Genocide Center Official defends neo-Nazi march

A high official of the Genocide Research Center, Ričardas Čekutis, today published an article defending the recent neo-Nazi march in central Vilnius. Lithuania’s major daily, Lietuvos rytas, had identified him ten days ago as one of the key participants and organizers of the 1000-strong March 11th 2011 neo-Nazi march that proceeded through the center of Vilnius on the country’s Independence Day, with the participation of a member of parliament, and a permit from the municipality of Vilnius. The Jewish Community of Lithuania has protested the march on its own website (English translation here).

The Genocide Research Center, which is responsible for the Genocide Museum in central Vilnius and the antisemitic historical placards at Gruto Parkas, is an official partner of the ‘Red-Brown Commission’ and was one of the official partners of the Holocaust Studies conference last December which attracted participation of the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC.

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