Michael Shafir (1944-2022)

Papers by Professor Michael Shafir (1944-2022)

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Between Denial and “Comparative Trivialization”: Holocaust Negationism in Post-Communist East Central Europe

The Nature of Postcommunist Antisemitism in East Central Europe: Ideology’s Backdoor Return

Conceptualizing Hungarian Negationism in Comparative Perspective: Deflection and Obfuscation

Political Antisemitism in Romania: Hard Data and its Soft Underbelly

A Present Chiaroscuro: Review of Himka & Michlich (eds), Bringing the Dark Past to Light: the Reception of the Holocaust in Postcommunist Europe

Questions and Answers on the Holocaust-Gulag “Comparative Martyrology”

Einmal mehr zu einer Vergangenheit, die nicht vergeht


Posted in Antisemitism & Bias, Double Genocide: The New Form of Holocaust Revisionism & Denial, Michael Shafir (1944-2022), News & Views | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Papers by Professor Michael Shafir (1944-2022)

Defenders of Truth of the East European Holocaust Mourn Sudden Death of Professor Michael Shafir

We mourn the sudden and untimely death of our dear colleague, mentor and teacher


(4 January 1944 – 9 November  2022)


The entire Defending History community mourns the  untimely sudden death of the great Holocaust historian, who was in recent months putting final touches on the manuscript of his new book on the East European revisionist campaign, and its many Western and Jewish nochsheppers. Inspired by Randolph L. Braham (1922-2018), among others, Professor Shafir’s papers covering the whole swath of East European governments’ huge investments to “fix” the Holocaust made him the pioneer of the academic and intellectual resistance to state-sponsored Double Genocide revisionism. May his completed book and all his other writings soon be made accessible to scholars and the public alike. His works will live on and in time come to be recognized for their successful exposure of the vast and elaborately financed efforts to obfuscate the Holocaust. For an introduction, please read some of his seminal papers in the field.

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Papers by Michael Shafir

Posted in Double Genocide: The New Form of Holocaust Revisionism & Denial, History, Hungary, Lithuania, Michael Shafir (1944-2022), News & Views, Obituaries | Tagged | Comments Off on Defenders of Truth of the East European Holocaust Mourn Sudden Death of Professor Michael Shafir

Questions and Answers on the Holocaust-Gulag “Competitive Martyrology”


by Michael Shafir (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)


1. Approximately when did the drive to equate the Holocaust and the sufferings endured by people under Communist regimes start?

It is very difficult to pinpoint an exact date. In the West, a number of Sovietologists have long driven attention to the fact that the horrible crimes perpetuated by Stalin and his henchmen in East Central Europe deserved the attention and the opprobrium that Nazism met with after the Second World War. Due to Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s famous book Gulag, these crimes soon began to be referred to under the synthetic name of that book. The collapse of the Communist regimes in the region in 1989 and the implosion of the Soviet Union in 1991 intensified that drive, which also found an impulse in the once popular (but later criticized) “totalitarian model.” That model was now revived, finding support particularly in the eastern part of Europe that had suffered under Soviet domination. Western historians were (and still are) quite divided over this issue. For example, Robert Conquest, who produced several important books on Stalinist crimes, was reluctant to place the Holocaust and the Gulag on the same footing. On the other hand, Stéphane Courtois, who edited and contributed to the Black Book of Communism, not only embraced the comparison, but insisted on

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Posted in Croatia, Double Genocide: The New Form of Holocaust Revisionism & Denial, History, Michael Shafir (1944-2022), News & Views, Opinion, Politics of Memory, United Nations | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Questions and Answers on the Holocaust-Gulag “Competitive Martyrology”