sincerely hopes that professors, students, and local and international friends and admirers of Vytautas Magnus University, one of the finest in the Baltics, will make their voices heard respectfully asking for the cancellation of this misconceived event, which is causing so much pain to Holocaust survivors and the remnant Jewish community.
Program of the Memorial Conference at Vytautas Magnus University (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas) in Kaunas
to honor the “prime minister” of the 1941 Nazi puppet “Provisional Government” that oversaw the onset of the Lithuanian Holocaust by the Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) and the Nazi invaders. Indeed, his name appears atop the 30 June 1941 order for a concentration camp for Jews to be built, and the 7 July 1941 order for a ghetto to be set up to incarcerate the Jews of Kaunas.
Coverage to date includes, Milan Chersonski, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and Haaretz. The original program in Lithuanian of the conference and related festivities in Vilnius and Kaunas is available here. It is also posted on the website of the Genocide Center. An English translation of the four day program is available here.
Memorial Conference: “The Academic, Educational, Resistance and Political Activity of Juozas Brazaitis”
Catholic Theology Faculty Hall, Vytautas Magnus University, Gimnazijos 7, Kaunas
Saturday 19 May 2012
11 AM:
Opening Ceremony:
Juozas Brazaitis reads (sound recording): Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas’s poem “Vivos Plango, Mortuos Voco”
Rasa Juzukonytė (soprano) sings: B. Dvarionas’s “Žvaigždutė”
Richard Strauss’s “Allerseelen”
Richard Strauss’s “Zeugnung”
“Lietuva” with music by G. Savinienė and words by Justinas Marcinkevičius.
Presided over by:
Teresa Birutė Burauskaitė, director of the Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of the Residents of Lithuania, and journalist Vidmantas Valiušaitis
11:20 AM — 11:40 AM:
Welcoming speeches.
11:40 AM — 12:25 PM:
“The Role of Juozas Brazaitis in the Activity of the Provisional Government of Lithuania and in the Resistance” by Dr. Augustinas Idzelis (USA), director of the Center for Lithuanian Studies
12:25 PM — 12:35 PM:
Dr. Rožė Šomkaitė’s expression of gratitude: Dr. Rožė Šomkaitė (USA), public figure
12:35 PM — 1 PM:
Coffee break
1 PM — 1:20 PM:
“Juozas Brazaitis in the Anti-Nazi Resistance, 1941-1944” by Dr. Arūnas Bubnys, director of the Department of Genocide and Resistance at the Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of the Residents of Lithuania
1:20 PM — 1:40 PM:
“Juozas Brazaitis: Teacher, Scholar, Educator” by Professor Viktorija Skrupskelytė, Vytautas Magnus University
1:40 PM — 2 PM:
“Juozas Brazaitis’s Intellectual Legacy” by Dr. Ilona Strumickienė, academic staff of the Institute of the Lithuanian Exile, Vytautas Magnus University
2 PM — 2:30 PM: