Tag Archives: Dovid Katz


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Clemens Heni

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Lord Janner of Braunstone

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Dovid Katz

Rafael Katz

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Efraim Zuroff

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June 2009 Correspondence with Yad Vashem


After more than three years’ wait for a substantive reply to the points raised in a letter to Yad Vashem, and in light of the past week’s shocking revalations about political legitimization by Yad Vashem of the Lithuanian government’s “red-brown commission” that is the engine of Prague Declaration and Double Genocide politics in Europe, DefendingHistory is releasing the full text of the letter of 28 June 2009, and the initial reply received the following day.

In the original the images, numbered 1-7, were included as email attachments. Here they are inserted in the text. [Note: the author’s eleven-year Vilnius University affiliation ended in 2010.]

—-Original Message—–

From: Dovid Katz [mailto:dovidkatz@vilniusuniversity.net]
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 1:17 PM
To: גביר יוסי
Cc: ‘Simon Wiesenthal Center-Israel Office’; ‘Dov Levin’; ‘Joseph Melamed’
Subject: from Dovid Katz (Vilnius University)

Greetings dear Yossi (at the moment from Tel Aviv),

Trust this finds you and all at Yad Vashem well and thriving. As you may recall, we corresponded for several months in Spring 2008. I had been (and frankly remain) disappointed that by continuing to allow Yad Vashem’s name to appear as a partner of the Lithuanian government sponsored “Red-Brown Commission” even as the falsification of history (replacement of the very notion of the Holocaust by a paradigm of two equal genocides) continues apace at the European Parliament. Parliamentarians are told: “Look, Yad Vashem is with us….” Of course Yad Vashem has no such intention, and we are in agreement that it’s important for Lithuanian teachers to be educated in Jerusalem but that should be facilitated through any of the various honest NGOs or educators, not the “Red-Brown Commission” whose major current project is passage of the “equal genocide” resolutions in the European Parliament. My two recent op-eds on the topic are in the Jewish Chronicle and Irish Times.

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Posted in Documents, Double Genocide, Israel, Lithuania, Museums, News & Views, Politics of Memory, Ponár (Ponary, Paneriai), Yad Vashem and Lithuania | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on June 2009 Correspondence with Yad Vashem

DH Editor in Far-Right Imagination: Depictions, Descriptions, and Death Threats



(click on image for enlargement)


2019 far-right death threats  against DH editor appear on Facebook (as PDFtransl.)

They were apparently again inspired by the  neo-Nazis’ top blogger in Lithuania, “Zeppelinus”  (PDF; part transl.) who is said to work in the Ministry of the Economy. These threats came in response to DH’s opinion that Lithuania’s interests are not best served by a monument in Chicago to an alleged Nazi collaborator who is also a prime icon for today’s neo-Nazis.

21 October 2018.  Zeppelinus releases photoshop of Defending History’s editor,  who is accused of teaching his students about an alleged Nazi collaborator, together with Lithuania’s foreign minister, Linas Linkevicius, who is attacked for having agreed with the international community that plaques and honors for confirmed Nazi collaborator Jonas Noreika should be taken down. See report.

27 May 2017.  Zeppelinus in his blog publishes a montage of a 2015 Holocaust history conference photo of Dovid Katz speaking with session co-chairs Ruta Vanagaite and Simon Gurevich sitting behind, with a pasted-in Putinist hand pulling the strings, suggesting that discourse on the Holocaust from the Western and Jewish perspectives constitutes a form of “Putinism” . . . Background here.

4 October 2015.  Zeppelinus in his blog takes a photo of our editor on Gediminas’s castle in Vilnius with the Aramaic curse Pulso d’nuro  pasted in as speech bubble….

4 Oct 2015

After monitoring of the 11 March 2015 neo-Nazi parade in central Vinius, at a Facebook page.


1 April 2013.  April Fool’s Day image featured on the Zeppelinus site, and the FB blog pages of both Zeppelinus and Mr. Vytenis Petrusevičius.

april fools day

“Blogger Zeppelins
Dovid: ‘You know what? I’m happy!’
FB Blog Zeppelinus
until May 1”

25 February 2013.  Journalist on “mainstream” Balsas.lt site calls for Efraim Zuroff and Dovid Katz to be delivered for being torn apart [by wolves].

22 February 2013.  Article in XXI amzius (“21st Century”) on “Youth Organized March in Kaunas” with complaints about the “American Zionist Jewish character Katz.” As the first image in the article correctly shows, the lead banner at the Kaunas march honored the 1941 Nazi puppet Kaunas-based prime minister J. Ambrazevicius (Brazaitis), who was reburied by the state with full honors in 2012. The third photo shows “Katz collecting ‘evidence’ with recorder and camera”…

2012/2013. From the neo-Nazi site Stormfront (click on image for source):

Neo-Nazis don't like DefendingHistory.com

19 February 2013.  “Dialogued” image of Evaldas Balčiūnas and Dovid Katz who were among the handful of protesters at the February 16th neo-Nazi independence day march in Kaunas. On Blogeris Zeppelinus for February 19th, also on E. Girskis’s page for February 18th.

“Katz, you better be careful about the next Holocaust, we did agree on two bottles.”
“You promised to get punched in the nose in front of the cameras and deceived me. I’ll give you one and no more.”
February 16th is an event for them, too

16 February 2013. On the page of the Lithuanian Union of Nationalist Youth following the neo-Nazi march in Kaunas that day. Note: the Union, which receives government and (indirect) EU (!) support, organizes neo-Nazi marches among its other activities, and was recently honored in the Lithuanian parliament. The Union’s and similar activities were exposed in 2011 by two courageous Lithuanian journalists: Eglė Samoškaitė and Dovilė Tuskenytė (report).


Here, provocateur!
Antifascist “trophies”

February 2013.  Zeppelinus “discovers” a photograph (from 2009) picturing the Jewish Community’s deputy chairperson Faina Kukliansky, Defending History’s editor (these two being helpfully marked and kindly captioned…) along with an American diplomat, a Lithuanian diplomat,  and anti-Nazi partisan veteran Professor Sara Ginaite (center). Professor Ginaite ignored prosecutors’ intimidation to return to Lithuania for a visit to her native land.

Faina Kukliansky, attorney,deputy chair of LJC, chair of board of directors of Fund for Compensating Assets of the Jewish Community
Dovid Katz, US citizen, professor of exotic languages, active organizer of anti-Lithuanian activities

1 February 2013.  The “Dovid on the Motorcycle” photoshopped image appears on various sites, including the Lithuanian Nationalist Union of Youth / Lietuvių tautinio jaunimo sąjunga  (see above at 16 February 2013); Blogeris Zeppelinus for 28 January 2013Facebook, 2. Our reader Dr. J. Breeze, UK, found the apparent source in a Hagrid image.

14 March 2012.  T. Baranauskas in Alkas.lt accuses DK and DH of imagining fascist nature of the swastika and the currently popular “flaming swastika” (with comparative images of 1941 and 2012)

13 March 2012.  Tomas Bombadilas / Facebook. Followed around town (not just on this day…) and photographed in a Vilnius cafe, having a drink with an old friend…

Katz the Playboy
taken at Baras Meksika [Bar Mexico], Vilnius
Now it’s clear what in the hell Katz was looking for in Kaunas on February 16th… [He was in fact looking for] a Lithuanian girl to pick up and ply with cocktails…

12 March 2012.  Zeppelinius.livejournal.com. Doctored photo of giving a visiting card to old friend encountered before the neo-Nazi march in Vilnius on 11 March 2012. The neo-Nazi blog contains details on my old friend’s family history, including the heroic military service of his late parents in the Red Army, as part of the British-American-Soviet alliance that brought down Hitler and Nazi Germany.

The Spectre of Fascism is Strong
A lot of cash is needed to fight it

10 March 2012.  Lrytas.lt [comments on article].

29 February 2012.  Patriotai.lt. DK in the car arriving at the demonstration…

“We will teach you to love Lithuania!”
“Don’t shoot, we’re an antifascist autonomen unit. We are here to help Katz and antifa.lt disturb celebrating the Nazi March 11th holiday.”
“Get out of the car! You’ve arrived.”
March 11: A Holiday for Lithuanian Patriots
but just another workday for the provocateurs

17 February 2012.  Patriotai.lt.

17 February 2012.  M1M22M333M on YouTube.

16 February 2012.  Alkas.lt. Monitoring the monitor at the neo-Nazi events on 16 February 2012 in Kaunas.

And, perhaps more ominously, in the related nationalist consciousness of “mainstream ‘liberal’ intellectuals”

The well-camouflaged extremists among “mainstream nationalist intellectuals” feed right into synergistic de-facto augmentation of the far right’s campaign of personal and professional destruction against residents of Lithuania who stand up on Holocaust-related issues. By contrast, the environment is fulsomely democratic and tolerant of diversity of viewpoints on nearly every other issue.

