced-some-delicate-post-holocaust-issues-during-lithuanian-pms-september-visit/78009
“New Jewish Monument in Rokiškis (Rákeshik), Lithuania, Commemorates Three Synagogues” in Defending History, 8 September 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/new-jewish-monument-in-rokiskis-rakeshik-lithuania-commemorates-3-synagogues/76902
“Lithuanian Post Office Honors Sugihara and Zwartendijk on 75th Anniversary of ‘Visas for Life'” in Defending History, 4 September 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/76832/76832
“U.S. Rep of London Rabbis Involved with Vilnius Cemetery Fiasco Boasts of Photo-ops at the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad” in Defending History, 26 August 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/ally-of-london-rabbis-involved-with-vilnius-cemetery-fiasco-boasts-of-photo-ops-at-the-us-commission-for-the-preservation-of-americas-heritage-abroad/76591
“London ‘Graveyard Rabbis’ Issue Statement that Fails to Mention Cemetery Convention Center (CCC)’ in Defending History, 23 August 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/london-graveyard-rabbis-issue-statement-that-fails-to-mention-convention-center/7653
“Motke Chabad Weighs In on Vilnius Debate over an Old Jewish Cemetery” [Yiddish and English] in Defending History, 21 August 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/motke-chabad-weighs-in-on-vilnius-cemetery-debate/76415
“A Tale of Two Tweets” in Defending History, 7 August 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/tale-of-two-tweets/76053
“Double Genocide Discourse Now Standard for the New York Times?” in Defending History, 23 July 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/double-genocide-discourse-now-standard-for-the-new-york-times/75642
“Open Letter to Members of CPJCE in the UK: Do You Really Want a Convention Center in the Heart of Vilna’s Old Jewish Cemetery?” in Defending History, 21 July 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/open-letter-to-members-of-cpjce-in-the-uk-do-you-really-want-a-convention-center-in-the-heart-of-vilnas-old-jewish-cemetery/75500
“Chronology of the 2015 Vilna Jewish Cemetery Debate” [updated to latest date listed]. https://defendinghistory.com/2015-dispute-on-vilnius-reconstruction-of-sports-arena-on-site-of-old-vilna-jewish-cemetery
“Media Tracker on Holocaust Obfuscation, Double Genocide and East European Antisemitism” [updated to latest date listed]. https://defendinghistory.com/media
“Were Rabbis, U.S. Jewish Leaders, a U.S. Gov. Agency and the EU Manipulated into Supporting a $25,000,000 Convention Center on Vilna’s Old Jewish Cemetery?” in Defending History, 14 June 2015 [with updates as listed]. https://defendinghistory.com/are-rabbis-u-s-jewish-leaders-a-u-s-gov-agency-and-the-eu-manipulated-into-supporting-plans-for-25000000-convention-center-on-vilnas-old-jewish-cemetery-site/74456
“SLS’s 2015 Sutzkever Prize: Yiddish Poetry Serving Right-Wing East European Politics” in Defending History, 21 May 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/slss-2015-sutzkever-prize-yiddish-poetry-serving-right-wing-east-european-politics/74033
“From Holocaust Envy to Holocaust Theft” in The Times of Israel, 11 May 2015. http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/from-holocaust-envy-to-holocaust-theft/
“Double Genocide in Action? Victims and Perpetrators Interchangeable” in Defending History, 23 April 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/red-brown-commission-boss-speaks-out-on-brantsovsky-investigation-and-his-understanding-of-the-holocaust/71178
“Politics, Policy, and Lithuanian Holocaust Discourse” at the International Conference on Holocaust Education at Vilnius City Hall on 17 April 2015. Text version: https://defendinghistory.com/dovid-katzs-lecture-at-vilnius-conference-on-17-april-2015/73111. In Lithuanian translation (18 May 2015): https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-translation-of-dovid-katzs-april-17-2015-vilnius-conference-lecture/73862
“Twelve Issues in the Preservation of Lithuania’s Material Jewish Heritage (2015)” in Defending History, 1 May 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/urgent-jewish-material-heritage-issues-in-lithuania-2015/73482
“A priváter shtempl fun Yítskhok [ben?] Eliézer” in Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, 57, 26 March 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/mini-museum-of-old-jewish-vilna-57
“A séyferl shàyles-utshúves af tsvey masekhtóes, gedrúkt in Venedik (Venétsye) 1605-1606 mitn amólikn shtempl fun vílner biblyoték fun Matisyóhu Strashún” in Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, 56, 22 March 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/mini-museum-of-old-jewish-vilna-56
“A glézerne telerl (oder tetsl) mit mogn-dóvids un tshikáve tséykhenishn” in Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, 53, 8 March 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/mini-museum-of-old-jewish-vilna-53
“Kháyim-Nákhmen Shapíro’s Kóvner bukh af lítvish fun 1935 vegn der téme: Vílne in der poézye vos af hebréyish un yídish” in Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, 52, 6 March 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/mini-museum-of-old-jewish-vilna-52
“A hebréyishe rekláme far der ‘Gimnásya Ivrit Zaválni num. 4’ in der tsiyenístisher ‘Yídisher tsáytung’ un Vílne funem 8tn óygust 1919” in Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, 50, 22 February 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/keepsakes-of-old-jewish-vilna-50
“A reshíme fun zibn-un-tsvántsik kloyzn (bótey-midróshim) in Vílne (in Zálmen Réyzen’s Vílner ‘Tog’ fun dráysikstn detsémber 1921” in Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, 47, 8 February 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/keepsakes-of-old-jewish-vilna-47
“Kaunas Police Informs defending History on Status of February 16th Neo-Nazi March” in Defending History, 3 February 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/kaunas-police-informs-defending-history-on-status-of-february-16th-neo-nazi-march/71152
“Three Holocaust Remembrance Day Events in Vilnius” in Defending History, 26 January 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/three-holocaust-remembrance-day-events-in-vilnius-on-26-january-2015/70892
“Di matóne fun Rívke bas Shmúel in Takság (1832-1833)” in Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, 45, 22 January 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/keepsakes-of-old-jewish-vilna-45
“A Vílner paródye af Móyshe Kúlbaks bavúst lid Shterndl” in Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, 44, 16 January 2015. https://defendinghistory.com/keepsakes-of-old-jewish-vilna-44
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
“Two ‘C-words’ for Holocaust Museums: Center of Town, and — Collaboration” in Defending History, 24 December 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/real-challenge-architects-bernotaite-pucka-ropolas-vaitiekunas/70423
“Just about Yiddish? The Real Story Behind This Week’s Yivo Banquet in New York” in Algemeiner. com,16 December 2014. In print edition of 19 December 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Dovid-Katz-on-Yivo-banquet-19-Dec-2014.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/12/16/just-about-yiddish-the-real-story-behind-this-week%E2%80%99s-yivo-banquet-in-new-york/
“A shtikl yídisher drúk-blay af dray yídishe shprakhn, mit dray shriftn” in Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna, 42, 7 December 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/keepsakes-jewish-vilna-42
“Ukraine Bonanza for Upgraded Holocaust Denial” in The Times of Israel, 28 November 2014. http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/ukraine-bonanza-for-upgraded-holocaust-denial/
“Peter Jukes Exposes ‘Documentary’ that Glorifies Nazi Collaborators” in Defending History, 28 November 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/peter-jukess-tweet-exposes-documentary-glorifies-nazi-collaborators/69815
“Text of US Rep. John Conyers’ Proposed Amendment Restricting Aid to Pro-Nazi Forces in Ukraine” in Defending History, 23 November 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/text-rep-john-conyers-proposed-amendment-stopping-aid-pro-nazi-forces-ukraine/69739
“Meilach Stalevich (1923 — 2014)” in Defending History, 11 November 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/meilach-stalevich-1923-2014/69456
“Defending History Brings Results: Yivo to Honor Arad (at Fundraising Banquet)” in Defending History, 10 November 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/defending-history-brings-results-yivo-honor-arad-at-fundraising-banquet/69445
“Latvian Musical that Sanitizes Holocaust Perpetrator Starts its Grand Tour” in Defending History, 31 October 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/latvian-musical-glorifies-holocaust-mass-murderer-openson-october-11th/69177
“Would They Try to Instrumentalize Simon Wiesenthal, Too? An Open Letter to Inna Rogatchi” in Defending History, 26 October 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/open-letter-inna-rogatchi/69272
“Riva Shpiz’s Memories of 23 June 1941 in Dugalíshik (Daugeliškis), taped Yiddish interview, 12 October 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watchv=vdZsmK4muBg&feature=youtu.be
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“Annual Memorial for the Jews of Svintsyán (Švenčionys): Small but Well Done’ by Dovid Katz, in Defending History, 5 October 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/annual-memorial-svintsyan-svencionys-small/69090. Reprinted in The Lithuania Tribune – Delfi English at: http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/society/annual-memorial-for-the-jews-of-svintsyan-svencionys-small-but-well-done.d?id=66061010
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“Seven Prophet Amos Awards for Human Rights Courage in Lithuania” in Defending History, 24 September 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/defending-history-award-prophet-amos-awards-human-rights-lithuania-5774-2014-2015/68862
“Usable Memory of Holocaust Victims: NY Yivo Announces Campaign for Five and a Quarter Million Dollars for New ‘Vilna Project’” in Defending History, 23 September 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/usable-memory-holocaust-victims-n-y-yivo-announces-request-quarter-million-dollars-vilna-project/68974
“Tsemakh Shabad’s 150th birthday celebrated in style at the Lithuanian parliament” in Defending History, 21 September 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/tsemakh-shabads-150th-birthday-celebrated-style-lithuanian-parliament/68865
“75 Jahre nach dem 1. September 1939: Antisemitismus in Osteuropa” in Jüdische Rundschau, 9 September 2014. http://juedischerundschau.de/75-jahre-nach-dem-1-september-1939-antisemitismus-osteuropa/
“The Hushed-Up Hitler Factor in Ukraine” in Consortium News, 16 August 2014. http://consortiumnews.com/2014/08/16/the-hushed-up-hitler-factor-in-ukraine/
“Osten ist Osten und Westen ist Westen” in Jüdische Rundschau, 7 August 2014. http://juedischerundschau.de/osten-ist-osten-und-westen-ist-westen/ [excerpt only]
“Yankl-Yosl Bunk – Jakovas Bunka (1923 – 2014)” in Defending History, 4 August 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/yankl-yosl-bunk-jakovas-bunka-1923-2014/68121
“Rabbi Abraham. N. Zuroff (1922 – 2014)” in Defending History, 4 August 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/rabbi-dr-abraham-n-zuroff-1922-2014/68125
“The Neocons and Holocaust Revisionism in Eastern Europe”, Part I in Jewish Currents, 22 July 2014. http://jewishcurrents.org/neocons-holocaust-revisionism-eastern-europe-30613. Part II in Jewish Currents, 26 July 2014. http://jewishcurrents.org/neocons-holocaust-revisionism-eastern-europe-continued-30677
“Is ‘Sugar Herbert Sugar’ the Latvian Version of ‘Springtime for Hitler’?” in Defending History, 17 July 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/sugar-herbert-sugar-latvian-version-springtime-hitler/67785https://defendinghistory.com/sugar-herbert-sugar-latvian-version-springtime-hitler/67785
“Tsu der zórglozer dekonstrúktsye fun Maks Váynraykhn (un shoyn váyter kunkl-múnkl afn ópgeshavkhtn gebít fun yídish”) [English title provided: “Freewheeling Deconstruction of Max Weinreich. Sensationalization of the Fragile Field of Yiddish”] in Defending History, 22 June 2014 (+ addendum of 23 June 2014) [in reply to articles by Cherie Woodworth and Batya Ungar-Sargon in Tablet magazine]. https://defendinghistory.com/freewheeling-deconstruction-max-weinreich-ongoing-machinations-weakened-field-yiddish
“Getting it Wrong on Ukraine” in The Times of Israel, 10 June 2014. http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-tarnished-hukraine/
“Reply to a Roger Cohen Opinion Piece on Ukraine and Lithuania” in Defending History, 6 May 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/reply-roger-cohen-opinion-piece-ukraine-lithuania/65919
“[Review of Mink & Neumayer (eds), History, Memory and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe: Memory Games] in East European Jewish Affairs, 44.1 (April 2014): 111-114. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Proof-of-Review-of-Minkes-and-Neumayer-Dovid-Katz-2014.pdf
“Is Vilnius Police Criminal Division Harassing Veteran Holocaust Researcher?” in Defending History, 31 March 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/vilnius-polices-criminal-division-harassing-veteran-holocaust-researcher/65215
“For Seventh Year Running, Neo-Nazis and Ultranationalists Given Center of Vilnius on Independence Day” in Defending History, 11 March 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/seventh-year-running-neo-nazis-ultranationalists-center-vilnius-independence-day/64617
“New Joseph Levinson Website has Page on Old Jewish Cemeteries in Lithuania” in Defending History, 2 February 2014. https://defendinghistory.com/new-joseph-levinson-website-has-page-on-old-jewish-cemeteries-in-lithuania/63235
“Yiddish Virtual Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna” (web only). https://defendinghistory.com/keepsakes-of-old-jewish-vilna-index
“Knaanic in the Medieval and Modern Scholarly Imagination” in O. Bláha, R. Dittmann and L. Uličná (eds), Knaanic Language: Structure and Historical Background, Academia: Prague 2014 [in press]. http://www.dovidkatz.net/ToyShop/Proof%20only%20of%20Dovid%20Katz,%20KNAANIC%20IN%20THE%20MEDIEVAL%20&%20MODERN%20SCHOLARLY%20IMAGINATION%20(29%20Aug%202013).pdf
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
“Reconstructing the Sound Pattern of Nineteenth Century Ashkenazic Hebrew Poetry in Vilna” [in Yiddish] in Keepsakes of Old Jewish Vilna, no. 22, 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/keepsakes-of-old-jewish-vilna-22
“Lithuania’s Holocaust Debate” (letter to the editor), International New York Times, 20 November 2013. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/20/opinion/germany-france-and-trade.html
“Genocide Center Releases a New Graywash on the Vilna Ghetto” (review of A. Bubnys, Vilnius Ghetto 1941 – 1943, Vilnius 2013) in Defending History, 19 November 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/genocide-center-releases-a-new-graywash-on-the-vilna-ghetto/60925
“Three Baltic Governments Sponsor “Round Table” at London U on 5 November: Will Nazi Collaborators be Glorified? in Defending History, 23 October 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/will-ucl-the-school-of-slavonic-studies-include-the-darker-side-of-the-story/60001
“Mendel Beilis and the New East European Antisemitism: a 21st Century Incarnation of ‘Treacherous Jew Syndrome” (power point presentation at Mendel Beilis centenary conference in Kiev, Ukraine, 15 October 2013). https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/PDF-of-Dovid-Katzs-Kiev-Oct-15-2013-PP.pdf
“Where Nazi Collaborators and Criminals are Honoured by EU and NATO States” in Hope not Hate, July-August 2013: 40-41. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Dovid-Katz-in-Hope-Not-Hate-July-August-2013.pdf
“Who’s Afraid of Defending History Dot Com?” in Defending History, 8 August 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/fear-of-defending-history-dotcom/57482
“Mystery of the Eight-Pointed Western Litvak (Zámeter) Symbol on Jewish Gravestones” in Defending History, 7 August 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/mystery-of-the-eight-pointed-western-litvak-zameter-star-of-david-on-jewish-gravestones/57393
“Open Letter to Evaldas Gustas, new Minister for the Economy in Lithuania” in Defending History, 2 August 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/an-open-letter-to-the-new-economy-minister-of-lithuania-evaldas-gustas/54582
“EHU Center for German Studies’ ‘Colloquium Vilnense 2013’ is Short on ‘The Second Opinion’ when it comes to the Holocaust” in Defending History, 19 July 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/ehus-center-for-german-studies-colloquium-vilnense-2013-is-short-of-the-second-opinion-on-holocaust-memory/56444
“Would a ‘Jewish Museum’ in Vilnius Graywash the Lithuanian Holocaust?” in Defending History, 7 July 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/would-a-jewish-museum-in-vilnius-graywash-the-lithuanian-holocaust/55902
[review of M. J. Chodakiewicz, Intermarium: The Land Between the Black and Baltic Seas] in Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs 7.2 [Spring 2013]: 169-175. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Dovid-Katz-review-of-Intermarium-in-Israel-Journal-of-Foreign-Affairs-7-2-2013.pdf
