by Dovid Katz
Thought experiment: Imagine an African American in the city of Columbia, South Carolina, being called an extremist or fanatic for peacefully expressing the opinion that it is offensive for the Confederate flag to be hoisted on the grounds of the state capitol building. Imagine him or her being called extremist or fanatic for failing to be grateful that the flag was, after much protest, moved from atop the dome to the mere grounds of the capitol and its design slightly changed to conform to the Confederate Battle Flag (as a “concession”).
Imagine if a snow-white editor of a web journal singled out for David Duke style praise “Moderate African Americans” who just say “Thank you” when a pathetic morsel of PR is offered up by local authorities in the face of mounting international opprobrium.
There would be public outrage at the racism.
But if you are loyal to a tragically diminished and tiny minority here in the Baltics, it is much easier for manipulators to make fine hay of your legacy.
A Litvak ― a Jew of Lithuanian Grand Duchy heritage ― who objects (in full harmony with today’s courageous Lithuanians) to the state honoring the “Lithuanian Activist Front” fascists of 1941 and other local Holocaust perpetrators, to toleration of high-level antisemitism, to the 2010 legalization of public swastikas, or to the campaign against Holocaust survivors who survived by joining the resistance is very likely to be called extremist or fanatic for simply expressing an opinion in print.
In fact, the current Lithuanian government has invested a not-so-small fortune to obfuscate and distort the history of the Holocaust via red-brown commissions, double genocide campaigns in the European Parliament, cooked academic conferences, criminalization of the accurate history of the Holocaust, and the financing of “Government Litvaks” who will spread PR for the current right-wing nationalist government. The common denominator is the intellectually dishonest misrepresentation of one side of an argument as a “debate” while the second opinion, that of the near-extinct minority, is systematically excluded or stigmatized as illegitimate.
In one of the better known fiascos, the head of the former “Litvak Foundation” came out with an antisemitic article as soon as he quit his job. But the state-sponsored identity-thieves don’t give up.
In his 29 April 2012 article in VilNews (also available here), with a by-line flaunting the grand title “Editor-in-Chief,” Mr. Aage Myhre deigns to crown himself a latter-day Jew Selector, citing by name both Jews he compliments as “Moderate Litvaks” and those whose recent articles he disapproves of. He cautions them. They go too far.
Extremists, Mr. Myhre, are people who commit violence or flout laws and norms of civil society, not members of a decimated minority who dare disagree in dignified articles in respectable publications with policies of a nationalist government that shamelessly manipulates minority issues.
The same day’s edition of VilNews.com contains a front page box with this incredible quote from a successfully manipulated American Jew:
“I went to Lithuania, hoping to decide who was right and who was wrong; to put people in a column, who was a victim, who was a killer. And then those lines began to blur.”
Blurring the clear-as-day distinction between Holocaust perpetrator and victim lies at the very heart of Holocaust Obfuscation. Obfuscators in power have invested not a little in recruiting naive Jewish acolytes to trumpet the cause in America. With the help of a lavish (Jewish) PR company, obfuscationary rhetoric has recently made its way into published articles by compliant American Jewish authors.
The editor-in-chief of VilNews, who has made no secret of his plans to persuade South African Litvaks to invest in the “Dead Jew Disneyland Vilna Ghetto Theme Park,” complete with a multimillion-euro construction of a Jewless Great Synagogue, calls his article “Why do you love Jews so much?”
He certainly does love his ― Quisling Litvaks.
Sorry, mate. Real Litvaks will not remain silent.