The following list has been compiled at the request of several students in a course on Lithuanian Jewry and the Holocaust in Lithuania to be held at the Yivo Institute for Jewish Research in New York in February 2016. It is strictly unofficial, unconnected to the program, and was compiled in Vilnius to complement the course’s own excellent reading list.
Lithuanian Jewish Culture and History
The Holocaust in Lithuania
“Double Genocide” & Other 21st Century Debates
Defending History Reference Pages
Lithuanian Jewish Culture and History
Israel Cohen, Vilna, Jewish Publication Society: Philadelphia 1943 [and various reprints to date].
Masha Greenbaum, The Jews of Lithuania. A History of a Remarkable Community, 1316—1945, Gefen: Jerusalem & New York 1995.
Dovid Katz, Lithuanian Jewish Culture, 2nd revised edition, Baltos Lankos: Vilnius & Central European University Press: Budapest and New York 2010.
Dovid Katz, Seven Kingdoms of the Litvaks, International Cultural Program Center, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, 2009. Online at: http://dovidkatz.net/dovid/Lithuania/7_KingdomsLitvaks.pdf.
Dov Levin, The Litvaks. A Short History of the Jews in Lithuania, Yad Vashem: Jerusalem 2000.
Leyzer Ran, Jerusalem of Lithuania, 3 vols., Vílner farlág: New York 1974.
The Holocaust in Lithuania
Yitzhak Arad, “The ‘Final Solution’ in Lithuania in the Light of German Documentation” in YadVashem.org. Yad Vashem. Online at: http://www1.yadvashem.org/untoldstories/documents/studies/The_Final_Solution.pdf.
Andrius Kulikauskas, “How did Lithuanians Wrong Litvaks?” in Defending History, 5 February 2015. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/how-did-lithuanians-wrong-litvaks-by-andrius-kulikauskas/71001.
Ernst Klee, Willi Dressen & Volker Riess (eds), “Pogroms in Kaunas and elsewhere in Lithuania” = pp 23-58 in their ‘The Good Old Days’. The Holocaust as Seen by its Perpetrators and Bystanders. Foreword by Hugh Trevor-Roper [Oxford University]. Free Press (Macmillan): New York 1991.
Konrad Kwiet, “The Onset of the Holocaust: The Massacre of the Jews in Lithuania in June 1941” in Andrew Bonnell, Gregory Munro and Martin Travers (eds), Power, Conscience, and Opposition, Peter Lang: New York 1996, pp 107-121. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Konrad-Kwiets-ONSET-OF-THE-HOLOCAUST-IN-LITHUANIA.pdf.
Konrad Kwiet, “Rehearsing for Murder: The Beginning of the Final
Solution in Lithuania in June 1941” in Holocaust and Genocide Studies,
12.1 (Spring 1998), pp. 3-26. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Konrad-Kwiets-Rehearsing-for-Murder-in-1941.pdf.
Ruta Puišytė, The Holocaust in Jurbarkas, Vilnius University BA thesis under the supervision of Professor Meir Shub. With a preface by Professor Dov Levin, 1997. English translation online: http://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/Yurburg/bathesis.html.
Double Genocide Revisionism and the 21st Century Debates
Vytenis Andriukaitis, “Honorable A. Ažubalis, Did You Pull Such an Understanding of History out of Thin Air?” in Delfi.lt, 9 February 2012. Online at: http://www.delfi.lt/news/ringas/politics/vandriukaitis-gerbiamas-a-azubali-ar-is-balos-toks-istorijos-supratimas.d?id=55305479. English translation at: https://defendinghistory.com/lithuanian-parliamentarian-vytenis-andriukaitis-signatory-of-70-years-declaration-replies-to-foreign-ministers-joke-on-the-holocaust/30647.
Yitzhak Arad, “The Holocaust in Lithuania, and its Obfuscation, in Lithuanian Sources” in DefendingHistory.com, 1 December 2012. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/yitzhak-arad-on-the-holocaust-in-lithuania-and-its-obfuscation-in-lithuanian-sources/46252.
Evaldas Balčiūnas, “Why Does the State Commemorate Murderers?” in Defending History, 25 April 2011. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/when-the-lithuanian-state-commemorates-murderers/15332.
Clemens Heni, “The Prague Declaration, Holocaust Obfuscation and Antisemitism” in Wissenschaft und Publizistik als Kritik, 26 October 2009. Online at: http://www.clemensheni.net/uncategorized/the-prague-declaration-holocaust-obfuscation-and-antisemitism/.
Clemens Heni, Antisemitism: A Specific Phenomenon: Holocaust Trivialization — Islamism — Post-colonial and Cosmopolitan anti-Zionism, Edition Critic: Berlin 2012.
Leonidas Donskis, “Hostages to an Ill-begotten Theory” in Transitions Online, 10 October 2008. Online at: http://www.tol.org/client/article/20079-hostages-to-an-ill-begotten-theory.html. Alternate link: https://defendinghistory.com/hostages-to-an-ill-begotten-theory/84070.
Leonidas Donskis, “The Inflation of Genocide” in EuropeanVoice.com, 24 July 2009. Online at: http://www.operationlastchance.org/LITHUANIA_32-21.htm. Alternate link: http://www.operationlastchance.org/LITHUANIA_32-21.htm.
Leonidas Donskis, “Concept Inflation and the Criminalization of Debate” in Jerusalem of Lithuania, Oct.-Dec. 2008. Online at: https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2008OctDecDonskisCriminalizationofDebate.PDF. Alternate link: https://defendinghistory.com/concept-inflation-and-the-criminalization-of-debate/45733.