See for example the 2011 discourse on a Facebook page dedicated to “anti-Nazi” activity (original Lithuanian; English translation. A major intellectual, Vytautas Toleikis accuses D. Katz of “poisoning their subconscious, essentially employing black arts” (some translate the employed phrase as “black magic”) to control and hypnotize Jews abroad and the local Jewish community (!) as well as being a tool of “Russian-Jewish” organizations (this was during Defending History’s concentration on prosecutors’ charges against Holocaust survivors and state glorification of Holocaust collaborators). See Defending History’s summary of the saga). Mr. Toleikis, widely suspected of hiding his own Jewish family roots, frequently wins  major prizes for “tolerance” (like all parties mentioned in this journal, is invited to respond on these pages; see DH’s Authors).

16 February 2012.  Lrytas.lt [comments on article].

31 January 2012.  R. Račinskas on a radio panel discussion.


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Litvaks and their Descendants Issue Public Letter Calling for Change in Lithuanian Government’s Holocaust Policies


Text of the public letter follows. Queries may be sent to Professor Danny Ben-Moshe at: Danny.Ben-Moshe@vu.edu.au.  UPDATES: Covered by JTA and the Jewish Chronicle.

We the undersigned Litvaks — Jews of Lithuanian origin and their direct and immediate descendants — hereby express:

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Posted in "Jewish" Events as Cover?, Collaborators Glorified, Double Genocide, Dov Levin (1925 - 2016), Dr. Rokhl (Rachel) Margolis (1921-2015), Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky (Fania Brancovskaja), Foreign Ministries: Holocaust Politics Abuse?, Legacy of 23 June 1941, Lithuania, Litvak Affairs, Lord Janner of Braunstone, News & Views, Opinion, Politics of Memory, The Great SLS About-Face | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Text of the Letter Delivered to the Lithuanian Ambassador in London on 7 February 2011

Text of the letter delivered to the Lithuanian ambassador in London Monday morning 7 February 2011 by the Right Honourable Denis MacShane MP. The letter was drafted by Danny Ben-Moshe and evolved with input from the other signatories. Signatories include Lord Janner of Braunstone, Rabbi Barry Marcus of Central Synagogue, and Professor Ada Rapoport-Albert, head of the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London which hosted the main conference. PDF here. Background and further links to press coverage here.

H.E. Dr Oskaras Jusys

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania
84 Gloucester Place
London W1U 6AU

7 February 2011

Dear Ambassador

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Posted in A 21st Century Campaign Against Lithuanian Holocaust Survivors?, Antisemitism & Bias, Documents, Dov Levin (1925 - 2016), Efraim Zuroff, EU, Events, Foreign Ministries: Holocaust Politics Abuse?, Identity Theft of Litvak Heritage, Lithuania, Litvak Affairs, News & Views, Opinion, Politics of Memory, UCL Manipulated?, United Kingdom | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Text of the Letter Delivered to the Lithuanian Ambassador in London on 7 February 2011

Interviews / Citations / Replies


December 2012.  East European Jewish Affairs: ‘Debating, obfuscating and disciplining the Holocaust: post-Soviet historical discourses on the OUN-UPA and other nationalist movements’ by Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe.

26 December 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Tell me I’m wrong’ by Geoff Vasil.

17 December 2012.  The Algemeiner ‘Estonian PM accused of “trying to write the Holocaust out of history” to visit Yad Vashem’ by Zach Pontz.

13 December 2012 Jewish Chronicle: ‘Lithuania Shoah event is “duplicitous” by Jennifer Lipman.

1 November 2012.  The Times of Israel: ‘For the last Nazi hunter, the inevitable comes into focus’ by Joshua Davidovich.

1 November 2012.  Baltimore Jewish Times: ‘The real truth’  by Efraim Zuroff [letter to the editor in response to Simone Ellin’s review of Ellen Cassedy’s book We are Here].

28 August 2012.  Jerusalem Post: ‘Envoy to Germany: Awardee ignores terror on Israel’ by Benjamin Weinthal.

16 August 2012.  Interview on ATV (Budapest).

18 June 2012.  Tattooed Media & Identity Films: ‘Rewriting history’ (promo).

18 May 2012.  Jewish Chronicle: ‘Outrage over honour for Lithuanian Nazi leader’ by Jessica Elgot.

15 May 2012.  Haaretz: ‘Glorifying a Nazi collaborator in Lithuania’ by Ofer Aderet.

3 April 2012.  Donkey Hottie: ‘My very own Hitler nostalgia’ by Moacir P. de Sá Pereira.

16 March 2012.  Guardian [/AP]: ‘Latvians pay annual tribute to Waffen SS fighters’  by Gary Peach.

14 March 2012.  European Commission site: ‘News. Martin Schulz, EP president, meeting with Dovid Katz: Handing over the Declaration on the Final Solution of the Wannsee Conference’.

11 March 2012.  JN1 TV: ‘Nationalists hijack Independence Day in Lithuania: Vilnius police allow “neo-Fascist” marches’. [Broadcast on 12 March]

11 March 2012.  Lrytas.lt TV: Report on the neo-Nazi march.

10 March 2012.  Lrytas.lt (Lietuvos rytas): ‘Jewish activists suggest the radicals go and march in Balbieriškės’ by Monika Bončkutė.  English translation here.

27 February 2012.  YouTube: ‘A Jewish guy in Vilnius reflects on the neo-Nazi march (2012)’ by DovidFrom55thStreet [Dovid Katz].

27 February 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian radio panel discussion on the Seventy Years Declaration’.

23 February 2012.  The Beacon: ‘Not on my watch: A response to Binyamin Weinreich’ by Simon Goldberg.

16 February 2012.  Lrytas.lt: ‘Profesorius D. Kacas: „Nacionalistų eitynės Vasario 16-ąją – visos Lietuvos gėda“’ by Nerijus Povilaitis.  [English translation]

20 January 2012.  Junge Welt: ‘Das ist Orwellsche Sprachverdrehung’  by Frank Brendle.


2011JewishHistoryAustralia.net: ‘The history of now. The obfuscation of history’ by Harvey A. Cohen.

2011.  Östersjöjudisk Bulletin / Baltic Jewish Forum, Sweden: ‘Jiddischseminarium med hjälp från Östersjöjudiskt forum’ by Marianne Prager.

30 November 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘“That Awful Summer” — conference at Efrata College in Jerusalem’ by Joshua Markovitz.

27 November 2011.  Jerusalem Post: ‘Experts debate Lithuania’s Shoah policies’ by Gil Shefler.

18 November 2011.  VilNews: ‘Let me try once more to convince you’ by Olga Zabludoff.

9 November 2011.  Forward: ‘Is Yivo close to deal with Lithuania?’ by Paul Berger.

20 October 2011.  RT News: Interviews with Glyn Ford, Dovid Katz, Joseph Melamed, Efraim Zuroff.

28 September 2011.  Forward: ‘Lithuania tries to heal rift over Holocaust. Critics unmoved by package of measures trumpeted at Yivo gala’ by Paul Berger.

21 September 2011.  Forward: ‘Lithuanian official’s attendance at Yivo concert is uncertain. Survivors angry over government’s ambivalence to Holocaust’ by Paul Berger.

7 September 2011.  Forward: ‘Holocaust survivors angry about Yivo’s invitation to Lithuanian official. Baltic nation slow to come to grips with notorious Nazi past’ by Paul Berger.

7 September 2011.  Haaretz: ‘Expelling the ambassador’ by Yossi Melman. Hebrew language version, ‘Khutspa Litait’ available here.

7 September 2011.  Forward: ‘Holocaust survivors angry about Yivo’s invitation to Lithuanian official. Baltic nation slow to come to grips with notorious Nazi past’ by Paul Berger.

8 July 2011.  Budapester Zeitung: Interview of Efraim Zuroff by Anat Kalman.

4 July 2011.  The Jerusalem Report: ‘Lithuania obfuscates the Holocaust’ by Danny Ben-Moshe.

30 June 2011.  Transitions Online: ‘In Vilnius, shared pain, divided memories’ by Violeta Davoliute.

23 June 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Litvaks and their descendants issue public letter calling for change in Lithuanian government’s Holocaust policies’.

21 June 2011.  Forward: ‘Top 10 overlooked Jewish heritage sites from around the globe’ by Michael Luongo [note that site no. 2 is the rapidly sinking Jewish partisan fort in Lithuania].

27 April 2011.  Lithuania Tribune: ‘Efraim Zuroff, the Nazi-hunter, says Lithuania is in danger’.

21 March 2011.  Kauno diena: ‘E. Zuroff: Skinhead march threatens Lithuanian democracy (interview) by Šarūnas Černiauskas.  English translation here.

13 March 2011.  Motley Moose: ‘Holocaust Obfuscation: worrying news from Lithuania’ by Peter Jukes.

13 March 2011.  Boston Globe: Exploring the “Bloodlands”. A controversial new history traces the rise of a horrible idea: the mass killing of civilians’ by Gal Beckerman.

10 March 2011.  Neues Deutschland: ‘The Holocaust and Lithuania’s “whitewash”. Professor Dovid Katz accuses the government of a falsification of history’ by Frank Brendle  [in German].

10 March 2011.  Lietuvos rytas / Lrytas.lt: ‘Litvak bashes Lithuania in Washington including even Shrovetide carnival traditions’  by Rita Stankeviciute [in Lithuanian].

