The following are among the envelopes designed by Antanas Šakalys who continues to be honored by his (other) works being exhibited at both Vilnius University and the Central Post Office in the Lithuanian capital. Details and further links.
These samples are categorized as follows:
1. Holocaust Distortion/Inversion (blaming of victims, honoring of perpetrators, defamation of historians).
2. Antisemitism.
3. Homophobia and Assault on Equal Rights.
4. Defamation of Lithuanian personalities who call for tolerance.
Holocaust Distortion/Inversion (blaming of victims, honoring of perpetrators, defamation of historians)
The “Expert” with Bloody Hands
Yitzhak Arad
This is a former NKVD red partisan hitman who terrorized completely innocent Lithuanian peasants. He wrote of his bloody campaigns in the book “Partisan: From the Valley of Death to Mount Zion.” He even received a medal from Moscow’s puppet J. Paleckis for his sadistic “campaigns.” Now this Israeli general wearing the shadow of a Communist terrorist consults the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) operating in the USA. This is how cases without foundation against A. Dailidė, A. Lileikis and other Lithuanian patriots are born.
[photo caption:] Kaunas ablaze, June 23, 1941
The uprising began in Kaunas on June 23, 1941, attempting to restore Lithuanian independence. Patriots of other cities also rose up. The last members of the NKVD (mainly Jews and Russians) fled Kaunas. They hurried to their garage (called Lietukis) where automobiles were repaired and demanded to be taken to Russia. Some of the mechanic there fled and asked people for help to defend them from these enraged and rabid Communists. Nowadays there is often talk of the pogroms that began, although there had never been any in Lithuania before, but it is not explained who most contributed to genocide and the extermination of a people. The tolerance and humanism of our people is amazing in that after all that tens of thousands of our people rescued Jews during the German occupational period. And what Jew serving in the NKVD rescued us from the hell of the gulag? After all, Jews were at the very summit of the “NKVD power structure!” About 2,000 Lithuanian patriots died during the June 23 Uprising.
10th Anniversary of the Death
It’s already 10 years since Lithuania lost her honorable and proud son
On September 26, 2000, A. Lileikis, terrorized by the racist Zionists, died. Even after death they attempted to slander and belittle him. And this is being done with the agreement of the Lithuanian government. Meanwhile, Estonia won’t even grant visas to the “accusers” such as Efraim Zuroff, who sows ethnic hate. A. Lileikis and K. Gimzauskas, who in their time discovered many Communist Jews of the underground who sought to destroy Lithuanian independence, also had much information about their activities. Their trials were revenge by the Jews of the KGB. Lileikis’s contribution serving the nation in the security of free Lithuania and celebrating Lithuanian-ness in the USA, [and] working in publishing, is gigantic.
Let the memory of a patriot of the people remain bright!
10th Anniversary of the Death
On September 26, 2000, A. Lileikis, terrorized by the racist Zionists, died. Even after death they attempted to slander and belittle him. And this is being done with the agreement of the Lithuanian government. Lileikis’s contribution serving the nation in the security of free Lithuania and celebrating Lithuanian-ness in the USA, [and] working in publishing, is gigantic.
Let the memory of a patriot of the people remain bright!
Efraim Zuroff
[text illegible]
Ben Saliamon [sic] Zalman [sic] Elijas [sic] (Vilnius [sic] Gaon)
1720-1793 [sic]
A legendary personality. Explicator of the Talmud and Zionist of racist persuasion. He left behind no academic works, but phrases such as “that Lithuania is God’s gift to the Jewish people,” which gradually was attempted to implement, could belong to him. His intellectual followers strove to populate the small towns, created businesses, set up trade and medicine. [He? They?] created the social democratic Bund (this later become a/the Communist party through which there was the attempt to create Litbel, a Lithuanian-Belarusian state. After driving them out of Vilnius and following the creation of the Republic of Lithuania, the Bund was annulled. Even though in Lithuania, they didn’t give up that “gift of God,” and tried to incite riots in 1926. In 1939 they experienced the coming of the Soviets and only then understood they would have to move to the Jewish Autonomous Republic (this was Stalin’s gift). After World War II they had to reorient and with the help of Great Britain they had to take a different gift: Arab Palestine. [orphan parenthesis in original]
Blue vertical text: The fate of social security in the hands of the offices of the “Sharashkins” [derived from a Russian slang expression—an ironic, derogatory term to denote a poorly organized, impromptu, or fake organization.]
Black text under photo: “Let’s live like brothers—and pay like Jews!”
[in other words: and not pay our taxes, like the Jews]
Smaller black text under photo: Such a saying is completely uncharacteristic of Rabbi SholomKrinsky, director of the Manachem House, who is in debt to Social Security for a whole millionlitas. Perhaps it is time to declare this “house” bankrupt. Debtors include: Kaunas Bread,Klaipeda Cranes, Lithun, Lelija, and etc.
Vakaro Zinios [Evening News], December, 2011
Homophobia and Assault on Equal Rights
Don’t Let the Minds of Our Children Be Poisoned
By the Propaganda of the Homosexuals
Condemnation and Ridicule of Traitors of the People
At a session of the European Union [Parliament?] Lithuania’s homophiles, seeking to encourage gay and lesbian activity, including [MEPs?] A. Degutis, E. Gentvilas, J. Dičkutė, G. Juknevičienė, J. V. Paleckis, A. Povilionis, A. Sakalas and M. Starkevičiūtė, voted in favor of legalizing the actions of sexual anomalies [?]. Only L. Andrikienė and G. Didžiokas voted against. What sort of moral authorities do we have in the European Union! And further, [what sort of representatives of a] Catholic country! Genetic anomalies are a matter for doctors. Our elected representatives are traitors and are engaged in terrorist activities, destroying the foundations for the existence of the state. V. Blinkevičiūtė, the master of “the genocide of pensioners,” finances the gay “Rainbow Days” events. It is said that the Brazauskas Fund has also allocated 50,000 litas to open the gay restaurant Neo Men’s Factory. Different centers are being established: The League of Lithuanian Gays, the Social Research Center, Gaumina, European Social Rights and Economic Projects and the Center for Equal Opportunity, to which gigantic funding is being allocated.
Attack on Lithuanian voices calling for tolerance and liberalism
Euro-parliamentarian Leonidas Donskis
[too low resolution text to make out]
“Barbarian” of Europe Marija Ausrine Pavilioniene
Europe is breeding degenerately as the Roman Empire did. Our ethnic state can set an example for the rebirth of Europe only by standing firmly on high moral foundations. History shows that Lithuania has defended Europe from the Mongol-Tatar yoke, and during the downfall of the Soviet empire saved Russia from total destruction. We should know that small states are not weak because they’re small, and large states are not powerful because they’re large.
Newly baked “tolerant” Tomas Venclova
All sorts of “foundations” and “tolerance centers” are trying in all sorts of ways to make a society of “homo cosmopolitans.” According to world-famous publicist Vilnius Brazenas, “if you’re already a citizen of the world, then why are you bleating in Lithuania and stirring up hope?” These are words intended for Tomas Venclova, and maybe also for the other “fellow countryman” A. Stromas. These “tolerant people” have no need for Lithuania or any other country. These are globalists who having smelled the stench of the garbage dump of the ethnicities of the USA, have concluded the making of their philosophical horizons. In their thoughts they defend Lithuanian independence and Hungarian freedom, but it seems in the end they don’t really know what these are.
–Filop envelope, November, 2001; Vakaro Zinios, February, 2010