Tag Archives: Ashkenazic Hebrew

The Ashkenazic Hebrew Manual

An Introduction to Ashkenazic Hebrew and Aramaic


See also Youtube audio selections

Jump to: ContentsThree Types of Ashkenazic; Vowel System; Historical Debates

by Dovid Katz


WORK IN PROGRESS: Draft only (last update: Dec. 2024) of the manual, which originated as course notes for Introduction to Ashkenazic Hebrew (and Aramaic), held as part of the Workmen’s Circle Spring 2021 program of online courses. Comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome (info@yddishculturaldictionary.org).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The author wishes to thank Kolia Borodulin, director of Yiddish programming at the Workmens Circle (NY), for his generosity of spirit and assistance in enabling Ashkenazic (Hebrew and Aramaic) to find its place within wider Yiddish and East European Jewish studies in the Spring 2021 session. Thanks are due to all thirty or so participants in the first course for their contributions; to technical director (and Ashkenazic connoisseur) Boruch Bloom; to Nessa Olshansky-Ashtar (Hamilton, Canada), Prof. Rachel Albeck-Gidron (Bar Ilan Univ.), Philip Schwartz (Wroclaw, Poland), Julia Rets (St. Petersburg, Russia), and Gabriel A. Zuckerberg (New York) for their suggestions and corrections to the evolving manuscript. Siarhej Shupa (Prague) kindly provided the texts to three forgotten Hebrew poems by Yiddish master poet Meyshe Kulbak from the poet’s youth. Thanks also to Joanna (Ashke) Czaban (Krinki, Poland) and Julia Rets for recording bona fide Ashkenazic versions of poems by Bialik, Imber and Tchernichovsky; to Alex Foreman (Chicago, Ill.) for permission to include his exceptional online recordings of  Bialik poems, and for his gracious agreement to visit the final session. Other visitors who provided valuable input include Daniel Galay (Leyvik House, Tel Aviv) and Professor Shalom Goldman (Middlebury College). It would be remiss to omit my gratitude to the two major sources of living Ashkenazic in my early life: my late father, poet Menke Katz, and my enrollment in Etz Chaim of Boro Park for part of my elementary school education when it was perhaps the last Ashkenazic (Ivris b’Ivris) speaking school on the planet, with lifelong gratitude to our beloved principal and teachers: Rabbi Israel Dov Lerner and his teaching staff, including Mrs. Adelman, Mrs. Klayman, Mrs. Koppelman, Mr. Ostrow and Rabbi Sonnenschein. Over the years, I have benefited much from discussions on Ashkeanzic issues with Prof. Ghil’ad Zuckermann and the late Professor Benjamin Harshav.

Some of the material herein hails from three decades of Yiddish expeditions in Eastern Europe, for which the beginnings of an atlas and video archive are online. Spinoffs from the Workmens Circle course include, in addition to the present manual, a mini-dictionary and youtube playlist. Naturally, full responsibility for errors, shortcomings and opinions expressed, implicitly or otherwise, rests with the author alone.

Liturgical Samples Quickfinder:




Hebrew Poetry Quickfinder: 










NOTE: For readers interested in the cognates within the system of pan-Yiddish vocalism, each vowel’s ID is added at the end of the entry. The system is explained in various works on Yiddish linguistics and dialectology (e.g. here).

אַ (and אֲ when not deleted)


אַתְּ; אַתָּה, גַּן; נַחַתֿ, צַד, קַל, רַק.


אָ (and אֳ when not deleted)

o ([ɔ])

אָדָם; הָלַךְ; כְּּבוֹדָהּ; לְבָנָה; נְתַֿנְיָהוּ; עָשָֹה; עָתִֿיד; שָׁם

Aide-mémoire:  קָמָץ or קוּמְצָא דְפוּמָא = ‘contracting of the mouth’ (≠ פַּתָֿח or פַּתְֿחָא דְּפוּמָא ‘opening wide of the mouth’).

Note: In Southern dialects realized as u in open syllables, o in closed syllables: אָדָם = udom. It is also realized as o in Southern dialects in the  case of possessive hey with mapik: כְּבוֹדָהּ = kvoydo. Cf. אִשָּׁה ishu ‘woman’ ≠ אִישֶָׁהּ isho ‘her husband’.



(אֱ/) אֶ

e ([ε])

אֶל; בְּדִיעֶבֶד; חֶסֶד; מֶלֶךְ; מְפוּרסֶמֶתֿ; מְרַחֶפֶתֿ; תִּפְאֶרֶתֿ

Note: In Southern dialects realized as ey [ej] in (primevally) stressed open syllables, but as e ([ε]) in syllables to which originally ultimate stress shifted to penultimate in Ashkenazic: חֶסֶד = khéysed, but אֱמֶתֿ = émes.



ey ([ej])

אֵל; אֵלֶה; בְּהֵמָה; בִּשְׁלֵמוּתֿ; הֵם; חֵשֶׁק; כֵּן

Note: In Southern dialects, realized as ay ([aj]): חֵשֶׁק = kháyshek; הֵם = haym. This is however not the case in Southeastern (Ukrainian [Podolian, Volynian, Bessarabian) Hebrew which follows the north in this vowel.



i (/iy [ij]; [ī])

אִם, לִפְנֵי; מִפִּי; יְלִיד; כִּתָּה; קִיר; קְלִיפָּה

Note: The southern dialects of East European Yiddish and Ashkenazic, comprising the major groups of Mideastern (“Polish”) and Southeastern (“Ukrainian”) preserve a further length distinction between  sounds on a generally predictable basis based on the ancient Tiberian forms. Cf. e.g. Southern shívo (‘seven’ or ‘the seven-day mourning period) vs. ksí:vo (‘handwriting’). These contrasts, reflecting ancient Tiberian oppositins long after change of syllabic structure, are only observable in Ashke-2 and Ashke-3, and are generally lost in synchromically unstressed position.


(אֹ /) אוֹ

oy ([ɔj])

חוֹשֶֶׁךְ; חֲלוֹמוֹתֿ; כְּבוֹדוֹ; סוֹדוֹתֿ; קוֹלוֹתֿ, שׁוֹמֵר; תּוֹרָה

Note 1: In Northern dialects: ey ([ej]: קוֹלוֹתֿ = keyleys; חֲלוֹמוֹתֿ = khaleymeys.

Note 2: In the United States, Britain and other English speaking countries, an o: (ou) realization (“o as in home”) often replaced the East European oy (/Northern ey) realizations of holem. This was often due to sociolinguistic factors (e.g. embarrassment over oy phonemes considered “funny” and “greenhorn” in some English speaking countries; also: identification with Haredi religious culture and a desire to stay away from its phonetic hallmarks). Similar realizations were found in older German Jewish traditions that predated East European mass migration in the United States and Great Britain and made for a conveniently popular “way out.” See for example, the transcription of the mourner’s kaddish in Dr. Philips’ prayerbook in the earlier and mid twentieth century by Hebrew Publishing Company.

Note 3: In traditional Ashkenazic society, every male studies the classical Accents (trop) and their application to his Bar Mitzvah day’s readings from the Pentateuch and Haftorah, engendering an intimate familiarity that reinforces that of all men and women with Ashke-1 by virtue of enjoing Sabbath and holiday Torah readings by a reader who keeps strictly to classican accentuation.


(אֻ /) אוּ


גְּדוּלָה; גּוּפאָ; הוּא; כְּלוּם; סְעוּדָה; תְּחוּם; קוּף

Note: In Southern dialects the realization is (whether long or short dependent on position and dialect): הוּא = hi(:), גְּדולָה = gedilu.

Note: The southern dialects of East European Yiddish and Ashkenazic, comprising the major groups of Mideastern (“Polish”) and Southeastern (“Ukrainian”) preserve a further length distinction between historic u  sounds on a generally predictable basis based on the ancient Tiberian forms. Fonrting and unrounding has resulted overthe centuries in the realizations being , synchronmically speaking, among vowels in recent centuries. Cf. e.g. Southern khípu (‘traditional wedding canopy’)) vs. bí:shu (‘disgrace’). These contrasts, reflecting ancient Tiberian oppositins long after change of syllabic structure, are only observable in Ashke-2 and Ashke-3, and are generally lost in synchromically unstressed position.


“Diphthong 34 via Hiatus” 

As in the  Semitic Component in Yiddish, there is a  pan-Ashkenazic reflex of Semitic etymons that emerges, in effect, as an additional vowel, consistently yielding systematic correspondences between Ashenazic/Yiddish dialects as is the nature of derivatives from a common protolanguage. Vowel 34 in the pan-Yiddish system, most frequently in the Germanic Component in Yiddish a reflex of Middle High German long î , e.g. fayn ‘fine’, váyn ‘wine’, with the usual pan-Yiddish systematic dialectal differentiation, emerging e.g. as ā in Mideastern (“Polish-Hungarian”) Yiddish, yielding fān, vān, and in much Southeastern (“Ukrainian-Bessarabian”) Yiddish, yielding fan, van.

The “Vowel 34 effect” usually emerges in resolution of vocalic hiatus, most frequently the sequencing of a pasakh and khatof-pasakh, shewa,  and occasionally of other vowels in sequence. Very early in Ashkenazic linguistic history, the loss of consonantal realization of alef and ayin and the ensuing hiatus triggered migration to the usually Germanic-derived lexicon exhibiting Vowel 34.


גַּאֲוָה; דְּאָגָה; טַעֲנָה; מַאֲדִים; מַאֲמִין; מַהַפַּךְ; מַעֲשֶׂה; תַּעֲנוּג 

Note 1: As a wider Ashkenazic phenomenon, it is frequently the case that a lexical item for which  “diphthong 34” is reflected consistently across language varieties descending from the entire breadth of historic Ashkenaz. One implication is interdialectal predictability, as is common for varieties deriving from a protolanguage or earlier common ancestor variety state.  So, for example,if one hears or sees maymin as the Northeastern (“Lithuanian”) Ashkeanzic rendition, it can be predicted that it will surface empirically as mamin in the Southeastern (“Ukrainian”) varieties and má:min  in the Mideastern (“Polish”) Ashkenazic.

Note 2: Occasionally, in tandem with the situation in Yiddish, with which Ashkenazic interacts within the Ashkenazic polysystem (in the sense of Prof. Even-Zohar,ד development of the term and its features) in myriad ways that add layers to the lexicon and semantics of any of the donor varieties (stock languages in Max Weinreich’s terminology). Uniquely Ashkenazic oppositions are not infrequently observed, for example historical שְׁאֵלָה (‘question’), yielding Ashkenazic sháylo in the sense of a question asked of a rabbi or other authority concerning permissability vs. forbidden status (e.g. about whether an item is kosher) and in a number of emotive and homey contexts (e.g. in an exclamation along the lines of “Wow, now that is a question!”). This contrasts with sh(ə)éylo (‘question of any kind’). That contrast of what are now effectively two lexical items, of general sh(ə)éylo vs. much more nuanced sháylo is mirrored precisely in the southern dialects of Eastern Yiddish, yielding the cognate opposition of sh(ə)áylu vs. shá(:)lu.



תּ = t

תֿ = s

שַׁבָּתֿ, לָתֵֿתֿ, תְּרוּמוֹתֿ

Classically spirantized tof (historically θ, or th as in thought), is pronounced s. Because of many students’ difficulty in averting its collapse with plosive תּ as unitary in Israeli, the spirantized ת is marked in this manual with the classical rofe over the letter denoting spirantized s: תֿ.

  The Three Basic Types of Ashkenazic Hebrew (and Aramaic)

  „מַלְכוּתֿ אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ“

(Esther 3:6, 9:30)

  „לֵב טוֹב“

(Mishnah Avoth 2: 9)

Ashke-1 (′נוּסַח א)

 Formal Biblical Reading (and other formal pointed-text contents throughout Ashkenazic history)

Formal Hebrew Speech (schools, conferences, etc from 19th century)


Word-final stress where denoted by Tiberian accentuation (i.e. accentuation identical with classical), with no posttonic vowel reduction:

Standard Ashkenazic: malkhús akhashveyróysh; leyv toyv 

Southern (“!Polish”): malkhís akhashvayróysh; layv toyv

Northern:( “Lithuanian”): malkhús akhashveyréysh; leyv teyv

Old Western: malkhús akhashveyróush; leyv touv

Ashke-2 (′נוּסַח ב)

General Prayer and Recitation (from times of medieval stress shift onward)

Bible Study (& other pointed texts in educational context)

Modern Hebrew Poetry (from the early 19th  century onward)

Revived Hebrew Speech (in maskilic and original East European Hebraist and Zionist circles and education alongside more formal variants in line with Ashke-1)


Penultimate stress (corresponding to classical ultimate and penultimate alike) with no posttonic vowel reduction:

Standard Ashkenazic: málkhus akhashvéyroysh; leyv toyv

Southern (“!Polish”): málkhis akhashváyroysh; layv toyv

Northern: (“Lithuanian”) [sample]: málkhus akhashvéyreysh; leyv teyv 

Old Western: málkhus akhashvéyroush; leyv touv

Ashke-3 (′נוּסַח ג)

 Talmudic and Kabbalistic Study (with unpointed texts)

  Intimate Prayer

Semitic Component in Yiddish


Penultimate stress with posttonic reduction and Closed Syllable Shortening

Standard Ashkenazic: málkhəs akhashvéyrəsh; lev tov (/lef tov)

Southern (“!Polish”): málkhəs akhashváyrəsh lev tof (/lef tof)

Northern: (“Lithuanian”): málkhus akhashvéyrəsh; lev tov (/lef tov)

Old Western: málkhəs akhashvéyrəsh; lev tov

Major Blockers of Penultimate Stress


Shewa as a rule is not stressed (and is in fact often deleted):

בְּכוֹר [bəkhóyr], Northern: [bəkhéyr], SCY/Tal (=Semitic Component in Yiddish and Talmudic studies): [bəkhór] or [pkhór] (‘the eldest son’)

גְּבוּל [gəvúl], Southern: [gəvíl], SCY/Tal: [gvúl], Southern: [gvíl] (‘border’)

כְּמוֹ [kəmóy], Northern: [kəméy] (‘like’, ‘similar to’)


Prefixed non-root morphemes are generally not stressed. These include:

Definite articles:

הַבֵּן [habéyn], Southern [habáyn]; when cited in  SCY/Tal: [habén] (‘the son’)

הַיוֹם  [hayóym], Northern [hayéym] ; in SCY/Tal: [hayóm] (‘the day’; ‘today’)

הָעָם [hoóm], Southern [hu:óm] (‘the nation’)


לַשֵׁם [lashéym], Southern: [bəsháym]; SCY/Tal: [lashém] (‘to the name’)

בַּסוֹף [basóyf], Northern: [baséyf]; SCY/Tal: [basóf] (‘at the end’)

מִכָּל [mikól] (‘from all’)

Relativizing pronoun:

שֶבָּא [shebó], Southern: [shebú:] (‘that came’, ‘who came’)

שֶאֵין [she-éyn], Southern: [sheáyn], SCY/Tal: [she-én]  (‘that is not’, ‘that does not’)


‘Sacred Stress’:

אָמֵן [oméyn], Southern: [umáyn] (‘Amen’)

יְיָ  [adoynóy], Northern: [adeynóy], SCY/Tal: [adənóy] (‘God’, ‘The Lord’); also (to avoid uttering the sacred: [adoyshém], Northern: [adeyshém}, SCY/Tal: [adəshém]

אֱלֹהִים [eloyhím], Northern: [eleyhím]. SCT/Tal: [eləhím] (‘God’)

יעמוד [yaamóyd], Northern: [yaaméyd] (‘There will rise’ [calling up the next to say the blessings over the portion of the Torah about to be read]


Three-letter Acronymics in the Nominal Templates CaCáC and CaCó:

חב″ד  [khabád] (Chabad [Lubavitch Hasidism]); {< חכמה בינה דעתֿ}

חג″תֿ  [khagás] (Southern / Non-Litvak, ‘real’ Hasidim); {< חסד גבורה תפארתֿ}

חז″ל [khazál] (‘the great sages of blessed memory’) {< חכמינו זכרונם לברכה}

רמ″א  [ramó], Southern: [ramú] (the Ramo, Rabbi Moses Isserles) {< ר′ משה איסרליש}

רח″ש [rakhásh] (expenses of hiring the rabbi, cantor and beadle for wedding or other religious event) {< רב חזן שמש}

של″ה [shaló], Southern: [shalú:] (Shney Lukhoys Habris = Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz) {< שני לוחות הברית}

שס″ה [shasó], Southern: [shasú:] (‘365 [days of the solar calendar’) {< ‘ש’+ס’+ה}

תנ″ך [tanákh] (‘the Hebrew Bible’) {< תורה נביאים כתֿובים}

Note: the rule does not generally hold for other acronyms which tend to follow the penultimate pattern,  e.g. רש″י (Ráshi; SCY(Tal): Ráshə),  מלבי″ם (Málbim), יעב″ץ  (Yá(y)vits),  רמב″ם (Rámbam = Maimonides),  מהרש″א  (Mehársho). The case of רמב″ן (rambán = Moses Ben Nachman = Nachmanides) is generally explained by the need for sharp contrast with the acronym of Maimonides.


Contrastive Stress

Ultimate stress may be invoked for the sake of contrast, e.g.

אִשָּה [ísho] ‘woman’ vs. אִישָהּ [ishó] ‘her husband’; 

מַלְׁכָּה [málko] ‘queen’ vs.  מַלְׁכָּהּ [malkó] ‘her (/it’s f.) king’.

Note that in southern dialects, the possessive הּ (hey with ,mapik) is rendered (a per closed syllable rules, yielding Yiddish vowel 41), contrasting with u: for komets in open syllable, giving ishu: ‘woman’ vs. isho ‘her husband’, malku ‘queen’ vs. malko (‘her (/it’s f.) king’).

Ashke-3: Semitic Component in Yiddish; Study and exposition of Hebrew and Aramaic texts of Bible, Talmud, Kabbalah (SCYT)

“Living Language and Unpointed Texts”



Closed Syllable Shortening:

k(ə)lol, k(ə)lolim → klal, klolim

leyts, leytsim → lets, leytsim, 

soyfeyr, soyfrimsoyfer, sofrim

Note: Quantitatively, the oral and “read” (whether or not out loud) use of Ashke-3 over the last millennium is exponentially higher than the others combined, including entire days of intensive study of unpointed texts, and for many also heavily encroaching in some pointed) prayer texts. This is verily the language of everyday life (the Semitic Component of the full daily language Yiddish). The rise of Ashke-2, primarily in the hands of the great Hebrew poets of nineteenth and early twentieth century, stands in stark counterpoint to the less formal (most widely used) Ashke-3 and the more formal Ashke-1 (mastered by Torah readers and other scholars).  Beyond posttonic reduction of vowels to various degrees of shewa, the stressed syllables are processed by Closed Syllable Shortening. For Yiddish linguists: In closed syllables, Vowel 12 (A2) ⇒ 11 (A1), Vowel 22 (E2) ⇒ 21 (E1), and Vowel 42 (O2) ⇒ 41 (O1). Given the derivation of (much of) all Yiddish dialects (and their Semitic Components and Ashkenazic traditions) from a proto language, it is possible to predict from these formulas the outcome in most cases within any given dialect.




(Bible, formal prayer)


(Some prayer, MHP)


(SCY; unpointed text study)


דָּם (komots) dom dom dam
שֵׁם (tseyrey) sheym (/S: shaym) sheym (/S: shaym) shem
סוֹד (khoylom) soyd (/N: soyd) soyd (/N: seyd) sod


Note: In Yiddish as in study of Talmud and other unpointed text, the Closed Syllable Shortening rule produces the characteristic alternations of three principal vocalic pairs:

(1) o ∼ a: pl. protim (/S: pru:tim) ‘details’ ∼ sg. prat

(2) ey ∼ e: shed ‘ghost’ ∼ pl. sheydim (/S: shaydim)

(3) oy ∼ o: soyfer (/N: seyfer) ∼ pl. sofrim

Prayers: Three Basic Types

(1) Miléyl (with Ashkenazic penultimate accentuation).

(2) Milrá (with word-final stress where required by classical Tiberian accentuation).

(3) Synthesis of the two.

:Example from two of the blessings following the Haftorah reading

רַחֵם עַל צִיּוֹן כִּי הִיא בֵיתֿ חַיֵּינוּ, וְלַעֲלוּבַתֿ נֶפֶשׁ תּוֹשִׁיעַ בִּמְהֵרָה בְיָמֵינוּ: בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ, מְשַׂמֵּחַ צִיּוֹן בְּבָנֶיהָ:

שַׂמְּחֵנוּ יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ בְּאֵלִיָּהוּ הַנָּבִיא עַבְדֶּךָ, וּבְמַלְכוּתֿ בֵּיתֿ דָּוִד מְשִׁיחֶךָ, בִּמְהֵרָה יָבֹא וְיָגֵל לִבֵּנוּ. עַל כִּסְאוֹ לֹא יֵשֵׁב זָר וְלֹא יִנְחֲלוּ עוֹד אֲחֵרִים אֶת כְּבוֹדוֹ. כִּי בְשֵׁם קָדְשְׁךָ נִשְׁבַּעְתָּ לֹּו שֶׁלֹּא יִכְבֶּה נֵרוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד: בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ, מָגֵן דָּוִד:

(1) Miléyl (with Ashkenazic penultimate accentuation):

Rákheym al tsíyoyn ki hi véys khayéynu, vəlaalúvas néfesh toyshíya bimhéyro bəyoméynu. Bórukh áto adoynóy, mesaméyakh tsíyoyn bəvoného.

Samkhéynu Adoynóy eloyhéynu bəEyliyóhu hanóvi avdékho, uvmálkhus beys Dóvid məshikhékho, bimhéyro yóvoy, vəyógeyl libéynu. Al kísoy loy yéysheyv zor, vloy yinkhálu oyd akhéyrim es kvóydoy, ki vəshem kódshəkho nizhbáto loy, shelóy yíkhbe néyroy ləóylom vóed. Bórukh áto Adonóy, mógeyn Dóvid.

(2) Milrá (with word-final stress where required by classical Tiberian accentuation):

Rakhéym al tsiyóyn ki hi véys khayéynu, vəlaaluvás néfesh toyshíya bimheyró bəyoméynu. Borúkh ató adoynóy, mesaméyakh tsiyóyn bəvoného.

Samkhéynu Adoynóy eloyhéynu bəEyliyóhu hanoví avdékho, uvmalkhús beys Dovíd məshikhékho, bimheyró yovóy, vəyogéyl libéynu. Al kisóy loy yéysheyv zor, vloy yinkhalú oyd akheyrím es kvoydóy, ki vəshém kodshəkhó nizhbáto loy, shelóy yikhbé neyróy ləoylóm voéd. Borúkh ató Adonóy, mogéyn Dovíd.

(3) Synthesis of the two:

Rakhéym al tsíyoyn ki hi véys khayéynu, vəlaaluvás néfesh toyshíya bimheyró bəyoméynu. Borúkh ató adoynóy, mesaméyakh tsíyoyn bəvoného.

Samkhéynu Adoynóy eloyhéynu bəEyliyóhu hanóvi avdékho, uvmálkhús beys Dóvid məshikhékho, bimheyró yovóy, vəyogéyl libéynu. Al kísoy loy yéysheyv zor, vloy yinkhálu oyd akhéyrim es kvoydóy, ki vəshém kodshəkhó nizhbáto loy, shelóy yikhbé néyroy ləoylóm voéd. Borúkh ató Adonóy, mogéyn Dovíd.