25 February 2011.  Forverts: ‘A tragi-comedy in Vilnius’ by Gennady Estraikh (New York)[in Yiddish] [published pseudonym: Jacob London (Oxford)]. Reply on DefendingHistory.com here.

10 February 2011.  David Paul Books blog: ‘Whose side are you on?’ [featuring article by Evan Zimroth].

3 February 2011.  Canadian Jewish News: ‘West must address Lithuanian revisionism: prof’ by David Lazarus.

20 January 2011.  De Groene Amsterdammer: ‘Antisemitisme.  Jodenhaat wint terrein in Oost-Europa. “Het gaat goed met het antisemitism”‘ by Annemieke Hendriks.

3 January 2011The Weekly Standard: ‘Holocaust Hegemony… and its moral pitfalls’ by Sam Schulman.

2 January 2011. HRS [Human Rights Service]: ‘Support of Suicide Bombing against Israeli Jews is “not necessarily antisemitic?” A short portray of a typical German scholar on “peace” and antisemitism’ by Clemens Heni’.


29 December 2010Citation in the Jewish Ledger’s ‘A Year of Conversation’.

17 December 2010Televised interview (Budapest) by Peter Morvay on ATV television [Hungarian].

16 December 2010.  Televised interview (Budapest) by RTV television at conclusion of the Efraim Zuroff districy court hearing [Croatian].

16 December 2010Interview by Mindaugas Peleckis published in Čikagos aidasPublication on DefendingHistory.com of the unabridged text of the original interview in English.

16 December 2010.  Interview with Frank Bendle cited in Junge Welt.

3 December 2010Televised interview (Vilnius) on Russia Today.

24 November 2010.  Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review: ‘Is there a chance for a common European culture of remembrance?’ by Rokas Grajauskas.

21 November 2010Televised interview (Vilnius) on Russia Today.

2010Journal of Baltic Studies: Review of L. Donskis (ed), A Litmus Test of Modernity: Examining Modern Sensibilities and the Public Domain in the Baltic States at the Turn of the Century, by Timofey Agarin.

14 October 2010The Economist: ‘Count, explain, remember’ by Edward Lucas.

12 October 2010Haaretz: ‘Lithuania woos Israel, in the shadow of the Holocaust’ by Sara Miller.

5 October 2010The Guardian: ‘The fatal fact of the Nazi-Soviet pact. I coincide with Zuroff and Katz on the centrality of the Holocaust, but we must not overlook how Stalin enabled Hitler’s crimes’ by Timothy Snyder.

1 October 2010VersPers: ‘De Litouwse strijd om genocide’ by Andrea Bartman.

October 2010Journal for the Study of Antisemitism (vol. 2.1: 157-162): ‘Riga and Remembering’ by Clemens Heni.

30 September 2010David Hirsh on Engage: ‘Perpetrators of the Holocaust were not anti-Communist patriots’.

20 September 2010Tablet Magazine: ‘Anti-Anti-Semitism. World Without Nazism is a Kremlin-flavored Anti-Defamation League for the post-Soviet realm—but is it good for Jews?’ by Alexander Zaitchik.      

14 September 2010Guardian: ‘I see why “double genocide” is a term Lithuanians want. But it appals me. To equate Soviet and nazi crimes is dishonest and historically false. Why has this poisonous idea taken such deep root?’ by Jonathan Freedland.

August-September 2010Illustrierte Neue Welt: ‘Relativierung des Holocaust. Prof. Dovid Katz im Gespräch mit Karl Pfeifer’ by Karl Pfeifer.

24 August 2010Alfa.lt: ‘Severed pig’s head left on synagogue doorstep’.

5 August 2010.  Jerusalem Post: ‘Digging up the future’ by Ricky Ben-DavidPDFRussian version.

11 July 2010UCLA student’s comment: ‘Distortions of Holocaust history in Lithuania today’.

9 July 2010Hetek: ‘Voros-barna mereg [Red-Brown Poison]’ by Peter Morvay [interview of Dovid Katz, pp 14-15]As PDF. Web version.

1 July 2010Tablet Magazine: ‘Latvian Rightists Celebrate Nazis. “Holocaust obfuscation” continues in the Baltics’ by Marc Tracy.

25 June 2010Hetek [Budapest]: ‘A nácizmus nélküli világ’ by Péter Morvay .

24 June 2010ATV [Budapest]: ‘SS-veteránok, Jobbik, náci karikatúrák: világtalálkozó Kijevben’ by Péter Morvay.

21 June 2010NPD-Blog.Info: ‘Zuroff: Gaucks Kandidatur “extrem beunruhigend”’.

17 June 2010The Guardian: ‘Europe and the two faces of David Cameron. The PM seems conflicted over the “nutters, antisemites and homophobes” of his EU allies: where does he really stand? by Denis Macshane.

17 June 2010Lea Zeltserman’s blog: ‘Lithuania equates Communism with Nazism’.

14 June 2010Tablet Magazine: ‘Hungary passes controversial bill. It would equate Nazism and Communism’ by Marc Tracy.

21 May 2010The Canadian Jewish News: ‘Montreal Professor launches Litvak Studies Institute in Vilnius’ by David Lazarus.

4 May 2010The Atlantic: ‘Lithuania persecutes Holocaust Survivors’ [note and link] by Jeffrey Goldberg.

3 May 2010.  Tablet Magazine: ‘Rosenthal lays off Lithuania. Antisemitism envoy accused of obfuscating Holocaust obfuscation’ by Marc Tracy.

2 April 2010Lietuvos rytas: ‘Europe still fighting over history’ by Violeta DavoliuteEnglish translation. Author’s 6 April English version on Eurozine.

17 March 2010[London] Times / Times Online: ‘Latvian Waffen-SS veterans defy calls for ban with rally to commemorate comrades’ by David Charter.

24 February 2010Jewish Ledger: ‘Q & A with Dovid Katz’ by Cindy MindellPDF.

15 February 2010.  BBC Radio Manchester: Ed Horwich interviews Dovid Katz on the ‘Jewish Citizen’ program. Tape available from BBC Radio Manchester.

12 February 2010The Nation: ‘The hero of the Orange Revolution poisons Ukraine’ by Mark Ames.

12 February 2010Jeff Weintraub Commentaries and Controversies [blog]: ‘Eastern European ghosts of Nazism and Stalinism and the contemporary politics of historical amnesia and obfuscation’ by Jeff Weintraub.

11 February 2o10Report on Vilnius prosecutors’ ‘interest’ in Joseph Melamed on Izrus (based on the Holocaust in the Baltics).

10 February 2010Report on Vilnius prosecutors’ ‘interest’ in Joseph Melamed on Interfax (based on the Holocaust in the Baltics).

1 February 2010WPK: ‘Antisemitismus und die Prager Deklaration von Juni 2008’ by Clemens Heni.

31 January 2010Naye Khvalyes (Warsaw Yiddish Radio): radio interview in Yiddish of Dovid Katz by Katka MazurczakAlternate link.

26 January 2010Haaretz: ‘Shoah scholars slam European Union Parliament for Obfuscation campaign’ by Cnaan Liphshiz.

20 January 2010Reuters: ‘EU students get glimpse of the gulag in Lithuania’ by Nerijus Adomaitis.

9 January 2010SLS Writes: [comment on 8 January Guardian op-ed] by Mikhail Iossel.

8 January 2010Lithchat: ‘Brown is never equal to Red; Brown is always worse’ by Moacir P. de Sá Pereira.

7 January 2010Vilnius International Club’s VilNews: ‘The Wounds of the Holocaust in Lithuania still not healed’ by Aage Myhre.


17 December 2009The Jerusalem Post: ‘Lithuania’s Shoah Analogy sparks fury’ by Benny Weinthal [print edition 18 Dec; European Jewish Congress version 22 Dec].

4 November 2009.The Bruin Standard. A Journal of Politics and Culture at UCLA: ‘August hidden in Lithuania’ by Josh Markovitz.

29 October 2009Jewish Chronicle: ‘Europe must focus on Baltic hate. We must continue to push the issue of Polish, Latvian and Lithuanian antisemitism’ by John Mann MP.

26 October 2009‘The Prague Declaration, Holocaust Trivialization and antisemitism’ by Clemens Heni. PDF.

2o October 2009Guardian: ‘I knew the day of Holocaust “debate” would come. Just not in my lifetime’ by Jonathan Freedland.

5 October 2009OSCE Human Rights Conference in Warsaw: ‘“Prague Declaration” is a project to delete the Holocaust from European history’  by Dr. Shimon Samuels (director for international relations at the Simon Wiesenthal Center Europe Office); press release; alternate link.

17 September 2009Vilnius in Your Pocket. Comment by editor-in-chief ScoPDF from Oct-Nov 2009 print edition.

5 August 2009Mishpacha: ‘The new deniers’ by Avi Friedman.

30 June 2009Jerusalem Post: ‘Baltic states assailed for Holocaust Obfuscation’ by Etgar Lefkovits.

13 February 2009Haaretz: ‘When Lithuania was Yiddishland’  [including text on the exclusion of Dr. Rachel Margolis from the Jerusalem Book Fair’s Lithuanian section] by Raphael Ahren.

