British Board of Deputies Includes Effort Against Prague Declaration in New 2014 Manifesto

LONDON—In its just published A Jewish Manifesto: The 2014 European Elections, the British Board of Deputies has included a statement rejecting the attempts of recent years to downgrade the Holocaust. Section 3.3, entitled “Holocaust Revisionism” appears on page 10 of the online version of the Jewish Manifesto. 

The Manifesto notes the “alarm among many Jewish communities” caused by the 2008 Prague Declaration, the de-facto central document of the Double Genocide movement, and calls on MEPs to “challenge their European colleagues on these narratives that seek to downplay or minimize the Holocaust.” The Prague Declaration sports the word “same” five times referring to Nazi and Soviet crimes, effectively claiming there were two equal genocide-causing regimes and thereby writing the Holocaust out of history as unique event, without denying a single death.

The Prague document  was countered by the Seventy Years Declaration (SYD) of 2012, signed by seventy European parliamentarians. In late 2013 SYD was endorsed by the World Union for Progressive Judaism.

The image of Section 3.3 follows.


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