Yitzhak Arad on Holocaust Obfuscation in Lithuania; background; coverage
Fania Yocheles Brantsovsky talks to the Jerusalem Post; background
Uri Chanoch on outbreak of the Holocaust in Palanga
Milan Chersonski stands up valiantly to a powerful establishment
Abraham H. Foxman on a range of issues
Pinchos Fridberg critiques the red-brown commission
Sara Ginaite on the campaign against Jewish partisan veterans
Joseph Griliches comments on events
Jay Ipson brings Rewriting History to Richmond, Virginia
Tuvia Jafet and Shimon Alperovich on the campaign against Jewish resistance heroes
Rachel Kostanian; the Green House; reopening
Moyshe Kukliansky on the outbreak of the Holocaust in the Butrimánts (Butrimonys) area
Abe Lawre on an antisemitic artist’s Holocaust-distorting works; background
Dov Levin on efforts to cover Holocaust revisionism with conferences and “Jewish” events
Joseph Levinson politely asks a graveyard-preservation NGO to remember spadework of survivors in the 1990s
Rachel Margolis speaks for the record; background; An Israeli ambassador speaks up
Joseph Melamed makes a plea to Yad Vashem; when Interpol came; Melamed section
Meyshke Preys (Misha Preisas) on outbreak of the Holocaust in Kovno (Kaunas)
Basheva Ran and family
Mère-Léye Sher on outbreak of the Holocaust in Plungyán (Plungė)
Reuben Seligman on the outbreak of the Holocaust in Shilél (Šilalė)
N.N. Shneidman gets his Vilna Ghetto medal back
Meilach Stalevich on the idea of “Double Genocide” (at timecode 12:15 in Wendy Robbins’ BBC World Service radio documentary Heart and Soul, Dec. 2010)
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