26 January 2009History News Network: ‘Muddling the Holocaust in Lithuania’ by Steven F. Lawson.


November 2008Baltic Worlds: ‘Separate Worlds. In Vilnius “Juden raus” is heard on streets that saw the Yiddish culture bloom and die’ by Arne Bengtsson.

10 October 2008. Transitions Online: ‘Hostages to an ill-begotten theory’ by Professor Leonidas Donskis; alternate link.

21 August 2008Economist: ‘Prosecution and persecution: Lithuania must stop blaming the victims’; alternate link; 2nd alternate link.

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The Editor


Sorry, this page was discontinued in 2016. For later items please see Dovid Katz’s Recent Publications page. See also:

Papers in Holocaust Studies in academic format.

Dovid Katz’s website.  Academia.edu.  Recent publications.  Books.  CV.  Works in the field of Litvak Studies.  Atlas of Lithuanian Yiddish.  Works in Yiddish linguistics.  Bibliography.  Facebook.  YouTube.

Publications on Public Affairs, Human Rights, Antisemitism and Holocaust Issues

Jump to:  2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016

[Please see Recent Publications section for listing including items in Yiddish, Ashkenazic and Litvak Studies]



Note: In addition, unsigned articles in this journal are often (not always) by the editor.

See also: Interviews/Citations/Replies page [not updated]


“The Baltic Movement to Obfuscate the Holocaust” in Alex J. Kay and David Stahel (eds.), Reconceiving Nazi Criminality: New Debates and Perspectives [in press].

“Free Trade Awry? The Westward Export of Double Genocide” in Danielle Buschinger et al., (eds), Mélanges offerts à Jeff Richards par ses amis à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire, Centre d’Etudes Médiévales de la Picardie, Amiens 2017 [in press].

Dovid and Goliath: Writings on East European Holocaust Revisionism and Antisemitism, 2007-2017 [in preparation].



22 November 2016.  ISGAP Flashpoint: ‘Antisemitism in the twenty-first century shtetl’ by Dovid Katz.

18 November 2016.  Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust (University of Haifa, Institute for Holocaust Research), vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1–30: ‘Is East European “Double Genocide” revisionism reaching museums?’ by Dovid Katz.

16 November 2016. ‘Vilnius remembers Valerijus Čekmonas on his 80th’ by Dovid Katz.

1 November 2016.  Defending History: ‘Barring a Jew from prayer services is a human rights issue’.

22 October 2016. Defending History: ‘Did “Double Genocide” just get to the “O’Reilly Factor”?’.

10 October 2016.  Jewish Currents: ‘When “Putin” becomes an excuse for Hitler-glorification’.

20 September 2016.  Defending History: ‘Yiddish loses last global position as symbolic “first Jewish language” in Vilnius’.

14 September 2016. Defending History: ‘Media coverage of the Malát (Molėtai) Holocaust Remembrance Project’.

13 September 2016.  Defending History: ‘Att. Mr. Mayor of Vilnius: Streets named for Hitler’s local partners, and plans for Congress Center on top of old Jewish Cemetery’.

11 September 2016.  Defending History: ‘Editor’s comment on a Yad Vashem group visiting Lithuania’ by Dovid Katz.

4 September 2016.  Defending History: ‘August and September 2016 memorials for destroyed Jewish communities’.

2 September 2016.  Defending History: ‘2016 deterioration of Holocaust history and of freedom of speech in Poland’.

30 August 2016.  Facebook comment/discussion: ‘How does a 21th century municipality of a former shtetl deal with its annihilated Jewish population?’.

12 August 2016.  Defending History: ‘Baltic Red-Brown “Nazi-Soviet Hunter” Featured at Brazil’s Olympics in Rio’.

8 August 2016.  Defending History: [updated version of] ‘But who is against the National Congress Center in the old Vilna Jewish cemetery?’

8 August 2016. Defending History: ‘Lithuanian state bank and major UK firm seem deeply involved in Vilnius Jewish cemetery scandal’.

24 July 2016.  Defending History: ‘When Yiddish is a prop for Holocaust revisionism’.

15 July 2016.  Defending History: ‘Defending History responds to Vilnius architects’ visualizations for national convention center in the old Vilna Jewish cemetery’.

11 July 2016.  Defending History: Joseph Levinson’s 1990s map of Lithuanian mass murder sites is released by family’.

10 July 2016.  Defending History: ‘Latest judicial abuse of an East European country’s redefinition of “genocide” to obfuscate the Holocaust’.

9 July 2016.  Defending History: In Response to the Media (9 July 2016).

15 June 2016.  Defending History: ‘Asra Kadisha on Vilna Cemetery: From proud Powerhouse of historic truth to silent mouse?’.

9 June 2015.  Defending History: ‘Ruta Bloshtein discovers 1935 Vilna rabbis’ condemnation of plans to desecrate Old Jewish cemetery at Piramónt’.

24 May 2016.  Global Independent Analytics (GIA): ‘When the EU finances far-right Holocaust revisionism’ by Dovid Katz.

4 May 2016.  Defending History: ‘First test of Torah integrity for Vilnius Rabbi Samson Daniel Izakson?

8 May 2016.  Defending History: ‘Professor Dov Levin’s findings on the outbreak of the Lithuanian Holocaust in June 1941’.

4 May 2016.  Novaya Gazeta (Baltics): ‘The Battle for the Memory of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe’ by Dovid Katz [translated into Russian].

4 May 2016.  Defending History: ‘First test of Torah integrity for Vilnius Rabbi Samson Daniel Izakson?

24 May 2016.  Global Independent Analytics (GIA): ‘When the EU finances far-right Holocaust revisionism’.

4 May 2016.  Novaya Gazeta (Baltics): ‘The Battle for the Memory of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe’ [translated into Russian].

8 April 2016.  Flashpoint (ISGAP): ‘West is west, East is east: The specific East European incarnation of antisemitism’ by Dovid Katz.

29 March 2016.  Global International Analytics (GIA): ‘What’s behind the West’s wall of silence on Eastern European glorification of Nazi collaboration?’.

8 March 2016.  Global International Analytics (GIA): ‘Lithuania: Where the government agrees (in part) with neo-Nazi marchers’.

3 March 2016.  Defending History: ‘Vilnius prosecutor skirts key question: Will the list of alleged Holocaust perpetrators be made public?’.

29 February 2016.  Defending History: ‘Media Reaction and Reviews: Vanagaitė and Zuroff’s ‘Mūsiškiai’.

26 February 2016.  Defending History: ‘Israel’s Foreign Ministry faces a Lithuanian dilemma’.

16 February 2016.  Defending History: ‘Images from the February 16th 2016 Neo-Nazi March in Kaunas, Lithuania’.

14 February 2016.  Defending History: ‘Massive new Vilnius construction site borders city’s old Jewish cemetery site’.

4 February 2016. Defending History: ‘Sugihara abused? Red-Brown Commission ropes in Japanese Embassy for 11 Feb. event’.

18 January 2016. Defending History: ‘An open letter to Holocaust scholars and educators in the Francophone world’.


13 December 2015.  The Times of Israel: ‘Lithuania’s liveliest cemetery’ by Dovid Katz.

15 November 2015.  Defending History: ‘Did Prime Minister Netanyahu really “okay” the Vilnius “Conference Center in the Jewish Cemetery”’?

15 November 2015.  Defending History: ‘Did Prime Minister Netanyahu really “okay” the Vilnius “Conference Center in the Jewish Cemetery”’?

12 November 2015.  Defending History: ‘Question in the UK Parliament on the old Jewish cemetery in Vilnius’.

11 November 2015.  Defending History: ‘Vilnius mayor plays with fire: Yiddish, pilfered Jewish gravestones, and an olympics of “barbarism”’.

9 November 2015.  Defending History: ‘Lithuania’s state-sponsored “Genocide Center” whitewashes yet another Nazi collaborator’ [updates].

6 November 2015.  Defending History: ‘No surprise: Lithuania’s state-sponsored “Genocide Center” whitewashes yet another Nazi collaborator’.

29 October 2015.  Defending History: ‘As Rothschild Conference winds up in Vilnius, Kaunas Religious Jewish Community issues statement of defiance’.

22 October 2015.  Defending History: ‘Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė completes official visit to Israel’.

18 October 2015.  Defending History: ‘As Lithuanian president visits Israel’.

8 October 2015.  Defending History: ‘First moral victory in the EU, in effort to prevent unprecedented desecration of Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery [Letter from Chiara Adamo to Didier Bertin].

11 October 2015.  Defending History: ‘Impressions of the 11 October 2015 memorial program in Svintsyán (Švenčionys)’.

9 October 2015.  Defending History: ‘First moral victory in the EU, in effort to prevent unprecedented desecration of old Vilna Jewish cemetery’.

9 October 2015.  Defending History: ‘Purveyor of racist, misogynist, antisemitic, homophobic, Nazist “art” is alleged to work in Lithuania’s Economy Ministry’.

7 October 2015.  Defending History: ‘Neo-Nazi alleged to work in Lithuanian Economy Ministry didn’t Like DH’s report on Vilnius conference’.