Mourner’s Kaddish

קדיש יתֿום

  • יִתְֿגַּדַּל וְיִתְֿקַדַּשׁ שְׁמֵיהּ רַבָּא, בְּעָלְמָא דִּי בְרָא כִרְעוּתֵֿהּ וְיַמְלִיךְ מַלכותֵֿהּ בְּחַיֵּיכוֹן וּבְיוֹמֵיכוֹן וּבְחַיֵּי דְכָל בֵּיתֿ יִשְׂרָאֵל בַּעֲגָלָא וּבִזְמַן קָרִיב וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן:
  • יְהֵא שְׁמֵיהּ רַבָּא מְבָרַךְ לְעָלַם לְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַיָּא:
  • יִתְֿבָּרַךְ וְיִשְׁתַּבַּח וְיִתְֿפָּאַר וְיִתְֿרוֹמַם וְיִתְֿנַשֵּׂא וְיִתְֿהַדָּר וְיִתְֿעַלֶּה וְיִתְֿהַלָּל שְׁמֵהּ דְּקֻדְשָׁא בְרִיךְ הוּא:
  • לְעֵלָּא מִן כָּל בִּרְכָתָֿא שִׁירָתָֿא תִּשְׁבְּחָתָֿא וְנֶחָמָתָֿא דַאֲמִירָן בְּעָלְמָא וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן:
  • יְהֵא שְׁלָמָא רַבָּא מִן שְׁמַיָּא וְחַיִּים עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן:
  • עֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן:


  • Yisgadál v’yiskadásh shméy rabó
  • B’olmó di vró khiruséy v’yamlíkh malkhuséy
  • B’khayeykhóyn  uv’yoymeykhóyn  uvkháyey  d’khol Beys  Yisroéyl
  • Boagoló  uvizmán  korív  v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • Yizborákh  v’yishtabákh v’yispoár v’yisroymám  v’yisnaséy
  • V’yishadár  v’yisalé  v’yishalól shméy d’kudshó:  BRIKH HU
  • L’éylo  min  kol  birkhosó  v’shirosó
  • Tushb’khosó  v’nekhemosó,  d’amíron  b’ólmo v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • Y’héy  shlómo  rábo  min  shmáyo  v’kháyim
  • Oléynu  v’al  kol  Yisroyéyl  vimrú: OMÉYN
  • Oysé  sholóym  bimroymóv,  hu  yaasé  sholóym
  • Oléynu  v’al  kol  Yisroyéyl  vimrú:  OMÉYN
  • ●  ●  ●


Rendition in Litvish (Northeastern / Litvak) by Yeynesn Felendler

  • Yizgadal  v’yiskadash  shméy  rábo
  • B’ólmo di  vró  khirúsey  v’yámlikh  malkhúsey
  • B’khayéykhoyn  uv’yoyméykhoyn  ufkháyey  d’khol  Beys  Yisróeyl
  • Boagólo  uvizmán  kóriv  v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • Yizbórakh  v’yishtábakh  v’yispóar  v’yisróymeym  v’yisnásey
  • V’yishádor  v’yisále  v’yishálel  shméy  d’kúdsho:  BRIKH HU
  • L’éylo  min  kol  birkhóso  v’shiróso
  • Tushb’khóso  v’nekhemóso,  d’amíron  b’ólmo v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • Y’héy  shlómo  rábo  min  shmáyo  v’kháyim
  • Oléynu  v’al  kol  Yisróeyl  v’ímru: OMÉYN
  • Óyse  shóloym  bimróymov,  hú  yá(a)se  shóloym
  • Oléynu  v’al  kol  Yisróəl  v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • ●  ●  ●


  • Yizgadal  v’yiskadash  shméy  rábo
  • B’ólmə di  vró  khirúsəy  v’yámlikh  malkhúsey
  • B’khayéykhən  uv’yoyméykhən  ufkháyey  d’khol  Beys  Yisróəl
  • Boagólə uvizmán  kórəv  v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • Yizbórakh  v’yishtábakh  v’yispóar  v’yisróyməm  v’yisnásə
  • V’yishádor  v’yisálə v’yisháləl  shméy  d’kútshə:  BRIKH HU
  • L’éylo  min  kol  birkhósə v’shirósə
  • Tushb’khósə v’nekhemósə,  d’amírən  b’ólmə v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • Y’héy  shlómə rábə min  shmáyə v’kháyəm
  • Oléynu  v’al  kol  Yisró(ə)l  v’ímru: OMÉYN
  • Óyse  shóləm  bimróyməv,  hú  yásə shóləm
  • Oléynu  v’al  kol  Yisró(ə)l  v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • ●  ●  ●


  • Yizgadál  v’yiskadásh  shméy rabó
  • B’ólmo di  vró  khirúsəy  v’yámlikh  malkhúsey
  • B’khayéykhən  uv’yoyméykhən  ufkháyey  d’khol  Beys  Yisróəl
  • Boagólə uvizmán  kórəv  v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • Yizbórakh  v’yishtábakh  v’yispóar  v’yisróymeym v’yisnásə
  • V’yishádor  v’yisálə v’yisháləl  shméy  d’kútsho:  BRIKH HU
  • L’éylo  min  kol  birkhóso v’shiróso
  • Tushb’khóso v’nekhemóso,  d’amíron  b’ólmə v’ímru:  OMÉYN
  • Y’héy  shlómo rábo min  shmáyo f’kháyəm
  • Oléynu  v’al  kol  Yisró(ə)l  v’ímru: OMÉYN
  • Óyse  shóləm  bimróymov,  hú  yáse shóləm
  • Oléynu  v’al  kol  Yisró(ə)l  v’ímru:  OMÉYN

Passover Seyder Selections

ד′ קַשְׁיוֹתֿ

Traditional Hebrew Yiddish “sandwich” of the original text embedded in Yiddish introductory and concluding text. From the Vilna area but in Standard Ashkenazic and Yiddish pronunciation:

If one’s father is sitting at the Peysakh table:

טאַטע! כ′ל בײַ דיר פרעגן די פיר קשיותֿ!

If not:

רבותֿי! כ′ל בײַ אײַך פרעגן די פיר קשיותֿ!

די ערשטע קשיא איז:

מַה נִּשְׁתַּנָה הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה מִכָּל הַלֵּילוֹתֿ?

Ma nishtáno haláylo hazé, mikól haléyloys?

פאַרוואָס איז אָטאָ די נאַכט פון פֵּסַח אַנדערש פון אַלע נעכט פון אַ גאַנץ יאָר?

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹתֿ

shepkhól haléyloys

אַז אַלע נעכט פון אַ גאַנץ יאָר

אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין חָמֵץ וּמַצָּה

Ónu óykhlin khómetys umátso

עסן מיר סײַ חָמץ סײַ מַצה

הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה

Haláylo hazé

אָבער — אָטאָ די נאַכט פון פֵּסַח

כֻּלּוֹ מַצָּה!

Kúloy mátso

עסן מיר — נאָר מצה!

די צווייטע קשיא איז:

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת

shepkhól haléyloys

אַז אַלע נעכט פון אַ גאַנץ יאָר

אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין שְׁאָר יְרָקוֹת

Ónu óykhlin shəòr-yerókoys

עסן מיר אַלערלייאיקע גרינסן

הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה

Haláylo hazé

אָבער — אָטאָ די נאַכט פון פֵּסַח



 עסן מיר נאָר — ביטערע קרײַטעכער!

די דריטע קשיא איז:

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹתֿ

shepkhól haléyloys

אַז אַלע נעכט פון אַ גאַנץ יאָר

אֵין אָנוּ מַטְבִּילִין אֲפִילוּ פַּעַם אֶחָתֿ

Eyn ónu madbílin, afílu páam ékhos

טונקען מיר ניט אײַנעט דעם עסן, אַפילו קיין איין מאָל אויכעט ניט

הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה

Haláylo hazé

אָבער — אָטאָ די נאַכט פון פֵּסַח

שְׁתֵּי פְעָמִים!

Shtéy peómim!

טונקען מיר אײַנעט דעם עסן — צוויי מאָל: איין מאָל ציבעלע אין זאַלץ⸗וואַסער, און איין מאָל — כריין אין חרוסתֿ.

די לעצטע קשיא איז:

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹתֿ

shepkhól haléyloys

אַז אַלע נעכט פון אַ גאַנץ יאָר

אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין בֵּין יוֹשְׁבִין וּבֵין מְסֻבִּין

Ónu óyklin beyn yóshvin uveyn mesúbin

עסן מיר סײַ זיצנדיק סײַ אָנגעלענטערהייט

הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה

Haláylo hazé

אָבער — אָטאָ די נאַכט פון פֵּסַח

כֻּלָּנוּ מְסֻבִּין!

Kulónu mesúbin

עסן מיר אַלע נאָר — אָנגעלענטערהייט!

If one’s father is sitting at the Peysakh table:

טאַטע! גיב מיר אַן ענטפער אַף די פיר קשיותֿ!

If not:

רבותֿי! גיט מיר אַן ענטפער אַף די פיר קשיותֿ!

עֲבָדִים הָיִינוּ וכו′

Passover Seyder Recitation of the Ten Plagues

דָּם   dom

צְפַרְדֵּעַ   tsfardéya  (\דרומי:  tsfardáya)

כִּנִּים   kínim

עָרוֹב   óroyv (\דרומי: uróyf; צפוני: óreyv)

דֶּבֶר   déver  (\דרומי: déyver)

שְׁחִין   sh(ə)khín

בָּרָד   bórod  (דרומי: búrot)

אַרְבֶּה   árbe

חֹשֶׁךְ   khóyshekh  (צפוני: khéyshekh)

מַכַּתֿ בְּכוֹרוֹתֿ   mákas b(ə)khóyroys (צפוני:  mákas b(ə)khéyréys)

רַבִּי יְהוּדָה הָיָה נוֹתֵֿן בָּהֶם סִמָּנִים: דְּצַ″ךְ, עַדַ″שׁ, בְּאַחַ″ב.

Standard: Reb [/rábi] Yehúdo hóyo nóyseyn bóhem simónim: dətsákh, adásh, b(ə)akáv.

Southern: Reb [/rábi] Yehí:du: hú:yu: nóysayn bú:hem simú:nim: dətsákh, adásh, b(ə)akáf.

Northern: Reb [/rábi] Yehúdo hóyo néyseyn bóhem simónim: dətsákh, adásh, b(ə)akáv.

חַד גַּדְיָא

  • חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא, דִּזְבַּן [\דְּזַבִּין] אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • וְאָתָֿא שׁוּנְרָא, וְאָכְלָא לְגַדְיָא, דִזְבַּן אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • וְאָתָֿא כַּלְבָּא, וְנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא, דְּאָכְלָא לְגַדְיָא, דִזְבַּן אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • וְאָתָֿא חוּטְרָא, וְהִכָּה לְכַּלְבָּא, דְּנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא, דְּאָכְלָא לְגַדְיָא, דִזְבַּן אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • וְאָתָֿא נוּרָא, וְשָׂרַף לְחוּטְרָא, דְּהִכָּה לְכַּלְבָּא, דְּנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא, דְּאָכְלָא לְגַדְיָא, דִזְבַּן אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • וְאָתָֿא מַיָּא, וְכָבָא לְנוּרָא, דְּשָׂרַף לְחוּטְרָא, דְּהִכָּה לְכַּלְבָּא, דְּנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא, דְּאָכְלָא לְגַדְיָא, דִזְבַּן אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • וְאָתָֿא תּוּרָא, וְשָׁתָֿה לְמַיָּא, דְּכָבָא לְנוּרָא, דְּשָׂרַף לְחוּטְרָא, דְּהִכָּה לְכַּלְבָּא, דְּנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא, דְּאָכְלָא לְגַדְיָא, דִזְבַּן אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • וְאָתָֿא שׁוֹחֵט, וְשָׁחַט לְתּוּרָא, דְּשָׁתָֿה לְמַיָּא, דְּכָבָא לְנוּרָא, דְּשָׂרַף לְחוּטְרָא, דְּהִכָּה לְכַּלְבָּא, דְּנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא, דְּאָכְלָא לְגַדְיָא, דִזְבַּן אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • וְאָתָֿא מַלְאַךְ הַמָּוֶתֿ, וְשָׁחַט לְשׁוֹחֵט, דְּשָׁחַט לְתּוּרָא, דְּשָׁתָֿה לְמַיָּא, דְּכָבָא לְנוּרָא, דְּשָׂרַף לְחוּטְרָא, דְּהִכָּה לְכַּלְבָּא, דְּנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא, דְּאָכְלָא לְגַדְיָא, דִזְבַּן אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • וְאָתָֿא הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, וְשָׁחַט לְמַלְאָךְ הַמָּוֶתֿ, דְּשָׁחַט לְשׁוֹחֵט, דְּשָׁחַט לְתּוּרָא, דְּשָׁתָֿה לְמַיָּא, דְּכָבָא לְנוּרָא, דְּשָׂרַף לְחוּטְרָא, דְּהִכָּה לְכַּלְבָּא, דְּנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא, דְּאָכְלָא לְגַדְיָא, דִזְבַּן אַבָּא בִּתְֿרֵי זוּזֵי, חַד גַּדְיָא, חַד גַּדְיָא.
  • חד גדיא: חד גדיא 


V(ə)óso hakódoysh bór(u)khu, vəshókhat ləmàlakh-hamóves, dəshókhat leshóykheyt — dəshókhat lətúro, dəshóso ləmáyo, dəkhóvo lənúro, dəsóraf ləkhútro, dəhíko ləkálbo, dənóshakh ləshúnro — dəókhlo ləgádyo, dízban [/dəzábin] ábo bisréy zúzey: khád gádyo, khad gádyo.



V(ə)ú:su: hakúdoysh bú:r(u)khi:, vəshúkhat ləmàlakh-hamúves, dəshúkhat leshóykhayt — dəshúkhat lətí:ru:, dəshú:su: ləmáyu:, dəkhúvu ləní:ru:, dəsú:raf ləkhítru:, dəhí:ku: ləkálbu:, dənúshakh ləshínru: — dəókhlu: ləgádyu:, dízban [/dəzábin] ábu: bisráy zízay: khád gádyu:, khad gádyu:.



V(ə)óso hakódeysh bór(u)khu, vəshókhat ləmàlakh-hamóves, dəshókhat leshéykheyt — dəshókhat lətúro, dəshóso ləmáyo, dəkhóvo lənúro, dəsóraf ləkhútro, dəhíko ləkálbo, dənóshakh ləshúnro — dəókhlo ləgádyo, dízban [/dəzábin] ábo bisréy zúzey: khád gádyo, khad gádyo.

In Modern European Hebrew Poetry

A Cultural, Literary and Linguistic Highpoint of Ashke-2

 Chaim Nachman Bialik   חיים נחמן בּיאַליק


לֹא בַּיּוֹם וְלֹא בַּלַּיְלָה

SUNG (2021) BY

JOANNA CZABAN  |  אַשקע טשאַבאַן

See also A. Z. Foreman’s reading of Bisəshuvósi and Al hashkhíto






















Facsimile of the poem’s first publication in Ha-Shilóyakh (Hashiloah), Odessa 1908 (vol. 18, no. 2, p. 109). From the St. Petersburg National Library, with thanks to Julia Rets.


The vowel pointing of the following version generally follows the original, with some occasional deviation resulting from popular rendition.

  • לֹא בַּיּוֹם וְלֹא בַּלַּיְלָה    Lóy bayóym v’loy baláylo     
  • חֶרֶשׁ אֵצֵא לִי אֲטַיְּלָה    khéresh éytsey li atáylo    
  • לֹא בָּהָר וְלֹא בַּבִּקְעָה    Lóy bohór v’loy babíko     
  • שִׁטָּה עָמְדָה שָׁם עַתִּיקָה    shíto ómdo shom atíko     
  • וְהַשִּׁטָּה פּוֹתְֿרָה חִידוֹתֿ    V’hashíto póysro khídoys  
  • וּמַגִּידָה הִיא עֲתִֿידוֹתֿ    umagído hi asídoys.     
  • אֶתֿ הַשִּׁטָּה אֶשְׁאַל אָנִי   Es hashíto éshal óni     
  • מִי וָמִי יְהֵי חֲתָֿנִי   Mí-vomí yəhéy khasóni   
  • וּמֵאַיִן יָבֹא, שִׁטָּה   Umèy-áyin yóvoy, shíto   
  • הֲמִפּוֹלִין אִם מִלִּיטָא   ha-mi-Póyln im mi-Líto     
  • הֲבְמֶרְכָּבָה יַעֲבֹר שְׁבִילוֹ   Ha-v’merkóvo yáyvoyr shvíloy  
  • אִם בְּמַקְלוֹ וּבְתַּרְמִילוֹ   im bəmákloy uf-tarmíloy    
  • וּמַה יָּבִיא לִי שִׁלּוּמִים    Umá yóvi li shilúmim     
  • חֲרוּזֵי פְּנִינִים אִם אַלְגֻּמִּים    Khrùzey-pnínim im algúmim    
  • וּמַה תָּאֳרוֹ — צַח אִם שָׁחוֹר   Umá-tó-oroy, tsakh im shókhoyr   
  • אַלְמָן הוּא אִם עוֹדוֹ בָּחוּר    álmon hú im óydoy bókhur      
  • שֶׁמָא זָקֵן, שִׁטָּה טוֹבָה   Shémo-zókeyn, shíto tóyvo    
  • אָז לֹא אֶשְׁמַע, אָז לֹא אֹבֶה   oz lóy éshma, oz loy óyve     
  • אֹמַר לְאָבִי: הֲמִיתֵֿנִי   !Òymar-l’óvi: Hamiséyni     
  • וּבְיַד זָקֵן אַל תִּתְּנֵנִי   !uvyàd-zókeyn al titnéyni   
  • לְרַגְלָיו אֶפֹּל וְאֶשָּׁקֵן   L’ráglov-époyl v’eshókeyn   
  • אַךְ לֹא זָקֵן, אַךְ לֹא זָקֵן  Akh lóy zókeyn, akh lóy zókeyn     

  • In Warsaw Ashkenazic Hebrew:
  • *
  • Loy bayóym vəloy baláylu,
  • khèyresh-áytsay li atáylu:
  • Loy buhór vəloy babíku,
  • shítu ómdu shom atíku.
  • Vəhashítu póysru khídoys,
  • umagídu hi asídoys —
  • Es hashítu éshal úni:
  • Mì-vumí yəháy khasúni?
  • Imày-á:(y)in yúvoy, shítu?
  • ha-mì-Póylin im mi-Lítu?
  • Ha-vəmerkúvú yáavoyr shvíloy,
  • im bəmákloy if-tarmíloy?
  • Imà-yúvi li shilímim?
  • Khrìzay-pnínim im algímim?
  • Imà-tú-uroy, tsakh im shúkhoyr?
  • àlmon-hí im óydoy búkhir?
  • Shèymo-zúkayn, shítu tóyvu,
  • oz lòy-éshma, oz loy óyve.
  • Òymar-l’úvi: Hamisáyni —
  • uvyàd-zúkayn al titnáyni!
  • Ləráglov époyl və-eshúkayn:
  • Akh loy zúkayn, akh loy zúkayn.

  • In Vilna Ashkenazic Hebrew
  • Ley bayéym vəley baláylo,
  • khèresh-éytsey li atáylo:
  • Ley bohór vəley babíko,
  • shíto ómdo shom atíko.
  • Vəhashíto péysro khídeys,
  • umagído hi asídeys —
  • Es hashíto éshal óni:
  • Mì-vomí yəhéy khasóni?
  • Umèy-áyin yóvey, shíto?
  • ha-mì-Péylin im mi-Líto?
  • Ha-vəmerkóvo yáaveyr shvíley,
  • im bəmákley uf-tarmíley?
  • Umà-yóvi li shilúmim?
  • Khrùzey-pnínim im algúmim?
  • Umà-tó-orey, tsakh im shókheyr?
  • àlmon-hú im óydey bókhur?
  • Shèmo-zókeyn, shíto téyvo,
  • oz lèy-éshma, oz ley éyve.
  • Èymar-l’óvi: Hamiséyni —
  • uvyàd-zókeyn al titnéyni!
  • Ləráglov épeyl və-eshókeyn:
  • Akh ley zókeyn, akh ley zókeyn




Rhythm +/via Vernacularization / toward or away from Yiddishization…

Ha-vəmerkóvo [/hav-merkóvo] yáavoyr [N: yáyvoyr/yáyveyr/yáyvər; S: yá:voyr/yá:vər] shvíloy,    הֲבְמֶרְכָּבָה יַעֲבֹר שְׁבִילוֹ

im bəmákloy uf-tarmíloy? [/uvə-sarmíylo]     אִם בְּמַקְלוֹ וּבְתַּרְמִילוֹ

Rhyme + Vernacularization…

Umà-tó-oroy, tsakh im shókhoyr [/shókhər]?     וּמַה תָּאֳרוֹ — צַח אִם שָׁחוֹר

àlmon-hú im óydoy bókhur [/bókhər]?     אַלְמָן הוּא אִם עוֹדוֹ בָּחוּר

Vernacularization (=Yiddishization) alone…

Ləràglov-époyl və-eshókeyn [/N: eshókn / S: eshúkn]      לְרַגְלָיו אֶפֹּל וְאֶשָּׁקֵן

Akh loy zókeyn, akh loy zókeyn [/N: zókn / S: zúkn]      אַךְ לֹא זָקֵן, אַךְ לֹא זָקֵן

See also Bialik’s Yiddish version of the poem (use handles to turn pages): 

Nit batog un nit banakht BIALIK

Ashkenazic Pleasure-Principle Variability

לפי הניב BY DIALECT

המיתני: hamisáyni ← hamiséyni (לכיוון דרומי, פּולין)

חידות: khídeys ← khídoys (לכיוון צפוני, ליטא)


הַבְמֶרְכָּבָה — havmerkóvo ∼ havəmerkóvo

  לְפיִ הַלָּשׁוֹן הְַּיהוּדִיתֿ (אידיש)   BY YIDISHIZATION  /  VERNACULARIZATION

To perfect the rhythm

יעבור — yáavoyr

או ל: yá:vər \ yá:voyr (לכיוון דרומי, פּולין)

 או ל-:

yáyvər \ yáyvoyr (לכיוון צפוני, ליטא)

To repair defective rhyme 

Umà-tó-oroy, tsakh im shókhər?

àlmon-hú im óydoy bókhər?


(Umà-tó-oroy, tsakh im shúkhə(r 

(àlmon-hú im óydoy búkhə(r 

Chaim Nachman Bialik’s Beír haharéygo

NOTE: In her Songs in Dark Times (Harvard University Press, 2020), Professor Amelia Glaser breaks the mold of arbitrarily recasting Ashkenazic poetry in an anachronous and inaccurate contemporary Israeli mold; see p. 54 etc.

בְּעִיר הַהֲרֵגָה

קוּם לֵךְ לְךָ אֶל עִיר הַהֲרֵגָה וּבָאתָֿ אֶל-הַחֲצֵרוֹתֿ,  Kum léykh ləkhò, el ìr ha-haréygo uvóso el-hakhatséyroys
וּבְעֵינֶיךָ תִּרְאֶה וּבְיָדְךָ תְּמַשֵּׁשׁ עַל-הַגְּדֵרוֹתֿ  Uvəeynèkho tíre, uvyòdkho təmásheysh al-hagdéyroys 
וְעַל הָעֵצִים וְעַל הָאֲבָנִים וְעַל-גַּבֵּי טִיחַ הַכְּתָֿלִים  Vəal ho-éytsim, vəal-hoavónim, vəal-gàbey tìakh-haksólim
אֶתֿ-הַדָּם הַקָּרוּשׁ וְאֶתֿ-הַמֹּחַ הַנִּקְשֶׁה שֶׁל-הַחֲלָלִים. Es hadòm-hakórush, vəes hamòyakh-haníkshe shèl hakhalólim

וּבָאתָֿ מִשָּׁם אֶל-הֶחֳרָבוֹתֿ וּפָסַחְתָּ עַל-הַפְּרָצִים
וְעָבַרְתָּ עַל-הַכְּתָֿלִים הַנְּקוּבִים וְעַל הַתַּנּוּרִים הַנִּתָּצִים,
בִּמְקוֹם הֶעֱמִיק קִרְקַר הַמַּפָּץ, הִרְחִיב הִגְדִּיל הַחוֹרִים,
מַחֲשֹף הָאֶבֶן הַשְּׁחֹרָה וְעָרוֹתֿ הַלְּבֵנָה הַשְּׂרוּפָה,
וְהֵם נִרְאִים כְּפֵיוֹתֿ פְּתוּחִים שֶׁל-פְּצָעִים אֲנוּשִׁים וּשְׁחֹרִים
אֲשֶׁר אֵין לָהֶם תַּקָּנָה עוֹד וְלֹא-תְֿהִי לָהֶם תְּרוּפָה,
וְטָבְעוּ רַגְלֶיךָ בְּנוֹצוֹתֿ וְהִתְנַגְּפוּ עַל תִּלֵּי-תִלִּים
שֶׁל-שִׁבְרֵי שְׁבָרִים וּרְסִיסֵי רְסִיסִים וּתְבוּסַתֿ סְפָרִים וּגְוִילִים,
כִּלְיוֹן עֲמַל לֹא-אֱנוֹשׁ וּפְרִי מִשְׁנֶה עֲבוֹדַתֿ פָּרֶךְ;
וְלֹא-תַֿעֲמֹד עַל-הַהֶרֶס וְעָבַרְתָּ מִשָּׁם הַדָּרֶךְ –
וְלִבְלְבוּ הַשִּׁטִּים לְנֶגְדְּךָ וְזָלְפוּ בְאַפְּךָ בְּשָׂמִים,
וְצִיצֵיהֶן חֶצְיָם נוֹצוֹתֿ וְרֵיחָן כְּרֵיחַ דָּמִים;
וְעַל-אַפְּךָ וְעַל-חֲמָתְֿךָ תָּבִיא קְטָרְתָּן הַזָּרָה
אֶתֿ-עֶדְנַתֿ הָאָבִיב בִּלְבָבְךָ – וְלֹא-תְֿהִי לְךָ לְזָרָא;
וּבְרִבֲבוֹתֿ חִצֵּי זָהָב יְפַלַּח הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ כְּבֵדְךָ
וְשֶׁבַע קַרְנַיִם מִכָּל-רְסִיס זְכוּכִיתֿ תִּשְׂמַחְנָה לְאֵידְךָ,
כִּי-קָרָא אֲדֹנָי לָאָבִיב וְלַטֶּבַח גַּם-יָחַד:
הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ זָרְחָה, הַשִּׁטָּה פָּרְחָה וְהַשּׁוֹחֵט שָׁחַט.

וּבָרָחְתָּ וּבָאתָֿ אֶל-חָצֵר, וְהֶחָצֵר גַּל בּוֹ –

Uvorákhto uvóso el-khótseyr, vəhekhótser gál bòy—

עַל הַגַּל הַזֶּה נֶעֶרְפוּ שְׁנַיִם: יְהוּדִי וְכַלְבּוֹ.

