Arkady Kurliandchik

Member of Vilnius Jewish Community is Shocked by German Embassy’s Bizarre Decision to ‘Honor Our Community’s Dismantler with a Medal for Community-Building’


by Arkady Kurliandchik

I am well aware that for a very long time there has been a tradition of awarding long-time office-holders with assorted awards and medals on suitable occasions. There seems to be, moreover, a certain logic to it. If you are totally in charge of something for a long time, then, apparently — you must deserve an award.  Nevertheless, there is much mystery and mystification around the recent award by the German Embassy in Vilnius of the prestigious Order of Merit from the Federal Republic of Germany to the long-time ruler of the ersatz “Lithuanian Jewish Community.” The award cites, inter alia, her long-term efforts to unite the Lithuanian Jewish Community, including strengthening the organization’s role on the national and international level.” This is so painfully ridiculous to virtually all of the surviving Jewish community of Lithuania precisely because it is the precise opposite of our experience over more than a decade. Except for a tiny handful receiving largesse for servitude, it is hard to find a single Jew in Vilnius who feels comfortable walking into what has become a kind of “Lithuanian agency for Jewish affairs” at the Pylimo 4 headquarters populated by the rich and powerful. Many see here the nepotistic benefits for a tiny number of elite families, without the elementary transparency of full and timely accounting online for all of the millions being spent from the state-funding, which is actually funding that derives, via restitution, from pilfered prewar Jewish community assets.

Why would the German Embassy not do its minimal due diligence? Enhancing it further by connecting it to D-Day adds injury to insult.

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Posted in "Good Will Foundation" (Jewish Restitution in Lithuania), A Stolen Election and a Small Jewish Community's Protest, Arkady Kurliandchik, Bold Citizens Speak Out, Germany, Lithuania, Lithuania's Jewish Community Issues, Litvak Affairs, News & Views | Comments Off on Member of Vilnius Jewish Community is Shocked by German Embassy’s Bizarre Decision to ‘Honor Our Community’s Dismantler with a Medal for Community-Building’

Heartfelt Plea for Vilnius Jewish Community to Foreign Members of “Good Will Foundation” (& Charming Reply from AJC’s Andrew Baker)


The following is the text of the public letter from three elected board members of the Vilnius Jewish Community, posted earlier this week, on 12 August, on Facebook (as PDF), and the reply received today, on behalf of the Good Will Foundation, by the American Jewish Committee’s Rabbi Andrew Baker, who is also a medal awardee of the Lithuanian government and a long-time member of its Holocaust-revisionist “red-brown commission” that has caused decades of pain to Holocaust survivors and their families.


State medals for ambitious Westerners who cover for Holocaust revisionism

Destruction of Jewish community democracy in Vilnius

Rabbi S. B. Krinsky was first to expose the moral issues at stake

Abusing the identity of the fragile, struggling Litvak heritage

Battle to save Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery from humiliation of convention center

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Posted in "Good Will Foundation" (Jewish Restitution in Lithuania), A Stolen Election and a Small Jewish Community's Protest, American Jewish Committee (AJC) in Lithuania, Arkady Kurliandchik, Lithuania, Lithuania's Jewish Community Issues, Litvak Affairs, News & Views, Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery at Piramónt (in Šnipiškės / Shnípishok), Opinion | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Heartfelt Plea for Vilnius Jewish Community to Foreign Members of “Good Will Foundation” (& Charming Reply from AJC’s Andrew Baker)

A Lithuanian Jewish Citizen on Why Jewish Life is Divided into “Before” vs. “After” 19 April 2017


by Arkady Kurliandchik

Arkady Kurliandchik

On the 19th of April 2017, an event transpired that seems to have divided, from the viewpoint of time, our life as Jewish citizens of Lithuania. We were left with two new categories: before and after. Before and after the day when our democratic community’s leadership, in the middle of a community election campaign, changed the rules to disenfranchise the living three thousand or so Jews in the country in favor of a new electoral system based on the votes of the current chairwoman’s own board that would from now on mean that “the official” Jewish community represents not the Jewish people of Lithuania. It represents the people on that board and their “associations,” whether real or not.

To tell the truth, our Jewish community collectively, and each of us individually felt deeply humiliated with that imperious power-hungry arrogance. This historical action was carried out by a small group of  power-hungry plotters who usurped that which had been held with human dignity by our Jewish self-government here. This clique of usurpers, in a single meeting, “changed the election rules” to deprive the Jews of Lithuania of the right to vote on issues related to communal Jewish life. What has happened will go down as a black chapter in the history of Jews in Eastern Europe.

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