“State-Sponsored Collective Memory Revisionism: A 21st Century Incarnation of Holocaust Denial?” PDF presentation at the Second International Conference on Holocaust Museums and Memorial Places in Post-Communist Countries (Riga, Latvia). https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Riga-final-27-May-2013.pdf
“The Fate of a Vilna Jewish Cemetery” in The Times of Israel, 22 May 2013 [Reprinted with commentary in Jewish Heritage Europe]. http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-fate-of-a-vilna-jewish-cemetery/
“Upside-Down World? Neo-Nazi March Assisted by Police on Central Boulevard, while Authorities try to Banish Baltic Pride Across the River” in Defending History, 28 March 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/upside-down-world-neo-nazi-march-assisted-by-police-on-central-boulevard-while-authorities-try-to-banish-baltic-pride-to-shnipishok-snipiskes-across-the-river/51529
“Background Reading on the Shift in US Foreign Policy on Holocaust Denial from c. 2009” in Defending History, 1 March 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/background-reading-on-the-shift-in-us-foreign-policy-on-holocaust-denial-from-c-2010/48135
“Purim in Lithuania? A Season for State-Approved Neo-Nazi City-Center Marches” in Algemeiner.com, 25 February 2013. http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/02/25/purim-in-lithuania-a-season-for-state-approved-neo-nazi-city-center-marches/
“Tolerance Education? State-Sponsored Commission Uses its Website to Call Holocaust Survivor a “Liar” and to Demand ‘Apology from Jewish Community’” in Defending History, 21 February 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/red-brown-commission-launches-new-campaign-against-holocaust-survivors-calls-vilna-ghetto-survivor-prof-pinchos-fridberg-a-liar/49791
“Hundreds of Neo-Nazis March Through the Center of Kaunas on Independence Day” in Defending History, 16 February 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/hundreds-of-neo-nazis-march-through-the-center-of-kaunas-on-independence-day/49619
“US Researcher Christine Beresniova is Persuaded that the Problem in Lithuania is called ‘Zuroff and Katz’” in Defending History, 27 January 2013. https://defendinghistory.com/another-american-researcher-turns-to-apologetics-for-holocaust-obfuscation-in-lithuania/48917
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
The City in the Moonlight. Stories of the Old-time Lithuanian Jews. By Dovid Katz. Translated by Barnett Zumoff. Ktav Publishing: Jersey City 2012, 138 pp. More details here.
Ostjűdische Geschichten aus dem alten Litauen. Von Dovid Katz. Übersetzung von Melitta Depner. Salon Literaturverlag: Munich 2012, 329 pp. More details here.
Litvish: An Atlas of Northeastern Yiddish. A Work in Progress. http://www.dovidkatz.net/WebAtlas/AtlasSamples.htm
The Language of Litvak Gravestones: A Cultural Dictionary. A Work in Progress. https://defendinghistory.com/the-language-of-litvak-gravestones-a-dictionary-by-dovid-katz
“Wird Deutschland jetzt der selbsternannte Vorkämpfer der Holocaust-Verschleierung?” in Clemens Heni and Thomas Weidauer (eds.), Ein Super-GAUck. Politische Kultur im neuen Deutschland, Edition Critic: Berlin 2012, pp.101-105.
Review of Adam Michnik, In Search of Lost Meaning: The New Eastern Europe, in East European Jewish Affairs, 42.2, pp. 187-191. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Review-of-Michnik-Dovid-Katz-in-EEJA.pdf
“You Cannot Praise Fascists and be Pro Human Rights” in the London Jewish News, 13 December 2012. Reprint in The Algemeiner. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Dovid-Katz-op-ed-in-London-Jewish-News-13-Dec-2012.pdf
“Prank Email that Tries to Derail Litvak Community is Exposed: But is Chanukah Supposed to be April Fools?” in Defending History, 11 December 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/?p=47040
“An Open Letter to Ed Hirsch” in Defending History, 6 December 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/an-open-letter-to-ed-hirsch/46693
Translator [from Hebrew] and editor, Yitzhak Arad, “The Holocaust in Lithuania, and its Obfuscation, in Lithuanian Sources” in Defending History, 1 December 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/yitzhak-arad-on-the-holocaust-in-lithuania-and-its-obfuscation-in-lithuanian-sources/46252
“Efraim Zuroff, History’s Lonely Defender” in The Times of Israel, 15 November 2012. http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/efraim-zuroff-historys-lonely-sentinel/
“Kristallnacht Becomes PR Hook for Double Genociders at Berlin Events of the ‘Prague Process Platform’” in Defending History, 9 November 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/kristallnacht-becomes-pr-hook-for-double-genociders-at-berlin-events-of-the-prague-process-platform/45421
“Jewish Center in Ukraine Apparently Duped into Honoring a Nazi Collaborationist Organization” in Defending History, 1 November 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/jewish-center-in-ukraine-apparently-duped-into-honoring-a-nazi-collaborationist-organization/44886
“Canadian Prime Minister Praises Holocaust-Distorting Museum in Ukraine” in Defending History, 22 October 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/canadian-prime-minister-praises-holocaust-distorting-museum-in-ukraine/44332
“Tel Aviv’s Leivick House Releases 2009 Video of Ambassador Chen Ivri Apter” in Defending History, 21 October 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/tel-avivs-leivick-house-releases-2009-video-of-ambassador-chen-ivri-apter/44176
“Lithuanian President’s Decree on ‘Red-Brown Commission’ is Re-issued with ‘New Sentence’” in Defending History, 17 October 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/presidential-decree-on-red-brown-commission-is-changed-by-one-line-praised-by-us-embassy-in-newest-bad-to-cover-main-goals/44101
“Israel Chronicle” [of Lithuanian-related Holocaust issues] in DefendingHistory.com, 7 October 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/israel-debates/43340
“Samples of the Work of a Holocaust-Twisting, Antisemitic, Homophobic Envelope Maker” in DefendingHistory.com, 6 October 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/samples-of-the-work-of-anabic-envelope-designer/43253
“Yad Vashem Sinking Deeper in Lithuanian ‘Commission’ Morass with Political Campaign for Compensation from Russia” in DefendingHistory.com, 26 September 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/yad-vashem-sinking-deeper-in-lithuanian-red-brown-commission-morass-with-political-campaign-for-compensation-from-russia/42302
“Holocaust Commemoration Vilnius Style, with an Israeli Twist: Menachem Begin and the Jail House Rock” in DefendingHistory.com, 24 September 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/41954/41954
“June 2009 Correspondence with Yad Vashem” in DefendingHistory.com, 3 September 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/june-2009-correspondence-with-yad-vashem/40734
“Yad Vashem Shocks Holocaust Survivors by Rejoining Lithuanian Government’s ‘Red-Brown Commission’” in DefendingHistory.com, 28 August 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/president-of-lithuania-takes-nation-deeper-into-red-brown-morass/40407
“Executive Director of ‘Red-Brown Commission’ Doubts Lithuanian Jews were Killed ‘on a racial basis’ before Arrival of German Forces in 1941” in DefendingHistory.com, 16 August 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/executive-director-of-red-brown-commission-questions-whether-lithuanian-jews-were-killed-on-a-racial-basis-before-arrival-of-german-forces/39766
“Shoah Denial is being Replaced by an Illusive and Delusive Evil” in London Jewish News, 3 August 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Dovid-Katz-in-London-Jewish-News-3-August2012.pdf
Yiddish translation of the Seventy Years Declaration in DefendingHistory.com [posted 3 August 2012]. https://defendinghistory.com/the-seventy-years-declaration-yiddish-text; https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/SYD-in-Yiddish-PDF-from-webpage-on-4-Aug-2012.pdf
“Lithuanian Foreign Minister Includes ‘Historical Memory Policy’ (= Double Genocide) among Nation’s Prime Goals” in DefendingHistory.com, 2 August 2012. Republished in Operation Last Chance. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-foreign-minister-includes-historical-memory-policy-double-genocide-among-nations-prime-goals/39153; http://www.operationlastchance.org/LITHUANIA_35-152.htm
“Pursuing Perpetrators, Preserving History, and Educating the Next Generation: A Review of Efraim Zuroff’s Operation Last Chance” in Prism (Yeshiva University), vol. 4 (Spring 2012), pp. 136-138.
“Respectable Memoir, Some Shrewd Manipulation by an East European Government ― or Both?” [review of Ellen Cassedy’s We are Here] in the Algemeiner Journal, 18 July 2012. http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/07/18/respectable-memoir-some-shrewd-manipulation-by-an-east-european-government-%E2%80%95-or-both/
“Lithuanian Foreign Ministry Planning to (Ab)use EU Presidency to Push Red-Brown Politics” in DefendingHistory.com, 17 July 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-foreign-ministry-planning-to-abuse-eu-presidency-to-push-red-brown-politics/38227
“Landsbergis. Then and Now.” in DefendingHistory.com, 16 July 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/landsbergis-then-and-now/38144
“Trilingual Memorial Plaque Unveiled on Zhager Town Square” in DefendingHistory.com, 13 July 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/trilingual-memorial-plaque-unveiled-on-zhagers-town-square/37963
“Reply to the Economist on Lithuania’s Recent Reburial of the 194 Nazi Puppet “Prime Minister” in DefendingHistory.com, 15 June 2012. Also posted in Comments to the Economist online article by E[dward] L[ucas]. https://defendinghistory.com/reply-to-the-economist-on-lithuanias-recent-reburial-of-the-1941-nazi-puppet-prime-minister/37091; https://www.economist.com/user/4407709/comments
“Congratulating Algimantas Kasparavičius who Gets it Right: Trying to Manage History is a Big-Time Loser for Mature Foreign Policy” in DefendingHistory.com, 30 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/congratulating-kasparavicius-manipulating-history-is-a-big-time-loser-for-mature-foreign-policy/36579
“VMU in Kaunas Sinking Further into Ambrazevičius-Brazaitis Morass, as Historians Join Glorifiers for Yet Another Event” in DefendingHistory.com, 23 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/vmu-sinking-further-into-ambrazevicius-morass-as-historians-join-glorifiers-yet-another-event/36133
“An Open Letter to Yale History Professor Timothy Snyder” in Algemeiner Journal, 21 May 2012 [in print edition: 25 May, pp. 2, 4,5]. http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/05/21/an-open-letter-to-yale-history-professor-timothy-snyder/
“Lithuanian Newspaper Accuses Kaunas Rector of Misleading Parliament about Whether He Knew in Advance of VMU’s Planned Conference To Honor Wartime Nazi Puppet Prime Minister” in DefendingHistory.com, 21 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/lietuvos-zinios-reporter-says-vmu-rector-lied-to-parliament-when-he-claimed-he-was-not-informed-of-abmrazevicius-braziaits-conference/35848
“Tim Snyder, in Vilnius, Comments Publicly on the Reburial and Glorification of 1941 Nazi Puppet Prime Minister” in DefendingHistory.com, 19 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/tim-snyder-in-vilnius-comments-publicly-on-the-reburial-and-glorification-of-nazi-puppet-prime-minister/35783
“Lithuania’s Prime Minister and Culture Minister Personally Signed off on €8,700 (US $11,000) Expenditure to Honor Wartime Fascist Leader” in DefendingHistory.com, 18 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanias-prime-minister-and-culture-minister-personally-signed-off-on-8700-euro-expenditure-to-honor-wartime-fascist-leader/35620
“Want to Honor the Head of the 1941 Nazi Puppet Government? Website Claims Seimas Will Provide Free Transportation” in DefendingHistory.com, 17 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/want-to-honor-the-head-of-the-1941-nazi-puppet-government-website-claims-seimas-will-provide-free-transportation/35459
“Parliament’s Public Relations Department Posts Revised Schedule of Events to Honor Nazi Collaborator ‘Prime Minister’ Juozas Ambrazevičius (Brazaitis)” in DefendingHistory.com, 16 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/parliaments-public-relations-department-posts-revised-schedule-of-events-to-honor-nazi-collaborator-prime-ministerjuozas-ambrazevicius-brazaitis/35351
“BNS Report Follows Dramatic Donskis Statement; Says Event does not have VMU ‘Sanction’” in DefendingHistory.com, 15 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/bns-report-follows-dramatic-donskis-statement-says-event-does-not-have-vmu-sanction/35303
“MEP Donskis Condemns Events to Honor Holocaust Collaborator Ambrazevičius” in DefendingHistory.com, 15 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/mep-donskis-issues-statement/35224
“Archbishop Adds his Blessing to the Nazi Collaborator being Reburied with Full Honors” in DefendingHistory.com, 11 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/archbishop-adds-his-blessing-to-the-nazi-collaborator-being-reburied-with-full-honors/35204
“Day of Shame (May 19th) Can Still be Averted at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas” in DefendingHistory.com, 11 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/will-the-19th-of-may-2012-by-a-day-of-shame-for-vytautas-magnus-university-vytauto-didziojo-universitetas-in-kaunas/34912
“‘Prime Minister’ of Lithuania’s 1941 Nazi Puppet Government to be Glorified, Re-interred and Subject of a Commemorative Conference at Vytautas Magnus University” in DefendingHistory.com, 3 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/prime-minister-of-lithuanias-1941-nazi-puppet-government-to-be-glorified-reinterred-and-subject-of-new-politico-academic-conference-at-vytautas-magnus-university/34514
“‘Moderate Litvak’ Status is Conferred by his Highness, the Norwegian Property Magnate cum Editor-in-Chief of Vilnius” in DefendingHistory.com, 1 May 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/moderate-litvak-status-is-conferred-by-his-highness-the-norwegian-property-magnate-cum-editor-in-chief-of-vilnius/34416
“Rabinowitz-Dorf PR Campaign for Lithuanian Embassy and ‘Fake Litvaks’ Backfires Bigtime” in DefendingHistory.com, 30 April 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/rabinowitzdorf-communications-campaign-for-lithuanian-embassy-is-backfiring/34207
“Neo-Nazi Youth Organization is Admitted into National “Lithuanian Council of Youth Organizations” (a recipient of European Union “Structural Funds”) in DefendingHistory.com, 30 April 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/neo-nazi-youth-organization-is-admitted-into-national-lithuanian-council-of-youth-organizations/34364
“Baltic ‘Double Genocide’ Discourse Slips into Naive American Jewish Articles on Lithuania” in DefendingHistory.com, 24 April 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/baltic-double-genocide-discourse-slips-into-naive-american-jewish-articles-on-lithuania/34064
“Lithuanian Government Calls for ‘ Bigger Investments from Litvaks’ as South Africa’s Glasenberg is Targeted’ in DefendingHistory.com, 20 April 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-government-calls-for-bigger-investments-from-litvaks/33929
“Jesus in Yiddish” (Last Words column) in Jewish Renaissance (London), 7, 3 April 2012, p. 52. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=376762629021622&set=a.101262873238267.2821.100000636637491&type=1&theater
“Lithuania’s Embassy in Washington Recruiting ‘Useful Academics’ for Discredited ‘Red-Brown’ Commission” in DefendingHistory.com, 24 March 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanias-embassy-in-washington-recruiting-for-discredited-red-brown-commission/32949
“1500 Honor the Waffen SS at Riga’s Liberty Monument; Event is Praised by Latvia’s President, Condemned by Council of Europe’s Commission on Racism” in DefendingHistory.com, 16 March 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/1500-honor-the-waffen-ss-at-rigas-liberty-monumuent-event-is-praised-by-latvias-president-condemned-by-the-european-commission/32654
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“March 11th: A Grand Opportunity for the Lithuanian Human Rights Community ― and the People of Vilnius” in DefendingHistory.com, 4 March 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/march-11th-a-grand-opportunity-for-the-lithuanian-human-rights-community/31908
“Zingeris Statement on Planned Match 11th neo-Nazi march fails to mention ― the neo-Nazi March” in DefendingHistory.com, 28 February 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/zingeris-issues-statement-on-planned-march-11th-neo-nazi-march-that-fails-to-mention-the-neo-nazi-march/31766
“Council of Europe’s Commission Against Racism and Intolerance Condemns Latvia’s Waffen SS Parades and Celebration of Hitler’s 1941 Invasion” in DefendingHistory.com, 21 February 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/european-commission-condemns-latvias-waffen-ss-parades/31490
“300 Neo-Nazis March through the Center of Kaunas on Lithuanian Independence Day; They are Addressed by Members of Parliament” in DefendingHistory.com, 16 February 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/european-commission-condemns-latvias-waffen-ss-parades/31490.
