Annual Sept. 23 Official Commemoration Ceremony at the Ponár (Paneriai) Mass Murder Site Outside Vilnius, Lithuania
Historic Breakthrough as Lithuanian Jewish Community’s Faina Kukliansky Finally Calls for Removal of Street Names and Memorials for Holocaust Collaborators, Boldly Citing Juozas Krikštaponis, Jonas Noreika, and Kazys Škirpa; Sharp Contrast with Last Year’s Failed Event

Official Jewish community’s lay leader, Faina Kukliansky, standing in front of key government officials, valiantly challenged the sincerity of Holocaust commemoration when there are streets and squares named for major Holocaust collaborators and perpetrators. One participant said: “Her courageous remarks and invoking of specific names made for the moral highlight of the day.”
Israeli ambassador Amir Maimon “did not find the courage” to include in his remarks the names of his fellow Israeli citizens Yitzhak Arad, Rachel Margolis (1921-2015), and Joseph Melamed, defamed for posterity by Vilnius prosecutors. See earlier report for more details.
Politicians continued to float idea for a Holocaust museum at Ponár in accordance with the antisemitic establishment’s wishes: “Holocaust stuff out in the forest for The Jews, Genocide Museum fix-it-all-0ver spiel in central Vilnius for the world at large.” See Ponár, Museums, and Mass Graves sections in DH.

Various of the recent memorial projects have attracted stupendous exaggeration in foreign media, for example a certain headline in Tablet, when in fact around 225 of the 229 known mass graves were unvisited by anyone on the nation’s official Holocaust day.