Tag Archives: Centre for Citizenship and Globalization

Deception Exposed: The New Documentary Film “Rewriting History”


by Graeme Blundell

NOTE: This review appeared in today’s Australian. The original publication is available here and here.

This is one of those documentaries that is so compelling and so confronting it leaves you stunned, a little breathless.

It’s both a kind of contemporary international political thriller and a rigorously researched investigation into a piece of the past and the way it is remembered in the present. Or not remembered, when the truth of that past becomes politically problematic.

The film follows two slightly eccentric professors, the Australian Danny Ben-Moshe from the Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University and Dovid Katz who taught Yiddish at Vilnius University, the oldest in Lithuania, as they confront the Lithuanian government.

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