Al hagál hazè nérfu shnáyim: Yehúdi vekhál-bòy

קַרְדֹּם אֶחָד עֲרָפָם וְאֶל-אַשְׁפָּה אַחַתֿ הוּטָלוּ Kàrdoym ékhod arófom vəel-àshpo-ákhas hutólù
וּבְעֵרֶב דָּם שְׁנֵיהֶם יְחַטְטוּ חֲזִירִים וְיִתְֿגּוֹלָלוּ; Uvèyrev dàm-shnéyhem yəkhàtu khazèyrim vəyisgoylólù
מָחָר יֵרֵד גֶּשֶׁם וּסְחָפוֹ אֶל-אַחַד נַחֲלֵי הַבָּתֿוֹתֿ –
וְלֹא-יִצְעַק עוֹד הַדָּם מִן הַשְּׁפָכִים וְהָאַשְׁפָּתֿוֹתֿ,
כִּי בִּתְֿהֹם רַבָּה יֹאבַד אוֹ-יַשְׁקְ נַעֲצוּץ לִרְוָיָה –
וְהַכֹּל יִהְיֶה כְּאָיִן, וְהַכֹּל יָשׁוּב כְּלֹא-הָיָה.
וְאֶל עֲלִיּוֹתֿ הַגַּגֹּותֿ תְּטַפֵּס וְנִצַּבְתְּ שָׁם בָּעֲלָטָה –
עוֹד אֵימַתֿ מַר הַמָּוֶתֿ בַּמַּאֲפֵל הַדּוֹמֵם שָׁטָה;
וּמִכָּל-הַחוֹרִים הָעֲמוּמִים וּמִתּוֹךְ צִלְלֵי הַזָּוִיּוֹתֿ
עֵינַיִם, רְאֵה, עֵינַיִם דּוּמָם אֵלֶיךָ צוֹפִיּוֹתֿ.
רוּחוֹת הַ„קְּדוֹשִׁים“ הֵן, נְשָׁמוֹתֿ עוֹטְיוֹתֿ וְשׁוֹמֵמוֹתֿ,
אֶל-זָוִיתֿ אַחַתֿ תַּחַת כִּפַּתֿ הַגַּג הִצְטַמְצְמוּ – וְדוֹמֵמוֹתֿ.
כַּאן מְצָאָן הַקַּרְדֹּם וְאֶל-הַמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה תָּבֹאנָה
לַחְתֹּם פֹּה בְּמֶבָּטֵי עֵינֵיהֶן בַּפַּעַם הָאַחֲרוֹנָה
אֶתֿ כָּל-צַעַר מוֹתָֿן הַתָּפֵל וְאֶתֿ כָּל-תַּאֲלַתֿ חַיֵּיהֶן,
וְהִתְֿרַפְּקוּ פֹּה זָעוֹתֿ וַחֲרֵדוֹתֿ, וְיַחְדָּו מִמַּחֲבוֹאֵיהֶן
דּוּמָם תּוֹבְעוֹתֿ עֶלְבּוֹנָן וְעֵינֵיהֶן שׁוֹאֲלוֹת: לָמָּה? –
וּמִי-עוֹד כֵּאלֹהִים בָּאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר-יִשָּׂא זֹאתֿ הַדְּמָמָה?
וְנָשָׂאתָֿ עֵינֶיךָ הַגָּגָה – וְהִנֵּה גַם רְעָפָיו מַחֲרִישִׁים,
מַאֲפִילִים עָלֶיךָ וְשׁוֹתְֿקִים, וְשָׁאַלְתָּ אֶתֿ-פִּי הָעַכָּבִישִׁים;
עֵדִים חַיִּים הֵם, עֵדֵי רְאִיָּה, וְהִגִּידוּ לְךָ כָּל-הַמּוֹצְאוֹתֿ:
מַעֲשֶׂה בְּבֶטֶן רֻטָּשָה שֶׁמִּלּאוּהָ נוֹצוֹתֿ,
מַעֲשֶׂה בִּנְחִירַיִם וּמַסְמֵרוֹתֿ, בְּגֻלְגָּלוֹתֿ וּפַטִּישִׁים,
מַעֲשֶׂה בִּבְנֵי אָדָם שְׁחוּטִים שֶׁנִּתְֿלוּ בְּמָרִישִׁים,
וּמַעֲשֶׂה בְּתִּינוֹק שֶׁנִּמְצָא בְּצַד אִמּוֹ הַמְדֻקָּרָה
כְּשֶׁהוּא יָשֵׁן וּבְפִיו פִּטְמַתֿ שָׁדָהּ הַקָּרָה;
וּמַעֲשֶׂה בְּיֶלֶד שֶׁנִּקְרַע וְיָצְאָה נִשְׁמָתוֹ בְּ„אִמִּי!“ –
וְהִנֵּה גַם עֵינָיו פֹּה שׁוֹאֲלוֹת חֶשְׁבּוֹן מֵעִמִּי.
וְעוֹד כָּאֵלֶּה וְכָאֵלֶּה תְּסַפֵּר לְךָ הַשְׂמָמִיתֿ
מַעֲשִׂים נוֹקְבִים אֶתֿ-הַמֹּחַ וְיֵשׁ בָּהֶם כְּדֵי לְהָמִיתֿ
אֶתֿ-רוּחֲךָ וְאֶתֿ-נִשְׁמָתְֿךָ מִיתָֿה גְּמוּרָה עוֹלָמִיתֿ –
וְהִתְאַפַּקְתָּ, וְחָנַקְתָּ בְּתֿוֹךְ גְּרוֹנְךָ אֶתֿ הַשְּׁאָגָה
וּקְבַרְתָהּ בְּמַעֲמַקֵּי לְבָבְךָ לִפְנֵי הִתְֿפָּרְצָהּ,
וְקָפַצְתָּ מִשָּׁם וְיָצָאתָֿ – וְהִנֵּה הָאָרֶץ כְּמִנְהָגָהּ,
וְהַשֶּׁמֶשׁ כִּתְֿמֹל שִׁלְשֹׁם תְּשַׁחֵתֿ זָהֳרָהּ אָרְצָה.

וְיָרַדְתָּ מִשָּׁם וּבָאתָֿ אֶל-תּוֹךְ הַמַּרְתֵּפִים הָאֲפֵלִים,
מְקוֹם נִטְמְאוּ בְּנוֹתֿ עַמְּךָ הַכְּשֵׁרוֹתֿ בֵּין הַכֵּלִים,
אִשָּׁה אִשָּׁה אַחַתֿ תַּחַתֿ שִׁבְעָה שִׁבְעָה עֲרֵלִים,
הַבַּתֿ לְעֵינֵי אִמָּהּ וְהָאֵם לְעֵינֵי בִּתָּהּ,
לִפְנֵי שְׁחִיטָה וּבִשְׁעַתֿ שְׁחִיטָה וּלְאַחַר שְׁחִיטָה;
וּבְיָדְךָ תְּמַשֵּׁש אֶתֿ-הַכֶּסֶתֿ הַמְטֻנֶּפֶתֿ וְאֶתֿ-הַכָּר הַמְאָדָּם,
מִרְבַּץ חֲזִירֵי יַעַר וּמִרְבַּעַתֿ סוּסֵי אָדָם
עִם-קַרְדֹּם מְטַפְטֵף דָּם רוֹתֵֿחַ בְּיָדָם.
וּרְאֵה גַּם-רְאֵה: בַּאֲפֵלַתֿ אוֹתָֿהּ זָוִיתֿ,
תַּחַתֿ מְדוֹכַתֿ מַצָּה זוֹ וּמֵאֲחוֹרֵי אוֹתָֿהּ חָבִיתֿ,
שָׁכְבוּ בְעָלִים, חֲתָֿנִים, אַחִים, הֵצִיצוּ מִן-הַחוֹרִים
בְּפַרְפֵּר גְּוִיּוֹתֿ קְדוֹשׁוֹתֿ תַּחַת בְּשַׂר חֲמוֹרִים,
נֶחֱנָקוֹתֿ בְּטֻמְאָתָֿן וּמְעַלְּעוֹתֿ דַּם צַוָּארָן,
וּכְחַלֵּק אִישׁ פַּתֿ-בָּגוֹ חִלֵּק מְתֹֿעָב גּוֹי בְּשָׂרָן –
שָׁכְבוּ בְּבָשְׁתָּן וַיִּרְאוּ – וְלֹא נָעוּ וְלֹא זָעוּ,
וְאֶתֿ-עֵינֵיהֶם לֹא-נִקֵּרוּ וּמִדַּעְתָּם לֹא יָצָאוּ –
וְאוּלַי גַּם-אִישׁ לְנַפְשׁוֹ אָז הִתְֿפַּלֵּל בִּלְבָבוֹ:
רִבּוֹנוֹ שֶׁל-עוֹלָם, עֲשֵׂה נֵס – וְאֵלַי הָרָעָה לֹא-תָבֹֿא.
וְאֵלֶּה אֲשֶׁר חָיוּ מִטֻּמְאָתָֿן וְהֵקִיצוּ מִדָּמָן –
וְהִנֵּה שֻׁקְּצוּ כָּל-חַיֵּיהֶן וְנִטְמָא אוֹר עוֹלָמָן
שִׁקּוּצֵי עוֹלָם, טֻמְאַתֿ גּוּף וָנֶפֶשׁ, מִבַּחוּץ וּמִבִּפְנִים –
וְהֵגִיחוּ בַעֲלֵיהֶן מֵחוֹרָם וְרָצוּ בֵּיתֿ-אֱלֹהִים
וּבֵרְכוּ עַל-הַנִּסִּים שֵׁם אֵל יִשְׁעָם וּמִשְׂגַּבָּם;
וְהַכֹּהֲנִים שֶׁבָּהֶם יֵצְאוּ וְיִשְׁאֲלוּ אֶתֿ רַבָּם:
“רַבִּי! אִשְׁתִּי מָה הִיא? מֻתֶּרֶתֿ אוֹ אֲסוּרָה?” –
וְהַכֹּל יָשׁוּב לְמִנְהָגוֹ, וְהַכֹּל יַחֲזֹר לְשׁוּרָה.

וְעַתָּה לֵךְ וְהֵבֵאתִֿיךָ אֶל-כָּל הַמַּחֲבוֹאִים:
בָּתֵּי מָחֳרָאוֹתֿ, מִכְלְאוֹתֿ חֲזִירִים וּשְׁאָר מְקוֹמוֹתֿ צוֹאִים.
וְרָאִיתָֿ בְּעֵינֶיךָ אֵיפֹה הָיוּ מִתְחַבְּאִים
אַחֶיךָ, בְּנֵי עַמֶּךָ וּבְנֵי בְנֵיהֶם שֶׁל-הַמַּכַּבִּים,
נִינֵי הָאֲרָיוֹתֿ שֶׁבְּ„אַב הָרַחֲמִים“ וְזֶרַע הַ„קְּדוֹשִׁים“.
עֶשְׂרִים נֶפֶשׁ בְּחוֹר אֶחָד וּשְׁלֹשִׁים שְׁלֹשִׁים,
וַיְגַדְּלוּ כְבוֹדִי בָּעוֹלָם וַיְקַדְּשׁוּ שְׁמִי בָּרַבִּים…
מְנוּסַתֿ עַכְבָּרִים נָסוּ וּמַחֲבֵא פִשְׁפְּשִׁים הָחְבָּאוּ,
וַיָמוּתֿוּ מוֹתֿ כְּלָבִים שָׁם בַּאֲשֶׁר נִמְצָאוּ,
וּמָחָר לַבֹּקֶר – וְיָצָא הַבֵּן הַפָּלִיט
וּמָצָא שָׁם פֶּגֶר אָבִיו מְגֹאָל וְנִמְאָס – – –
וְלָמָּה תֵּבְךְּ, בֶּן-אָדָם, וְלָמָּה תָּלִיט
אֶתֿ-פָּנֶיךָ בְּכַפְּךָ? – חֲרֹק שִׁנַּיִם וְהִמָּס!

וְיָרַדְתָּ בְּמוֹרַד הָעִיר וּמָצָאתָֿ גִּנַּתֿ יָרָק,
וַאֲוֵרָה גְדוֹלָה עִם הַגִּנָּה, הִיא אֲוֵרַתֿ הֶהָרֶג.
וּכְמַחֲנֵה תִּנְשְׁמוֹתֿ עֲנָק וְאֵימֵי עֲטַלֵּפִים
הַסְּרוּחִים עַל-חַלְלֵיהֶם שִׁכּוֹרֵי דָם וַעֲיֵפִים.
שָׁם עַל קַרְקַע הָאֲוֵרָה שָׁטְחוּ לָהֶם שֶׁטַח
אוֹפַנִּים מְפֻשְּׂקֵי יְתֵֿדוֹתֿ כְּאֶצְבָּעוֹתֿ שְׁלוּחוֹתֿ לִרְצֹחַ,
וּפִיפִיּוֹתָם מְגֹאָלִים עוֹד בְּדַם אָדָם וָמֹחַ.
וְהָיָה בַּעֲרֹב הַיּוֹם, בִּנְטוֹת שֶׁמֶשׁ מַעֲרָבָה,
מְעֻטָּף בְּעַנְנֵי דָּם וְנֶאְפַּד אֵשׁ לֶהָבָה,
וּפָתַֿחְתָּ אֶתֿ-הַשַּׁעַר, בַּלָּט וּבָאתָֿ אֶל-הָאֲוֵרָה
וְאֵימָה חֲשֵׁכָה תִּבְלָעֶךָּ, וּתְֿהֹם זְוָעָה נַעֲלָמָה:
מָגוֹר, מָגוֹר מִסָּבִיב… מְשׁוֹטֵט הוּא בַּאֲוֵרָהּ,
שׁוֹרֶה הוּא עַל הַכְּתָֿלִים וְכָבוּשׁ בְּתֿוֹךְ הַדְּמָמָה.
וּמִתַּחַתֿ תִּלֵּי הָאוֹפַנִּים, מִבֵּין הַחוֹרִים וְהַסְּדָקִים,
עוֹר תַּרְגִּישׁ כְּעֵין פִּרְפּוּר שֶׁל-אֲבָרִים מְרֻסָּקִים,
מְזִיזִים אֶתֿ הָאוֹפַנִּיםֿ הַתְּלוּלִים עַל-גַּבֵּיהֶם,
מִתְעַוְּתִֿים בִּגְסִיסָתָֿם וּמִתְֿבּוֹסְסִים בִּדְמֵיהֶם;
וְאֶנְקַתֿ חֲשָׁאִים אַחֲרוֹנָה – קוֹל עֲנוֹתֿ חֲלוּשָׁה
מִמַּעַל לְרֹאשְׁךָ עֲדַיִן תְּלוּיָה כְּמוֹ קְרוּשָׁה,
וּכְעֵין צַעַר נֶעְכָּר, צַעַר עוֹלָם, תּוֹסֵס שָׁם וְחָרֵד.
אֵין זֹאתֿ כִּי אִם-רוּחַ דַּכָּא רַב-עֱנוּת וּגְדֹל-יִסּוּרִים
חָבַשׁ כָּאן אֶתֿ-עַצְמוֹ בְּתֿוֹךְ בֵּיתֿ הָאֲסוּרִים,
נִתְֿקַע פֹּה בִּדְוֵי עוֹלָם וְלֹא-יֹאבֶה עוֹד הִפָּרֵד,
וּשְׁכִינָה שְׁחֹרָה אַחַתֿ, עֲיֵפַתֿ צַעַר וִיגֵעַת כֹּחַ,
מִתְלַבֶּטֶתֿ פֹּה בְּכָל-זָוִיתֿ וְלֹא-תִמְצָא לָהּ מָנוֹחַ,
רוֹצָה לִבְכּוֹת – וְאֵינָהּ יְכוֹלָה, חֲפֵצָה לִנְהֹם – וְשׁוֹתֶֿקֶתֿ,
וְדוּמָם תִּמַּק בְּאֶבְלָהּ וּבַחֲשָׁאִי הִיא נֶחֱנֶקֶתֿ,
פּוֹרֶשֶׂתֿ כְּנָפֶיהָ עַל צִלְלֵי הַקְּדוֹשִׁים וְרֹאשָׁהּ תַּחַתֿ כְּנָפָהּ,
מַאֲפִילָה עַל-דִּמְעוֹתֶֿיהָ וּבוֹכִיָּה בְלִי שָׂפָה – – –

וְאַתָּה גַם-אַתָּה, בֶּן-אָדָם, סְגֹר בַּעַדְךָ הַשַּׁעַר,
וְנִסְגַּרְתָּ פֹּה בָּאֲפֵלָה וּבַקַּרְקַע תִּכְבֹּשׁ עֵינֶיךָ
וְנִצַּבְתָּ כֹּה עַד-בּוֹשׁ וְהִתְֿיַחַדְתָּ עִם-הַצַּעַר
וּמִלֵּאתָֿ בּוֹ אֶתֿ-לְבָבְךָ לְכֹל יְמֵי חַיֶּיךָ,
וּבְיוֹם תְּרֻשַּׁשׁ נַפְשְּךָ וּבַאֲבֹד כָּל חֵילָהּ –
וְהָיָה הוּא לְךָ לִפְלֵיטָה וּלְמַעְיַן תַּרְעֵלָה,
וְרָבַץ בְּךָ כִּמְאֵרָה וִיבַעֶתְֿךָ כְּרוּחַ רָעָה,
וּלְפָֿתְךָ וְהֵעִיק עָלֶיךָ כְּהָעֵק חֲלוֹם זְוָעָה;
וּבְחֵיקְךָ תִּשָּׂאֶנּוּ אֶל-אַרְבַּע רוּחוֹתֿ הַשָּׁמַיִם,
וּבִקַּשְׁתָּ וְלֹא-תִֿמְצָא לוֹ נִיב שְׂפָתַֿיִם.

וְאֶל-מִחוּץ לָעִיר תֵּצֵא וּבָאתָֿ אֶל בֵּיתֿ-הָעוֹלָם,
וְאַל-יִרְאֲךָ אִישׁ בְּלֶכְתְּךָ וִיחִידִי תָּבֹא שָׁמָּה,
וּפָקַדְתָּ קִבְרוֹתֿ הַקְּדוֹשִׁים לְמִקְּטַנָּם וְעַד-גְּדוֹלָם,
וְנִצַּבְתָּ עַל עֲפָרָם הַתָּחוּחַ וְהִשְׁלַטְתִּי עָלֶיךָ דְּמָמָה:
וּלְבָבְךָ יִמַּק בְּךָ מֵעֹצֶר כְּאֵב וּכְלִמָּה –
וְעָצַרְתִּי אֶתֿ-עֵינֶיךָ וְלֹא-תִֿהְיֶה דִמְעָה,
וְיָדַעְתָּ כִּי עֵתֿ לִגְעוֹתֿ הִיא כְּשׁוֹר עָקוּד עַל הַמַּעֲרָכָה –
וְהִקְשַׁחְתִּי אֶת-לְבָבְךָ וְלֹא-תָֿבֹא אֲנָחָה.
הִנֵּה הֵם עֶגְלִֵי הַטִּבְחָה, הִנֵּה הֵם שׁוֹכְבִים כֻּלָּם –
וְאִם יֵשׁ שִׁלּוּמִים לְמוֹתָֿם – אֱמֹר, בַּמֶּה יְשֻׁלָּם?
סִלְחוּ לִי, עֲלוּבֵי עוֹלָם, אֱלֹהֵיכֶם עָנִי כְמוֹתְֿכֶם,
עָנִי הוּא בְחַיֵּיכֶם וְקַל וָחֹמֶר בְּמוֹתְֿכֶם,
כִּי תָֿבֹאוּ מָחָר עַל-שְׂכַרְכֶם וּדְפַקְתֶּם עַל-דְּלָתָֿי –
אֶפְתְּחָה לָכֶם, בֹּאוּ וּרְאוּ: יָרַדְתִּי מִנְּכָסָי!
וְצַר לִי עֲלֵיכֶם, בָּנַי, וְלִבִּי לִבִּי עֲלֵיכֶם:
חַלְלֵיכֶם – חַלְלֵי חִנָּם, וְגַם-אֲנִי וְגַם-אַתֶּם
לֹא-יָדַעְנוּ לָמָּה מַתֶּם וְעַל-מִי וְעַל-מָה מַתֶּם,
וְאֵין טַעַם לְמוֹתְֿכֶם כְּמוֹ אֵין טַעַם לְחַיֵּיכֶם.
וּשְׁכִינָה מָה אוֹמֶרֶתֿ? – הִיא תִּכְבֹּש בֶּעָנָן אֶתֿ רֹאשָׁהּ
וּמֵעֹצֶר כְּאֵב וּכְלִמָּה פּוֹרֶשֶׁתֿ וּבוֹכָה…
וְגַם-אֲנִי בַּלַּיְלָה בַלַּיְלָה אֵרֵד עַל הַקְּבָרִים,
אֶעֱמֹד אַבִּיט אֶל-הַחֲלָלִים וְאֵבוֹשׁ בַּמִּסְתָּרִים –
וְאוּלָם, חַי אָנִי, נְאוּם יְיָ, אִם-אוֹרִיד דִּמְעָה.
וְגָדוֹל הַכְּאֵב מְאֹד וּגְדוֹלָה מְאֹד הַכְּלִמָּה –
וּמַה-מִּשְּׁנֵיהֶם גָּדוֹל? – אֱמֹר אַתָּה, בֶּן אָדָם!
אוֹ טוֹב מִזֶּה – שְׁתֹק! וְדוּמָם הֱיֵה עֵדִי,
כִּי-מְצָאתַנִי בִקְלוֹנִי וַתִּרְאֵנִי בְּיוֹם אֵידִי;
וּכְשׁוּבְךָ אֶל-בְּנֵי עַמֶּךָ – אַל-תָּשׁוּב אֲלֵיהֶם רֵיקָם,
כִּי מוּסַר כְּלִמָּתִי תִּשָּׂא וְהוֹרַדְתּוֹ עַל-קָדְקֳדָם,
וּמִכְּאֵבִי תִּקַּח עִמְּךָ וַהֲשֵׁבוֹתוֹ אֶל-חֵיקָם.

וּפָנִיתָ לָלֶכֶת מֵעִם קִבְרוֹת הַמֵּתִים, וְעִכְּבָה
רֶגַע אֶחָד אֶתֿ-עֵינֶיךָ רְפִידַת הַדֶּשֶׁא מִסָּבִיב,
וְהַדֶּשֶׁא רַךְ וְרָטֹב, כַּאֲשֶׁר יִהְיֶה בִּתְחִלַּתֿ הָאָבִיב:
נִצָּנֵי הַמָּוֶתֿ וַחֲצִיר קְבָרִים אַתָּה רוֹאֶה בְעֵינֶיךָ;
וְתָֿלַשְׁתָּ מֵהֶם מְלֹא הַכַּף וְהִשְׁלַכְתָּם לַאֲחוֹרֶיךָ,
לֵאמֹר: חָצִיר תָּלוּשׁ הָעָם – וְאִם-יֵשׁ לַתָּלוּשׁ תִּקְוָה?
וְעָצַמְתָּ אֶתֿ-עֵינֶיךָ מֵרְאוֹתָֿם, וּלְקַחְתִּיךָ וַאֲשִׁיבְךָ
מִבֵּיתֿ-הַקְּבָרוֹתֿ אֶל-אַחֶיךָ אֲשֶׁר חָיוּ מִן-הַטִּבְחָה,
וּבָאתָֿ עִמָּם בְּיוֹם צוּמָם אֶל בָּתֵּי תְפִלָּתָֿם
וְשָׁמַעְתָּ זַעֲקַתֿ שִׁבְרָם וְנִסְחַפְתָּ בְדִמְעָתָֿם;
וְהַבַּיִתֿ יִמָּלֵא יְלָלָה, בְּכִי וְנַאֲקַת פֶּרֶא,
וְסָמְרָה שַׂעֲרַתֿ בְּשָׂרְךָ וּפַחַד יִקְרָאֲךָ וּרְעָדָה –
כָּכָה תֶּאֱנֹק אֻמָּה אֲשֶׁר אָבְדָה אָבָדָה…
וְאֶל-לְבָבָם תַּבִּיט – וְהִנּוֹ מִדְבָּר וְצִיָּה,
וְכִי-תִצְמַח בּוֹ חֲמַת נָקָם – לֹא תְחַיֶּה זֶרַע,
וְאַף קְלָלָה נִמְרֶצֶת אַחַת לֹא-תוֹלִיד עַל-שִׂפְתֵיהֶם.
הַאֵין פִּצְעֵיהֶם נֶאֱמָנִים – – וְלָמָה תְפִלָּתָם רְמִיָּה?
לָמָּה יֱכַחֲשׁוּ לִי בְּיוֹם אֵידָם, וּמַה-בֶּצַע בְּכַחֲשֵׁיהֶם?
וּרְאֵה גַם-רְאֵה: עוֹד הֵם נְמַקִּים בִּיגוֹנָם,
כֻּלָּם יוֹרְדִים בַּבֶּכִי, יִשְּׂאוּ קִינָה בְּנִיהֶם,
וְהִנֵּה הֵם מְתוֹפְפִים עַל-לִבְבֵיהֶם וּמִתְוַדִּים עַל-עֲוֹנָם
לֵאמֹר: “אָשַׁמְנוּ בָּגַדְנוּ” – וְלִבָּם לֹא-יַאֲמִין לְפִיהֶם.
הֲיֶחֱטָא עֶצֶב נָפוֹץ וְאִם-שִׁבְרֵי חֶרֶשׂ יֶאְשָמוּ?
וְלָמָּה זֶה יִתְחַנְּנוּ אֵלָי? – דַּבֵּר אֲלֵיהֶם וְיִרְעָמוּ!
יָרִימוּ-נָא אֶגְרֹף כְּנֶגְדִי וְיִתְבְּעוּ אֶתֿ עֶלְבּוֹנָם,
אֶתֿ-עֶלְבּוֹן כָּל-הַדּוֹרוֹתֿ מֵרֹאשָׁם וְעַד-סוֹפָם,
וִיפוֹצְצוּ הַשָּׁמַיִם וְכִסְאִי בְּאֶגְרוֹפָם.

וְגַם-אַתָּה, בֶּן-אָדָם, אַל-תִּבָּדֵל מִתּוֹךְ עֲדָתָֿם,
הַאֲמֵן לְנִגְעֵי לִבָּם וְאַל-תַּאֲמֵן לִתְֿחִנָּתָֿם;
וּבְהָרֵם הַחַזָּן קוֹלוֹ: „עֲשֵׂה לְמַעַן הַטְּבוּחִים!
עֲשֵׂה לְמַעַן תִּינֹוקוֹתֿ! עֲשֵׂה לְמַעַן עוֹלְלֵי טִפּוּחִים“!
וְעַמּוּדֵי הַבַּיִתֿ יִתְפַּלְּצוּ בְּזַעֲקַתֿ תַּאֲנִיָּה,
וְסָמְרָה שַׂעֲרַתֿ בְּשָׂרְךָ וּפַחַד יִקְרָאֲךָ וּרְעָדָה –
וְהִתְאַכְזַרְתִּי אֲנִי אֵלֶיךָ – וְלֹא תִֿגְעֶה אִתָּם בִּבְכִיָּה
וְכִי תִּפְרֹץ שַׁאֲגָתְֿךָ – אֲנִי בֵּין שִׁנֶּיךָ אֲמִיתֶֿנָּה;
יְחַלְּלוֹּ לְבַדָּם צָרָתָֿם – וְאַתָּה אַל תְּחַלְּלֶנָּה.
תַּעֲמֹד הַצָּרָה לְדוֹרוֹתֿ – צָרָה לֹא-נִסְפָּדָה,
וְדִמְעָתְךָ אַתָּה תֵּאָצֵר דִּמְעָה בְלִי-שְׁפוּכָה,
וּבָנִיתָֿ עָלֶיהָ מִבְצַר בַּרְזֶל וְחוֹמַתֿ נְחוּשָׁה
שֶׁל-חֲמַתֿ מָוֶתֿ, שִׂנְאַתֿ שְׁאוֹל וּמַשְׂטֵמָה כְבוּשָׁה,
וְנֹאחֲזָה בִלְבָבְךָ וְגָדְלָה שָׁם כְּפֶתֶֿן בִּמְאוּרָתֿוֹ,
וִינַקְתֶּם זֶה מִזֶּה וְלֹא-תִמְצְאוּ מְנוּחָה;
וְהִרְעַבְתָּ וְהִצְמֵאתָֿ אוֹתֿוֹ – וְאַחַר תַּהֲרֹס חוֹמָתֿוֹ
וּבְרֹאשׁ פְּתָֿנִים אַכְזָר לַחָפְשִׁי תְשַׁלְּחֶנּוּ
וְעַל-עַם עֶבְרָתְֿךָ וְחֶמְלָתְֿךָ בְּיוֹם רַעַם תְּצַוֶּנּוּ.

עַתָּה צֵא מִזֶּה וְשׁוּב הֵנָּה בֵּין הַשְּׁמָשׁוֹתֿ
וְרָאִיתָֿ אַחֲרִיתֿ אֵבֶל עָם: וְהִנֵּה כָּל-אֵלֶּה הַנְּפָשׁוֹתֿ
אֲשֶׁר-חָרְדוּ וְהֵקִיצוּ בֹקֶר – שָׁבוּ לָעֶרֶב וַתֵּרָדַמְנָה,
ִויגֵעֵי בֶכִי וְדַכֵּי רוּחַ הִנָּם עוֹמְדִים עַתָּה בַּחֲשֵׁכָה,
עוֹד הַשְּׂפָתַֿיִם נָעוֹתֿ, מְפַלְּלוֹתֿ – אַךְ הַלֵּב נָחַר תּוֹכוֹ,
וּבְלֹא נִיצוֹץ תִּקְוָה בַּלֵּב וּבְלִי שְׁבִיב אוֹר בָּעָיִן
הַיָּד תְּגַשֵּׁשׁ בָּאֲפֵלָה, תְּבַקֵּשׁ מִשְׁעָן – וָאִָיִן…
כָּכָה תֶּעְשַׁן עוֹד הַפְּתִֿילָה אַחֲרֵי כְלוֹתֿ שַּמְנָהּ,
כָּךְ יִמְשֹׁךְ סוּס זָקֵן אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּר כֹּחוֹ.
לוּ אַגָּדַת תַּנְחוּמִים אַחַת הִנִּיחָה לָהֶם צָרָתָֿם,
לִהְיוֹתֿ לָהֶם לִמְשִׁיבַתֿ נֶפֶשׁ וּלְכַלְכֵּל שֵׂיבָתָֿם!
הִנֵּה כָלָה הַצּוֹם, קָרְאוּ „וַיְחַל“, אָמְרוּ „עֲנֵנוּ“ – וְלָמָּה
עוֹד הַצִּבּוּר מִתְֿמַהְמֵהַּ? – הַיִקְרְאוּ גַּם „אֵיכָה? –
לֹא! הִנֵּה דַרְשָׁן עוֹלֶה עַל-הַבָּמָה,
הִנֵּה הוּא פוֹתֵֿחַ פִּיו, מְגַמְגֵּם וּמְפִיחַ אֲמָרָיו,
טָח תָּפֵל וְלוֹחֵשׁ פְּסוּקִים עַל מַכָּתָֿם הַטְּרִיָּה,
וְאַף קוֹל אֱלֹהִים אֶחָד לֹא-יַצִּיל מִפִּיהוּ,
גַּם-נִיצוֹץ קָטָן אֶחָד לֹא-יַדְלִיק בִּלְבָבָם;
וְעֵדֶר אֲדֹנָי עוֹמֵד בִּזְקֵנָיו וּבִנְעָרָיו,
אֵלֶּה שׁוֹמְעִים וּמְפַהֲקִים וְאֵלֶּה רֹאשׁ יָנִיעוּ;
תַּו הַמָּוֶתֿ עַל-מִצְחָם וּלְבָבָם יֻכַּתֿ שְׁאִיָּה.
מֵתֿ רוּחָם, נָס לֵחָם, וֵאלֹהֵיהֶם עֲזָבָם.

וְגַם אַתָּה אַל-תָּנֹד לָהֶם, אַל-תְּזַעְזַע חִנָּם פִּצְעֵיהֶם,
אַל-תִּגְדֹּשׁ עוֹד לַשָּׁוְא סְאַתֿ צָרָתָֿם הַגְּדוּשָׁה;
בַּאֲשֶׁר תִּגַּע אֶצְבָּעֲךָ – שָׁמָּה מַכָּה אֲנוּשָׁה,
כָּל-בְּשָׂרָם עֲלֵיהֶם יִכְאַב – אֲבָל נוֹשְׁנוּ בְּמַכְאוֹבֵיהֶם
וַיַּשְׁלִימוּ עִם חַיֵּי בָשְׁתָּם, וּמַה-בֶּצַע כִּי תְנַחֲמֵם?
עֲלוּבִים הֵם מִקְּצֹף עֲלֵיהֶם וְאוֹבְדִים הֵם מֵרַחֲמֵם;
הַנַּח לָהֶם וְיֵלֵכוּ – הִנֵּה יָצְאוּ הַכּוֹכָבִים,
וַאֲבֵלִים וַחֲפוּיֵי רֹאשׁ וּבְבֹשֶׁתֿ גַּנָּבִים
אִישׁ אִישׁ עִם-נִגְעֵי לִבּוֹ יָשׁוּב הַבָּיְתָֿה,
וְגֵווֹ כָּפוּף מִשֶּׁהָיָה וְנַפְשׁוֹ רֵיקָה מִשֶּׁהָיְתָה,
וְאִישׁ אִישׁ עִם נִגְעֵי לִבּוֹ יַעֲלֶה עַל-מִשְׁכָּבוֹ
וְהַחֲלֻדָּה עַל-עֲצָמָיו וְהָרָקָב בִּלְבָבוֹ…
וְהָיָה כִּי-תַשְׁכִּים מָחָר וְיָצָאתָֿ בְּרֹאשׁ דְּרָכִים –
וְרָאִיתָ הֲמוֹן שִׁבְרֵי אָדָם נֶאֱנָקִים וְנֶאֱנָחִים,
צוֹבְאִים עַל חַלּוֹנוֹת גְּבִירִים וְחוֹנִים עַל הַפְּתָחִים,
מַכְרִיזִים בְּפֻמְבֵּי עַל-פִּצְעֵיהֶם כְּרוֹכֵל עַל-מַרְכֹּלֶת,
לְמִי גֻּלְגֹּלֶת רְצוּצָה וּלְמִי פֶּצַע יָד וְחַבּוּרָה,
וְכֻלָּם פּוֹשְׁטִים יָד כֵּהָה וְחוֹשְׂפִים זְרוֹעַ שְׁבוּרָה,
וְעֵינֵיהֶם, עֵינֵי עֲבָדִים מֻכִּים, אֶל יַד גְּבִירֵיהֶם,
לֵאמֹר: “גֻּלְגֹּלֶת רְצוּצָה לִי, אָב “קָדוֹשׁ” לִי –תְּנָה אֶתֿ תַּשְׁלוֹמֵיהֶם!”
וּגְבִירִים בְּנֵי רַחֲמָנִים מִתְמַלְּאִים עֲלֵיהֶם רַחֲמִים
וּמוֹשִׁיטִים לָהֶם מִבִּפְנִים מַקֵּל וְתַֿרְמִיל לַגֻּלְגֹּלֶתֿ,
אוֹמְרִים „בָּרוּךְ שֶׁפְּטָרָנוּ“ – וְהַקַּבְּצָנִים מִתְֿנַחֲמִים.

לְבֵית הַקְּבָרוֹתֿ, קַבְּצָנִים! וַחֲפַרְתֶּם עַצְמוֹתֿ אֲבוֹתֵֿיכֶם
וְעַצְמוֹתֿ אַחֵיכֶם הַקְּדוֹשִׁים וּמִלֵּאתֶֿם תַּרְמִילֵיכֶם
וַעֲמַסְתֶּם אוֹתָֿם עַל-שֶׁכֶם וִיצָאתֶֿם לַדֶּרֶךְ, עֲתִֿידִים
לַעֲשׂוֹתֿ בָּהֶם סְחוֹרָה בְּכָל-הַיְרִידִים;
וּרְאִיתֶֿם לָכֶם יָד בְּרֹאשׁ דְּרָכִים, לְעֵין רוֹאִים,
וּשְׁטַחְתֶּם אוֹתָֿם לַשֶּׁמֶשׁ עַל-סְמַרְטוּטֵיכֶם הַצֹּאִים,
וּבְגָרוֹן נִחָר שִׁירָה קַבְּצָנִיתֿ עֲלֵיהֶם תְּשׁוֹרְרוּ,
וּקְרָאתֶֿם לְחֶסֶד לְאֻמִּים וְהִתְֿפַּלַּלְתֶּם לְרַחֲמֵי גוֹיִם,
וְכַאֲשֶׁר פְּשַׁטְתֶּם יָד תִּפְשֹׁטוּ, וְכַאֲשֶׁר שְׁנוֹרַרְתֶּם תִּשְׁנוֹרְרוּ.

וְעַתָּה מַה-לְךָ פֹּה, בֶּן-אָדָם, קוּם בְּרַח הַמִּדְבָּרָה
וְנָשָׂאתָֿ עִמְּךָ שָׁמָּה אֶתֿ-כּוֹס הַיְגוֹנִים,
וְקָרַעְתָּ שָׁם אֶתֿ-נַפְשְׁךָ לַעֲשָׂרָה קְרָעִים
וְאֶתֿ-לְבָבְךָ תִּתֵּן מַאֲכָל לַחֲרוֹן אֵין-אוֹנִים,
וְדִמְעָתְֿךָ הַגְּדוֹלָה הוֹרֵד שָׁם עַל קָדְקֹד הַסְּלָעִים
וְשַׁאֲגָתְֿךָ הַמָּרָה שַׁלַּח – וְתֹֿאבַד בִּסְעָרָה.

תמוז–תשרי, תרס”ד.

Chaim Nachman Bialik’s Bisshuvósi

Note: See Alex Foreman’s youtube reading of the poem (and translation into English).

בִּתְֿשׁוּבָתִֿי  Bisshuvósi

  • שׁוּב לְפָנַי: זָקֵן בָּלֶה,  Shuv ləfónay zókeyn bóle 
  • פָּנִים צֹמְקִים וּמְצֹרָרִים,  Pónim tsoymkim umtsoyrórim
  • צֵל קַשׁ יָבֵשׁ, נָד כְּעָלֶה,  Tseyl kash yóveysh, nod kəólo
  • נָד וָנָע עַל־גַּבֵּי סְפָרִים. Nod vonó al gábey səfórim 
  • שׁוּב לְפָנַי: זְקֵנָה בָלָה,  Shuv ləfónay: skéyno bólo
  • אֹרְגָה, סֹרְגָה פֻזְמְקָאוֹתֿ,  Oyrgo, soyrgo puzməkóyoys
  • פִּיהָ מָלֵא אָלָה, קְלָלָה,  Pího móley ólo, klólo
  • וּשְׂפָתֶֿיהָ תָּמִיד נָעוֹתֿ. Usəfosého tómid nóoys
  • וּכְמֵאָז לֹא מָשׁ מִמְּקוֹמוֹ  Ukhəmeyóz loy mosh mimkóymoy 
  • חֲתֿוּל בֵּיתֵֿנוּ – עוֹדוֹ הֹזֶה     Khasul beyséynu — oydoy khóyze 
  • בֵּין כִּירַיִם, וּבַחֲלוֹמוֹ  Beyn kiráyim uvakhalóymoy
  • עִם־עַכְבָּרִים יַעַשׂ חֹזֶה.  Im aghbórim yáas khóyze
  • וּכְמֵאָז בָּאֹפֶל מְתֿוּחִים  Ukhəmeyóz bo-óyfel məsúkhim
  • קוּרֵי אֶרֶג הָעַכָּבִישׁ  Kúrey éreg ho-akóvish
  • מְלֵאֵי פִּגְרֵי זְבוּבִים נְפוּחִים  Mley pígrey zvúvim nəfúkhim
  • שָׁם בַּזָּוִיתֿ הַמַּעֲרָבִיתֿ… Shom bazóvis hamaaróvis
  • לֹא שֻׁנֵּיתֶֿם מִקַּדְמַתְֿכֶם,  Loy shunéysem mikadmáskhem
  • יָשָׁן נוֹשָׁן, אֵין חֲדָשָׁה; –   Yóshon nóyshon, eyn khadósho 
  • אָבֹא, אַחַי, בְּחֶבְרַתְֿכֶם!  Óvoy, ákhay, bəkhevráskhem
  • יַחְדָּו נִרְקַב עַד־נִבְאָשָׁה!   Yaghdov nirkav ad-nivósho

 Yehudo Leyb Gordon   יהודה לייב גאָרדאָן  

הַסּוּס וְהַסִּיס



Yehudo Leyb Gordon    יְהוּדָה לֵיבּ גאָרדאָן

Hasús Vǝhasís  הַסּוּס וְהַסִּיס

  • בִּהְיוֹתֿ בְּנֵי הָאָדָם  Bihyóys bney ho-ódom
    שָׂפָה אַחַתֿ וּדְבָרִים אֲחָדִים  Sófo ákhas udvórim akhódim
    לֹא נִכְשְׁלוּ בִּלְשׁוֹנָם  Loy níkhshǝlu bilshóynom
    וְלֹא נֶחְלְקוּ בְּרַעְיוֹנָם;  Vloy nékhlǝku bǝrayóynom 
  • וּמִיּוֹם נִפְלְגָה הָאָרֶץ  U-miyóym níflǝgo hoórets
    לִלְשֹׁנוֹתָֿם לְגוֹייֵהֶם  Lilshoynóysom lǝgoyéyhem
    הִרְבָּה כּוֹשֵׁל בֵּינֵיהֶם  Hírbo kóyshl beynéyhem
    וַיִּרְחַב הַפָּרֶץ.  Vayírkhav hapórets
  • יֵשׁ גַּם בְּנֵי עַם אַחַד  Yeysh gám bney am ákhad
    יוֹשְׁבֵי מְדִינוֹתֿ שׁוֹנוֹתֿ  Yóyshvey mǝdínoys shóynoys
    אֵין לָהֶם לֵב לְיָחַד  Éyn lóhem leyv lǝyákhad
    מֵחֵלֶק שְׂפָתַֿיִם וְרִיב לְשֹׁנוֹתֿ:  Meykhéylek sfosáyim vǝrív lǝshóynoys
  • הָאֶפְרָתִֿי מִבִּלְתִּי יְכֹלֶתֿ  Ho-efrósi mibílti yǝkhóyles
    לֵאמֹר שִׁבֹּלֶתֿ  Léymoyr shibóyles
    אָמַר סִבֹּלֶתֿ –  Ómar sibóyles
    וַיֹּאחֲזוּ בוֹ וַיִּשְׁחָטוּהוּ,  Va-yóykhazu bóy vayishkhotúhu
  • וּבֶן-וָואהלִין קָרָא חִירִיק  Ubén Volín kóro khírik
    בִּמְקוֹם שֶׁבֶּן-לִיטָא קוֹרֵא שׁוּרֻק  Bímkoym she-ben-Líto kóyre shúruk
    וּלְבֵיתֿ-דִּין הֱבִיאוּהוּ. Ulǝbézdn heviúhu 
  • שְׁנֵי סֹחֲרִים בַּדֶּרֶךְ אָרָחוּ  Shney sóykhrim ba-dérekh orókhu 
  • אֶל אַחַד הַיְּרִידִים יָרָדוּ,  El ákhad hayrídim yoródu
  • וּשְׁנֵיהֶם יַחְדָּו הָלָכוּ  Ushnéyhem yákhdov holókhu
    אַף אִם לֹא נוֹעָדוּ.  af ím loy noyódu.
  • הָאָחָד תֵּימָנִי מֵעִיר „מֵלִיטָא“   Hoékhod teymóni meyir Melíto
    הַשֵּׁנִי מִצָּפוֹן מֵעִיר מִלִּיטָא;  Hashéyni mitsófoyn meyir mi-Líto
  • זֶה בָּא לִמְכּוֹר סְחוֹרָתֿוֹ   Ze bo límkoyr skhoyrósoy
    וָזֵה לִקְנוֹת סְחוֹרָה מְגַמָּתֿוֹ.  Vozé líknoys skhóyro mǝgamósoy.
    וַיְהִי בַדֶּרֶךְ וַיֹּאמֶר הַצְּפוֹנִי:  Vayǝhí badérekh vayóymer hatsfóyni
    „אֱמָר-נָא לִי, אֲדֹנִי, Emóyr no lí adóyni
    מַה-חֶפְצְךָ בַּשּׁוּק וּבשְׁבִיל מַה בָּאתָֿ?“  Ma khéftsǝkho bashúk ubíshvil ma bóso
  • וַיַּעַן הַדְּרוֹמִי: רְצוֹנִי  Vayáan hadróymi: Rǝtsóyni
    לִקְנוֹתֿ סִוס*) טוֹב בְּמָנָה אוֹ בְּמָאתַֿיִם —  líknoys sis toyv bǝmóno oy bǝmosáyim 
  • „לֹא יָגַעְתָּ וּמָצָאתָֿ“  Loy yogáto umotsóso 
    (הַדֹּבֵר בּוֹ יַעֲנֵהוּ), (Hadóyver bóy yaanéyhu)
    „יֵשׁ אִתִּי סִיס כָּזֶה, תַּאֲוָה לָעֵינַיִם,  Yeysh ití sis kozé, táyvo loeynáyim
    אִם תַּחְפֹּץ בִּמְחִיר זֶה קָחֵהוּ“.  Im tákhpoyts bimkhír ze kokhéyhu
  • וַיַּאֲמֵן בּוֹ הַקּוֹנֶה וַיֵאוֹתֿ  Vayámeyn boy hakóyne vayéyoys
    וַיִּקְנֵהוּ מֵאִתּוֹ בְּלִי רְאוֹתֿ, Vayiknéyhu meyítoy bli réyoys
    וַיִּתֵּן כַּסְפּוֹ שְׁתֵּי מֵאוֹתֿ.  Vayíteyn káspoy shtey méyoys
  • בַּיּוֹם הַשֵּׁנִי לְמָחֳרָתֿוֹ  Bayóym hashéyni lǝmokhorósoy
  • הֵבִיא הַמּוֹכֵר אֶתֿ סְחוֹרָתֿוֹ héyvi hamóykheyr es skhoyrósoy 
  • כְּנַף רְנָנִים נֶעֳלָסָה  Knaf rǝnónim neelóso
    נֶהְדָּרָה בְּנֹצָתָֿהּ  Nehdóro bǝnoytsóyso 
  • וַיֹּאמֶר הַתֵּימָנִי בְּתִמָּהוֹן:  Vayóymer hateymóni bǝtimóǝn
    הֲרַמַּאי אַתָּה אוֹ מֻכֵּה שִׁגָּעוֹן?  Harámay áto oy múke shigóǝn 
  • לֹא סִיס הַיּוֹשֵׁב בַּכְּלוּב קָנִיתִֿי Loy sis hayóysheyv bakúv konísi
  • כִּי אִם סִוס הָעוֹמֵד בָּאֻרְוָה אִוִּיתִֿי. –   Ki im sis hoóymeyd boúrvo ivísi 
  • „לֹא“, טָעַן הַצְּפוֹנִי, „לֹא רִמִּיתִֿיךָ,   Loy,  tóan hatsfóyni,  Loy rimisíkho
  • כִּי לֹא כֵן אָנֹכִי עִמָּדִי;   Ki lóy keyn onóykhi imódi 
    סיס אָמַרְתָּ בְּפִיךָ  Sis omárto bǝpíkho
    וְסִיס הֵבֵאתִֿי בְּיָדִי“.   vǝsis heyvéysi bǝyódi
  • וַיִּנָּצוּ יַחְדָּו וַיָּרִיבוּ  Vayinótsu yakhdóv vayorívu
    וּדְבָרָם אֶל הָרַב הִקְרִיבוּ.  Udvorom el haróv hikrívu 
    הַקֹּנֶה תָּבַע שֶׁיַּחֲזִיר לוֹ הַמָּעוֹתֿ,   Hakóyne tóva sheyákhzir loy hamóoys
    לְפִי שֶׁהִטְעָהוּ בְּיוֹתֵֿר מִשְׁתּוּתֿ,   Lǝfi shehitóhu bǝyóyseyr mishtús
    אַךְ הָרַב פָּסַק שֶׁאֵין זֶה אֶלָּא שְׁטוּתֿ,  akh haróv pósak sheéyn ze élo shtùs
    וּלְפִיכָךְ – אֵין הַמֶּקַח מֶקַח טָעוּתֿ.  Ulfíkhokh ― Eyn hamékah mékakh tóùs 
  • הַקּוֹרֵא בְּוַדַּאי  Hakóyrey bǝváday
    יִקְרָאֵנִי בַּדַּאי,  Yikroéyni báday
    כִּי הֲיִתָּכֵן  Ki: Hayǝtókhn
    שֶׁבִּשְׁבִיל נְקוּדָה קְטַנָּה אַחַתֿ   shebíshvil nəkúdo ktáno akhás
    יָבֹאוּ שְׁנֵי אֲנָשִׁים גְּדוֹלִים  Yovóyu shney anóshim gdóylim
    לִמְרִיבָה מִתְֿלַקַּחַתֿ  Limrívo mislakákhas
    וּלְבֵיתֿ-דִּין יִהְיוּ עוֹלִים?  ulbézdn yíyhu óylim
  • אָכֵן  Okhéyn
    מֶה כָּל הַמַּחֲלֹקוֹתֿ שֶׁהָיוּ בִּיהוּדָה  Me kol hamakhlóykoys shehóyu biYhúdo
    אִם לֹא בִּשְׁבִיל אֵיזוּ אוֹתֿ אוֹ נְקוּדָה.  Im loy bishvil éyzu óys oy nǝkúdo
  • פֵּרוּשִׁים קְלוּשִׁים וְדִקְדּוּקִים דַּקִּין,   Peyrúshim klúshim vǝdikdúkim dákin
    אֵתִֿין וְגַמִּין אֲכִין וְרַקִּין?  Éysin vǝgámin ákhin vǝrákin
  • בִּשְׁבִיל מַה בְּשָׁנִים רִאשׁוֹנוֹתֿ  Bishvil má bǝshónim rishóynoys
    נִקְרַע בֵּיתֿ יִשְׂרָאֵל לִקְרָעִים  Nikrá Beys Yisróeyl likǝróyim
    וַיְהִי לְכִתּוֹתֿ שׁוֹנוֹתֿ  Vayhí lǝkítoys shóynoys
    לִפְרוּשִׁים וּצְדוּקִים, רַבָּנִים, קָרָאִים?  LǝPrúshim uTsdúkim, rabónim, karóim
  • גַּם בְּיָמֵינוּ עָתָּה  Gam bǝyoméynu óto
    מַה כָּל הַקְּטָטָה  Me kol haktóto
    בֵּין יַעֲקֹב בְּנָהּ שֶׁל „מוּשָׁה“**)  Beyn Yánkoyv bnó shel Músho
    וּבֵין יַעֲקֹב בֶּן אֶלְקָנָה?  Uveyn Yánkoyv bén Elkóno
  • יַעַן לֹא יֹאמַר „כֶּתֶֿר“ בִּקְדֻשָּׁה  Yáan loy yóymar “késer” biKdúsho
  • וּבְקַדִּישׁ — „יַצְמַח פֻּרְקָנָא“!  UvǝKádish ― yítsmakh purkóno
  • __________________

*) סיס קרי.     **) שם אשה.

Naftoli Hertz Imber נפתחי הערץ אימבר

Naftoli Hertz Imber’s Hatikvoh (Hatikvah)



JOANNA CZABAN  |  אַשקע טשאַבאַן



Note differences: MK’s adherence to authentic Ashkenazic ‘oy for וֹ’ and plosive תּ word-initially (in תִּקְוָתֵֿינוּ) despite Tiberian cross-word-boundary spirantization norm).


  • Kol-òyd baléyvov — pənímo
  • Nèfesh-yəhúdi —hoymíyo
  • ulfaàsey-mízrokh — kodímo
  • àyin-lətsíyoyn — Tsoyfíyo.
  • Oyd-lòy óvdo — tikvoséynu,
  • hàtíkvo — hanoyshóno,
  • lòshuv-ləérets — [èrets-] avoyséynu,
  • ìr-bo Dóvid — [Dòvid-] khóno.

    • In Warsaw Ashkenazic Hebrew

      • Kol-òyd baláyvov — pənímu
      • Nèyfesh-yəhídi —hoymíyu
      • ulfaàsay-mízrokh — kudímu
      • à:(y)in-lətsíyoyn — Tsoyfíyu.
      • Òyd-loy óvdu — tikvusáyni,
      • hatìkvu — hanoyshúnu,
      • lùshiv-ləéyrets — [èyrets-] avoysáyni,
      • ìr-bu Dúvit — [Dùvit-] khúnu.

    • In Vilna Ashkenazic Hebrew

    • Kol-èyd baléyvov — pənímo
    • Nèfesh-yəhúdi — heymíyo
    • ulfaàsey-mízrokh — kodímo
    • àyin-lətsíyeyn — Tseyfíyo.
    • Èyd-ley óvdo — tikvoséynu,
    • hatìkvo — haneyshóno,
    • lòshuv-ləérets — [èrets-] aveyséynu,
    • ìr-bo Dóvid — [Dòvid-] khóno.

One of the versions of the entire poem

(published by Mazin’s of London, courtesy of Hebrew National & University Library, Jerusalem)

The vowel pointing of the following version generally follows the original, with some occasional deviation resulting from popular rendition.