4 October 2015.  Defending History: ‘Police prevent Kaunas Jewish guide Chaim Bargman from attending annual memorial for the annihilated Jews of Ukmergė (Vilkomir)’ [introducing video interview of Chaim Bargman in Yiddish].

1 October 2016.  Defending History: ‘Another “conference on antisemitism” in Lithuania’.

29 September 2015.  Defending History: ‘On the Eve of the 30 Sept. 2015 “Conference on Antisemitism and Radicalism” in Vilnius.

27 September 2015.  Defending History: ‘Suspicions rise on role of “U.S. Commission for the Preservation of the American Heritage Abroad” in plan to build a $25,000,000 convention center in heart of Vilnius’s old Jewish cemetery’.

25 September 2015.  Defending History: ‘Vilnius names street for beloved Lithuanian rescuer Ona Šimaitė’.

22 September 2015.  Defending History: ‘Ponár (Paneriai) memorial: No rabbi, no cantor, no kaddish‘.

20 September 2015.  Defending History: ’90th Anniversary Yivo conference in Vilnius is major success’.

17 September 2015.  Defending History: ‘Who opposes a convention center in Vilna’s old Jewish cemetery?’ [= Registry of published disagreement with the project].

15 September 2015.  Defending History: ‘Israel faced some delicate post-Holocaust issues during Lithuanian PM’s September visit’.

8 September 2015.  Defending History: ‘New Jewish monument in Rokiškis (Rákeshik), Lithuania, commemorates 3 synagogues’.

4 September 2015.  Defending History: ‘Lithuanian Post Office honors Sugihara and Zwartendijk on 75th anniversary of “visas for life”’.

26 August 2015.  Defending History: ‘US rep of London rabbis involved with Vilnius cemetery fiasco boasts of photo-ops at the US Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad’.

21 August 2015.  Defending History: ‘Motke Chabad weighs in on Vilnius debate’ by Motke Chabad.

14 August 2015.  Defending History: ‘Satmar Grand Rabbi and Rabbinical Court Call on Lithuanian Gov. to Abandon Convention Center in Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery’.

14 August 2015.  Defending History: ‘Lithuania’s Chief Rabbi fired days after issuing statement opposing convention center in old Vilna Jewish cemetery’.

14 August 2015.  Defending  History: ‘What does the 27 May 2009 cable from the US Embassy in Vilnius tell us about the CPJCE, money and secrecy?

13 August 2015.  Defending History: ‘European Commission redirects cemetery inquiry to Lithuanian Finance Ministry, cites CPJCE’S “close cooperation”’.

11 August 2015.  Defending History: ‘Translation of the summer 2015 call by 12 Litvak rabbis in the US on Vilnius Jewish cemetery‘.

7 Augusty 2015. Defending History: “A tale of two tweets”.

24 July 2015.  Defending History: ‘Will new Vilnius mayor remove shrines to Holocaust perpetrators?

23 July 2015.  Defending History: ‘Who has yet to express a public view on the wisdom of planting a convention center in the middle of the old Jewish cemetery in Vilnius?

22 July 2015.  Defending History: ‘Who is Opposed to the Convention Center on the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery at Piramónt (in Šnipiškės)?

21 July 2015.  Defending History: ‘Open Letter to members of CPJCE in the UK: Do you really want a convention center in the heart of Vilna’s old Jewish cemetery?’.

20 July 2015.  Defending History: ‘Protocol of 26 August 2009 meeting in Vilnius on the old Vilna Jewish cemeter at at Piramónt (in today’s Šnipiškės).

16 July 2015.  Defending History: ‘Piramónt: But what was solemnly agreed back in 2009?’

2 July 2015.  Defending History: ‘Central Rabbinical Congress of the USA and Canada Protests Desecration of the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery’.

2 July 2015.  Defending History: ‘Vilna Gaon Synagogue in Tel Aviv posts protest against Vilnius convention center plan for old Jewish Cemetery.

2 July 2015.  Defending History: ‘Israel’s leading Litvak rabbis issue impassioned protest against convention center plans for the old Vilna Jewish cemetery’.

14 June 2015.  Defending History: ‘High State Intrigue over Vilna’s Old Jewish Cemetery?’.

31 May 2015.  Defending History: ‘SLS’s 2015 Sutzkever Prize: Yiddish poetry serving right-wing East European politics?’.

11 May 2015.  The Times of Israel: ‘From Holocaust Envy to Holocaust Theft’ by Dovid Katz.  Reposted on website of the Jewish Community of Lithuania.

8 May 2015.  Youtube: DefendingHistory: Video of Lithuania’s President Grybauskaite and single Jewish MP Emanuelis Zingeris paying tribute at the mass Holocaust gravesite Ponár to  group of volunteers for wartime fascist police force (later shot for alleged desertion) during a program of commemoration of May 8th.

1 May 2015.  Defending History: ‘Twelve issues in the preservation of Lithuania’s material Jewish heritage (2015)’ .

23 April 2015.  Defending History: ‘Double Genocide in action? Victims and perpetrators interchangeable’ [on a video clip from Liza ruft of executive director of Lithuanian state commission on Nazi and Soviet crimes, Ronaldas Racinskas, talking about the attempted prosecution of Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky].

20 April 2015.  Defending History [courtesy of International Conference on Holocaust Education]: ‘Politics, policy, and Lithuanian Holocaust discourse’.

9 April 2015.  Defending History: ‘Joseph Levinson, 98, dies in Vilnius’.

7 April 2015.  Defending History: ‘Is the World Jewish Congress facing a Yiddish ethics-and-values test?’

13 February 2015.  Defending History: ‘Correspondence with Kaunas mayor’s office to 13 February 2015’.

13 April 2015.  Defending History: ‘For first time, EU sponsors a balanced Holocaust conference in Lithuania’.

12 April 2015.  Defending History: ‘Joseph Levinson’s symbolic gravestones for his parents “speak out” during his own funeral (12 April 2015)’.

12 April 2015.  Defending History: ‘Advertisement for church service flaunts congregation stepping on old Jewish gravestones’.

6 April 2015.  Defending History: ‘Rachel Kostanian reflects on integrity and future of Holocaust commemoration in Lithuania’ (video of interview of 27 March 201).

4 April 2015.  Defending History: ‘US sinks into further involvement with pro-Nazi elements in Ukraine’.

30 March 2015.  Ukraine President Poroshenko’s jocular tweet with photos of him in his new ‘Cynical Bandera’ outfit…

13 February 2015.  Defending History: ‘Correspondence with Kaunas mayor’s office to 13 February 2015′.

3 February 2015.  Defending History: ‘Kaunas police informs Defending History on status of February 16th neo-Nazi march’.

26 January 2015.  Defending History: ‘Three Holocaust Remembrance Day events in Vilnius on 26 January 2015′.

22 January 2015.  Jewish Chronicle: ‘”Double Genocide” has become the deadliest form of denial’  [original version appeared in DH on 22 January 2015.

January 2015. ‘Left- and right-wing politics’ in Dovid Katz, Yiddish and Power, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 295-300.


24 December 2014.  Defending History: ‘Two “c words” for Holocaust museums: center of town, and — collaboration’.

16 December 2014.  Algemeiner.com: ‘Just about Yiddish? The real story behind this week’s Yivo banquet in New York’.

8 December 2014.  Defending History: ‘A lowpoint in American (and Canadian) diplomacy?’

7 December 2014Defending History: ‘Peter Jukes exposes documentary that glorifies Nazi collaborators’.

28 November 2014.  The Times of Israel: ‘Ukraine bonanza for upgraded Holocaust denial’.

28 November 2014.  Defending History: ‘Peter Jukes’s tweet exposes “documentary” that glorifies Nazi collaborators.

23 November 2014.  Defending History: ‘Text of US Rep. John Conyers’ proposed amendment restricting aid to pro-Nazi forces in Ukraine’.

11 November 2014.  Defending History: ‘Meilach Stalevich (1923 — 2014)’.

10 November 2014.  Defending History: ‘Defending History brings results: Yivo to honor Arad (at fundraising banquet)’.

31 October 2014.  Defending History: ‘Latvian musical that sanitizes Holocaust perpetragtor starts its grand tour’.

26 October 2014.  Defending History: ‘Would they try to instrumentalize Simon Wiesenthal, too? An open letter to Inna Rogatchi’.

16 October 2014.  Defending History: ‘Ukraine’s “centrist” leaders honor Holocaust-era Nazi collaborators as “heroes”’.

5 October 2014.  Defending History: ‘Annual memorial for the Jews of Svintsyán (Švenčionys): small but well done’ by Defending History staff.

24 September 2014.  Defending History: ‘Seven Prophet Amos Awards for human rights courage in Lithuania’.

23 September 2014.  Defending History: ‘Usable memory of Holocaust victims: NY Yivo announces campaign for five and a quarter million dollars for new “Vilna Project”’.

21 September 2014.  Tsemakh Shabad’s 150th birthday celebrated in style at the Lithuanian parliament’ by Defending History staff.

Fall 2014.  Jewish Review of Books: ‘What we talk about when we talk about Stepan Bandera: a rejoinder to Dovid Katz’ by Konstanty Gebert.

