PARIS—According to a mass emailing underway this week, Yahad-in-Unum, based in Paris, is inviting the public to a symposium on the Lithuanian Holocaust on Tuesday 3 May at 5 PM at 9 rue Mahler (Room 107).The event is organized by Yahad-in-Unum with unspecified Lithuanian partners and including a video link with a team in Lithuania.
The questions that people are asking in the absence of a detailed public program on thbe organization’s website: Is Yahad-in-Unum co-organizing the event with any of the many bold Lithuanian intellectuals who have given so very much to the cause of simple Holocaust truth-telling, or will it be another sham in the hands of the “Red-Brown Commission” and the “Genocide Center”? Have the organizers invited (for example) Chaim Bargman, Saulius Beržinis, Dr. Valentinas Brandišauskas, Milan Chersonski, Professor Pinchos Fridberg, Rachel Kostanian, Andrius Kulikauskas, Professor L. Truska, Rūta Vanagaitė?
Are they aware of the Red-Brown Commission’s issues, including the 2015 “explanation” for the attempted prosecutions of Holocaust survivors who joined up with the anti-Nazi partisans and are heroes of the free world?