  • כָּל עוֹד בַּלֵּבָב פְּנִימָה      Kol oyd baléyvov p’nímo 
    נֶפֶשׁ יְהוּדִי הוֹמִיָּה      Néfesh yəhúdi hoymiyo  
    וּלְפַאֲתֵֿי מִזְרָח קָדִימָה      Ulfáasey mízrokh kodímo  
    עַיִן לְצִיּוֹן צוֹפִיָּה.      Áyin l’tsíyoyn tsoyfiyo  
  • עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵֿנוּ      Oyd loy óvdo tikvoséynu
    הַתִּקְוָה הַנּוֹשָׁנָה      Hatíkvo hanoyshóno
    לָשׁוּב לְאֶרֶץ — אֶרֶץ אֲבוֹתֵֿינוּ      lóshuv l’érets — érets avoyséynu 
    לָעִיר בָּהּ דָּוִד — דָּוִד חָנָה.      Lo-ír bó Dóvid — Dóvid khóno
  • כָּל עוֹד דְּמָעוֹתֿ מֵעֵינֵינוּ      Kol oyd d’móoys mey-eynéynu 
    יִזְּלוּ כְּגֶשֶׁם נְדָבוֹתֿ      Yízlu  k’géshem nədóvoys
    וּרְבָבוֹתֿ מִבְּנֵי עַמֵּנוּ      Ur’vóvoys mibney améynu 
    עוֹד הוֹלְכִים עַל קִבְרֵי אָבוֹתֿ.      Oyd hóylkhim al kívrey óvoys 
  • עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵֿנוּ…
  • כָּל עוֹד חוֹמַתֿ מַחֲמַדֵּינוּ      Kol oyd khóymas makhmadéynu
    לְעֵינֵינוּ מוֹפַעַתֿ      L’eynéynu moyfáas
    וְעֲל חוּרְבַּן מִקְדָּשֵׁנוּ      V’al khúrban migdoshéynu
    עַיִן אַחַתֿ עוֹד דּוֹמַעַתֿ.      Áyin ákhas oyd doymáas
  • עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵֿנוּ…
  • כָּל עוֹד מֵי הַיַּרְדֵּן בְּגָאוֹן      Kol oyd mey-hayárdeyn b’gó-oyn
    מְלֹא גְּדוֹתָֿיו יִזֹלוּ      m’loy g’dóysov yizóylu
    וּלְיַם כִּנֶּרֶתֿ בְּשָׁאוֹן      Ul’yam kinéres b’shó-oyn  
    בְּקוֹל הֲמֻלָּה יִפֹּלוּ.      B’koyl hamúlo yipóylu
  • עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵֿנוּ…
  • כָּל עוֹד שָׁמָּה עֲלֵי דְּרָכַיִם      Kol oyd shómo áley d’rokháyim
    שַׁעַר יֻכַּתֿ שְׁאִיָּה      Sháar yúkas sh’íyo
    וּבֵין חוּרְבוֹתֿ יְרוּשָׁלַיִם      Uveyn khúrvoys y’rusholáyim 
    עוֹד בַּתֿ⸗צִיּוֹן בּוֹכִיָּה.      Oyd bas-tsíyoyn boykhíyo
  • עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵֿנוּ…
  • כָּל עוֹד דְּמָעוֹתֿ טְהוֹרוֹתֿ      Kol oyd d’mó-oys t’hóyroys 
    מֵעֵין בַּתֿ עַמִּי נוֹזְלוֹתֿ      Mey-eyn bas-ámi nóyzloys
    וְלִבְכּוֹתֿ לְצִיּוֹן בְּרֹאש אַשְׁמוֹרוֹתֿ      V’lífkoys l’tsíyoyn broysh ashmóyroys
    עוֹד תָּקוּם בַּחֲצִי הַלֵּילוֹתֿ.      Oyd tókum bakhátsi haléyloys
  • עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵֿנוּ…
  • כָּל עוֹד נִטְפֵי דָם בְּעוֹרְקֵינוּ      Kol oyd nítfey dom b’oyrkéynu 
  • רָצוֹא וָשׁוֹב יִזֹלוּ      Rótsoy voshoyv yizóylu
  • וַעֲלֵי קִבְרוֹתֿ אֲבוֹתֵֿינוּ      Va-áley kívroys avoyséynu
  • עוֹד אָגְלֵי טַל יִפּוֹלוּ.      Oyd ógley tal yipóylu
  • עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵֿנוּ…
  • כָּל עוֹד רֶגֶשׁ אַהֲבַתֿ הַלְּאוֹם      Kol oyd régesh á(ha)vas-hal’óym
    בְּלֵב הַיְּהוּדִי פּוֹעֵם      B’leyv hay’húdi póyeym
    עוֹד נוּכַל קַווֹתֿ גַּם הַיּוֹם      Oyd núkhal kávoys gam hayóym 
    כִּי יְרַחֲמֵנוּ אֵל זוֹעֵם.      Ki y’rakhméynu eyl zóyeym
  • עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵנוּ…
  • שִׁמְעוּ אַחַי בְּאַרְצוֹתֿ נוּדִי      Shímu ákhay b’ártsoys núdi
    אֶתֿ קוֹל אַחַד חוֹזֵינוּ      Es koyl ákhad khoyzéynu
    „כִּי רַק עַם אַחֲרוֹן הַיְּהוּדִי      Ki rák am ákhroyn hay’húdi 
    גַּם אַחֲרִיתֿ תִּקְוָתֵֿנוּ“.      Gam ákhris tikvoséynu
  • עוֹד לֹא אָבְדָה תִּקְוָתֵֿנוּ…

Meyshe Kulbak: Three Hebrew Poems

With thanks to Siarhej Shupa (Prague) for providing these redsicovered Hebrew texts to be included in his forthcoming bilingual (Yiddish–Belarusian) edition of all of Kulbak’s poetry. These three poems, the only to have survived of Kulbak’s (early) Hebrew output, were first published in Di goldene keyt. Based on the Northern (Litvak) rhyme of בְּאֵרִי with מְזוֹרִי (as unitary ej) in the second poem, holem is transcribed ey throughout as per Kulbak’s Vilna area Yiddish and Hebrew.

גַן סְתָּו. שְׁבִיל שְׁטוּף⸗הַצֵל…

Gan stov. Shvil shtuf-hatséyl

  • גַן סְתָּו. שְׁבִיל שְׁטוּף⸗הַצֵל.  Gan stov. Shvil shtuf-hatséyl
  • אַתְּ, אֲנִי, וּדְמִי הַלֵיל.  At. Ani, udmi haleyl 
  • כֶּסֶף-חַי בֵּין עֲלֵי פָּז.  Kesef-khay beyn aley-póz 
  • אַתְּ, אֲנִי, וּטְהוֹר הָרָז…  At, ani, uthoyr horóz
  • יָד חֲרֵדָה, מַבַּט כְּאֵב,   Yad karéydo, mabat kəéyv
  • אַתְּ, אֲנִי, וּנְהִי הַלֵב.  At, ani, unəhi ha-léyv
  • סַהַר נוּגֶה, מִלַת דֹם. Sahar nugo, milas déym 
  • אַתְּ, אֲנִי, וּנְשִׁיקַת-חֹם.  At,  ani, unshíkas khéym 

ר”ח חשון

  דַי אֵחָבֵא

Day Eykhóvey 

דַי! אֵחָבֵא אֶל הַכֵּלִים

  • Day! Eykhóvey el hakéylim   דַי! אֵחָבֵא אֶל הַכֵּלִים
  • Shókto bəéyri…    …שָׁקְטָה בְּאֵרִי
  • Keshéykh ho-érev éteyn yod   כְּשֹׁךְ הָעֶרֶב אֶתֵּן יָד
  • Beléyv məzéyri   בְּלֶב מְזוֹרִי
  • *
  • Gàley-mtsúlo shkhèyr-gabéykhem   גַלֵּי מְצוּלָה! — שְׁחוֹר גַבֵּיכָם
  • Rad al zhóvi.  .רַד עַל זְהָבִי
  • Khòrpi mámtin bèyn hashlógim…   …חָרְפִּי מַמְתִּין בֵּין הַשְׁלָגִים
  • Ləát — Lvóvi!   !לְאַט — לְבָבִי
  • *
  • Lu evóseyr eyr la-láylo   לוּ אֶוָתֵֿר עֵר לַלַּיְלָה
  • Maaváyi   מַאֲוַיִי
  • Rəvàs-ha-néneshef eysht beyn tslólim   רְוַתֿ-הַנֶשֶׁף אֵשְׁתְּ בֵּין צְלָלִים
  • Ukhvor dáyi.   .וּכְבָר דַיִי
  • *
  • Kòvu nəúray bətsèyl ha-khúrsheys  כָּבוּ נְעוּרַי בְּצֵל הַחֻרְשׁוֹתֿ
  • Bəeyd haplógim…     …בְּאֵד הַפְּלָגִים
  • Khòrpi mámtin bəkhèrdas-sháyish    חָרְפִּי מַמְתִּין בְּחֶרְדַּתֿ-שַׁיִשׁ
  • Beyn hashlógim.    .בֵּין הַשְׁלָגִים

בְּאַפְלוּלִיתֿ לֵיל אֵט עַתָּה אָהֳלִי‪…

Bəaflúlis leyl eyt ato ohóli

בְּאַפְלוּלִיתֿ לֵיל אֵט עַתָּה אָהֳלִי,   Bəaflúlis leyl eyt ato ohóli

וְתֿוּגָה נוּגָה, רַכָּה עֶדְנַתֿ-כְָּנָף תִּשְׁמֹר סִפִּי… Vəsugo nugo, rako ednas-konof tishmeyr sipi 

לַיְלָה.   Láylo

חֶרֶשׁ, חֶרֶשׁ אֵצֵא אֶתֿ מְעוֹנִי  Khéresh khéresh éytsey es məéyni

אָלִיט יָד בְּיָד, olit yod bəyod

וּמִשְׁנֵה דְמָמָה אִדֹם:  umishney dəm omo odeym 

אַלְלַי לִי!  Aləlay li

דִמְעָה זַכָּה נִצְנְצָה בִּבְרַק⸗צְנִיעוּתָֿהּ.  Dímo záko nitsnətso bivrak-tsniyúso

אַךְ בִּן לַיְלָה  Akh bin láylo

חָרְדָה וְנִדְלָחָה… Khórdo vənidlokho 

ּבַּמִסְתָּרִים פִּרְפְּרָה בִּדְמִי יְגוֹנָה נֶפֶשׁ תַּמָה, Bamistórim pirəro bidmey yegeyno nefesh tamo 

רֶטֶט חַי עֲבָרָהּ וַתִּתְֿיַתֵּם…  Retet khay avoro vətisyáteym

אָחִי, אָחִי, לֵיל נְדוּדִים! Okhi okhi, leyl nidudim 

תְּכֶלְתְּךָ צַק לִי, רְוֵה נִשְׁמָתִי, וּבְהֶמְיָתְֿךָ רָן-נְכָאִים… Tkheyltəkho tsak li, revey nishmosi, uvəhemyoskho ron-nəkhóyim

דְמָמָה טְמִירָה, סֹבִּי דַלְתֵֿי לַיְלָה —  Dmomo tmiro, seybi dalsey laylo

וְאֶל שְפוּנֵי שְׁחוֹר הַַתְּהוֹמוֹת שְאִי יְגוֹנִי  Vəel shfuni shokheyr hatəheymeys səi yəgeni 

יְגוֹן הַנֶפֶשׁ הָעֲיֵפָה…   Yəgeyn ha-nefesh ho-ayeyfo 

ּבְּגַעֲגוּעֵי-רְתֵֿתֿ אֲַחַכֶּה לָךְ…  Bəgaguey-təseys akháke lokh

וָאֵבְךְ.    Vo-eyvkh

בְּכִי עוֹלָל רַךְ עַל קֶבֶר אִמוֹ… Bəkhi eyleyl rakh al kever imey

ּוּבְהָנֵץ חַמָה, שוּלֵי שְׁמֵי מֶרְחַקִים יֶחֱוָרוּ, uvhoneyts khamo, shuli shmi merkhakim  yokhevoru

גַל זִיו וְכֶסֶף יַךְ וְיִז בְּדִמְדוּמֵי שַׁחַר… Gal ziv v-khesef yakh v’yaz bədimdimey shákhar 

אֲנִי — עֲרִירִי, Ani — ariri 

וּלְבָדָד אֵלֵךְ עִם יְגוֹנִי,  ulvodod eylekh im yegeyni

וְאֲתַֿנֶה חֶרֶשׁ כְּאֵב לְבָבִי בִדְמִי הַלֵיל Vəesáne khéresh kəeyv ləvóvi bidmi haleyl 

בִּכְאֵב הָעוֹלָם…  Bikhəeyv ho-eylom

ר”ח חשון


Saul Tchernichovsky

Sákhki Sákhki   שחקי שחקי

SUNG (2021) BY

JOANNA CZABAN  |  אַשקע טשאַבאַן

SIDOR BELARSKY  (with American Ashkenazic oy:> o(u):)

  • The vowel pointing of the following version generally follows the original, with some occasional deviation resulting from popular rendition.


  • שַׂחְקִי, שַׂחְקִי עַל הַחֲלוֹמוֹתֿ     Sákhki, sákhki, al hakhalóymoys   
  • זוּ אֲנִי הַחוֹלֵם שָֹח     Zu aní ha-khóyleym sókh 
  • שַׂחְקִי כִּי בָּאָדָם אַאֲמִין     Sּákhki-kí bo-ódom áymin   
  • כִּי עוֹדֶנִּי מַאֲמִין בָּךְ     Ki oydéni máymin bókh  
  • *
  • כִּי עוֹד נַפְשִׁי דְּרוֹר שׁוֹאֶפֶתֿ     Ki oyd náfshi dróyr shoyéfes  
  • לֹא מְכַרְתִּיהָ לְעֵגֶל פָּז     loy mkhartího léygel póz    
  • כִּי עוֹד אַאֲמִין גַּם בָּאָדָם     Ki òyd áymin gam bo-ódom  
  • גַּם בְּרוּחוֹ, רוּחַ עָז     Gam b’rúkhoy, rúakh óz   
  • *
  • רוּחוֹ יַשְׁלִיךְ כַּבְלֵי הֶבֶל     Rúkhoy yáshlikh kávley hével 
  • יְרוֹמְמֶנּוּ בָּמְתֵֿי עָל     Y’róyməménu bómsey ól 
  • לֹא בָּרָעָב יָמוּתֿ עוֹבֵד     Loy bo-róov yòmus óyveyd   
  • דְּרוֹר – לַנֶּפֶשׁ, פַּתֿ – לַדָּל     Droyr  — lanéfesh, pas — ladól   
  • *
  • שַׂחְקִי כִּי גַּם בְּרֵעוּתֿ אַאֲמִין     Sàkhki-kí gam brèyus áymin   
  • אַאֲמִין, כִּי עוֹד אֶמְצָא לֵב     Àymin-kí oyd èmtso léyv   
  • לֵב תִּקְוֹתַֿי גַּם תִּקְוֹתָֿיו     Leyv tikvóysay, gam tikvóysov  
  • יָחוּשׁ אֹשֶׁר, יָבִין כְּאֵב     Yókhush óysher, yòvin kéyv   
  • *
  • אַאֲמִינָה גַּם בֶּעָתִֿיד     Aamíno gam be-ósid  
  • אַף אִם יִרְחַק זֶה הַיּוֹם     Af im yírkhak ze hayóym   
  • אַךְ בֹּא יָבוֹא – יִשְּׂאוּ שָׁלוֹם     Akh boy-yóvoy — yísu shóloym  
  • אָז, וּבְרָכָה לְאֹם מִלְאֹם     Oz, uvrókho l’óym-milóym  
  • *
  • יָשׁוּב יִפְרַח אָז גַּם עַמִּי     Yóshuv yífrakh oz gam ámi 
  • וּבָאָרֶץ יָקוּם דּוֹר     Uvo-órets yókum dóyr  
  • בַּרְזֶל כְּבָלָיו יוּסַר מֶנּוּ     Bàrzel-kvólov yúsar ménu  
  • עַיִן בְּעַיִן יִרְאֶה אוֹר     Ayin-b’áyin yíre óyr   
  • *
  • יִחְיֶה, יֶאֱהַב, יִפְעַל, יָעַשׂ     Yìkhye, yéhav, yífal, yóas 
  • דּוֹר בָּאָרֶץ אָמְנָם חַי     dóyr bo-órets ómnom kháy 
  • לֹא בֶּעָתִֿיד – בַּשָּׁמַיִם     loy be-ósid — bashomáyim  
  • חַיֵּי רוּחַ לוֹ אֵין דַּי     Kháyey-rúakh loy eyn dáy  
  • *
  • אָז שִׁיר חָדָשׁ יָשִׁיר מְשׁוֹרֵר     Oz shir-khódosh yóshir mshóyreyr  
  • לְיֹפִי וְנִשְׂגָּב לִבּוֹ עֵר     L’yòyfi-vnízgov líboy éyr   
  • לוֹ, לַצָּעִיר, מֵעַל קִבְרִי     Loy, la-tsóir, méy-al kívri   
  • פְּרָחִים יִלְקְטוּ לַזֵּר     Prókhim yilk’tu la-zéyr 
  • See also Y. Y. Shvarts’s Yiddish translation (as PDF). 

Avrom-Eyliohu Kaplan

Shóko Khámo  שקעה חמה

שָׁקְעָה חַמָּה שָׁקְעָה נַפְשִׁי     Shóko khámo, shóko náfshi
בִּתְֿהוֹם יְגוֹנָהּ הָרַב כַּיָּם     bis’hóym y’góyno horáv kayóm
כִּי עוֹמְדָה לִפֹּל הִיא בְּמִלְחַמְתָּהּ     ki ómdo lípoyl hi b’milkhámto
אֶתֿ הַבָּשָׂר וְאֶתֿ הַדָּם     es habósor v’es hadóm 

יָמַי עוֹבְרִים יָמַי כַּלִים     yómay óyvrim yómay kálim
מִבְּלִי קַחַתֿ מִבְּלִי תֵּתֿ     mibli-kákhas mibli-téys
אִם לָזֹאתֿ קָרָאתָֿ חַיִּים     im lozóys koróso kháyim
אֱמֹר נָא אֵלִי מַה זֶּה מֵתֿ?     ?emóyr-no éyli má-ze méys 

חוּסָה אֵלִי כִּי לֹא אֵדַע     Khúso éyli ki loy éyda
אֵיכָה אוּכַל כֹּה לִחְיוֹתֿ     éykho úkhal koy likhyóys
הָאִם לִשְׁכֹּחַ כֹּל וּשְׂמֹחַ     hoím lishkóyakh kóyl us’móyakh
אוֹ לִזְכֹּר הַכֹּל וּבְכוֹתֿ?     ?oy lískoyr hakóyl uf’khóys

הַחֲיֵינִי אֵלִי נָא לְמָחָר     hakhayéyni éyli no l’mókhor
אוּלַי אֶפְתֹּר אֶתֿ הַחֲלוֹם     ulay éftoyr es hakh’lóym
שָׁקְעָה חַמָּה עָבִים בָּאִים     shóko khámo óvim bó(y)im
לַיְלָה עוֹלֶה מִן הַתְּהוֹם     láylo óylo min hat’hoym


שָׁקְעָה חַמָּה שָׁקְעָה נַפְשִׁי     Shóko khámo, shóko náfshi
בִּתְֿהוֹם יְגוֹנָהּ הָרַב כַּיָּם     bis’héym y’géyno horáv kayóm
כִּי עוֹמְדָה לִפֹּל הִיא בְּמִלְחַמְתָּהּ     ki ómdo lípeyl hi b’milkhámto
אֶתֿ הַבָּשָׂר וְאֶתֿ הַדָּם     es habósor v’es hadóm 

יָמַי עוֹבְרִים יָמַי כַּלִים     yómay éyvrim, yómay kálim
מִבְּלִי קַחַתֿ מִבְּלִי תֵּתֿ     mibli-kákhas, mibli-téys
אִם לָזֹאתֿ קָרָאתָֿ חַיִּים     im lozéys, koróso kháyim
אֱמֹר נָא אֵלִי מַה זֶּה מֵתֿ?     ?eméyr-no: éyli, má-ze méys 

חוּסָה אֵלִי כִּי לֹא אֵדַע     Khúso éyli ki ley éyda
אֵיכָה אוּכַל כֹּה לִחְיוֹתֿ     éykho úkhal key likhyéys
הָאִם לִשְׁכֹּחַ כֹּל וּשְׂמֹחַ     hoím lishkéyakh kéyl usméyakh
אוֹ לִזְכֹּר הַכֹּל וּבְכוֹתֿ?     ?ey lískeyr hakéyl ufkhéys

הַחֲיֵינִי אֵלִי נָא לְמָחָר     hakhayéyni éyli no l’mókhor
אוּלַי אֶפְתֹּר אֶתֿ הַחֲלוֹם     úlay éfteyr es hakh’léym
שָׁקְעָה חַמָּה עָבִים בָּאִים     shóko khámo, óvim bóyim
לַיְלָה עוֹלֶה מִן הַתְּהוֹם     láylo éylo min hat’héym






Notes on Morphology, Lexicon, Semantics, Syntax, Usage


1 Nominal Paradigms

One of the most pronounced features of Ashkenazic morphology is  a predilection for choosing, and more saliently, coining within Ashkenazic society, agentives of the template CáCon. A list of several dozen such nouns which seem to have no (or hardly any) pre-Ashkenazic antecedents was compiled by Yudel Mark in 1958 and has never been seriously challenged (Y. Mark, “Yidish-hebreyishe un hebreyish-yidishe nayshafungen” in Bikl & Lehrer’s (eds) Shmuel Niger Bukh (Yivo: N.Y. 1958,  pp. 124-157, esp. pp. 133-138). The paradigm, beloved also in Yiddish, can feminize in Ashkenazic either by classical suffix -is (< Tiberian  -ִִīθ), by Aramaic origin -to (< tɔ:), and occasionally, by both. It can began an abstract noun via suffixation of clssical -us (< ūθ). It often further begats an abstract noun (frequently a description of the profession, character or attributes expressedin the agentive per se. The paradigm remains productive to this day. Here, as an example, is בַּדּחָן [bádkhon] or, more frequently via regressive voice assimilation [bátkhon]:

בַּדְחָן [bátkhon] ‘jester at wedding and other occasions’  

(ל″ר: בַּדְחָנִים [batkhónim]); ל″נ: בַּדְחָניתֿ [batkhónis], בְַּדְחָנְתָּא [bátkhonto], בַּדׂחָניתְֿתָּא  [batkhónisto] (ל″ר: בַּדְחָנִיוֹתֿ [batkhón(i)yoys], בְַּדְחָנְתָּאוֹתֿ [batkhontóoys]) ←

בַּדְחָנוּתֿ [batkhónus] ‘profession (/character/effects etc.) of the jester’.

The examples assembled by Mark (ibid, pp. 135-136) include the following (for which the abstract-noun derivates have been added but not the feminines or plurals, cf. entries in the evolving  Ashkenazic Hebrew Dictionary.

בַַּדְחָן [bátkhon], [bádkhon] ← בַַּדְחָנוּתֿ [batkhónus], [badkhónus]

בַּעֲלָן [bá(a)lon], [báylon] ← בַּעֲלָנוּתֿ [baalónus] (\ בַּעֲלוּתֿ [bá(y)lus])

בַּדְקָן [bátkon], [bátkon] ← בַּדְקָנוּתֿ [batkónus] (\בַּדְקוּתֿ [bátkus], [bádkus])

גַּדּלָן [gádlon] ← גַּדּלָנוּתֿ [gadlónus] (\ גַּדְלוּתֿ [gádlus])

חַלָפָן [khálfon] ← חַלָפָנוּתֿ [khalfónus]

חַנְפָן [khánfon] ← חַנְפָנוּתֿ [khanfónus] (\חֲנִיפָה [khanífo], [khənífo])

יַדְעָן [yádon] ← יַדְעָנוּתֿ [yadónus] (\יַדְעוּתֿ [yádus])

יַחְסָן [yákhson] ← יַחְסָנוּתֿ [yakhsónus]

יַקְרָן [yákron] ← יַקְרָנוּתֿ [yakrónus] (\ יַקְרוּתֿ [yákrus])

יַשְׁרָן [yáshron] ← יַשְׁרָנוּתֿ [yashrónus] (\יַשְׁרוּתֿ [yáshrus])

לַמְדָּן [lámdon] ← לַמְדָּנוּתֿ [lamdónus] (\ לוֹמְדּותֿ [ló(y)mdus])

לַקְחָן [lákkhon] ← לַקְחָנוּתֿ [lakkhónus]

נַדְבָן [nádvon] ← נַדְבָנוּתֿ [nadvónus]

פַּזְרָן [pázron] ← פַּזְרָנוּתֿ [pazrónus] 

פּחְדָן [pákhdon] ← פּחְדָנוּתֿ [pakhdónus]

פַּשְׁטָן [páshton] ← פַּשְׁטָנוּתֿ [pashtónus]

פַּשְׁרָן [páshron] ← פַּשְׁרָנוּתֿ [pashrónus]

קַבְּצָן [káptson], [kábtson] ← קַבְּצָנוּתֿ [kaptsónus], [kabtsónus]

קַבְּרָן [kábron] ← קַבְּרָנוּתֿ [kabrónus] 

שַׁדְכָן [shátkhon], [shádkhon] ← שַׁדְכָנוּתֿ [shatkhónus], [shadkhónus]

שְׁתַּדְלָן [shtádlon] ← שְׁתַּדְלָנוּתֿ [shtadlónus] 

תַּפְסָן [táfson] ← תַּפְסָנוּתֿ [tafsónus]

NOTE: In smaller 21se century Ashkenazic circles, this classic Ashkenazic template remains productive especially where some humor, irony, satire or deprecation (of oneself or others) are the order of the day. Some recent examples:

hacker: הַקְרָן [hákron], pl. הַקְרָנִים [hakrónim]

(far) lefty שְֹמאֹלָן [smóylon], pl. שְֹמאֹלָנִים [smoylónim]

(far ) righty יַמְיְמָן [yámyəmon], pl. יַמְיְמָנִים {yamyəmónim]

hotshot: גַּדְלָן [gádlon], pl. גַּדְלָנִים [gadlónim] 

politician who would say/do anything: (ּשַׁקְרָנְ(יָהו [shákron(yóhu)], souther dial. [shákron(yú:hi:)]

troll: נַדְנָן  [nádnon], pl. נַדְנָנִים [nadnónim]

wannabbee: חַפְצָן [kháftson], pl.  חַפְצָנִים [khaftsónim]

2 Mobilization of בַּעַל as productive prefix.

In the same 1958 study (pp. 128-133), Mark identified the mobilization of בַּעַל (biblically ‘owner’, ‘husband’ or ‘the god Baal,’ in later times also an indicator of attribute, profession, character based on the ensuing nominal component) as productive nominal prefix in Ashkenazic society. Mark was of course concerned with Yiddish (where בעל to this day can be joined to non-Semitic nouns, e.g. בעל⸗הבאַנקעט  (bal-habankét ‘master of the banquet’). The following are Mark’s examples, all typical of Ashkenazic Hebrew where they developed, generally speaking, simultaneously in Ashkenazic Hebrew and in Yiddish, but with much wider distribution and applicability in ongoing new coinages in the Hebrew.

בַַּעַל⸗בָּטוּחַ [bà(a)l-botúakh]

בַַּעַל⸗דַּבְּרָן [bà(a)l-dábron]

בַַּעַל⸗דַּרְשָׁן [bà(a)l-dárshon]

בַַּעַל⸗חַי [bà(a)l-kháy]

בַַּעַל⸗חַיּיָב [bà(a)l-kháyov]

בַַּעַל⸗יַחֲסָן [bà(a)l-yákhson]

בַַּעַל⸗יוֹעֵץ [bà(a)l-yóyeyts]

בַַּעַל⸗כַּעֲסָן [bà(a)l-káyson]

בַַּעַל⸗מַאֲמִין [bà(a)l-máymin]

בַַּעַל⸗מְגַזֵּם [bà(a)l-m(ə)gázeym]

בַַּעַל⸗מַגִּיהַ [bà(a)l-magíha]

בַַּעַל⸗מְדַקְדֵּק [bà(a)l-mədágdeyk]

בַַּעַל⸗מְחַבֵּר [bà(a)l-m(ə)khábeyr]

בַַּעַל⸗מְטוּפָּל [bà(a)l-m(ə)túpol]

בַַּעַל⸗מַכְְְְניִס⸗אוֹרֵחַ [bà(a)l-màkhnisoyréyakh]

בַַּעַל⸗מְכַשֵׁף [bà(a)l-m(ə)khásheyf]

בַַּעַל⸗מְנַגֵּן [bà(a)l-m(ə)nágeyn]

בַַּעַל⸗מַסְבִּיר [bà(a)l-mázbir]

בַַּעַל⸗מְפוּנָק [bà(a)l-m(ə)fúnok]

בַַּעַל⸗מַפְטִיר [bà(a)l-máftir]

בַַּעַל⸗מַצְלִיחַ [bà(a)l-matslíyakh]

בַַּעַל⸗מְקוּבָּל [bà(a)l-m(ə)kúbol]

בַַּעַל⸗מְקַנֶּא [bà(a)l-m(ə)káne]

בַַּעַל⸗מַקְרִיא [bà(a)l-mákri]

בַַּעַל⸗עַסְקָן [bà(a)l-áskon]

בַַּעַל⸗פּוֹעֵל [bà(a)l-póyeyl]

בַַּעַל⸗פַּחֲדָן [bà(a)l-pághdon]

בַַּעַל⸗פַּשְׁרָן [bà(a)l-páshron]

בַַּעַל⸗קוֹרֵא [bà(a)l-kóyrey]

בַַּעַל⸗קְרִיאָה [bà(a)l-kríyo], וגם: [bà(a)l-kréyo]

בַַּעַל⸗תּוֹקֵעַ [bà(a)l-toykéya]

בַַּעַל⸗תְּקִיעָה [bà(a)l-t(ə)kíyo]

3 Pluralization and Gender of Nouns ending in ת

Nouns ending in תֿ are generally pluralized by suffixation of ים (rather than ותֿ or יותֿ). For more on individual lexical items, please refer to the Ashkenazic Dictionary.

אֵיכוּתֿ [éykhus] ← אֵיכוּתִֿים [eykhúsim]

גָּלוּתֿ  [gólus] ← גְּלוּתִֿים [g(ə)lúsim]

גֵּאוּתֿ {agentivized} [géyus] ← גֵּאוּתִֿים [geyúsim]

דַּלוּתֿ {agentivized} [dálus] ← דַּלֵיתִֿים [daléysim]

דֶּלֶתֿ  ← דְּלָתִֿים [dlósim]

דְּמוּתֿ [d(ə)mús] ← דְּמוּתִֿים [d(ə)músim]

זְכוּתֿ [zəkhús] וגם: [skhús] ← זְכוּתִֿים [zəkhúsim] וגם: [skhúsim]

טָעוּתֿ [tóus] ← טָעוּתִֿים [toúsim]

כְּזַיִתֿ [kəzáy(i)s] (‘minimal quantity of food in Jewish law’) ← כְּזַיִתִֿים [kəzáy(i)sim] (≠ כְּזֵיתִֿים ‘like olives’)

כַּמּוּתֿ [kámus] ← כַּמּוּתִֿים [kamúsim]

מְהוּתֿ [m(ə)hús] ← מְהוּתִֿים [m(ə)húsim]

עַזּוּתֿ [ázus] ← עַזּוּתִֿים [azúsim]

רֵעוּתֿ  [réyus] ← רֵעוּתִֿים [re(y)úsim]

רְשׁוּתֿ  [r(ə)shús] ← רְשׁוּתִֿים [r(ə)shúsim]

שַׁבָּתֿ [shábos] ← שַׁבָּתִֿים [shabósim]

שְׁטוּתֿ [shtús] ← שְׁטוּתִֿים [shtúsim]

תּוֹעֶלֶתֿ [toyéles] ← תַּוֹעַלְתִֿים [toyálsim]

תַַּרְבּוּתֿ [tárbus] ← תַּרְבּוּתִֿים [tarbúsim]

2b. When such nouns are characterized by i (khirik vowel) as the only or last vowel in the noun, the shift ey applies in pluralization.

אַחֲרִיתֿ [ákhris] ← אַחֲרֵיתִֿים [akhréysim]

בְּרֵאשְׁיתֿ [bréyshis] ← בְּרֵאשֵׁיתִֿים [bre(y)shéysim]

דַּלִּיתֿ [dális] ← דַּלֵֵיתִֿים [daléysim]

טַלִּיתֿ [tális] ← טַלֵיתִֿים [taléysim]

מַעֲלִיִתֿ [máylis] ← מַעֲלֵיתִֿים [ma(y)léysim]

עַרְבִיתֿ [ְárvis] ← עַרְבֵיתִֿים [arvéysim]

שְׁאֵרִיתֿ [shəéyris] ← שְׁאֵרֵיתִֿים [shəe(y)réysim]

שַׁחֲרִיתֿ [shákhris] ← שַׁחֲרִיתִֿים [shakhréysim]

תַּכְלִיתֿ [tákhlis] ← תַּכְלֵיתִֿים [takhlysim]

תַּמְצִיתֿ [támtsis] ← תַּמְצֵיתִֿים [tamtséysim]

תָּענִיתֿ [tónis] (\תַּעֲנִיתֿ [táynis]) ← תַּעֲנֵיתִֿים [ta(y)néysim]

4.  Analogical Leveling of Nouns

Via analogical leveling, a number of morphological paradigms are regularized, overriding exceptions of classic Hebrew (ancient exceptions themselves often resulting from the vocalic limitations of archaic Near Eastern pharyngeal consonants lost early on in second millennium Ashkenazic Europe). Perhaps the most conspicuous of these is the classical paradigm Cɔ:Có:C /  Cɔ:Cú:C (e.g. Tiberian לָשׁוֹן [lɔ:šó:n]) > (Eastern) Ashkenazic (Ashke-2) Cɔ́CɔyC (lóshoyn, Southern: lúshoyn; Northern: lósheyn) > Yiddish Cɔ́C(ə)C (lóshn, Southern: lúshn). Occasionally (e.g. אָרוֹן) the levelled Ashkenazic form conforms to Biblical, rather than later non-Ashkenazic Hebrew. The affected items are few but prominent.

אָרוֹן [óroyn]

חָלוֹם [khóloym]

עָמוּד [ómud]


For individual words, please consult the evolving Ashkenazic Dictionary, and please inform us if the items you seek are not yet included. Here, we will restrict ourselves to the most frequent distinguishing lexical feature (vis-a-vis Israeli) and one frequently applicable principle.

  1. The everyday word for ‘want’ (or ‘wish to’) is the root חפץ√, conjugated as follows:

want (/wish) to


:present tense 

אֲנִי\אַתָּה\הוּא — חָפֵץ [khófeyts] וגם: [khoféyts];

אֲני\אַתּ\הִיא – חֲפֵצָה [kh(a)féytso];

{וגם, ל″ז ול″נ (ל″י): חָפְצַנִי [khoftsáni] ′אֲנִי חָפֵץ′}

אֲנַחְנוּ\אַתֶּם\הֵם — חֲפֵצִים [kh(a)féytsim];

{וגם, ל″ר: חָפְצַנוּ [khoftsánu] ′אֲנַחְנוּ חֲפֵצִים′}

אֲנַחְנוּ\אַתֶּן\הֵן — חֲפֵצִוֹתֿ [kh(a)féytsoys];

:past tense 

אֲנִי חָפַצְתִּי [khofátsti] \ אַתָּה חָפַצְתָּ [khofátsto] \ הוּא חָפַץ [khófats] וגם: [khofáts];

אֲני חָפַצְתִּי [khofátsti] \ אַתּ חָפַצְתְּ [khofátst] \ הִיא חָפְצָה [khóftso] וגם: [khoftsó];

אֲנַחְנוּ חָפַצְנוּ [khofátsnu] \ אַתֶּם חֲפַצְתֶּם [kh(a)fátstem] \ הֵם  חָפְצוּ [khóftsu] וגם: [khoftsú];

אֲנַחְנוּ חָפַצְנוּ [khofátsnu] \ אַתֶּן חֲפַצְתֶּן [kh(a)fátsten] וגם: [kh(a)fatstén]\ הֵן חָפְצוּ [khóftsu] וגם: [khoftsú];

:future tense 

אֲנִי אֶחְפּוֹץ [ékhpoyts] וגם: [ekhpóyts] \ אַתּה תַּחְפּוֹץ [tákhpoyts] וגם: [takhpóyts] \ הוּא יַחְפּוֹץ [yákhpoyts] וגם: [yakhpóyts];

אֲני אֶחְפּוֹץ [ékhpoyts] וגם: [ekhpóyts] \ אַתְּ תַּחְפְּצִי [takhpətsí] וגם: אַתְּ תַּחְפּוֹצִי [takhpóytsi] \ הִיא תַּחְפּוֹץ [tákhpoyts] וגם: [takhpóyts];

אֲנַחְנוּ נַחְפּוֹץ [nákhpoyts] וגם: [nakhpóyts] \ אַתֶּם תַּחְפְּצוּ [takhpətsú] וגם: תַּחְפּוֹצוּ [takhpóytsu] \ הֵם יַחְפְּצוּ [yakhpətsú] וגם: יַחְפּוֹצוּ [yakhpóytsu];

אֲנַחְנוּ נַחְפּוֹץ [nákhpoyts] וגם: [nakhpóyts]; אַתֶּן \ הֵן — תַּחְפּוֹצְנָה [takhpóytsno]

2. The unmarked everyday word in Ashkenazic is often not the same as the choices made for modern Israeli. Some exanples:

אַדְּרַבָּא [ádəràbo] (‘!definitely’)

אֶפְשָׁר [ָéfshor] (‘maybe’)

בִּטָחוֹן [bitókhoyn] (‘belief in God [alone]’)

בַּעַל⸗הַבָּתֿ [bal(h)abós] (‘boss’)

בַּעַל⸗מְצַלֵּם [bà(a)l-mətsáleym] (photographer)

גְּמַר חַתִימָה טוֹבָה [gmár kh(a)sìmo-tóyvo] (‘high holiday greeting’)

  חַלָּשׁוּתֿ [khalóshus] (‘nausea’)

  חַמִשָּׁה⸗עָשָֹר [kham(i)shósor] (Tu Beshvat)

לְבָנָה [ləvóno] (‘moon’)

מֵילָא [méylo] (‘never mind’)

מְנוֹרָה [m(ə)nóyro] (‘Hanukkiah, Chanukah menorah’)

מַעֲלָה [maylo] (‘advantage, strong point’)

מַעֲרִיב [máyriv] (evening prayer)

נוֹשֵֹא אִיגָרוֹתֿ [nòysey-igóroys] (mailman)

סִיפּוּר⸗הַמַעֲשֶֹה [sìpur-(h)amáyse] (‘[plot [of the play, film etc’)

עָלֵינוּ לְ- [oléynu l-] (‘we must’)

צַפְרָא טָבָא [tsáfro tóvo] (‘Good morning’)

קַשְׁיָא [kásh(y)o] (‘a difficult question to answer’)

רֹאשׁ⸗עִירֹון [ròysh-íroyn] (mayor)

רַחְמָנָא לִצְלַן [rakhmóno litslán] (God forbid)

רַמְשָׁא טָבָא [rámsho tóvo] (‘Good evening’)

  שַׁלוֹשְׁ⸗סעוּדוֹתֿ [shàlo(y)sh-seúdoys] (‘late Sabbath meal’)

 שְׁמִִירָה  [shmíro] (‘security’)


  1.  Many individual semantic features are recorded in the Dictionary. One general principle that covers many items is the retention of specifically traditional Jewish meanings for items from Jewish culture, religion and heritage, while employing others for more universal concepts.

  2. It is impolite to address people in the second person via a second person sg. pronoun (אַתָּה and אַתּ), unless these are intimate friends or relatives or little (usually preteen) children. Classic Ashkenazic uses third person endings affixed to כָּבוֹד  ‘honor’, e.g. ֹכְּבוֹדו ([kvóydoy] you, formal m. sg.), ּכְּבוֹדָה ([kvóydo] you, formal f. sg.), with appropriate third person verbs to match. However, modern Haredi and Hasidic usage has in our times taken on use of second person plurals instead of singulars with the appropriate second personal plural verbs, sometimes extended also to the first person (e.g. formal  קבלנו אתֿ מכתבכם ‘I received your [sg. formal-via-plural-form] letter’), using the morphological plural (for first and second person) in place of the classic Ashkenazic third person usage (for second person, the addressee, only).

Aspects of Grammar, Syntax and Usage

1. The concept ‘need’ (/’must’ /’have to’) is most frequently expressed via the (unstressed) preposition עַל (‘on’, ‘upon’, cf, Eng. ‘incumbent on me’) in reflexive mood with the appropriate objective personal pronoun. E.g. עָלַי לָלֶכֶתֿ ([oláy lolékhes] ‘I have to go’), עָלֵינוּ לִזְכּוֹר ([oléynu liskóyr] ‘We must remember’), etc.

2. First person verbs are often formed by the morphological compound of stem+ending, in addition to the option of using a pronoun and verb, e.g.:

חָפְצַנִי [khoftsáni] (אֲנִי חָפֵץ \ חֲפֵצָה)

חָשְׁבַנִי [khozhváni] (אֲנִי חוֹשֵׁב \ חוֹשֶׁבֶתֿ)

שְׁאָלַנִּי [shəoláni] (אֲנִי שׁוֹאֵל \ שׁוֹאֶלֶתֿ)

3. The preposition עַל is often used in to sense of ‘to’ or ‘at’ when the object is an event such as a wedding, funeral, commercial fair or a recurring weekly or other market. It is undressed (other than for contrastive emphasis).

עַל הָאַסִּיפָה [al-hoasífo]

עַל הַחֲתֿוּנָה [al-hakhásəno]

עַל הַלְּוַיָּה [al-hal(ə)váyo]

עַל הַקאָנְגרֶס [al-hakongrés]

עַל הַשּׁוּק [al-hashúk]

4. The conjunction that (‘I told you that I would not go to that place’) may be expressed by שֶׁ or כִּי.

הַרֵי אָמַרְתִּי לכְבוֹדוֹ (\לִכְבוֹדָהּ) שֶׁלֹא (\כּי לֹא) אֵלֵךְ לַמָּקוֹם הַהוא.

5. Belonging and being part of an entity, sometimes translating ‘of’ is often expressed by prefixal ד  (in some circumstances written ′ד) instead of  שֶׁלֹ or use of the construct state:

יְשִׁיבָה גּדוֹלָה דְּניוּ יאָרק

בֵּיתֿ דִּין צֶדָק דִּקְהִילָה חֲרֵדיִתֿ

מְתִֿיבְתָּא דְּחֲסִידֵי מוֹנקאַטש


6. In some styles, the definite article is prefixed to a nominal compound (formed via the construct) rather than occurring before the second/final component (i.e. infixation to the head).

הַבֵּיתֿ עוֹלָם הַיָּשָׁן

הַבֵּיתֿ סֵפֶר הָחָדָשׁ

הָרֹאשׁ קְהִילָה הַמְּצוּיָן

7.  יֵשׁ in the sense of ‘there is’ or ‘there are’ is generally used with suffixes denoting number and gender. The suffices may on occasion be stressed for emphasis or contrast, overriding the usual penultimate stress.

יֵשְׁנוֹ טַעַם  [yeyshnoy táam] (‘there is a reason’)

יֵשׁנְָהּ סִיבָּה [yeyshno síbo] ( ‘there is a reason/cause’)

יֵשְׁנָם בַּחוֹרִים [yeyshnom bakhúrim] וגם: [bókhurim] (‘there are young men’)

יֵשְׁנָן בַּחוּרוֹתֿ [yeyshnon bakhúroys] (‘there are young women’)

On its own (unsuffixed), יֵשׁ often occurs in the sense of an unspecified third person, ‘people in general’, ‘some (things or people)’, ‘certain people, etc. dependent on the phrase.

יֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים [yéysh ó(y)mrim] (‘there are those who say’ / ‘there is a view that’)

יֵשׁ שֶׁמַבְחִינִים [yéysh shemafkhínim ] (‘there are those who differentiate’)

8. In place of classic Hebrew synthesis of the definite article with a prefixed preposition (via application of the vowel of the article, typically a, o or e, to the prefix and deletion of article marked h-), some styles of Ashkenazic, particularly written rabbinic styles, retain the definite article which is infixed between the preposition and the noun:

לְהַבַּיִתֿ [ləha-báyis] ‘to the house/home’

לְהַמַּחֲלָה [ləha-mákhlo] ‘of/to/concerning the illness’

לְהָאֹהֶל [ləho-óyhel] ‘to the houselet above the grave / to the tent’

לְהֶעָתִֿיד [ləhe-ósid] ‘to /of the future’



Appendix 1: 

Excerpt from Daniel Persky’s Correct Hebrew (N.Y. 1962). As PDF.

Appendix 2:

Excerpts from the classic bilingual Hebrew-English anthology,The Hebrew Poem Itself (ed. Stanley Burnshaw, T. Carmi, Ezra Spicehandler, Schocken Books, NY 1966). The book wisely has all poems written in Ashkenazic marked by an asterisk. One of the essays at its end, by Benjamin Hrushovski (Harshav), deals with the issue in greater depth and with more balance than most other anthologies of modern Hebrew verse. But  the “Appendix” to the volume  (by which editor?) contains this perhaps startling statement:

“Those poems marked by an asterisk (*) (e.g. pp. 25, 60)  were originally meant to be read in the so-called Ashkenazi pronunciation (hereafter referred to as AP), traditionally used in Central and Eastern Europe. […] Now these AP poems, if read in AP, would be unintelligible to most Israelis. Instead they are read today in ordinary IP [Israeli pronunciation], which has the effect of obliterating both rhyme scheme and meter, or they are read in a slightly modified IP — one that keeps the AP stress patterns and hence has the effect of retaining at least the essentials of the meter. In transcribing the AP poems in this book, the editors decided to follow the latter practice […].” (p. 194)

This is followed by an attempt at genuine Ashkenazic transcription of a single poem, Bialik’s Bisshuvósi (Israeli Biteshuvatí,, and alas, the (pseudo)academic — frankly Ashkephobic — rendition equally offensive to the ears of both traditions: Biteshuváti). Incredibly, it has salient errors (including use of phonetic symbols for ancient pharyngeal consonants!) in a volume where such meticulous care is taken for the presentation of Hebrew poems in transcription. Second, it admits to devising for the volume itself what it calls the typical Israeli compromise of reading the nation’s classic poetry in a mishmash that was never native to anybody. Last but not least, it considers Israeli students, poetry readers, scholars and people generally as somehow genetically incapable of enjoying poetry as it was written in the generation of their own grandparents and great grandparents, including the nation’s national anthem. Turning from the old 20th century polemics, however, to a new and constructive 21st century discourse, is it not time for Genuine Ashkenazic (GA) to take its place in Israeli education so that the truly great poems of Bilaik, Gordon, Imber, Michal, Tchernichovsky and so many others can be enjoyed in the language in which they were written? Is the Israeli student of today “not capable” of rapidly mastering the norms of their nation’s founding poets? The proposition borders on the ridiculous when one finds that one can explain to an Israeli student (or any pupil of Hebrew) in a very small amount of time that by reading בָּ as bo, בֵּ as bey, and בּוֹ as boy (rather than ba, be, and bo respectively) and using penultimate stress (familiar from many names, and of course all three penultimately stressed words in all kinds of Hebrew), they can almost instantaneously feel and appreciate the sounds, ethos and cultural milieu of their own nation’s founding modern poets, whose products include, no more and no less, the national anthem. The “problem” does not lie in the great modern Hebrew poets among Zionism’s founders and builders being “unintelligible.” What has to be overcome is not the nonsense of three vowels and penultimate stress being supposedly unintelligible. The challenge is rather to overcome a lingering complex of hate, shame, derision and self-deprecation (by now deprecation of grandparents and forebears in most cases) that for reasons that need to be researched, can in the twenty-first century on occasion be much more emotionally virulent than lingering animosity toward or belittlement of the status and legitimacy of Yiddish, and more widely, of the thousand-year old Ashkenazic civilization that lies at the cradle of the Zionist project and persisted for many decades before a campaign by elites and the powers for eradication.

Since the Holocaust, this is an endangered Jewish treasure (and—there is no longer a 1920s fear of Israeli beyond overwhelmed by new arrivals of Ashkenazim from Eastern Europe…). Indeed, a good start would be to enjoy that very poem, Bialik’s Bisshuvósi as it was meant to be read. For today’s internationally acclaimed superb Israeli students, of all backgrounds, it would be a breath of cultural fresh air. Try it. You’ll see.

Appendix 3:

Comment on Miryam Segal’s A New Sound in Hebrew Poetry: Poetics, Politics, Accent (Indiana University Press: Bloomington 2010). This major study is a must-read for all interested in the topic. Our disagreements are perhaps in two areas. By failing to even hint at the complexity and sophistication of the different kinds of Ashkenazic  Hebrew using civilization of pre-Holocaust Eastern Europe, and largely adopting the dismissive attitudes of those in the Land of Israel, the reader does not really learn the second side of the story. And the lack of presentation of Ashkenazic sophistication tie in with case-specific queries like: Are Tchernichovsky’s and Bialik’s “forced confessions” within the Zionist power structures truly indicative of their feelings toward Ashkenazic? Their pro-Ashkenazic statements are cursorily glossed over and remain uncited. And no, these fine poets did not write in some ugly hated jargon of no merit.

Moreover, it can seem that the language of millions of people is dismissed to some kind of “old fashioned accent” (emphasis added), its actual features mostly unmentioned, while the debates among teachers about this or that long-lost pharyngeal used by nobody for thousands of years is elevated to the height of human interest. This is an accurate description of the views and mindset of the anti-Yiddish anti-Ashkenazic, culturally self-hating leaders of the Yishuv, but fails to even mention the incredible prestige enjoyed by an array of varieties of Ashkenazic among millions in Eastern Europe. It is because of the Holocaust that the language of millions was destroyed, and the success of the State of Israel that the new Israeli language has so splendidly succeeded. But a historian of ideas might wish to see beyond winners and losers in the political world. What did/would millions of East European Jews make of the language of the Gaon of Vilna, the Baal Shem Tov, and all the 19th century Hebrew poets (among them Odom Ha-koyheyn, Michal and Y. L. Gordon).  Any appetite for researching the  rapturous welcome given Tchernichovsky and Bialik by ecstatically delighted East European audiences? (Very different from their being laughed off Tel Aviv stages by the violent bands of Gedudei Meginei Hasafa).

What is also missing in the book is a frank discussion of the degree of raw hate (actually self-hate) against Yiddish motivating so many of the pseudo-scholarly anti-Ashkenazic diatribes of the Yishuv’s authorities cited. Ultimately this must include the cruelty with which the nation’s and the Zionist movement’s own greatest poets were forced to abandon a magnificent tradition of sounds, rhythms, norms and culture that was and will forever remain an indelible part of their soul (hence the sharp decline in their poetic quality after the forced switches to the modern Israeli language formed).

This fine book needs to become half of a larger work that its own  author is splendidly qualified to undertake.

Appendix 4:

Prof. Itamar Even-Zohar, the leading (and pioneer) international scholar at the crossroads of semiotics, literature and linguistics, in his seminal paper, “The Emergence of a Native Hebrew Culture in Palestine: 1882-1948” got to the core of the matter in a way that many lesser scholars do not, whether or not one agrees with his opinions on the merits of the views he is recounting. The page number references to the four quotations cited are to publication of the paper in his famous collection, Polysystem Studies (1990/1997, pp. 175-191), which he has generously made freely available online (many of his seminal works can be accessed via Prof. Even-Zohar’s  website).

(1) “Among the numerous ways manifested for counterposing ‘new Hebrew’ to ‘old Diaspora Jew’ were the transition to physical labor (mainly agriculture or ‘working the land’, as it was called); self-defense and the concomitant use of arms; the supplanting of the old, ‘contemptible’ Diaspora language, Yiddish, with a new tongue, colloquial Hebrew (conceived of at one and the same time as being the authentic and the ancient language of the people), adopting the Sephardi rather than the Ashkenazi pronunciation; discarding traditional Jewish dress and adopting other fashions (such as the Bedouin-Circassian, notably among the youth of the First Aliya and members of Ha-shomer, the Watchmen’s Association); dropping East European family names and assuming Hebrew names instead.”