Fall 2014.  Jewish Review of Books: ‘Poland is not Ukraine: A response to Konstanty Gebert’s “The Ukrainian question”’.

9 September 2014.  Juedische Rundschau: ’75 Jahre nach dem 1. September 1939: Antisemitismus in Osteuropa’.

6 September 2014.  Defending History: ‘Five years of Defending History dot com’.

26 August 2014.  Defending History: Ernst Lowenberg (1922 — 2014).

16 August 2014.  ConsortiumNews.com: ‘The hushed-up Hitler factor in Ukraine’.  Republished in The Global Realm; in David Stockman’s Contra Corner; and in Rogerannis.com.

26 July 2014.  Jewish Currents: ‘The Neocons and Holocaust revisionism in Eastern Europe’. Part II.

22 June 2014.  Defending History: ‘Freewheeling deconstruction of Max Weinreich. Sensationalization in the weakened field of Yiddish [with reference to the abuse of Yiddish in Eastern Europe as cover for far-right Holocaust obfuscation and Double Genocide politics; in Yiddish].

10 June 2014.  The Times of Israel: ‘Getting it wrong on Ukraine’.

8 June 2014.  Defending History: ‘Welcome in Vilnius for former Norwegian ambassador Steinar Gil’.

6 June 2014.  Defending History: ‘D-Day anniversary question: Was “Double Genocide” flown onto Capitol Hill under the radar?’

May 2014.  East European Jewish Affairs: ‘Review of Georges Mink and Laure Neumayer, History, Memory and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe: Memory Games’ [proof only].

26 May 2014.  Defending History [with image from the Congressional Report]: ‘”Double Genocide” language accepted by the US Congress on 21 May 2014’.

22 May 2014.  Defending History: ‘DH staff writer Evaldas Balčiūnas is investigated by Lithuanian police’.

22 May 2014.  Defending History: ‘Statement of staff writer Evaldas Balčiūnas on summons from police’ by Evaldas Balčiūnas.

19 May 2014.  Defending History: ‘Ukraine: Slowly but surely, Western media raising the taboo question.

6 May 2014.  Defending History: ‘Reply to a Roger Cohen opinion piece on Ukraine and Lithuania’.

4 May 2014.  Defending History: ‘Dan Stone’s “Goodbye to All That?” has discussion on battle of the declarations’.

31 March 2014.  Defending History: ‘Is Vilnius Police Criminal Division harassing veteran Holocaust researcher?’

27 March 2014.  Defending History: ‘Beloved leader of Lithuanian Jewry, Simon Alperovich, dies at 85.

23 March 2014.  Defending History: ‘British Board of Deputies includes effort against Prague Declaration in new 2014 manifesto’. Original document on Board of Deputies website (see section 3.3, page 10).

11 March 2014.  Defending History: ‘For seventh year running, neo-Nazis and ultranationalists given center of Vilnius on independence day’.

9 March 2014.  Defending History: ‘Respectfully disagreeing with Professor Timothy Snyder’.

3 March 2014.  Defending History: ‘Out on Ellis Street in San Francisco’.

2 March 2014.  Defending History: ‘Exhibit honoring Jewish World War II veterans disappears into Vilnius thin air’.

25 February 2014.  Defending History: ‘Unauthenticated document purports to be police complaint against Lithuanian citizen for writing about Nazi collaborators’.

22 February 2014.  Jerusalem Post: ‘Hungary rewrites history. My 2012 documentary film, “Rewriting History” tracked the emergence of “double genocide,” the rewriting of the history of the Holocaust in Lithuania’ by Danny Ben-Moshe.

2 February 2014.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Is Tom Lantos’s widow on Hungarian government’s list of “useful foreigners”?’

2 February 2014.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘New Joseph Levinson website has page on old Jewish cemeteries in Lithuania’.

24 January 2014.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Double Genocide movement’s “Prague Process” is foundering — in Prague’.

21 January 2014.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Heritage articles from Lithuanian Jewish Community’s “Jerusalem of Lithuania” going online’.

15 January 2014.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘The “Double Genocide” backdrop to current disarray of the red-brown “Platform”’.


3 & 5 December 2013.  JewishBookCouncil.org: ‘Notes from a conversation with Dovid Katz’ by Kenneth Bonertpart one and part two.

20 November 2013.  The New York Times (Letters to the Editor / international edition): ‘Lithuania’s Holocaust debate’.

19 November 2013DefendingHistory.com: ‘Genocide Center releases a new graywash on the Vilna Ghetto’ [review of Arūnas BubnysVilnius Ghetto 1941-1943].

23 October 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Baltic government sponsored “round table” at London University on 5 November: Will Nazi collaborators be sanitized and glorified?’.

15 October 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Mendel Beilis and the new East European antisemitism: a 21st century incarnation of “Treacherous Jew syndrome”’ power-point presentation.

6 September 2013.  Richard Bloom’s Youtube: Rachel Kostanian, speaking in a strictly personal capacity, discusses ‘Double Genocide’ [interview by Dovid Katz].

July-August 2013.  Hope Not Hate: ‘The Baltics. Where Nazi collaborators and criminals are honoured by EU and NATO States’.

Spring-Summer 2013.  Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs: ‘Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, Intermarium: The Land between the Black and Baltic Seas’ reviewed by Dovid Katz.

8 August 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Who’s afraid of Defending History dot com?’.

3 August 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Tourists shocked by street names and pubilc shrines for Holocaust collaborators and perpetrators’.

2 August 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Open letter to Evaldas Gustas, Minister for the Economy in Lithuania’.

30 July 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘The fate of an old Vilna Jewish cemetery that is part of now’.

22 July 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Zeppelinus, unmasked as official at Lithuania’s Ministry for the Economy, posts new gay-hate image to “welcome” Baltic Pride Week’.

19 July 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘EHU Center for German Studies’ “Colloquium Vilnense 2013″ is short on “the second opinion” when it comes to the Holocaust’.

19 July 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘A library with an agenda?’

7 July 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Would a “Jewish museum” in Vilnius graywash the Lithuanian Holocaust?’.

3 June 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Is the EU again being duped on Double Genocide? “Istme” is funded under “science and technology”’.

27 May 2013.  Shamir, Riga: video of the talk ‘State-sponsored collective memory revisionism: a 21st century incarnation of Holocaust Denial?’PDF of the power point presentation in Defending HistoryProgram of the Second International Conference on Holocaust Museums and Memorial Places in Post-Communist Countries(in Riga, Latvia)]. [Materials from the conference posted by the Organizers in June 2013].

24 May 2013.  Jewish Heritage Europe: ‘On the use & misuse of Jewish gravestones and memory’.

22 May 2013.  The Times of Israel: ‘The fate of a Vilna Jewish cemetery’.

28 March 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Upside-down world? Neo-Nazi march assisted by police on central boulevard, while authorities try to banish Baltic Pride across the river’.

20 March 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘One-sided coverage in the “Lithuania Tribune”?’.

17 March 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘The last public statement of former Israeli Knesset member Marina Solodkin’.

6 March 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Vilnius street name proposed for rescuer. But please remove Nazi collaborator street names…’.

25 February 2013.  Algemeiner.com: ‘Purim in Lithuania? A season for state-approved neo-Nazi city-center marches’.

21 February 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Red-Brown Commission uses its website to call leading Holocaust survivor a “liar” and demand “apology from Jewish community”’.

13 February 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Kaunas police confirm that neo-Nazi march on independence day proceeding with municipality’s blessing’.

12 February 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Artūras Račas, editor-in-chief of Baltic News Service (BNS), Attacks Holocaust Survivor Prof. Pinchos Fridberg and SWC Israel director Dr. Efraim Zuroff’.

27 January 2013.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘US researcher is persuaded that the problem in Lithuania is called “Zuroff and Katz”…’.

16 January 2013DefendingHistory.com: ‘A Tale of two marches? LGBT Equality releases statement on authorities’ response to Baltic Pride 2013‘.


13 December 2012.  London Jewish News: ‘You cannot praise fascists and be pro-human rights’. Reprint in The Algemeiner.

6 December 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘An open letter to Ed Hirsch’.

5 December 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Why Monica Lowenberg’s petition is so important’.

1 December 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘The Holocaust in Lithuania, and its obfuscation, in Lithuanian sources’ by Yitzhak Arad [translated from Hebrew by Dovid Katz].

15 November 2012.  The Times of Israel: ‘Efraim Zuroff, history’s lonely defender’.

3 September 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: June 2009 corresopndence with Yad Vashem.

28 August 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Yad Vashem shocks Holocaust survivors by rejoining Lithuanian government’s “red-brown commission”’.

16 August 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Executive director of “Red-Brown Commission” doubts Lithuanian Jews were killed “on a racial basis” before arrival of German forces in 1941′.

3 August 2012.  London Jewish News: ‘Shoah Denial is being replaced by an illusive and delusive evil’.  On the Jewish News site (3 August issue, p. 11).

3 August 2012Addition of Yiddish text for 20 January 2012 Seventy Years DeclarationAs PDF.

2 August 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian foreign minister includes “historical memory policy” (= Double Genocide) among nation’s prime goals.

