Tag Archives: Waffen SS in Estonia

World Union for Progressive Judaism “Fully Endorses” the Seventy Years Declaration (SYD)

LONDON—The World Union for Progressive Judaism released the following statement today, endorsing the Seventy Years Declaration (SYD). It also appears on the WUPJ website.

The news release, which was also circulated widely via the WUPJ’s emailed news reports, follows by half a year the SYD’s endorsement by Britain’s major Orthodox union, The United Synagogue, in the summer of 2013. [SYD text in European languages]


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The Waffen SS in Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine

Campaigns underway to glorify the Waffen SS in 3 countries — for both domestic and international consumption

Estonia (Estonia section)

Latvia (Latvia sectionUK connection; Monica Lowenberg’s petition)

Ukraine (Ukraine sectionCanada connection; Canada section)

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