“Holocaust Survivors to Demonstrate outside Tel Aviv “Sellout Gala” Slated for March 5th” in DefendingHistory.com, 14 February 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/holocaust-survivors-and-litvak-jewry-betrayed-again-as-lithuania-foreign-minister-slated-to-be-guest-of-honor-at-tel-aviv-gala/30933
“The Hidden Monument of Vilnius” in DefendingHistory.com, 12 February 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/the-hidden-monument-of-vilnius/30677
“The Seventy Years Declaration and the Simple Truth” in Algemeiner Journal, 3 February 2012. http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/02/03/the-seventy-years-declaration-and-the-simple-truth/
“A Fight over History’s Tragic Truth” in the Jewish Chronicle, 2 [3] February 2012. http://www.thejc.com/comment-and-debate/analysis/62984/a-fight-over-historys-tragic-truth; PDF at: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Jewish-Chronicle-3-February-2012-2-items.pdf
“The Seventy Years Declaration” [coauthored with Danny Ben-Moshe] in DefendingHistory.com, 20 January 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/70-years-declaration/29230; media coverage at: https://defendinghistory.com/media-coverage-of-the-seventy-years-declaration-2012.
“Free Speech Reaffirmed by Vilnius Judge in Algirdas Paleckis Case” in DefendingHistory.com, 18 January 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/free-speech-reaffirmed-by-vilnius-judge-in-algirdas-paleckis-case/29100
“Mainstream Daily ‘Lietuvos rytas’: A New High-End Home for Antisemitism in Lithuania?” in DefendingHistory.com, 16 January 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/letuvos-rytas-rapidly-pulled-an-antisemitic-article-and-days-later-published-a-holocaust-deniers-work-on-hitlers-main-kampf/28935
“A Reconstructed Shtetl ― Minus its Jewish Component” in DefendingHistory.com, 2 January 2012. https://defendinghistory.com/a-reconstructed-shtetl-minus-its-jewish-component/27800
Jump to: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Earlier
“The Atlas of Northeastern Yiddish: On the Status of Maps in Linguistic Research” by Giedrė Beconytė and Dovid Katz in Geodesy and Cartography, 37(3), 2011: 119-124. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Beconyte-Katz-2011.pdf
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“Popular Daily has Full Front-Page Spread on ‘The Jews’” in DefendingHistory.com, 22 December 2011.https://defendinghistory.com/popular-daily-has-full-front-page-spread-on-the-jews/27340
“Lithuanian Ministry of Defense Honors ‘Lithuanian Activist Front’ (LAF) Nazi Collaborators” in DefendingHistory.com, 19 December 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-ministry-of-defense-honors-lithuanian-activist-front-laf-nazi-collaborators-no-mention-of-participation-in-onset-of-the-lithuanian-holocaust/27114
“Mainstream Lithuanian News Portal, Delfi.lt, Again Publishes Antisemitic ‘Ethnographic History’” in DefendingHistory.com, 19 December 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/27139/27139
“‘Double Genocide’ Permeates Local Antisemitic Discourse in Report on Efraim Zuroff’s Operation Last Chance II in Berlin” in DefendingHistory.com, 16 December 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/double-genocide-permeates-local-antisemitic-discourse-in-report-on-efraim-zuroffs-operation-last-chance-ii-in-berlin/27390
“Old Stones Speak to Young Pupils: Jewish Gravestones in a Vilnius School Yard. Photos by Richard Schofield” in DefendingHistory.com, 12 December 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/when-old-stones-speak-to-middle-school-pupils-jewish-gravestones-in-a-vilnius-school-yard/26651
“Manipulation?” [Letter to the Editor] in the Jerusalem Post, 28 November 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Dovid-Katz-letter-in-Jerusalem-Post-28-Nov-2011.pdf
“Hannah Rosenthal does it again” in the Algemeiner Journal, 25 November 2011. http://www.algemeiner.com/2011/11/25/hannah-rosenthal-does-it-again
“Open debate, open society, and secret societies” on DefendingHistory.com, 9 November 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/open-debate-open-society-and-secret-societies/25240
“UNESCO vote reveals Lithuanian duplicity” in the Jerusalem Post, 3 November 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Dovid-Katzs-oped-in-the-Jerusalem-Post-3-November-2011.pdf
“Understanding ‘Double Genocide’: a lethal new threat to Holocaust memory and honesty” in Centre News [Jewish Holocaust Centre, Melbourne, Australia], October 2011 [date on print edition: September 2011]. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Dovid-Katz-in-JHC.pdf
“Seven solutions for rapid and constructive transformation of Lithuanian-Jewish relations” on DefendingHistory.com, October 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/7-solutions
“Hungarian National Day Celebration in Vilnius Celebrates Lithuanian ‘Forest Brother’; Two Local Fascists Invited” on DefendingHistory.com, 24 October 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/hungarian-national-day-celebration-in-vilnius-celebrates-lithuanian-forest-brothers/25081
“Head of History Institute, speaking at ‘Bloodlands’ event at the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, excoriates Holocaust survivors who joined the anti-Nazi partisans” on DefendingHistory.com, 30 September 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/vilnius-historians-at-book-launch-for-lithuanian-edition-of-bloodlands-attack-holocaust-survivors-who-joined-the-resistance-try-to-equalize-nazi-and-soviet-collaboration/24072
“Lithuanian foreign minister inserts red-brown discourse into Austrian extradition case” on DefendingHistory.com, 28 September 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-foreign-minister-inserts-red-brown-discourse-into-austrian-extradition-case/23861
“Lithuanian foreign ministry’s two versions: for a Jewish audience (not for publication) and for ‘General’ (proudly on website” on DefendingHistory.com, 28 September 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/new-confusion-over-lithuanian-foreign-ministry-versions-for-jews-and-general/23912
“Lithuanian foreign ministry gloats, as Yivo’s position continues to confuse” on DefendingHistory.com, 23 September 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/confusion-over-yivos-decision-on-surrendering-vilnius-treasures-shortly-to-a-government-yivo-room/23242
“Yad Vashem withdraws invitation to Lithuanian minister over campaign against Joe Melamed; British parliamentarians move an ‘early day motion’; Melamed speaks eloquently at Yad Vashem, blasts efforts to glorify Holocaust perpetrators as ‘heroes’” on DefendingHistory.com, 22 September 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/yad-vashem-withdraws-invitation-to-lithuanian-minister-over-campaign-against-joe-melamed-british-parliamentarians-move-an-early-day-motion/23380
“Yivo director sends new circular to staff, refining Lithuanian government talking points; claims support of Veidlinger and Zipperstein for (inaccurate) public statement” on DefendingHistory.com, 13 September 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/director-of-yivo-sends-new-circular-to-staff-citing-support-of-veidlinger-and-zipperstein/22170
“Director of Yivo sends circular to staff, taking on the role of Manhattan office of Lithuanian government’s PR department; calls Holocaust survivors ‘helpless’ and ‘ageing’” on DefendingHistory.com, 9 September 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/director-of-yivo-circulates-document-to-entire-staff-taking-on-the-role-of-pr-department-for-the-lithuanian-government/22157
“Holocaust survivors from Lithuania protest Yivo’s decision to honor the foreign minister of Lithuania at Vilna Ghetto Commemoration” on DefendingHistory.com, 6 September 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/holocaust-survivors-from-lithuania-protest-yivos-decision-to-honor-the-foreign-minister-of-lithuania-at-vilna-ghetto-commemoration/21555
“Lithuanian authorities initiated prosecution against another Holocaust survivor” on DefendingHistory.com, 30 August 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-authorities-initiate-prosecution-against-another-holocaust-survivor/21693
“Et tu, Yivo? Holocaust survivors jolted by plan for Lithuanian foreign minister to be ‘guest of honor’ at Vilna Ghetto commemoration” on DefendingHistory.com, 28 August 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/et-tu-yivo-2011-holocaust-survivor-community-is-jolted-by-yivo-plan-to-honor-the-lithuanian-foreign-minister-on-22-september/21195
