(including articles referring to Ukraine related issues)
4 April 2015. Defending History: ‘US sinks into further involvement with pro-Nazi elements in Ukraine’.
30 March 2015. Ukraine President Poroshenko’s jocular tweet with photos of him in his new ‘Cynical Bandera’ outfit.
22 January 2015. Jewish Chronicle: ‘”Double Genocide” has become the deadliest form of denial’ [original version appeared in DH on 22 January 2015.
8 December 2014. Defending History: ‘A lowpoint in American (and Canadian) diplomacy?’
28 November 2014. The Times of Israel: ‘Ukraine bonanza for upgraded Holocaust denial’.
23 November 2014. Defending History: ‘Text of US Rep. John Conyers’ proposed amendment restricting aid to pro-Nazi forces in Ukraine’.
26 October 2014. Defending History: ‘Would they try to instrumentalize Simon Wiesenthal, too? An open letter to Inna Rogatchi’.
16 October 2014. Defending History: ‘Ukraine’s “centrist” leaders honor Holocaust-era Nazi collaborators as “heroes”’.
Fall 2014. Jewish Review of Books: ‘Poland is not Ukraine: A response to Konstanty Gebert’s “The Ukrainian question”’.
9 September 2014. Juedische Rundschau: ’75 Jahre nach dem 1. September 1939: Antisemitismus in Osteuropa’.
16 August 2014. ConsortiumNews.com: ‘The hushed-up Hitler factor in Ukraine’. Republished in The Global Realm; in David Stockman’s Contra Corner; and in Rogerannis.com.
26 July 2014. Jewish Currents: ‘The Neocons and Holocaust revisionism in Eastern Europe’. Part II.
10 June 2014. The Times of Israel: ‘Getting it wrong on Ukraine’.
May 2014. East European Jewish Affairs: ‘Review of Georges Mink and Laure Neumayer, History, Memory and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe: Memory Games’ [proof only].
19 May 2014. Defending History: ‘Ukraine: Slowly but surely, Western media raising the taboo question.
6 May 2014. Defending History: ‘Reply to a Roger Cohen opinion piece on Ukraine and Lithuania’.