Lithuanian Government’s “Red-Brown Commission,” A Prime Engine of Prague Declaration “Double Genocide” Politics, Boasts of Conference Honoring Alleged 1941 Holocaust Collaborator
No public comment yet from members of the Commission Andrew Baker (American Jewish Committee), Antony Polonsky (Brandeis) or Jonathan Brent (YIVO) about the event, or indeed the parliament’s decision to name 2018 for the same alleged collaborator, Adolfas Ramanauskas (Vanagas). See Evaldas Balčiūnas’s comment on the choice (and Defending History’s alternative choice for 2018 person of the year). In Dec. 2017, Dr. Efraim Zuroff, director of East European Affairs at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, warned that a parliamentary decision to honor Ramanauskas by naming a year for him would be “an outrageous decision”…
The Strange Saga of YIVO’s 2011-2018 collusion with those elements of the Lithuanian government intent on Holocaust revisionism and on covering tracks for that effort
Resignations from the Commission (& associated bodies) over the years, on principle, include Dr. Yitzhak Arad, Sir Martin Gilbert, Professor Gershon Greenberg, Professor Konrad Kwiet, and Prof. Dov Levin.
In 2015, one of Lithuania’s last Holocaust survivors actually born in Vilna, Professor Pinchos Fridberg, an eminent physicist and author, wrote an open letter to the director of YIVO about YIVO’s inexplicable legitimization of the commission, in Yiddish, in New York’s Yiddish Forward. Defending History brings it to you in English translation. Professor Fridberg felt strongly enough to post an audio file of his Yiddish letter on the internet for posterity.
See also the 2011 open letter to YIVO’s director from Milan Chersonski, then editor of the newspaper of the Jewish Community of Lithuania on the emerging policy of collaboration with an East European state’s program of Holocaust revisionism. See the Milan Chersonski section.
Our editor’s take on the background to the history of the Red-Browm Commission (known formally as “The International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupational Regimes in Lithuania”).
What does former Yad Vashem director Yitzhak Arad think about the Commission’s role? He is one of the defamed Holocaust survivors awaiting a formal letter of apology.
QUESTION: Why do all the critics of Polish government Holocaust abuse (which does not include honoring of Nazi collaborators!) remain stone silent when it’s the Baltics?