“A scholar’s apt warning on ultranationalist abuse of history and historians” on DefendingHistory.com, 28 August 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/a-scholar%e2%80%99s-apt-warning-on-ultranationalist-abuse-of-history-and-historians/21262
“Mainstream Sajudis organization joins call for increased commemoration of local 1941 Holocaust perpetrators” on DefendingHistory.com, 27 August 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/mainstream-sajudis-organization-joins-call-for-increased-glorification-of-local-1941-holocaust-perpetrators/21373
“Far right organization, led by Genocide Center’s ‘specialist’, publishes a list of enemies including advisor to the Lithuanian Jewish community” on DefendingHistory.com, 29 July 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/far-right-organization-led-by-genocide-centers-specialist-publishes-a-list-of-enemies-including-advisor-to-the-lithuanian-jewish-community/20706
“A Speech Never Spoken at Plungyán (Plungė)” on DefendingHistory.com, 20 July 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/a-speech-never-spoken/19705
“The Denial that is Part of Holocaust Obfuscation: Second Day of the Lithuanian Parliament’s Conference” on DefendingHistory.com, 30 June 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/the-denial-that-is-part-of-holocaust-obfuscation-second-day-of-the-lithuanian-parliament%E2%80%99s-conference/18494
“In Delirium of Obfuscation: First Day of the Lithuanian Parliament’s Conference on the 70th Anniversary of Hitler’s Attack on the USSR” on DefendingHistory.com, 29 June 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/first-day-of-lithuanian-parliament-conference-is-a-delirium-of-obfuscation/18423
“Three Years Later: Neither Charged nor Cleared” on DefendingHistory.com, 5 May 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/?p=416
“This Year’s Yom Hashoah is Different” in Winnipeg Jewish Review. http://www.winnipegjewishreview.com/article_detail.cfm?id=1098&sec=1&title=EDITOR%27S_PICK%3A_THIS_YEAR%27S_YOM_HASHOAH_IS_DIFFERENT
Amy Shannon Liedy’s summary of Dovid Katz’s Kennan Institute (Woodrow Wilson Center) lecture in Washington DC, posted 25 April 2011. http://wilsoncenter.org/index.cfmtopic_id=1424&fuseaction=topics.event_summary&event_id=650799
“Freedom of Speech is Not ‘Pick and Choose’: On The Paleckis Trial in Vilnius” on DefendingHistory.com, 14 April 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/on-the-paleckis-trial-in-vilnius/14504
“Has the Forward Association abandoned Elementary Ethics?” on DefendingHistory.com, 3 April 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/has-the-forward-association-abandoned-elementary-ethics/14342
“Right of Reply: Condemnation of Communism Does Not Require Submission to Double Genocide, Holocaust Obfuscation, or the Recent Deterioration in Civil Society and Free Speech in Lithuania” in Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review, 7 March 2011. http://www.lfpr.lt/uploads/File/2010-24/Katz.doc; https://defendinghistory.com/13705/13705
“Lithuanian Jews, Holocaust Survivors, Specialists who Disagree with Lithuanian Government ― Shut Out of London Conference” on DefendingHistory.com, 1 February 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-foreign-ministry-gives-for-london-colloquium-on-the-holocaust/8538
“When a ‘Human Rights Association’ Accepts and Repeats the Antisemitic Canards in Town” on DefendingHistory.com, 3 January 2011. https://defendinghistory.com/reply-to-lhra-report/8860
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“Why is the U.S. Silent on ‘Double Genocide’? While European countries have condemned the New Holocaust Revisionism in the Baltics, America shows no moral leadership” in the Guardian, 21 December 2010. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2010/dec/21/double-genocide-baltic-us-europe
“An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Lithuania on the eve of his Visit to Israel” on Alfa.lt, 15 December 2010. http://www.alfa.lt/straipsnis/10430134/?Open.letter.to.PM.on.eve.of.visit.to.Israel=2010-12-15_13-04
“Conference Call. The Lithuanian Sponsors of a Holocaust Education Program have a Dark History of their own” in Tablet Magazine, 3 December 2010. http://www.tabletmag.com/news-and-politics/52058/conference-call/
“The Real Friend is the One who tells you when Something is Wrong” on Alfa.lt, 17 November 2010. http://www.alfa.lt/straipsnis/10423927/?Opinion..The.Real.Friend.is.the.one.who.tells.you.when.something.is.wrong.=2010-11-17_12-02
Review of David G. Roskies, Yiddishlands: A Memoir in East European Jewish Affairs (EEJA) vol. 40, no. 3. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/2010-Dec-DovidKatzReviewofRoskiesYiddishlands.pdf
[Reply to Barry Rubin] in the Letters to the Editor section of the Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, IV:3, 2010, pp 189-193. https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/2010IsraelJournalofForeignAffairsDovidKatz.pdf
“Why Red is Not Brown in the Baltics. Unhappily, Timothy Snyder’s historical reassessment of the Nazi-Soviet pact coincides with Baltic ultranationalist agendas” in The Guardian [Comment is Free, Cif America], 30 September 2010. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2010/sep/30/baltic-nazi-soviet-snyder
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 10: „גוים וואָס פאַרנעמען זיך מיט אידיש“: צי האָבן זיי וועלכע ניט איז ברייטערע התחייבותן לגבי אידישע פראַגן? אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 22טן סעפּטעמבער 2010, זז. זז. 1, 3, 6.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 10: Gentiles who become immersed in Yiddish: Do they have a moral responsibility regarding Jewish issues?” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 22 September 2010, pp. 3, 6.] https://defendinghistory.com/wp content/uploads/2010/10/2010Sept22KapitalakhYidish10.pdf
“Letter to the Editor” in The Baltic Times, 29 September 2010. http://www.baltictimes.com/news/articles/27076/ PDF of the 30 Sept print version: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/2010Sept30BalticTimesDKLetterPrint.pdf
“Time to Free Europe of this Poison” on Parliamentary Committee Against Antisemitism Foundation, 1 September 2010. http://www.antisemitism.org.uk/time-to-free-europe-of-this-poison
Lithuanian Jewish Culture, Baltos Lankos: Vilnius 2010, 400 pp. folio. Second revised and updated edition. In cooperation with Central European University. To order: http://www.eksportas-importas.lt/en/mess/9.More details: http://www.dovidkatz.net/i_2ljc.htm
“Human rights — and Holocaust Obfuscation ― in the Baltic states (Response to Clifford J. Levy’s NY Times report)”, 16 August 2010, on HITB. https://defendinghistory.com/response-to-clifford-j-levy/2329
“Talking of Love in Yiddish” in Jewish Renaissance (London, vol. 9.4, p. 56). http://www.dovidkatz.net/dovid/PDFLinguistics/2010_Love_%20in_Yiddish.pdf
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 9: (א) וועגן אי⸗מייל כנגד „בליצפּאָסט“; מאָבילנער טעלעפאָן כנגד „צעלקע“; לעפּטאָפּ כנגד „שויס⸗קאָמפּיוטער“ א.א.; (ב) דער אַנדערשדיקער גורל פון דער אידישער און דער העברעאישער ליטעראַטור בנוגע איבערזעצונגען אין אַנדערע שפּראַכן די לעצטע יאָרן; (ג) וועגן „מרת“. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 11טן יוני 2010, ז. 3.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 9: (a) On internationalisms vs. neologisms for the vocabulary of modern technology; (b) The differing fate of Yiddish and modern Hebrew literature in international translations in recent decades; (c) Moras as feminine of Reb” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 11 June 2010, p. 3] https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2010June11Kapitalakh9.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=
“Contra Prague ’08: Declaration on Unequal and Unequatable Phenomena. A draft text for open discussion” on Holocaust in the Baltics. https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/440634.html
אַ שדים⸗טאַנץ מיט סוואַסטיקאַס אין דער היינטיקער ליטע. אַ געריכט גיט איר אורטייל, אַז סוואַסטיקאַס זיינען „די היסטאָרישע ירושה פון ליטע און ניט קיין סימבאָלן פון נאַצישן דייטשלאַנד“. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 28טן מאַי 2010, זז. 1, 3.
[“A devil’s dance of swastikas: the decision of a Lithuanian court that swastikas are ‘the historical heritage of Lithuania and not symbols of Nazi Germany’” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 28 May 2010, pp. 1, 3] https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2010May28AlgemeynerZhurnalDKonSwastikas.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=6528
“It is time for Cameron to Reject the EU Nutters” in the Jewish Chronicle (London), 27 May 2010. http://www.thejc.com/comment-and-debate/comment/32181/it-time-cameron-reject-eu-nutters
“The Crime of Surviving” in Tablet Magazine, 3 May 2010. http://www.tabletmag.com/news-and-politics/32432/the-crime-of-surviving/print/
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 8: (א) וועגן דעם „ליטווישן עי אין קיעווער געגנט“; (ב) סטליסטיק פון „איטלעכער“ און „יעטווידער“; (ג) סעמאַנטיק פון „געדאַנקען“, „מחשבות“, „רעיונות“ און „אידייען“; (ד) די שרייבונג פון „ניו יאָרק“ און „נואַרק“ אין כתובות און גיטין. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 23טן אַפּריל 2010, ז. 3.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 8: (a) On the ‘Lithuanian ey’ in the Kiev region; (b) Stylistics of ítlekher and yétvider; (c) semantics of gedánken, makhshóves, rayóynes and idéyen; (d) the spellings of ‘New York’ vs ‘Newark’ in contemporary marriage contracts and divorce writs” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 23 April 2010, p. 3]; https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2010April23Kapitalakh8.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=6405
Text restoration and typography of the text for section 1 of Moyshe Kulbak’s poem Vilne. In: Vilnius: Portrait of A City. Anthology of Photographs and Text, R. Paknys Publishing House: Vilnius 2010, p. 25.
צוויי מאַרשן אין אַ נאַצישן גייסט: אין צענטער פון ווילנע, און אין צענטער פון ריגע. ביידע זיינען לעגאַל סאַנקציאָנירט געוואָרן דורך דער לאָקאַלער מאַכט; ביידע ווערן אינגאַנצן איגנאָרירט דורך דער מערבדיקע וועלט. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 26טן מערץ 2010, זז. 1, 3.
[“Two marches in a Nazi spirit: in the city centers of Vilnius and Riga. Both sanctioned by the local authorities, and wholly ignored by the West” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 26 March 2010, pp. 1, 3]; https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2010March26DKinAJ.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=6355
“Jewish Community Shaken by Neo-Nazi March in Downtown Vilnius on Independence Day” in Algemeiner Journal [English section], 19 March 2010, p. 6.
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 7: (א) דער גענויער באַדייט פון ‘יסודותדיק’ אין וועלטלעכן און אין ישיבהשן אידיש; (ב) די מאָדע דרוקן אידיש מיטן פולן העברעאישן ניקוד; (ג) דער אידישער געשטאַלט פונעם נאָמען ‘אַסיאַ’. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 19טן מערץ 2010, ז. 3.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 7: (a) Semantic nuances of yesóydesdik in secular and haredi Yiddish; (b) the printing of Yiddish with full Hebrew vocalization; (c) Yiddish rendition of the name Asya” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 19 March 2010, p. 3] https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2010March19Kapitalakh7.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=6334
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 6: פּרטים פון לשון. פראַגעס פון אַ 27 יאָריקן חסיד; די גלגולים פון די צען זין פון המן הרשע אין אידישן פאָלקלאָר. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 5טן מערץ 2010, ז. 3.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 6: (a) Questions of Yiddish stylistics from a 27 year old khosid; (b) the remaking of the ten sons of Haman in Yiddish folklore” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 5 March 2010, p. 3]; https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2010March5KapitalakhVI.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=6291
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 5: דער סוד פונעם אידישן טאַטו אין תל אביב און זיין ברייטערע באַדייטונג; פאַרוואָס אידישע פרויען⸗נעמען שטאַמען אָפּ אַ סך מאָל פון אַ ניט⸗לשון⸗קודשדיקן מקור. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 26טן פעברואַר 2010, ז. 3.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 5: (a) The secret of the Yiddish tattoo in Tel Aviv, and the wider cultural implications; (b) Why female forenames in Yiddish are more likely to be non-Semitic in origin” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 26 February 2010, p. 3]. https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2010Feb26KapitalakhV.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=6272
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 4: שבתים און שבתות, און (להבדיל), שטותים און שטויות; דער „אידישער טאַטו“ אין תל אביב. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 12טן פעברואַר 2010, ז. 3.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 4: (a) shabosim and shaboses, and (in the same breath) shtusim and shtuyot; (b) The new Yiddish Tattoo in Tel Aviv” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 12 February 2010, p. 3]; https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2010Feb12KapitalakhIV.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=6231
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 3: היתכן, „די גאַס“ און… „אויפן גאַס“?; נייע ווערטער קענען אויך האָבן אַן אמתן אידישן חן; „שמענדריק“ און „שמערל“; ווי אַזוי ווינטשט מען אַנדערע צו „זייער“ נייעם יאָר? אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 22טן יאַנואַר 2010, ז. 3.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 3: (a) How could it be? di gas but afn gas? (b) New Words can sometimes acquire the authentic Yiddish spirit; (c) On shmendrik and Shmerl; (d) How to greet neighbors on their new year?” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 22 January 2010, p. 3] https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2010Jan22KapitalakhIII.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=6163
“Halting Holocaust Obfuscation. The Baltic Ultranationalists Rewriting East European History as an Equal Nazi-Soviet ‘Double Genocide’ must be Stopped” in the Guardian, 8 January 2010. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/jan/08/holocaust-baltic-lithuania-latvia
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[Editor and publisher], Menke Katz, Land of Manna, Fairy Glen Press: Capelulo 2009, ii + 96 pp.
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 2: פון וואַנעט שטאַמט ‘משומד’?; בעסער אידיש אָן נקודות איידער ‘לאַטייניזירט’ מיט זיבן חנען. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 11טן דעצעמבער 2009, ז. 6.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 2: (a) Where does the word meshúmǝd come from? (b) Better Yiddish in Yiddish letters (even without the dots) than the fanciest transcription” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 11 December 2009, p. 6] https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2009Dec11KapitalakhII.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=6034
קאַפּיטעלעך אידיש 1: מערב אידיש און מזרח אידיש; ‘אַ גוטן טאָג’. אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 27טן נאָוועמבער 2009, ז. 6.