Leonidas Donskis, “Text of the Letter from MEP Leonidas Donskis on the Ambrazevičius-Brazaitis Festivities” in Defending History, 15 May 2012. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/text-of-the-letter-from-mep-leonidas-donskis-on-the-ambrazevicius-brazaitis-festivities/35485.
Leonidas Donskis, “A Heroic Narrative in Violation of Good Conscience” in Defending History, 11 June 2012. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/a-heroic-narrative-in-violation-of-good-conscience/36939.
Pinchos Fridberg, “Letter from a Vilna Jew to the Yivo’s Director, and the Director’s Reply” in the Forward (Yiddish edition), 1 March 2015. Online at: http://yiddish.forward.com/articles/185750/letter-from-a-vilna-jew-to-yivo-s-director-and-h/. English translation: https://defendinghistory.com/translation-of-a-yiddish-correspondence-the-vilna-holocaust-survivor-and-the-director-of-yivo/71903.
Dovid Katz, “On Three Definitions: Genocide; Holocaust Denial; Holocaust Obfuscation” in Leonidas Donskis (ed.), A Litmus Test Case of Modernity. Examining Modern Sensibilities and the Public Domain in the Baltic States at the Turn of the Century [=Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe 5], Peter Lang: Bern et al 2009, pp. 259-277 . Online at: [https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/2009SeptDovidKatz3Definitions.pdf].
Dovid Katz, “The Detonation of the Holocaust in 1941: A Tale of Two Books” = Revew of: Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (Basic Books: New York 2010) and Alexander V. Prusin, The Lands Between: Conflict in the East European Borderlands, 1870-1992, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2010. In: East European Jewish Affairs 41.3 (Dec. 2011), pp. 207-221. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Dovid-Katzs-review-of-Bloodlands-in-EEJA-Dec-2011.pdf.
Dovid Katz, “Is Eastern European ‘Double Genocide’ Revisionism Reaching Museums?” in Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust, vol. 30.3: 1–30, Nov. 2016. PDF of proof online at: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Dovid-Katz-2016-Dapim-paper-PROOF-ONLY.pdf. Version of record from Taylor and Francis: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23256249.2016.1242043.
Dovid Katz, “Antisemitism in the Twenty-First Century Shtetl” in ISGAP Flashpoint, no. 38, 28 November 2016. Online at: http://isgap.org/flashpoint/antisemitism-in-the-21st-century-shtetl/.
Andrius Kulikauskas, “Documents Which Argue for Ethnic Cleansing (by Kazys Škirpa, Stasys Raštikis, Stasys Lozoraitis and Petras Klimas in 1940-1941 and by Birutė Teresė Burauskaitė in 2015)” in Defending History, 18 December 2015. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/documents-which-argue-for-ethnic-cleansing-by-kazys-skirpa-stasys-rastikis-stasys-lozoraitis-and-petras-klimas-in-1940-1941-and-by-birute-terese-burauskaite-in-2015/78459.
Michael Shafir, “Conceptualizing Hungarian Negationism in Comparative Perspective:Deflection andObfuscation,”in JuditMaár (ed.), L’Europe à contre-pied: idéologie populiste et extrémismede droite en Europe centrale et orientale, Centre Interuniversitaire d’Études Hongroises et Finlan-daises: Paris 2014, pp. 265–310. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/MICHAEL-SHAFIR-ON-NEGATIONISM-IN-HUNGARY3.pdf.
Michael Shafir,“Unacademic Academics: Holocaust Deniers and Trivializers in Post-communist Romania” in Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity 42:6 (2014), pp. 942–964.
Michael Shafir, review of John-Paul Himka and Joanna Beata Michlic (eds), Bringing the Dark Past to Light: The Reception of the Holocaust in Postcommunist Europe, University of Nebraska Press 2013, in Yad Vashem Studies 42:2 (2015).
Liudas Truska, “Contemporary Attitudes Toward the Holocaust in Lithuania” in Jews in Eastern Europe 2(45) 2001, pp. 5-26. Online at: https://holocaustinthebaltics.com/LiudasTruska2001.pdf.
Tomas Venclova, “I’m Suffocating” in Defending History, 14 July 2010. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/im-suffocating/41466.
Tomas Venclova, “Lithuanians and Jews: What’s Changed and What Hasn’t over the last Forty Years?” in Defending History, 20 April 2015. Online at: https://defendinghistory.com/tomas-venclovas-lecture-at-vilnius-conference-on-17-april-2015/73102.
Efraim Zuroff: “Eastern Europe: Antisemitism in the Wake of Holocaust Related Issues” in Jewish Political Studies Review, 2005. Online at: http://www.jcpa.org/phas/phas-zuroff-s05.htm.
Selection of Reference Pages in DefendingHistory.com
Bold Lithuanian Citizens Speak Out
Holocaust Survivors Targeted for Defamation by Prosecutors and Government Officials.
Genocide Center in Vilnius. Also: Section.
International Commission on the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania (“The Red-Brown Commission”). Also: Section.
Neo-Nazi Marches; Kaunas Marches; Vilnius Marches; Riga Marches.
Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery at Piramónt: Opposition to the Convention Center project.
Prague Declaration (2008) — Critiques. Also: Prague Platform section.
Public Spaces Named for Collaborators.
2012 Reburial with Full Honors of 1941 Nazi-Allied Prime Minister.
Seventy Years Declaration (2012). Also: Section.
Survivors Speak Out: Milan Chersonski, Pinchos Fridberg, Joseph Melamed.