Rabbi S. J. Feffer

Rabbi Shmuel Jacob Feffer: Rabbinic Judgment on the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery


by Rabbi Shmuel Jacob Feffer

Editor’s note: The author is president of the World HaGró (Gaon of Vilna) Center in Israel, and co-editor of the Center’s seventy published volumes of the Gaon of Vilna’s works. He has been based in Vilnius around twenty-five years. The original handwritten document, with the rabbi’s signature and personal stamp, is available hereFor background on the issue, see here. For the paper trail to date, see here. A registry of the mounting international agreement with Rabbi Feffer’s position is here.

בסד ח′ תמוז התשע″ה לפ″ק פה ווילנא

זעקת קודש

למען אוהביך שוכני עפר בבית העלמין הישן דווילנא

    אני הרב הדר בעיר הזאת זה קרוב ל-25 שנה ומכיר היטב תהלוכותי′ה ובעיותי′ה, וחרד לעתידה היהודי ועל זכרון עברה הק′ והחשוב כידוע לכל, ועתה ראיתי חובה גדולה בנפשי לצאת בגלוי ולהסיר הלוט בעניין הנשגב דלהלן, ולפרסם האמת ללא צל ספק – העובדות הברורות כשמש בצהרים ולעמוד בפרץ ולא לתת למשחיתים לבוא ולנגוף ח″ו, ואדרבה ביתר תוקף ועוז דקדושה לעמוד איתן על משמרת הקודש למען ה′ ותורתו הק′ והאמונה הטהורה.

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Posted in Defense of Old Jewish Cemeteries and Mass Grave Sites, Human Rights, Lithuania, Litvak Affairs, News & Views, Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery at Piramónt (in Šnipiškės / Shnípishok), Rabbi S. J. Feffer | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbi Shmuel Jacob Feffer: Rabbinic Judgment on the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery

Rabbi Shmuel Jacob Feffer: Rabbinic Judgment on the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery (Manuscript)

by Rabbi Shmuel Jacob Feffer

Editor’s note: The author is president of the World HaGró (Gaon of Vilna) Center in Israel, and co-editor of the Center’s seventy published volumes of the Gaon of Vilna’s works. He has been based in Vilnius around twenty-five years. The digital text of the judgment is available here. For background on the issue, see here. For the paper trail to date, see here.

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Posted in Defense of Old Jewish Cemeteries and Mass Grave Sites, Documents, Lithuania, Litvak Affairs, News & Views, Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery at Piramónt (in Šnipiškės / Shnípishok), Rabbi S. J. Feffer | Comments Off on Rabbi Shmuel Jacob Feffer: Rabbinic Judgment on the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery (Manuscript)

Rabbi S. J. Feffer, Authority on Gaon of Vilna, Issues Ruling on Old Jewish Cemetery


VILNIUS—Rabbi Shmuel Jacob Feffer, who has edited many volumes of the works of the Gaon of Vilna (Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, 1720-1797) under the imprint of Machon HaGra, today released the following statement concerning the old Vilna Jewish Cemetery and the current plans to erect a convention center within it. It is also available in PDF format. In the format below, please click on the arrow in the upper left hand corner to turn the page forward or backward. Earlier versions of the ruling are available in the original rabbinic Hebrew, in the author’s manuscript, and digitally.

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Posted in Defense of Old Jewish Cemeteries and Mass Grave Sites, Lithuania, Lithuania's Jewish Community Issues, Litvak Affairs, News & Views, Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery at Piramónt (in Šnipiškės / Shnípishok), Rabbi S. J. Feffer | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbi S. J. Feffer, Authority on Gaon of Vilna, Issues Ruling on Old Jewish Cemetery

Rabino Samuelio Jakobo Fefferio rabiniškasis sprendimas dėl planų senosiose Vilniaus žydų Piramonto (Šnipiškių) kapinėse statyti nacionalinį kongresų centrą


Pateikiame oficialaus angliško 2017 m. sausio 31 d. vertimą. Originalų hebrajišką tekstą galima rasti dviem variantais – rabino Fefferio rašytą ranka ir suskaitmenintą.

Rabinas Samuelis Jakobas Fefferis

Vyriausiasis Lietuvos rabinas ir ortodoksiškojo žydų rabinų teismo Vilniuje dekanas

Dėl senųjų Vilniaus žydų kapinių:


5777 m. švato 4 d. / 2017 m. sausio 31 d.

Vardan Visagalio numylėtųjų, palaidotų senosiose Vilniaus žydų (Piramonto; Šnipiškių) kapinėse:

Aš esu rabinas, gyvenantis Vilniuje jau dvidešimt penkerius metus, tad esu artimai susipažinęs su vietinėmis problemomis ir rūpesčiais, ir baiminuosi dėl miesto žydiškosios ateities bei šlovingos praeities atminimo. Šiuo metu suvokiu svarbią užduotį: kalbėti viešai ir nutraukti bet kokią dviprasmybės skraistę nuo svarbaus klausimo, išviešinti tikrąją situaciją taip, kad ji būtų matoma aiškiai, kaip saulė vidurdienį; tvirtai stovėti atsivėrusiame plyšyje ir neleisti naikintojams ateiti ir sunaikinti, Dieve sergėk, senųjų kapinių; ir, tuo labiau, stovėti tvirtai su vis daugiau jėgos ir pašvęstos drąsos šioje šventoje sargyboje vardan Visagalio ir jo Toros bei tyro, sąžiningo tikėjimo.

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Posted in Rabbi S. J. Feffer, Vilniaus senosios žydų (Piramonto) kapinės Šnipiškėse | Comments Off on Rabino Samuelio Jakobo Fefferio rabiniškasis sprendimas dėl planų senosiose Vilniaus žydų Piramonto (Šnipiškių) kapinėse statyti nacionalinį kongresų centrą

Rabbi S. J. Feffer, Scholar (and Descendant) of Gaon of Vilna, Condemns Project to Defile Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery — Cites Ensnaring of Conference of European Rabbis (CER) & Bnei Brak’s Beth Din


Rabbi S. J. Feffer

VILNIUSRabbi S. J. Feffer, a part-of-the-year resident in Vilnius for some three decades, is best known locally for his free-of-charge (and no-tickets-needed) Passover seders and other holidays, always open to Vilneans of all backgrounds. His events are considered to be forums of intercommunity friendship and harmony, characterized by authentic Litvak Jewish Orthodox practice with equally warm welcome to folks of any and all persuasions. He is also known as an independent voice for Jewish heritage preservation, and against corruption in high places. Internationally, the rabbi, a descendant of close family of the Gaon of Vilna, is best known as part of the editing team for dozens of published volumes containing the works of the Gaon (Elijah of Vilna, 1720-1797).

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Posted in 2023-2024 'Working Group' on the Future of the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery, Christian-Jewish Issues, Conference of European Rabbis (CER), Defense of Old Jewish Cemeteries and Mass Grave Sites, Human Rights, Lithuania, Litvak Affairs, News & Views, Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery at Piramónt (in Šnipiškės / Shnípishok), Rabbi S. J. Feffer | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbi S. J. Feffer, Scholar (and Descendant) of Gaon of Vilna, Condemns Project to Defile Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery — Cites Ensnaring of Conference of European Rabbis (CER) & Bnei Brak’s Beth Din