(2) “The most important element in the twin decisions to speak Hebrew and speak Sephardi Hebrew stemmed from their qualities as cultural oppositions: Hebrew as against Yiddish, Sephardi as against Ashkenazi; in both cases, new against old. This outweighed any principle or scholarly discussions about “correct” pronunciation (although the latter were often conducted in such terms).” (p. 179)

 (3) “Similarly, the desire to discard the most conspicuous features of the European Diaspora led to a decision to drop Ashkenazi pronunciation: it reminded one too much of Eastern Europe and Yiddish. Hence, the popularity of Sephardi pronunciation.” (p. 181)

(4) “Clearly, the so-called Sephardi pronunciation actualized by natives of Eastern Europe was quite different from that employed in Palestine by non-Europeans. What was actualized, in fact, was only the minimum necessary to establish it in opposition to Ashkenazi pronunciation.” (p. 185)

The following quotation is from Professor Even-Zohar’s well-known paper, “The Role of Russian and Yiddish in the Making of Modern Hebrew”, which is likewise included in Polysystem Studies (pp. 111-120):

(5) “Ben-Yehuda decided to select a pronunciation remotest from his own East European (“Ashkenazi”) pronunciation (which by contiguity recalled the spoken vernacular, Yiddish), namely the so-called Sephardi (Spanish-Portuguese) pronunciation.” (p. 118)

Appendix 5: 

Excerpt from Shelomo Morag, “The Emergence of Modern Hebrew: Some Sociolinguistic Perspectives” in Lewis Glinert (ed), Hebrew in Ashkenaz. A Language in Extile (Oxford University PRess: New York 1993), pp.208-221):

“More important than any other factor in the process of the Full Return was the conceptual, ideological one: the urge to sever ties with the legacy of the Old World — the shtetl of Central and Eastern Europe, the galut. For a large portion of the immigrants who arrived in Eretz-Israel during the Second Aliyah (1903-1914), Ashkenazi Hebrew —and, needless to say, Yiddish — formed part of a semiotic system that portrayed the Old World from which they sought to escape. The feeling that such an escape was essential for establishing the new, revamped culture was deep-seated.” (p. 118)

Appendix 6: 

Excerpts from Dovid Katz’s Words on Fire: The Unfinished Story of Yiddish (2007) touching on Ashkenazic Hebrew issues. The book is available free online at the author’s website.

Appendix 7: 

Controversial assertion (opinion).

It is posited as working hypothesis that some children born in Zionist settlements in the Land of Israel (generally speaking to First Aliyah migrants) between c. the 1880s and c. World War I were native speakers of Ashkenazic Hebrew (albeit bilingual with their parents’ native Yiddish). In other words, the first generation of native speakers of any kind of Hebrew in thousands of years were speakers of Ashkenazic Hebrew whose literary and cultural leaders all used Ashkenazic initially as their only kind of Hebrew. (For master poets like Bialik and Tchernichovsky, the eventual forced conversion to the later “Sephardic” Israeli norm led to an end to their ability to (even remotely) maintain their erstwhile literary quality, as is to be expected when primary features of one’s native and literary language are stigmatized, humiliated and replaced by diktat of the powers that be (cf. e.g. the two types in Tchernichovsky’s final anthology, where his preface notes that those to be read in Sephardic are marked by an asterisk).

One of the results of the bitter powers-that-be sponsored campaign (violent in the hands of, among others, Gedúd Meginéi Hasafá) against Yiddish, Ashkenazic, and East European Jewish identity and cultural profile (among which the sounds, structure and ethos of language figure prominently) was a largely successful attempt to erase traces of the first generations in modern history of native speakers of Ashkenazic Hebrew as primary childhood language. Some of these traces are nevertheless recoverable by a new generation of open-minded scholars with the will and werwithal to challenge the later “official version” that sadly still reigns unchallenged  among a portion of professional scholars in the field. Indeed some of the most persuasive proofs will come from the anti-Yiddish, anti-Ashkenazic invective in the early twentieth century Yishuv. They were after all out to kill the native language(s), sounds, spirit and culture of the East European gólus/galút Jew, and this too is part of the cultural history. Looking forward, the greatest desideratum is for a new generation to look again, free from the Ashkephobia that has passed, unnoticed and never held up to scrutiny, right to some of even the youngest scholars. The anachronistic Ashkephobia of days gone by, which includes scholars’ failure to study any of the intricate and nuanced linguistic history and structure of the language varities being dismissed, needs to be replaced by an openeness to studying all sides of an issue.

Appendix 8:

A. M. Kaiser’s essay on the campaign for “Sephardic” Hebrew in London (from his Ba undz in Vaytshepl, London 1944, pp. 68-70).

Ashkenazic Mini-Dictionary

לא תם ולא נשלם

בדפוס ר′ אליה⸗לייזער מדפיס




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Dovid Katz: Online Courses to End of 2023

Fall-Winter 2023: online in Yiddish at Workmens Circle

Jan. 2023: History of the Yiddish Language (online in English, at Yivo)

2022-2023: online in Yiddish at Workmens Circle

Recorded online seminars

Autumn-Winter 2023

Details can be obtained as needed from the Workmen Circle’s webpage, and via email to the program’s director, Nikolai Borodulin (nborodulin@circle.org), or its coordinator, Baruch Blum (bblum@circle.org).

Readings in Isaac Bashevis Singer

Mondays 2:30 – 4:00 PM: Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30, Nov. 6. 13, 20, 27, Dec. 4, 18

Course Goals: The premise here is that intermediate students are ready and willing to read a modern Yiddish master in the unadulterated original edition (not in a watered-down version for students). We will read together, slowly and deliberately, in the classic Yiddish reading circle tradition of everybody having an opportunity to read, with emphasis on enjoying cultural, linguistic and historical nuance. The aim is to sharply enhance students’ abilities to cope with bona fide literary Yiddish of the modern masters. Because of the active language-enhancement focus, each session will, however, start with a conversational warm-up enabling practice of spoken Yiddish before we move on to the selections from Bashevis Singer.

Additional Info: For intermediate students only.

Readings in London Yiddish Literature 

Thursdays 3:30 – 5:00 PM: Oct. 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30, Dec. 7, 14, 21

Course Goals: The course aims to present a diversity of shorter readings from Yiddish literature created in London (and in most cases about London) in the century from around 1880 to around 1980. In the classic tradition of the Yiddish reading circle, participants will take turns reading selections which are then discussed (entirely in Yiddish). The course will get underway with excerpts from Sholem Aleichem, Morris Rosenfeld, Morris Winchevsky, and Dovid Eydlshtat reflecting on London during their sojourns in the city. After a brief excerpt from Rudolf Rocker, the focus will shift to a selection of works from the twentieth century, featuring first and foremost, A. N. Stencl, and, among others, Katie Brown, L. Sh. Kreditor, Esther Kreitman (Hinde-Ester Singer), Y. Kh. Klinger, Yosef-Hilel Leyvi, I.A. Lisky, Morris Myer, Moyshe Oyved, N.M. Seedo (Sonia Chusid), Ben. A. Sochachevsky. Dovid Zaydnfeld. The course will conclude with retrospectives by Mayer Bogdanski and A.N. Stencl. Plays and daily press, which merit separate courses, are not included. The list is subject to modification as the course moves along.

Additional Info: Conducted entirely in Yiddish. For advanced students. Intermediate students are welcome with the usual understandings that they may follow much or most but perhaps not all of the points covered in class, and they may be called upon to read only brief segments of the text being studied.

Autumn-Winter 2022-2023

Details can be obtained as needed from the program’s director, Nikolai Borodulin (nborodulin@circle.org), or its coordinator, Baruch Blum (bblum@circle.org).

Six of the online Workmens Circle Yiddish courses, all via Zoom, now scheduled for the autumn-winter 2022 semester. More details on these (and many other courses by other instructors) appear on the WC Yiddish courses webpage. Five of these six courses comprise ten 1.5 hour sessions, running weekly from late October to the end of Dec. 2022 (and in one case, Hasidic Yiddish, with two final sessions in January); the sixth (on A.N. Stencl) is a five session mini-course in October and November. 

Five of these courses are held entirely in Yiddish, and one is in Hebrew. In either case, participants who can follow the language, are passionate about the texts read and analyzed, are welcome to sign up even if not (yet) fluent. Course titles, dates and times, and brief descriptions follow in sequence of days of the week. Times are New York City, please check for corresponding time in your location. LA and San Francisco are three hours before NY; London and Manchester five hours later; Paris and Berlin six hours later; Tel Aviv and Vilnius seven hours later.

Mondays: Readings from the 1920s-1930s New York Leftist Yiddish daily Fráyhayt (Advanced; Intermediate students welcome)

2—3:30 PM NY time on Oct. 24, 31; Nov. 14, 21, 28; Dec. 5, 12, 26 (2022); January 2, 9 (2023)

Readings from scan-ins of original pages from the New York leftist Yiddish daily, the Fráyhayt from the 1920s and 1930s with emphasis on diversity: front page headlines and news columns on the bustling everyday American Yiddish life as well as wider American culture of a century ago; also on international affairs of the day; editorials and opinion pieces; original poetry and prose (with emphasis on women authors); literary criticism and passionate debates on writers and works; views on Yiddish and issues of usage; women’s and children’s sections; secular Yiddish education in North America. Discussions of attitudes toward free love, religion, social and political activism and the battles within the distinct lanes of the Yiddish progressive environment; nostalgia for the East European Old Country; advertisements for products and esp. for social events (ranging from multiracial balls featuring dancing until sunrise, spanning the spectrum to religious events and kosher upstate hotels). Note: The course is not a history of the Jewish labor movement or any part of it, though students thereof may find some relevant materials toward their own further research in that field. Conducted entirely in Yiddish. See the course page for background readings and samples of texts read. The course is affectionately dedicated in honor of S. Chic Wolk of Santa Monica, California, who made it possible in the first place.

Tuesdays: Reading Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Yentl in the Original (for Intermediate students only)

2—3:30 PM NY time on October 25; November 1, 15, 29; Dec 6, 13, 20, 21, 27 (2022); January 3 (2023)

The premise here is that some Intermediate students are ready and willing to read a modern Yiddish master in the unadulterated original edition! We will read together, slowly and deliberately, in the classic Yiddish reading circle tradition, with emphasis on enjoying cultural, linguistic and historical nuance. The aim is to sharply enhance students’ abilities to cope with bona fide literary Yiddish of the modern masters. Because of the active language-enhancement focus, each session will, however, start with a conversational warm-up enabling practice of spoken Yiddish before we move on to Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Yentl der yeshíve-bókher. Students are warned that Bashevis Singer’s prose includes explicit sexual content.

Wednesdays: Introduction to Ashkenazic Hebrew

3—4:30 PM NY time on Oct. 19, 26; Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30; Dec. 7, 14, 21, 28 (2022)

A chance to bid farewell to some old fears, hesitations and taboos, and fulsomely relish the pleasures, cultural uniqueness and humor of the rich, exotic (yet so very near) and variegated world of Ashkenazic Hebrew, from medieval Passover songs, through the great Hebrew poets of the language’s revival (including the original of Israel’s national anthem) to today’s Haredi world, with equal emphasis on religious and secular Ashkenazic creativity over the last thousand years of Jewish history. Suitable for participants who have some familiarity with any variety of Hebrew (ancient, medieval or modern — or just prayers). Conducted in Ashkenazic Hebrew (with occasional brief explanations in English, Yiddish, or Israeli as required). If your Hebrew is not Ashkenazic, please don’t worry, that will be taken care of on site. Knowledge of Yiddish helpful but not required. Earlier offerings of this W.C. course led to this early draft of the instructor’s Manual of Ashkenazic Hebrew and A Mini Dictionary of Ashkenazic Hebrew (both available free online). Another spinoff of this course is the instructor’s evolving Ashkenazic Hebrew youtube playlist.

Thursdays: Chaim Grade’s Shorter Fiction set in Old Jewish Vilna (Advanced)

2—3:30 PM NY time on October 20, 27; November 3, 10, 17; December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (2022)

Each of the ten sessions will comprise two components: (a) a close, detailed reading from a Chaim Grade novella set in old Jewish Vilna (Yiddish Vílne) and (b) presentation of a select aspect of (or artefact from) Vilna Jewish culture. The instructor will provide stylistic, cultural, linguistic, religious and Vilna-specific commentary, sharing relevant extracts (and maps) from his book, Lithuanian Jewish Culture and exhibits from his online Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna. Those interested are invited to visit the Lithuania page of the author’s website at www.dovidkatz.net. NOTE: Readings will not repeat those of previous courses (but some of the cultural artefacts will have been displayed in earlier courses). Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

Fridays: Poems, Prose, & Life of A. N. Stencl

(a five-week advanced-level mini-course)

11 AM —12:30 PM NY time on October 21, 28; November 4, 11, 18 (2022)

The mystic Yiddish poet A. N. Stencl (1897-1983), scion of grand hasidic and rabbinic masters, is remembered for two distinct periods: Weimar (and, remarkably — Nazi) Germany (1921-1936), where he published a series of expressionist, avant garde works; and London (1936-1983), where he arrived in 1936 and became the Yiddish Bard of Whitechapel in London’s East End. He was a guru-like figure to generations of Yiddishists, instituting a weekly literary gathering, while publishing exquisite anthologies and a folksy magazine that elevated Whitechapel to the permanent repository (and lore) of Yiddish literary history. The instructor (who was a close friend of Stencl’s) will recount from his memories and share some keepsakes and reports on Stencl’s personal (often controversial) views on Yiddish and Yiddishism. But the core of this course is an actual close reading of extracts from a limited number of selected works from both the Berlin/Leipzig and London-Whitechapel periods (in the classic Yiddish reading circle spirit of taking turns reading followed by group discussion). Those interested may look at the instructor’s 1993 essay published on Stencl’s tenth yórtsayt in Itche Goldberg’s Yidishe kultur (online). In Stencl’s memory, the instructor established the A.N. Stencl Lecture at Oxford University, edited its first 6 years’ published lectures, starting with Professor S. S. Prawer’s Stencl of Whitechapel (1983) and William J. Fishman’s Morris Winchevsky’s London Yiddish Newspaper, and coordinated the successful efforts to rescue Stencl’s library and archive at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies. See also instructor’s other work on Stencl and London Yiddish literature. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

Sundays: The Yiddish of Today’s Hasidic Yiddish Periodicals (Advanced)

Sundays 2:00–3:30 PM NY time on October 23, 30; November 6, 13, 20; December 4, 11, 18 (2022); January 8, 15 (2023)

Readings from current Hasidic periodicals, primarily magazines (in the Yiddish reading circle spirit of taking turns reading selections) with emphasis on diversity and discussion of style, grammar, vocabulary, spelling and “linguistic directionality” in the spirit of ascertaining the actual structure and grammar of current Hasidic Yiddish in Print. This text-based course is concentrated on the readings, with opportunities for open and tolerant discussion on varying interpretations of the data presented. Note that it is not a course about contemporary Hasidism or its groups and issues. Conducted entirely in Yiddish. The course has been developed with the generous assistance of Genesis University and Mr. Albert Rosenblatt of New York City.

Summer 2022

Online courses in the New York Workmens Circle Yiddish Studies program. Registration information. Details can be obtained as needed from the program’s director, Nikolai Borodulin (nborodulin@circle.org), or its coordinator, Baruch Blum (bblum@circle.org). Four of these five-session courses are held entirely in Yiddish, and one is in Hebrew. In either case, participants who can follow the language, are passionate about the texts being read and analyzed, are welcome to sign up even if not (yet) fluent. Course titles, dates and times, and brief descriptions follow in sequence of days of the week. Times are New York City, please check for corresponding time in your location.

Sundays: Structure of Hasidic Yiddish (in periodic publications from 2022)

2 – 3:30 PM on July 17, 24, 31; August 14, 21

Readings from current Hasidic periodicals, primarily magazines (in the Yiddish reading circle spirit of taking turns reading selections) with emphasis on diversity and discussion of style, grammar, vocabulary, spelling and “linguistic directionality” in the spirit of ascertaining the actual structure and grammar of current Hasidic Yiddish in print. This text-based course is concentrated on the readings, with opportunities at the end of each session for open discussion on varying interpretations of the data presented. Note that it is not a course about contemporary Hasidism or its groups and issues. Conducted entirely in Yiddish. The course has been developed with the generous assistance of Genesis University and Mr. Albert Rosenblatt of New York City.

Mondays: Readings from the New York Leftist Yiddish daily Fráyhayt (1920s / 1930s)

2 – 3:30 PM on July 11, 18, 25, August 1, 8

Readings from scan-ins of original pages from the New York leftist Yiddish daily Fráyhayt (from 1929: Morgn-Fráyhayt) from the 1920s and 1930s with emphasis on diversity: front page headlines and news columns on American and international affairs; editorials and opinion pieces; original poetry and prose (with emphasis on women authors); literary criticism and passionate debates on writers and works; views on Yiddish and issues of usage; women’s and children’s sections; secular Yiddish education in North America. Discussions of attitudes toward free love, religion, social and political activism, the East European ‘old country’ and the new American homeland; advertisements for products and esp. for social events (as well as religious events and kosher products). Note: The course is not a history of the Jewish labor movement or any part of it, though students thereof may find some relevant materials toward their own further research in that field. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

See the course page for background readings and samples of texts read. The course is affectionately dedicated to S. Chic Wolk of Santa Monica, California.

Tuesdays: Intellectual History of the Vilna Yivo (prehistory from 1908 through the 1925 founding to Max Weinreich’s departure in 1939)

2 – 3:30 PM on July 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9

Readings from the original works of the Yivo’s precursor theoreticians (Matisyohu Mieses, 1908 and Ber Borokhov, 1913), and of leading figures in Yivo’s founding (Nokhem Shtif, Max Weinreich), and in the realization of its programs, projects, and publications (in and outside of Vilna), during the years from 1925 to 1939: Zelik-Hirsh Kalmanovitsh, Yudl Mark, Noyekh Prilutski, Zalmen Reyzen, Nokhem Shtif, Elyóhu Tsherikover (Cherikover), Max Weinreich, with greater representation for the policy-determining works of Weinreich. The goal is to grasp the actual original ideas, style and milieu of these figures and their work and aspiration via brief excerpts from their own writings, read in class in the Yiddish reading circle spirit of taking turns reading. While only short excerpts can be read in the time allotted, participants will be given links or PDFs of the entirety of each work excerpted for further private reading if desired. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

For brief background reading, see the instructor’s pages on Yivo in his 2007 revised edition of Words on Fire: The Unfinished Story of Yiddish, available free online (pp. 294-300; 355-360; 408-411).

Wednesdays: Introduction to Ashkenazic Hebrew

2 – 3:30 PM on July 13, 20, 27; August 3, 10

An opportunity to say goodbye to hesitations and taboos, and fulsomely enjoy the rich and variegated world of Ashkenazic Hebrew, from medieval Passover songs, through the great Hebrew poets of the language’s revival (including the original of Israel’s national anthem) to today’s Haredi world, with equal emphasis on religious and secular Ashkenazic creativity over the last thousand years of Jewish history. Suitable for participants who have some command of any variety of Hebrew (ancient, medieval or modern). Conducted in Ashkenazic Hebrew (with occasional brief explanation in English, Israeli or Yiddish as required). Knowledge of Yiddish helpful but not required.

Earlier offerings of this W.C. course led to this early draft of the instructor’s Manual of Ashkenazic Hebrew and A Mini Dictionary of Ashkenazic Hebrew (both available free online). Another spinoff  of this course is the evolving Ashkenazic Hebrew youtube playlist.

Thursdays: Readings on Old Jewish Vilna

2 – 3:30 PM on July 14, 21, 28, August 4, 11

On the eve of the 700th anniversary (in 2023) of the city Vilna (Wilno, modern Vilnius, in Yiddish forever Vílne): readings reflecting the unique cultural character and concrete achievements of Jewish Vilna over the centuries, with emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. After a brief look at earlier centuries, excerpts will be read (in the Yiddish reading circle tradition of taking turns reading) from works selected from those of Daniel Charney, Esther Frumkin, A. I. Goldshmid, Chaim Grade, Sofye Markovne Gurevitsh, Avrom Karpinovitsh, Israel Klausner, Meyshe Kulbak, Chaikel (Khaykl) Lunski, Kalmen Marmor, Leyzer Ran, and Max Weinreich. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

Participants interested in pre-course background reading are invited to read selections from Leyzer Ran’s three volume illustrated masterpiece Jerusalem of Lithuania (N.Y. 1974). The course itself will include excerpts from Ran’s book, Vilne: Ash fun Yerusholáyim d’Lite (N.Y. 1959). Participants are also invited to look at several of the instructor’s works online: Windows to a Lost Jewish Past: Vilna Jewish Book Stamps, Seven Kingdoms of the Litvaks, and his Lithuanian Jewish Culture (selections available on his Lithuania page). Those who enjoy artefacts may also wish visit the virtual Mini Museum of Old Jewish Vilna.

Winter-Spring 2022

January 2022:

History of the Yiddish Language [in English] Six-session online seminar course taught in English  at the Yivo-Bard Winter Program on Ashkenazi Civilization. Choice of afternoon or evening sections. Details and registration information here.

March-May 2022:

Online courses in the New York Workmens Circle Yiddish Studies program [in Yiddish]. Registration information. Details can be obtained as needed from the program’s director, Nikolai Borodulin (nborodulin@circle.org), or its coordinator, Baruch Blum (bblum@circle.org). The five ten-session courses offered are held entirely in Yiddish, but folks who follow Yiddish, are passionate about the texts being read and analyzed, are welcome to sign up even if not (yet) personally fluent in Yiddish. Course titles, dates and times, and brief descriptions follow in sequence of days of the week.

Sundays: 1:00 – 2:30 PM: Current Hasidic Yiddish Publications

Readings from diverse genres of current (and recent) Hasidic Yiddish publications with emphasis on magazines. The goal is to acquaint participants from the “wider world of modern Yiddish” with current Published Hasidic Yiddish. Emphasis on stylistic, linguistic, cultural, religious, historical and societal nuance. NOTE: Readings will not repeat those of previous courses. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

The course has been developed with the generous assistance of Genesis University and Mr. Albert Rosenblatt of New York City.

March 6, 13, 20, 27; April 3, 10, 24; May 1, 8, 15.

Mondays 1:00 – 2:30 PM: Readings in New York’s Daily Fráyhayt (Freiheit) from the 1930s

Read and analyze original pages of New York’s leftist daily newspaper, the Fráyhayt (later the Morgn Fráyhayt) with emphasis on 1930s Yiddish creativity (including now-forgotten writers, particularly women writers) on New York City’s Lower East Side. NOTE: Readings will not repeat those of previous courses. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

The course is offered thanks to the generous support of S. Chic Wolk (Santa Monica, California) to whom the course is affectionately dedicated.

March 7, 14, 21, 28; April 4, 11, 25; May 2, 9, 16.

Tuesdays 2:00 – 3:30 PM: Readings in Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Shorter Fiction

Close, detailed readings from Isaac Bashevis Singer’s short stories set in the Polish Jewish shtetl, designed to enhance participants’ abilities for their own future reading of sophisticated modern Yiddish literature with maximum capture of nuance. Emphasis on cultural, Talmudic, and Kabbalistic references and on stylistic detail. Note that some of the texts may contain material of an explicit erotic nature. NOTE: Readings will not repeat those of previous courses. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; April 5, 12, 26; May 3, 10.

Wednesdays 3:00 – 4:30 PM: Introduction to Ashkenazic Hebrew with Dovid Katz

Emphasis on enjoyment of Ashkenazic Hebrew conversation and study of a range of texts stretching from medieval times (including the Aramaic Chad Gadyo) to the modern Hebrew poets of the 19th and 20th century (including Lebensohn, Mikhal, Gordon, Bialik, Imber, Tchernichovsky) all the way to today’s Hasidic polemics. Religious texts include samples from Hasidic, Litvak, and Muserist milieus. The course is appropriate for participants who have some working proficiency in any form of Hebrew (knowledge of Yiddish helpful but not required). Participants are urged to become acquainted with the online manual (and slowly evolving dictionary), both of which grew out of the spring WC’s online Spring and Summer 2021 programs. Conducted in Ashkenazic Hebrew (with occasional explanations/translations as needed in Yiddish, English, or Israeli Hebrew).

March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; Apr. 6, 13, 27; May 4, 11.

Thursdays 1:00 – 2:30 PM:  Chaim Grade’s Fiction and Old Jewish Vilna 

Each of the ten sessions will comprise two components: (a) a close, detailed reading from a Chaim Grade novella set in old Jewish Vilna (Yiddish Vílne) and (b) presentation of a select aspect of (or artefact from) Vilna Jewish culture. The instructor will provide stylistic, cultural, linguistic, religious and Vilna-specific commentary, sharing relevant extracts (and maps) from his book, Lithuanian Jewish Culture and his online Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna. Those interested are invited to visit the Lithuania page of the author’s website at www.dovidkatz.net. NOTE: Readings will not repeat those of previous courses (but some of the cultural artifacts may have been displayed in earlier courses). Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; Apr. 7, 14, 28; May 5, 12.

April 2022:

Lecturer [in English] in Vilnius for the Hebrew Union College (Jerusalem) study trip in Lithuania under the direction of Jeremy Leigh.

May 2022:

Scholar on Board [in English] for the Lithuania component of the Workmens Circle Yiddishland trip to Lithuania and Poland 22-31 May 2022. Details here. UPDATE: POSTPONED & RESCHEDULED FOR 21–30 MAY 2023. 


Isaac Bashevis Singer. Chaim Grade & Old Jewish Vilna. Current Hasidic Yiddish Publications. Ashkenazic Hebrew. Yiddish literature in 1920s & 1930s New York in the old radical daily Fráyhayt.