[“Chapters in Yiddish 1: (a) Dating the Earliest Observations on Western vs. Eastern Yiddish; (b) A gutn tog in Yiddish” in Algemeyner Zhurnal, 27 November 2009, p. 6]. https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2009Nov27KapitalakhI.pdf; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=5973
“Don’t let the Holocaust be written out of History” in the Washington Jewish Week, 30 December 2009. http://washingtonjewishweek.com/print.asp?ArticleID=12036&SectionID=31&SubSectionID=49
Dovid Katz & Clemens Heni, “The Prague Declaration is Europe’s New Antisemitic Poison” in Algemeiner Journal, 4 December 2009, p 10. Revised version on WPK, 26 November 2009. http://clemensheni.wordpress.com/2009/11/26/the-%E2%80%9Cprague-declaration%E2%80%9D-is-europe%E2%80%99s-new-antisemitic-poison/; https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2009Dec4KatzAndHeniOnPragueDecl.pdf
“Tories must Reject ‘Double Genocide’ proponents. Alliance with those who would Downgrade the Holocaust is a Grave Mistake” in The Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 2009 [online version: 30 November 2009]. http://www.thejc.com/comment/comment/22477/tories-must-reject-double-genocide-proponents
“Cameron must end Tories’ Far-Right Fling” in The Irish Times, 31 October 2009. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/opinion/2009/1031/1224257766699.html
“Yiddish, Without the Inhibitions” [review of Michael Wex, Yiddish Language and Culture in all its Moods] in The Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 2009. Online version 8 October at: http://www.thejc.com/arts/book-reviews/20760/born-kvetch-yiddish-language-and-culture-all-its-moods
“On Three Definitions. Genocide; Holocaust Denial; Holocaust Obfuscation” in Leonidas Donskis (ed), A Litmus Test Case of Modernity. Examining Modern Sensibilities and the Public Domain in the Baltic States at the Turn of the Century [= Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe 5] Peter Lang: Bern et al 2009, pp. 259-277. https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2009SeptDovidKatz3Definitions.pdf
Seven Kingdoms of the Litvaks, International Cultural Program Center in cooperation with the Vilnius Yiddish Institute, Vilnius 2009, 61. http://www.dovidkatz.net/dovid/Lithuania/7_KingdomsLitvaks.pdf
“The Sounds of Silence of Jewish Lithuania” [preface] in Isaac Zibuts et al (eds), Sounds of Silence. Traces of Jewish Life in Lithuania, R. Paknio leidykla: Vilnius 2009, pp. 14-17 [also: consultant to the project]. Parallel Lithuanian edition (Tylos gausmas žydų gyvenimo pėdsakai Lietuvoje) with preface (pp. 14-17) translated by Tomas Venclova. http://www.dovidkatz.net/dovid/Lithuania/2009_SOUNDS_OF_SILENCE.pdf; http://www.dovidkatz.net/dovid/Lithuania/2009_SOUNDS_OF_SILENCE_translation.pdf
Founding editor of The Holocaust in the Baltics (website). www.HolocaustInTheBaltics.com
The entry “Elijah ben Solomon Zalman” in Supplement to the Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet and Eurasian History, vol. 9, Academic International Press: Gulf Breeze, Florida 2009. http://www.dovidkatz.net/dovid/Lithuania/2009_Gaon-of-Vilna.pdf
“‘Genocide Industry’ has Hidden Agenda” in The Irish Times, 30 May 2009, p. 15. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/opinion/2009/0530/1224247744866.html?via=mr
“Prague’s Declaration of Disgrace” in The Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 2009, p. 31. http://www.thejc.com/comment/comment/prague%E2%80%99s-declaration-disgrace
“Shalóm, Shólem, Shólem-aléykhem…” in Jewish Renaissance, 8.2: 56 (January 2009).
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Windows to a Lost Jewish Past: Vilna Book Stamps. Versus Aureus: Vilnius 2008, 100 pp.
“Jewish Cultural Correlates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania” in Alfredas Bumblauskas, Šarūnas Liekis, Grigorijus Potašenko (eds), Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštijos tradicija ir paveldo “dalybos”, Vilniaus universiteto leidykla: Vilnius 2008, pp 169-204. http://www.dovidkatz.net/dovid/Lithuania/2008_JewishCulturalCorrelates.pdf
The entries “Ber Borokhov”, “Mordkhe Veynger”, “Yiddish”, in the YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, Yale University Press: New Haven & London 2008, pp 218-219; 1967-1968; 979-987.
“Yiddish as a Diaspora Language and its Future” in M. Avrum Ehrlich (ed), Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture, ABC-CLIO. Volume I: Themes and Phenomena, pp 193-197.
Draft maps from work in progress on Litvish: An Atlas of Northeastern Yiddish at: http://www.dovidkatz.net/WebAtlas/AtlasSamples.htm
Questionnaire for Litvish: An Atlas of Northeastern Yiddish at: http://www.dovidkatz.net/WebAtlas/atl_quest.htm
“One Bagel, Two Bagel, Three Bagel” in Jewish Renaissance, 7.2: 56 (January 2008).
„ניו⸗יאָרקער אידישער קינסטלער און פּאָעט יאָני פיין, וועלכער איז 95 יאָר אַלט, גיט אַרויס אַ נייעם באַנד פּאָעזיע“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 27טן פעב. 2008: 10-9.
[At 95, New York artist and poet Yoni Fain publishes a new book of Yiddish poetry]
„הונדערט יאָר טשערנאָוויץ“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 26טן סעפּט. 2008: 10-9.
[100th anniversary of the Chernowitz Yiddish Language Conference]
„רחל מרגלית, 86, קען ניט קומען אין איר היימשטאָט ווילנע, ווייל זי האָט געקעמפט קעגן די נאַציס“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 15טן אויגוסט 2008: 10-9.
[Rokhl Margolis, 86, cannot return to her hometown, Vilnius, because she was an anti-Nazi partisan]
„אַ נייע פּראַכט⸗אויסגאַבע אויף אידיש: דוב⸗בער קערלערס ירושלימער אַלמאַנאַך“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 8טן אויגוסט 2008: 9, 11.
[An exquisite new book in Yiddish: Dov-Ber Kerler’s Yerusholaymer almanakh]
„צום ערשטן יאָרצייט פונעם ‘אפּיקורסישן רב’ — שערווין וויין עʺה“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 1טן אויגוסט 2008: 10-9.
[On the first yortsayt of the “atheist rabbi” — in memory of Sherwin Wine]
„צי וועט עס די וועלט ווייטער פאַרשווייגן? די נייע, ‘קליגערע’ און געפערלעכע פאָרם פון חורבן⸗לייקענונג ווערט ערנסט באַטראַכט דורכן — אייראָפּעאישן פּאַרלאַמענט!“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 25טן יולי 2008: 10-9.
[Will the international community remain silent? The new ‘cleverer’ and dangerous form of Holocaust Denial gets consideration by the European Parliament!]
„דער גולם פון גלובאָק“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 16טן מאַי 2008: 10-9.
[The Golem of Glubok]
„דער דיבוק אין דרויע“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 28טן מערץ 2008: 8.
[The Dybbuk of Druya] http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=4846
„איינשטיין פון סוויר“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 22טן פעברואַר 2008: 9.
[Einstein of Svir] http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=4685
„אַ רייזע אין לאַטוויע“ אין „אַלגעמיינעם זשורנאַל“, 4טן יאַנואַר 2008: 9; 18טן יאַנואַר 2008: 9.
[A journey to Latvia] http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=4458; http://www.algemeiner.com/generic.asp?id=4523
„ווערטער וועגן ווערטער [1: ‘קאַטאָוועס’; 2: ‘וועגן אידיש און יידיש: אַ קאַפּיטל אידישע סימבאָלאָגיע’]“ אין „ירושלימער אַלמאַנאַך“ 28 (2008): 402 -417.
[Words on words. 1: katóvǝs; 2: On yidish and idish: a chapter of Yiddish symbology]
„צוויי דערציילונגען: דער משומד פון קלושאַן; השגחה פּרטית“ אין „ירושלימער אַלמאַנאַך“ 28 (2008): 184-166.
[Two short stories: “The Convert of Klushan” & “Divine Providence”]
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