23 July 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Amherst’s NYBC caught up in Lithuanian government’s Jew-less, Yiddish-less PR library’.

19 July 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘United Nations Human Rights Committee notes Lithuanian government’s position on public swastikas and authorized neo-Nazi parades’.

18 July 2012.  Algemeiner Journal: ‘Respectable memoir, some shrewd manipulation by an East European government — or both?’ [review of Ellen Cassedy’s We Are Here. Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust].

17 July 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian foreign ministry planning to (ab)use EU presidency to push red-brown politics.

16 July 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Landsbergis. Then and now’.

13 July 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Trilingual memorial plaque unveiled on Zhager town square’.

15 June 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Reply to the Economist on Lithuania’s recent reburial of the 1941 Nazi puppet “prime minister”’ [Also as comment on the Economist blog site].

30 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Congratulating Algimantas Kasparavičius who gets it right: Trying to manage history is a big-time loser for mature foreign policy’.

23 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘VMU in Kaunas sinking further into Ambrazevičius-Brazaitis morass, as historians join glorifiers for yet another event’.

21 May 2012.  Algemeiner Journal: ‘An open letter to Yale history professor Timothy Snyder’.

21 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian newspaper accuses Kaunas rector of misleading parliament about whether he knew in advance of VMU’s planned conference to honor Nazi puppet prime minister’.

20 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Dramatic confrontation on the floor of the Lithuanian parliament’.

19 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Tim Snyder, in Vilnius, comments publicly on the reburial and glorification of 1941 Nazi puppet prime minister’.

17 May 2012.  Defending History.com: ‘Want to honor the head of the 1941 Nazi puppet government? Website claims Seimas will provide free transportation’.

15 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘BNS report follows dramatic Donskis statement; Says event does not have VMU “Sanction”‘.

11 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com:  ‘Archbishop adds his blessing to the Nazi collaborator being reburied with full honors’.

11 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Day of shame (May 19th) can still be averted at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas’.

3 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘”Prime Minister” of Lithuania’s 1941 Nazi puppet government to be glorified, re-interred and subject of a commemorative conference at Vytautas Magnus University.

1 May 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘“Moderate Litvak” Status is Conferred by his Highness, the Norwegian Property Magnate cum Editor-in-Chief of Vilnius’.

30 April 2012.  Neo-Nazi youth organization is admitted into national “Lithuanian Council of Youth Organizations” (a recipient of European Union “structural funds”).

29 April 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Rabinowitz-Dorf PR campaign for Lithuanian embassy and “Fake Litvaks” backfires bigtime’.

24 April 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Baltic “Double Genocide” discourse slips into naive American Jewish articles on Lithuania’.

20 April 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian government calls for “bigger investments from Litvaks” as South Africa’s Glasenberg is targeted’.

18 April 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Glorification of local Holocaust perpetrators in Lithuania’.

15 April 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian Foreign Ministry manipulates “Chicago Litvaks”.

24 March 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuania’s embassy in Washington recruiting “useful academics” for discredited “red-brown” Commission’.

16 March 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ’1500 honor the Waffen SS at Riga’s Liberty Monument; Event is praised by Latvia’s president, condemned by Council of Europe’s commission on racism’.

11 March 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Over 1000 neo-Nazis fill main Vilnius boulevard on Lithuanian Independence Day’.

10 March 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Once again, moral abdication at the American Embassy in Vilnius?’

4 March 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘March 11th: A grand opportunity for the Lithuanian human rights community — and the people of Vilnius’.

27 February 2012.  YouTube: ‘A Jewish guy in Vilnius reflects on the neo-Nazi march (2012)’ by DovidFrom55thStreet [Dovid Katz].

17 February 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Joe Melamed, head of Association of Lithuanian Jews in Israel, calls on “Real Litvaks” to stay away from Tel Aviv “gala sham” on March 5th’.

15 February 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Tolerance march of 100 is cancelled in Kaunas; neo-Nazi march for 1000 going ahead’.

14 February 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Holocaust survivors and Litvak Jewry betrayed again, as Lithuania’s foreign minister slated to be “guest of honor” at Tel Aviv “Gala”‘.

12 February 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘A hidden monument in Vilnius — hopelessly invisible?

3 February 2012.  Algemeiner Journal: ‘The Seventy Years Declaration and the Simple Truth’.

3 February 2012.  Jewish Chronicle: ‘A fight over history’s tragic truth. Analysis’ [PDF]

22 January 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian foreign minister berates his country’s parliamentarians who signed “70 Years Declaration”; Says Hitler = Stalin except for length of their moustaches’.

18 January 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Free speech reaffirmed by Vilnius judge in Algirdas Paleckis case’.

2 January 2012.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘EU ambassador to Afghanistan writes in the Wall Street Journal that Nazi rule in Lithuania was “a few years respite from the communists”’.

2 January 2012DefendingHistory.com: ‘A reconstructed shtetl — minus its Jewish component’.

1 January 2012DefendingHistory.com: ’2012 New Year’s resolution for the prime ministers of the Baltic states’.


North America lecture tour (2011)

Australia lecture tour (2011)


December 2011.  East European Jewish Affairs (vol 41, no. 3, pp. 207-221): ‘The detonation of the Holocaust in 1941: a tale of two books’ [review of Timothy Snyder’s Bloodlands and Alexander PrusinThe Lands Between].

22 December 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Popular daily has full front page spread on “The Jews”’.

19 December 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian Ministry of Defense honors “Lithuanian Activist Front” (LAF) Nazi collaborators’.

19 December 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Mainstream Lithuanian news portal, Delfi.lt, again publishes antisemitic “ethnographic history”’.

16 December 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘”Double Genocide” permeates local antisemitic discourse in report on Efraim Zuroff’s Operation Last Chance II in Berlin’.

12 December 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Old stones speak to young pupils: Jewish gravestones in a Vilnius school yard. Photos by Richard Schofield. Text by Dovid Katz.

9 December 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Suspense in Vilnius as Paleckis verdict day nears’.

28 November 2011.   Jerusalem Post: ‘Manipulation?’ (Letter to the Editor)  [in reply to: ‘Harley Felstein and Adrienne Oleck].

25 November 2011.  Algemeiner Journal: ‘Hannah Rosenthal does it again’.

18 November 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘The new HOLOCAUST room in the BASEMENT of the GENOCIDE museum in Vilnius’ by Dovid Katz (text) and Richard Schofield (photographs).

9 November 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Open debate, open society, and secret societies’.

3 November 2011.  Jerusalem Post: ‘UNESCO vote reveals Lithuanian duplicity’As PDF.  Reprint in the Algemeiner Journal.

2 November 2011.  Jerusalem Report / Jerusalem Post: ‘Lithuania assaults Holocaust memory’ by Danny Ben-Moshe.

October 2011.  Centre News [Jewish Holocaust Centre, Melbourne, Australia]: ‘Understanding “Double Genocide”: a lethal new threat to Holocaust memory and honesty’ [date on print edition: September 2011].

3 November 2011.  Jerusalem Post: ‘UNESCO vote reveals Lithuanian duplicity’.  As PDF.  Reprint in the Algemeiner Journal.

October 2011.  Centre News [Jewish Holocaust Centre, Melbourne, Australia]: ‘Understanding “Double Genocide”: a lethal new threat to Holocaust memory and honesty’ [date on print edition: September 2011].

24 October 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Hungarian National Day celebration in Vilnius celebrates Lithuanian “Forest Brother”; Two local fascists invited’.

30 September 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Head of History Institute, speaking at “Bloodlands” event at the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, excoriates Holocaust survivors who joined the anti-Nazi partisans’.

28 September 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian foreign ministry’s two versions: for a Jewish audience (not for publication) and for “General” (proudly on website)’.

30 August 2011. DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian authorities initiate prosecution against another Holocaust survivor’.

28 August 2011. DefendingHistory.com: ‘Et tu, Yivo? Holocaust survivors jolted by plan for Lithuanian foreign minister to be ‘guest of honor’ at Vilna Ghetto commemoration’.

28 August 2011. DefendingHistory.com: ‘A scholar’s apt warning on ultranationalist abuse of history and historians’.

30 June 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘The Denial that is part of Holocaust Obfuscation: Second day of the Lithuanian parliament’s conference’.

29 June 2011.   DefendingHistory.com: ‘In delirium of obfuscation: First day of the Lituhanian parliament’s conference on the 70th anniversary of Hitler’s attack on the USSR’.

5 May 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Three years later: neither charged nor cleared’.

3 May 2011.  Winnipeg Jewish Review: ‘This year’s Yom Hashoah is different’.

25 April 2011. Amy Shannon Liedy’s summary of Dovid Katz’s Kennan Institute (Woodrow Wilson Center) lecture in Washington DC (7 March 2001).

14 April 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Freedom of speech is not “pick and choose”. On the Paleckis trial in Vilnius’.

3 April 2011.  DefendingHistory.com:  Has the Forward Association abandoned elementary ethics?’.

28 March 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Foreign Ministry cooking another one-sided “open forum”, this time in — Kaunas’.

22 March 2011.  Lietuvos rytas / Lrytas.lt: ‘I am surprised by your article about my lecture at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington’ [letter to the editor].

