Website: online course is part of the Workmens Circle summer program in Yiddish Studies.
Inquiries: coordinator Baruch Blum at: bblum@circle.org and/or program director Nikolai Borodulin at: nborodulin@circle.org. Note that the course is taught entirely in Yiddish.
Sessions: 2—3:30 PM NY time (10 AM LA, 6 PM London, 7 PM Paris/Berlin, 8 PM Tel Aviv/Vilnius etc): (1) 6 July, (2) 13 July, (3) 20 July, (4) 27 July. and (5) 3 Aug.
Instructor: Dovid Katz. Personal website. Yiddish Cultural Dictionary.
General background: Emanuel S. Goldsmith, Architects of Yiddishism at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. A Study in Jewish Cultural History (Fairleigh Dickinson: Rutherford 1976; further editions retitled Modern Yiddish Culture). Instructor’s Words on Fire: The Unfinished Story of Yiddish; papers: “Hebrew, Aramaic, and the Rise of Yiddish (1985); Reflections on the 110th Anniversary of Czernowitz (2018). Relevant parts of Yiddish and Power (Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke 2015); works in the fields of Yiddish linguistics and Yiddish stylistics.
Materials for Sessions 1-2 (6 & 13 July 2021)
Matisyohu Mieses (Mates Mizish), paper read at the Czernowitz Language Conference of 1908, first published in M. Weinreich, Z. Reyzen (eds), Di ershte yidishe shprakh-konferents (Yivo: Vilna 1931), pp. 143-193. As PDF. Entire volume available online at NYBC.
Zalmen Reyzen’s entry for Matisyohu Mieses in Leksikon vol. 2, pp. 375-379 (Vilna 1927). As PDF.
Materials for Session 3 (20 July 2021)
Ber Borokhov, “Ufgabn fun der yidisher filologye” & “Biblyotek funem yidishn filolog” in Sh. Niger’s Pínkes (Vilna 1913). As PDF. Entire volume available online at NYBC.
The same two works reprinted in standardized orthography in Nakhmen Mayzl’s Ber Borokhov: Shprakh-forshung un literatur-geshikhte (Tel Aviv 1966). As PDF. Entire volume available online at NYBC.
Materials for Session 4 (27 July 2021)
Readings from Nakhmen Mayzel’s edition of Ber Borokhov’s writings on Yiddish language and literature, Ber Borokhov: Shprakh-forshu.ng un literatur-geshikhte (Tel Aviv 1966). As PDF. Entire volume available online at NYBC.
The 1925 publication of Organizatsye fun der yidisher visnshaft. Nokhem Shtif’s and Max Weinreich”s essays. Available from Goethe Universität (Frankfurt).
Materials for Session 5 (3 August 2021)
Max Weinreich’s Shtaplen (Berlin 1923). As PDF.
Der fashizirter yidishizm un zayn visnshaft (Minsk 1930). As PDF.
Solomon A. Birnbaum’s Geúle fun loshn [Geíle fin lushn] (Lodz 1931). As PDF.
Dovid Cohen’s Yidish: Hasofo hakedoysho [The Sacred Language Yiddish]. As PDF.