Information & Registration at

the Workmens Circle website

Inquiries: please contact program coordinator Baruch Blum: bblum@circle.org

Sundays: Current Hasidic Yiddish Publications

Fall 2021: 1 PM — 2:30 PM NY time (10 AM LA; 6 PM London; 7 PM Paris & Berlin; 8 PM Tel Aviv & Vilnius) on the following Sundays: Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; Nov. 7, 14, 21; Dec. 5, 12

The course provides a selection of readings from diverse genres of current (and recent) Hasidic Yiddish publications with a substantial emphasis on magazines and journals, but with some reference to books and newspapers in the final sessions. The goal is to acquaint participants from the “wider world of modern Yiddish” with current Published Hasidic Yiddish. Following the classic Yiddish reading circle tradition, participants who wish to read take turns reading segments, which are then analyzed with reference to stylistic, linguistic, cultural, religious, historic and societal nuance. Some friendly ghosts (Is it real Yiddish? Is it any good?) are confronted head-on. The emphasis is roundly on language, with comparison with features of non-Hasidic Yiddish, including the last generation of secular literary masters, the language of 20th century Yiddish immigrant communities internationally, and the language emanating from “our own” courses, study books and groups.  Note: The course does not deal with religious, political, or demographic aspects of today’s Hasidism and its internal groupings and divisions (nor with the forces behind any specific publication). It is about ― the Yiddish language in a published form that serves a vast number of 21st  century native Yiddish speakers of all generations. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

The course has been developed with the generous assistance of Genesis University and Mr. Albert Rosenblatt of New York City.

Mondays: Readings from the New York Yiddish Daily Fráyhayt (Freiheit)

Fall 2021: 1 PM — 2:30 PM NY time (10 AM LA; 6 PM London; 7 PM Paris & Berlin; 8 PM Tel Aviv & Vilnius) on the following Mondays: Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25 Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Dec. 6

Readings, discussion and analysis of original pages of New York’s leftist daily newspaper, the Fráyhayt (later the Morgn Fráyhayt) during its earlier period. Founded in 1922 and closed in 1988, the paper had at various times carried the prose, poetry, essays and journalism of some of the leading Yiddish writers and educators of the twentieth century, including Menachem Boraisho, Moyshe-Leyb Halperin, H. Leyvik, Kalmen Marmor, Nakhmen Mayzl, Moyshe Nadir, Isaac Raboy and Avrom Reisen (most of whom would eventually leave and join the ‘right-wing socialists’  ― strange as the term may sound today).  It is perhaps the later twentieth century politics of McCarthyism and its subsequent (sometimes unconscious) incarnations in academia and mainstream Jewish culture (sometimes extending to condemnation of secular Yiddishism generally), added to the utterly objective evils and massive crimes against humanity of Soviet tyranny, that have in a sense combined forces to prevent a more laid-back, descriptive survey and enjoyment of actual pages from actual issues of a vast reservoir  of vibrant  Yiddish culture. Emphasis on 1920s and 1930s Yiddish literature of New York’s Lower East Side, and on forgotten authors. The instructor, author of the introduction to Amelia Glaser’s and David Weintraub’s  Proletpén, contends that there never was a Frayhayt page (or paragraph!) that could be confused with one from any Soviet publication. Indeed, its unique American social and Yiddish literary character had its roots in virtually every corner of Jewish Eastern Europe and a writing staff and readership whose childhood years were steeped in traditionally Orthodox Jewish religious culture.  A PDF of select pages, starting with issue no. 1 in 1922, will be provided at each session from the instructor’s private collection. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

The course is affectionately dedicated in honor of S. Chic Wolk of Los Angeles, California, whose own childhood studies in the related progressive Yiddish Ordn  schools in Chicago inspired deeper studies of America’s old Yiddishist literary left, and its daily newspaper, the Fráyhayt. Indeed, the set used for the course was rescued thanks to his timely foresight and generosity of spirit.

Tuesdays: Readings in Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Shorter Fiction

Fall 2021: 2 PM — 3:30 PM (11 AM LA; 7 PM London; 8 PM Paris & Berlin; 9 PM Tel Aviv & Vilnius) on the following Tuesdays: Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 Nov. 4, 11, 18 Dec. 2, 9, 16

Close, detailed readings from Isaac Bashevis Singer’s short stories set in the Polish Jewish shtetl, designed to enhance participants’ abilities for their own future reading of sophisticated modern Yiddish literature with maximum capture of nuance in the original. Emphasis on cultural, Talmudic, and Kabbalistic references and on stylistic detail. Conducted in the spirit of the classic Yiddish reading circle, with participants who wish to read taking turns reading followed by paragraph-by-paragraph discussion and analysis. Note that some of the texts contain materials of an erotic nature. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

Wednesdays: Ashkenazic Hebrew II

Fall 2021: 3 PM — 4:30 PM (12 noon LA; 8 PM London; 9 PM Paris & Berlin; 10 PM Tel Aviv & Vilnius) the following Wednesdays: Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 Nov. 3, 10, 17 Dec. 1, 8, 15

Emphasis on enjoyment of Ashkenazic Hebrew conversation and study of a range of texts stretching from medieval times (including the Aramaic Chad Gadyo) to the Hebrew revival poets of the nineteenth and twentieth century (including Lebensohn, Mikhal, Gordon, Bialik, Imber, Tchernichovsky) all the way to today’s Hasidic polemics. Religious texts include samples from Hasidic, Litvak, and Muserist milieus.

The course is appropriate for participants who have working proficiency in any form of Hebrew (whether ancient, rabbinic, or modern) and who have some passion for East European Jewish culture (and a love of diversity). Knowledge of Yiddish not required. Participation in the previous elementary courses not required, but participants are urged to become acquainted with the online manual (and slowly evolving dictionary), both of which grew out of the spring and summer sessions of the WC’s online program. Conducted in Ashkenazic Hebrew (with occasional explanations as needed in Yiddish, English, or Israeli Hebrew).

Thursdays: Chaim Grade’s Fiction and Old Jewish Vilna

Fall 2021: 1 PM — 2:30 PM (10 AM LA; 6 PM London; 7 PM Paris & Berlin; 8 PM Tel Aviv & Vilnius) on the following Thursdays: Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 Nov. 4, 11. 18 Dec. 2, 9  

Each session will be divided into (a) an illustrated aspect of the history and culture of Jewish Vilne (Yiddish Vílne) and (b) a close reading of one (or more) of Chaim Grade novellas set in the city.  Emphasis on enhancing participants’ ability to read sophisticated Yiddish literature on their own with maximal capture of nuance.  The course follows the classic Yiddish reading circle tradition of taking turns reading and discussing the material read. The instructor will provide stylistic, cultural, linguistic, religious and Vilna-specific commentary, sharing relevant extracts (and maps) from his book, Lithuanian Jewish Culture and his online Mini-Museum of Old Jewish Vilna. Those interested are invited to visit the Lithuania page of the author’s website at www.dovidkatz.net. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.


Information on registration at the Workmens Circle website

(email for queries)

All times listed are North American Eastern, please check your local time!

1: Contemporary Hasidic Yiddish Journals

Sundays 1—2:30 PM on June 20; July 11, 25 & Aug. 1, 8

This five-week mini-course provides a survey of readings from Hasidic Yiddish publications from the last five or so years (but mostly from 2020 and 2021). Course goals: to explore the Yiddish of the magazines published by this Yiddish-speaking civilization, and confront all those friendly ghosts out there: Is it really Yiddish? Is it any good? Do they know what they are doing with “Yiddish fit for print”? Does it have a future? How does it compare with today’s Yiddish coming out of our own classes, courses, clubs, and conferences? With the Yiddish of the last generation of non-Hasidic East-European-born Jewish immigrants to America and beyond (and their children….)? If you’re ready to take on a curious Yiddish taboo, and look with an open mind at the actual language used in Hasidic magazines, you might want to try this course, where participants take turns reading and analyzing in a spirit of tolerance and good humor…

Course Notes


2: Vilna in Jewish Lore

Mondays 1—2:30 PM on July 5, 12, 19, 26 & Aug. 2

Reading and discussion of short excerpts from writings on Vilna by (among others): sons of the Gaon of Vilna; Shmuel Joseph Fin (Fuenn); Hillel Noah Maggid (Steinschneider); Chaikel (Khaykl) Lunski; Meyshe Kulbak; Kalmen Marmor; Daniel Charny; Max Weinreich; Noyakh Prilutski; Leyzer Ran; Israel Lempert (Izraelis Lempertas). A few of the early readings are in Ashkenazic Hebrew, with full (verbal-only, in-session) translation into Yiddish. Knowledge of Hebrew not required. PDFs of texts will be provided weekly at each session. Participants who volunteer take turns reading segments as per the classic Yiddish reading circle tradition. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

Course Notes


3: Ideas about Yiddish

Tuesdays 2—3:30 PM on July 6, 13, 20, 27 & Aug. 3

This five-week mini-course entails five sessions each devoted to one or more excerpts from a Yiddish scholar’s provocative work about Yiddish (with reference, where relevant, to his/her opponent’s work). Excerpts to be read include works of (in alphabetical order): S.A. Birnbaum, Jean Jofen, Yudl Mark, Matisyohu Mieses, Sh. Niger, Chaya R. Nove, Noyakh Prilutski, I. M. Shpilreyn, Max Weinreich, Uriel Weinreich, L. L. Zamenhof. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.

Course Notes

4: Introduction to Ashkenazic Hebrew

Wednesdays 3—4:30 PM on July 7, 14, 21, 28 & Aug. 4

A five-session mini-course whose prime object is to help participants gain the skills and confidence to speak Ashkenazic Hebrew as a living language and better enjoy classic works written in the language as well as ancient texts as recast in the language over a period of many centuries. The course, conducted in Ashkenazic Hebrew (with occasional explanations as needed in Yiddish, English, or Israeli) is appropriate for participants who have working proficiency in some form of Hebrew (whether ancient, rabbinic, or modern) and who have some passion for East European Jewish culture. Knowledge of Yiddish helpful but not required. The online manual (and slowly evolving dictionary) were initiated as a work in progress during the WC’s first course in Spring 2021.

Handbook (in progress)

Mini-Dictionary (in progress)


5: Chaim Grade’s Vilna Vignettes

Thursdays 1—2:30 PM on July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Readings of some Chaim Grade vignettes set in prewar Jewish Vilna, selected from his Der mámes shabósim (My Mother’s Sabbaths) and Der shtúmer mínyen (The Silent Prayerhouse) with possible addition of a poem or two. The five-session course follows the classic Yiddish reading circle tradition of taking turns reading and discussing the material read. The instructor will provide cultural, linguistic and Vilna-specific background. Conducted entirely in Yiddish.


Workmens Circle list of all offered courses

1: Intermediate via Sholem Aleichem

2: Advanced via Chaim Grade

3:Topics in Semantics, Grammar, Stylistics & Dialectology

4: Ashkenazic Hebrew


(1) Intermediate via Sholem Aleichem:

Course goals: The course follows the “read together and discuss in Yiddish” method of the classic Yiddish reading circle. Emphasis on development and enrichment of participants’ language capabilities. Texts will be analyzed for cultural nuance and dialect as well as religious and civilizational background (including the nature of Yiddish humor). Course Tools: Texts, to be provided as online PDFs of excerpts from Sholem Aleichem, including Menakhem-Mendl, Tevye der milkhiker, Motl Peyse dem khazns, and Funem yarid. (Readings from previous semesters will not be repeated, so “veterans” are welcome to re-enroll if they feel the format is useful to their ongoing Yiddish development.) Additional Information: This course is suitable for those who have completed one year of college-level Yiddish instruction or the equivalent. This course is taught entirely in Yiddish.

TENTATIVE SLOT: Mondays 1—2:30 PM  NY time: on 1, 8, 15 & 22 March; 5, 12, 19 & 26; April; 3 &10 May.


(2) Advanced via Chaim Grade:

A close reading of Chaim Grade’s short story (/novella) Di Shvúe (The Oath). Course goals: To  read the text of a modern master as a group with analysis focused on linguistic, stylistic, cultural, historical and religious elements “of every sentence” (rather than aiming for some great number of pages covered). Participants take turns reading with each segment followed by discussion. Course Tools: PDF of the text provided online to participants. Additional Information: This course is taught entirely in Yiddish.

TENTATIVE SLOT: Thursdays, 1—2:30 PM NY time: on 4, 11, 18 & 25 March; 8, 15, 22 & 29 April; 6 & 13 May.

(3) Topics in Grammar, Semantics, Stylistics & Dialectology:

Intended for a wide spectrum of students of Yiddish (at intermediate and advanced levels). No specialized background in technical linguistics required. The course will look  both at issues that continue to confront many Yiddish students in our times, and at others where prevalent variation itself makes way for an array of meaningful observations on usage, including the secular-religious, normativist-descriptivist, and purist-variationist axes, as well as the centuries-old “north-south division” in grammar, semantics and pronunciation. At the first session, students will be invited to propose specific issues under these rubrics that interest them, which will, in the event of wider interest among participants, be added as possible and appropriate. Additional information: The course is conducted entirely in Yiddish.

TENTATIVE SLOT: Tuesdays 2—3:30 PM NY time: on 2, 9, 16 & 23 March; 6, 13, 20 & 27 April; 4 & 11 May.

(4) Ashkenazic Hebrew:

A five-session mini-course whose prime object is to help participants gain the skills and confidence to speak and communicate in Ashkenazic Hebrew as a living language and better enjoy classic works written in the language as well as ancient texts as recast in the language over a period of many centuries. The course, conducted in Ashkenazic Hebrew (with occasional explanations as needed in Yiddish, English, or Israeli as appropriate to participants) is appropriate for participants who have working proficiency in some form of Hebrew (whether ancient, medieval or modern — or Israeli) and who have some passion for East European Jewish culture. Knowledge of Yiddish very helpful but not required.

Far from being a monolith, Ashkenazic comprises an array of variants that are systematically differentiated on two axes. First, that of basic type: (1)  formal synagogue Torah, Haftorah and Megillah reading; (2) prayers; (3) Talmud study; (4) Creators of modern Hebrew (“pre-Israeli”) poetry (Bialik, Gordon, Imber, Lebensohn, Tchernichovsky etc.) and prose (Mendele, Berdichevsky, Gnessin, early Devorah Baron) (5) the Semitic (Hebrew & Aramaic) component in Yiddish per se. Second, the dialect variation for each of these five categories (following the sound patterning of the coterritorial Yiddish dialect). Beyond the sound system, Ashkenazic Hebrew, a vital (and understudied) component of East European Jewish culture, has its own specificities in vocabulary, semantics, syntax and idiomaticity, collectively a manifestation of a unique Jewish (and European) milieu.

Participants interested also in more technical linguistic aspects, particularly in relation to Yiddish linguistics (which will not be the focus of this course) are invited to have a look at the instructor’s papers in English and Yiddish (more: here and here; on the origins of Ashkenazic stress; on the Ashkenazic of a poem by Y. L. Gordon; see also Yiddish linguistics page).

TENTATIVE SLOT: Wednesdays 3—4:30 PM NY time: on 24 February; 3, 10, 17 & 24 March.







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Keepsakes of Old Jewish Vilna (22)

by Dovid Katz

ווילנער אַנטיקל⸗זאַכן


די אשכנזישע הברה (און יידישע דיאַלעקטאָלאָגיע) אין י.ל. גאָרדאָנס אַ ליד

   דער ווילנער משכילישער דענקער און העברעאישער פּאָעט יהודה לייב גאָרדאָן (יל″ג, 1831 – 1892) ווערט פאַררעכנט פאַר איינעם פון די גרעסטע העברעאישע פּאָעטן פון ניינצעטן יאָרהונדערט. ביז צו זיין ווערן אַ בן ארבעים האָט ער אָפּגעלעבט דער עיקר דאָ אין ווילנע, און איז אַריבער אין פּעטערבורג אין 1872 (זע פּראָפ מ. סטאַניסלאַווסקיס ביאָגראַפיע אין דער ייוואָ ענציקלאָפּעדיע).

   אין גאָרדאָנס ליד „הַסּוּס וֽהַסִּיס“ גייט די רייד וועגן אינערלעכע יידישע אונטערשיידן אין שפּראַכיקן און רעליגיעזן נוסח וואָס זיינען לויט זיין משכילישן איינזען שעדלעך (פאַרגלייך זיין מער באַוואוסטן „קוֹצוֹ שֶׁל יוּד“). דער ווילנער משכיל וואָלט אַפּנים וועלן, אַז אַלע יידן אין דער אימפּעריע זאָל ריידן אויפן זעלביקן פּערפעקטן רוסיש און שוין. סוף פון דער מעשה, אַז איצט זיינען זיינע אָפלאַכערישע פּרטי⸗פּרטימדיקע שילדערונגען גלאַט אוצרות פון לשון און שטייגער פון אַמאָליקע יידן אין ווילנע און אַנדערשוואו.

   אונדז באַזונדער טשיקאַווע זיינען די אָנווענדונג אין העברעאישן ליד פון דעם יידישן הומאָר פון די צפונדיקע (ליטווישע) אַקעגן די דרומדיקע (ניט⸗ליטווישע ― אוקראַינישע, פּוילישע א.א.) דיאַלעקטן סיי פון אשכנזישן העברעאיש סיי פון יידיש (זע אונדזערע אַמאָליקע אַרבעטן וועגן:  דער ליטווישער הברה; וועגן דער היסטאָרישער פאָנאָלאָגיע פון אשכנזיש). אין ליד גייט עס אין דער פאַרקויפונג פון אַ „סיס“ וואָס ביים דרומדיקן יידן איז עס געוויינלעך דער אַרויסרייד פון סוס ― אַ פערד בשעת ווען ביים צפונדיקן איז עס אָבער סיס ― אַ שוואַלב (מין פויגל). די ביידע בעלי⸗חיים האָבן אַ גאָר אַנדערשדיקן פּרייז אויפן מאַרק…

   נאָכמער, יל″ג איז דאָ מוסיף די מתנגדישע קעגנאיבער די חב″דישע טראַדיציעס ביים געבן אַ מענטשנס נאָמען אינאיינעם מיטן פאָטערס צי פאַרקערט מיט דער מוטערס נאָמען; דערצו פעלט ניט דער אייביקער ענין פונעם „יצמח פּורקניה“ וואָס אין קדיש, וואָס די חסידים זאָגן, און וואָס אין נוסח אשכנז (ביי מתנגדים) איז דאָס ניטאָ. סטייטש, עד היום, ווען אַ מתנגד דאַוונט אָפּעט אין אַ חב″דישן קלויז, אַשטייגער דאָ היינט⸗צו⸗טאָג אין ווילנע, מאַכן מיר פּתח שין שאַ אַז די אָרטיקע מתפּללים זאָגן דערויף אמן…

   פאַר דער יידישער דיאַלעקטאָלאָגיע און קולטור געשיכטע איז גראָד מערקווערדיק וואָס דער משכילישער ווילנער פּאָעט פון ניינצעטן יאָרהונדערט באַנוצט זיך מיט די טערמינען צפונדיקער („צפוני“) און דרומדיקער („תימני“) אינעם זין פון דער מזרח⸗אייראָפּעאישער יידישער אָפּאָזיציע ליטוואַק קעגנאיבער ניט⸗ליטוואַק. אַבי מיר האָבן געמיינט אַז דאָס שטאַמט פון דער יידישער לינגוויסטיק פון צוואַנציקסטן יאָרהונדערט…

   און מה⸗דאָך, שייך פאַרגעדענקען, אַז להיפּוך צו די שטרענגע נאָרמעס פון טבריאר טראָפּ וואָס אין תנ″כישן לשון קודש (וואו ס′איז חל די הייליקייט פון יעדן מתג), צי דעם מאָדערנעם עברית (וואו ס′איז חל די פאַקטיש טאָגטעגלעכע שפּראַך), איז די אשכנזישע פּאָעזיע פון גאָרדאָן, אדם הכהן, מיכ″ל, טשערניכאָווסקי, ביאַליק און אַ סך אַנדערע פּאָעטן, בכח אָנווענדן די קלענסטע ניואַסנן פון הנאה וועגן אין אַ המשכות וואָס דערשפּילט זיך פונעם פּשוטסן יידיש אַזש ביזן פאָרמעלסטן לשון קודש, מיט אַ שביל הזהב אינמיטן. אָט דער מיטל⸗וועג באַשטייט פון דעם קלאַסיש אשכנזיש⸗פּאָעטישן דרך: דער טראָפּ פון וואָרט מלעיל, אָבער די נאָכגייענדיקע וואָקאַלן אַרויסגערעדט ככתוב, אָן דער רעדוצירונג אויף שווא וואָס אין יידיש.

   דער פּועל⸗יוצא, אַז מיר וועלן קיינמאָל ניט וויסן גענוי ווי צו לייענען יעדער וואָרט ווי ביים פּאָעט לכתחילה. ניט אַלעמאָל איז די נקודה דער פּוסק אחרון. דערצו איז דער ניקוד גאָרניט פּותר חלום וואָס שייך מלעיל און מלרע, און וואָס שייך יידיש⸗מעסיקע רעדוצירונגען (צי שינויים) פון וואָקאַלן, וואָס שטעלן מיט זיך פאָר אינאיינעם גענומען אַן אוניקאַלע שפּילעוודיקע פּלאַסטישקייט, כחומר ביד היוצר, די מיסטיק און ראָמאַנטיק פון דער אשכנזישער פּאָעזיע.

   פונדעסטוועגן: זיך איינהאַלטן פון מאַכן אַן ערשטן פּרואוו איז קיין גאַנג ניט, גייט דאָ ווייטער אַן ערשטער ניט⸗רעדאַגירטער נוסח פון אַ טראַנסקריפּציע אויף לאַטיין. די מאָטיווירונגען צו אַלערלייאיקע ספּעציפישע פאָרשלאַגן אין דער טראַנסקריפּציע ― אַשטייגער וועגן טעאַטראַליש⸗דראַמאַטישן בים⸗באַם פון אַ פּלוצימדיקן מלרע אָדער סעריע מלרע′ען ― בלייבט אַן אויפגאַבע מירצעשעם אויף להבא.

   נאָכדעם גייען פאַקסימיליעס פון די שייכותדיקע זייטלעך אויף העברעאיש, פון „כל שירי יהודה ליב גאָרדאָן“, אַרויסגעגעבן פון מרדכי קאַצענעלענבאָגען און געדרוקט ביי ראָם, ווילנע תרסה ― 1904; ד.ה. די לעצטע חדשים פון 1904, צווישן ראש⸗השנה און דעם סילוועסטער.

הירשע⸗דוד כ″ץ          
ווילנע, אויף גרויס פּאָהולאַנקע          
נאָך ראש⸗השנה תרע″ד          

Hasús Vǝhasís 

Bihyóys bney hoódom
Sófo ákhas udvórim akhódim
Loy níkhshǝlu bilshóynom
Vloy nékhlǝku bǝrayóynom;

U-miyóym níflǝgo hoórets
Lilshoynóysom lǝgoyéyhem
Hírbo kóyshl beynéyhem
Vayírkhav hapórets.

Yeysh gám bney am ákhad
Yóyshvey mǝdínoys shóynoys
Éyn lóhem leyv lǝyákhad
Meykhéylek sfosáyim vǝrív lǝshóynoys:

Ho-efrósi mibílti yǝkhóyles
Léymoyr shibóyles
Ómar sibóyles
Va-yóykhazu bóy vayishkhotúhu,

Ubén Volín kóro khírik
Bímkoym she-ben-Líto kóyre shúruk
Ulǝbézdn heviúhu.

Shney sóykhrim ba-dérekh orókhu
El ákhad hayrídim yoródu,
Ushnéyhem yákhdov holókhu
af ím loy noyódu.

Hoékhod teymóni meyir “Melíto”
Hashéyni mitsófoyn meyir mi-Líto;
Ze bo límkoyr skhoyrósoy
Vozé líknoys skhóyro mǝgamósoy.
Vayǝhí badérekh vayóymer hatsfóyni:
“Emóyr no lí adóyni
Ma khéftsǝkho bashúk ubíshvil ma bóso?”

Vayáan hadróymi: “Rǝtsóyni
líknoys sis toyv bǝmóno oy bǝmosáyim.”

“Loy yogáto umotsóso,”
(Hadóyver bóy yaanéyhu)
“Yeysh ití sis kozé, táyvo loeynáyim,
Im tákhpoyts bimkhír ze kokhéyhu.”

Vayámeyn boy hakóyne vayéyoys
Vayiknéyhu meyítoy bli réyoys
Vayíteyn káspoy shtey méyoys.

Bayóym hashéyni lǝmokhorósoy
héyvi hamóykheyr es skhoyrósoy ―
Knaf rǝnónim neelóso
Nehdóro bǝnoytsóyso;

Vayóymer hateymóni bǝtimóǝn:
“Harámay áto oy múke shigóǝn?
Loy sis hayóysheyv bakúv konísi
Ki im sis hoóymeyd boúrvo ivísi.”

“Loy,” tóan hatsfóyni, “Loy rimisíkho
Ki lóy keyn onóykhi imódi;
Sis omárto bǝpíkho
vǝsis heyvéysi bǝyódi.”

Vayinótsu yakhdóv vayorívu
Udvorom el haróv hikrívu.
Hakóyne tóva sheyákhzir loy hamóoys
Lǝfi shehitóhu bǝyóyseyr mishtús,
akh haróv pósak sheéyn ze élo shtùs
Ulfíkhokh ― Eyn hamékah mékakh tóùs.

Hakóyre bǝváday
Yikroéyni báday,
Ki: Hayǝtókhn?
shebishvil nkúdo ktáno ekhás
Yovóyu shney anóshim gdóylim
Limrívo mislakákhas
ulbézdn yíyhu óylim?

Me kol hamakhlóykoys shehóyu biYhúdo
Im loy bishvil éyzu óys oy nǝkúdo,
Peyrúshim klúshim vǝdikdúkim dákin
Éysin vǝgámin ákhin vǝrákin?

Bishvil má bǝshónim rishóynoys
Nikrá Beys Yisróeyl likǝróyim
Vayhí lǝkítoys shóynoys
LǝPrúshim uTsdúkim, rabónim, karóim?

Gam bǝyoméynu óto
Me kol haktóto
Beyn Yánkoyv bnó shel Mushó
Uveyn Yánkoyv bén Elkonó?

Yáan loy yóymar “késer” biKdúsho
UvǝKádish ― yítsmakh purkóno!


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