7 March 2011.  Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review: ‘Condemnation of communism does not require submission to Double Genocide, Holocaust Obfuscation, or the recent deterioration in civil society and free speech in Lithuania’ [reply to Rokas Grajauskas]. Also on DefendingHistory.com here.

1 February 2011.  DefendingHistory.com: ‘Lithuanian Jews, Holocaust survivors, specialists who disagree with the Lithuanian government — shut out of London conference’.

3 January 2011DefendingHistory.com: ‘When a “Human Rights Association” accepts and repeats the antisemitic canards in town’.


21 December 2010The Guardian: ‘Why is the US silent on “double genocide”? While European countries have condemned the new Holocaust revisionism in the Baltics, America shows no moral leadership’ by Dovid KatzIn Russian.

15 December 2010Alfa.lt: ‘An open letter to the Prime Minister of Lithuania on the eve of his visit to Israel’ by Dovid Katz.

3 December 2010Tablet Magazine: ‘Conference call: the Lithuanian sponsors of a Holocaust education program have a dark history of their own’ by Dovid KatzExtract on History News NetworkOn H-Net.

17 November 2010. Alfa.lt: ‘The Real Friend is the one who tells you when something is wrong’ by Dovid Katz.

10 November 2010. DefendingHistory.com: ‘Mr Lidington is right, but there is more to it’ by Dovid Katz. [revised version see item for 17 Nov]

November 2010Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs: [Reply to Barry Rubin] by Dovid Katz.

30 September 2010The Guardian: ‘Why Red is not Brown in the Baltics. Unhappily,  Timothy Snyder’s historical reassessment of the Nazi-Soviet pact coincides with Baltic ultra-nationalist agendas’ by Dovid Katz. Also appears on the Litvak Studies Institute website.

29 September 2010The Baltic Times: ‘Letter to the Editor’ by Dovid Katz. PDF of 30 Sept print version.

22 September 2010Algemeyner Zhurnal: ‘Gentiles who take up Yiddish and the question of moral responsibility in Eastern Europe’ [in Yiddish] by Dovid Katz.

September 2010Personal statement on antisemitism in Lithuania.

1 September 2010Parliamentary Committee Against Antisemitism: ‘Time to free Europe of this poison’ by Dovid Katz. Also appears on the Litvak Studies Institute website.

16 August 2010HITB: ‘Human Rights — and Holocaust Obfuscation — in the Baltic States. Letter to the Editor (Response to Clifford J. Levy’s report) by Dovid Katz.

25 June 2010Algemeiner Journal: ‘Lithuanian government’s “Genocide Museum” in Vilnius does not mention the Holocaust!’ by Dovid Katz.

28 May 2010.Algemeyner Zhurnal: ‘A devil’s dance of swastikas in Lithuania: A court decides that swastikas are “Lithuania’s historical heritage rather than symbols of Nazi Germany”’ [in Yiddish] by Dovid Katz.

27 May 2010Jewish Chronicle: ‘It is time for Cameron to reject the EU nutters’ by Dovid Katz.

3 May 2010Tablet Magazine: ‘The crime of surviving’ by Dovid Katz.

26 March 2010Algemeyner Zhurnal: ‘Two marches in a Nazi spirit: in the city centers of Vilnius and Riga; Both legally sanctioned, both ignored by the West’ [in Yiddish] by Dovid Katz.

24 February 2010Jewish Ledger: ‘Q & A with Dovid Katz’ by Cindy MindellPDF.

8 January 2010Guardian: ‘Halting Holocaust Obfuscation. The Baltic ultranationalists rewriting east European history as an equal Nazi-Soviet “double genocide” must be stopped’ by Dovid Katz. Alternate link [reprint in the Algemeiner Journal].  Republication in Russian.


30 December 2009Jewish Week (Washington): ‘Don’t let the Holocaust be rewritten out of history’ by Dovid Katz.

4 December 2009The Algemeiner Journal: ‘The Prague Declaration is Europe’s New Antisemitic Poison’ by Dovid Katz and Clemens Heni.  Also on Wissenschaft und Publizistik als Kritik.

30 November 2009The Jewish Chronicle: ‘Tories must reject “Double Genocide” proponents. Alliance with those who would downgrade the Holocaust is a grave mistake’ by Dovid Katz.

31 October 2009Irish Times: ‘Cameron must end Tories’ far-right fling’ by Dovid Katz.

September 2009‘On three definitions: Genocide, Holocaust Denial, Holocaust Obfuscation’ in Leonidas Donskis (ed), A Litmus Test Case of Modernity. Examining Modern Sensibilities and the Public Domain in the Baltic States at the Turn of the Century [= Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe 5], Peter Lang: Bern 2009, pp 259-277.

23 June 2009. Institute for Global Jewish Affairs (Jerusalem): ‘The project to delete the Holocaust from European history’ [synopsis of paper] by Dovid Katz.

30 May 2009Irish Times: ‘Genocide Industry has hidden agenda. Attempts at equalizing historical wrongs are often aimed at Holocaust Obfuscation’ by Dovid Katz; alternate link.

21 May 2009.  Jewish Chronicle: ‘Prague’s declaration of disgrace: A European attempt to equate Communism with Nazism will falsify history’ by Dovid Katz; alternate link.

12 May 2009.  Speech delivered at the book launch for Sounds of Silence. Traces of Jewish Life in Lithuania at Vilnius Old Town Hall.

February 2009.  ‘Epilogue’ (pp 55-58) in Dovid Katz, Seven Kingdoms of the Litvaks.

January 2009Preface to The Sounds of Silence. Lithuanian version of the preface, translated by Tomas Venclova.


15 August 2008Algemeyner Zhurnal: ‘Rokhl Margolis, 86, cannot visit her hometown Vilna because she fought against the Nazis’ [in Yiddish] by Dovid KatzPart II.

25 July 2008Algemeyner Zhurnal: ‘Will the world remain silent as a new and more cunning form of Holocaust Denial comes before — the European Parliament?’ [in Yiddish] by Dovid KatzPart II.


30 November 2007Algemeyner Zhurnal: ‘Master US diplomat in Vilnius: Joe Boski’ by Dovid Katz). II.

20 July 2007In honor of Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky’s 85th BirthdayPart IIPart III.

20 March 2007Algemeyner Zhurnal: ‘Noah Shneidman’s Vilna Ghetto boxing medal’ (by Dovid Katz)Follow-up article on 16 August 2007.

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Litvak Studies Institute Protests “Fake Litvak” Game by Politicians; Director Mikhail Iossel Issues Statement

Professor Mikhail Iossel, director of Summer Literary Seminars (SLS) and the newly established Litvak Studies Institute (LSI) released this statement today on the LSI website [archived copy].


Litvak Studies Institute Protests Lithuanian Government’s “Fake Litvak” Forum, Calls on State to Halt PR Gimmickry and Reverse Anti-Jewish Policies

Posted in Press — 20 July 2010

For the dwindling number of aged Litvak survivors who grew up in the East European Jewish civilization decimated by the Holocaust, the anti-Jewish and Holocaust-distorting policies of the Lithuanian government in recent years are deeply painful.

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Posted in "Jewish" Events as Cover?, Antisemitism & Bias, Double Games, Identity Theft of Litvak Heritage, Lithuania, Litvak Affairs, Mikhail Iossel, News & Views, The Great SLS About-Face, What Do Fake Litvak Games Look Like? | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Litvak Studies Institute Protests “Fake Litvak” Game by Politicians; Director Mikhail Iossel Issues Statement

Hostages to an Ill-Begotten Theory

by Leonidas Donskis

This essay first appeared in Transitions on Line on 10 October 2008, with the following editor’s note: “Lithuanian authorities in late September closed their two-year investigation into the wartime partisan activities of Yitzhak Arad, a Lithuanian-born Israeli historian and a former head of the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, reportedly on the urging of the European Union and the United States. Prosecutors said there was insufficient evidence to link Arad to possible war crimes committed by Soviet partisans during a 1944 fight with German forces that left many Lithuanian civilians dead. The authorities are still considering whether to put two Lithuanian Jewish women, Fania Brantsovskaya (Brantsovsky) and Rachel Margolis, on the witness stand in connection with the killings.”

It is republished here with Professor Donskis’s permission. For a history of the issue, see our page on the subject of Holocaust survivors defamed by prosecutors.

A disturbing tendency has recently appeared in Lithuania. In the words of the eminent scholar of Yiddish Dovid Katz, this tendency may best be described as the “Holocaust Obfuscation movement.” Its essence lies in subversion of the logic and evidence of the Holocaust, whitewashing or at least selectively reading the history of the Second World War and drastically shifting the roles of victims and evil-doers.

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Posted in A 21st Century Campaign Against Lithuanian Holocaust Survivors?, Antisemitism & Bias, Bold Citizens Speak Out, Double Genocide, Dr. Rokhl (Rachel) Margolis (1921-2015), Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky (Fania Brancovskaja), History, Human Rights, Leonidas Donskis, Lithuania, Litvak Affairs, News & Views, Opinion, Politics of Memory, Yitzhak Arad | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Hostages to an Ill-Begotten Theory