In response to a letter from the editor of this journal, expressing concern at various internet and other threats against those who would dare oppose the neo-Nazi march scheduled for 16 February 2013 in the center of Kaunas, a reply has been received from the police in Kaunas which does not address the direct issue of safety, but makes it clear that the march is approved by the powers that be in the municipality.This is important because of the various rumors spread by various organizations that ultranationalist youth have decided to march through central Kaunas with or without permission. The letter reads, in translation:
- Chief Police Commission
- Kaunas District
- [letterhead address, email, contact info for same]
- [To:] Dovid Katz
- February 13, 2013 N. 20-S-537
- re: email received February 5, 2013
- We inform you the organization Union of Lithuanian Nationalist Youth, officially registered and operating in the Republic of Lithuania, approached in the manner prescribed by the Law on Assembly of the Republic of Lithuania ([promulgated in [Valstybes] Zinios, 2012, 75-2920) the municipality of the city of Kaunas for holding a march intended to mark a state holiday (February 16, the Day of the Restoration of the Lithuanian State). On January 30, 2013, the municipality of the city of Kaunas issued a document on the site, time and form of the assembly.
- The police are not competent to consider questions on the legality of the issuance of the document.
- You have the right to petition the municipality of the city of Kaunas for annulment of the document issued.
- [signed]
- Algirdas Kaminskas
- Chief [form-letter footer with additional contact info]
The original letter follows: