Will Second Opinions be Heard at Yale-Fortunoff Nov. 9 Event featuring Professors Dieckmann & Snyder?

Will Second Opinions be Heard at Yale-Fortunoff Nov. 9 Event?

Hopefully, families of Connecticut area Holocaust survivors will be included at the event, 5 PM at Luce Hall (room 202)

More on history of the Lithuanian gov. financed “Red-Brown Commission” of which the Yale-Fortunoff speakers are long-standing members

Two truly gifted and prolific scholars are featured on Nov. 9. But both have been extensively instrumentalized by the Lithuanian government for years. Both are veteran members (one for 25 years?) of the state-sponsored “Red-Brown Commission” that has been the engine for Holocaust revisionism in the spirit of Double Genocide and the Prague Declaration in the European Parliament. The commission has caused Holocaust survivors huge pain from day one. The other was brought to Vilnius a decade ago to help cover for (and deflect from) the reburial with full honors of the 1941 Nazi puppet prime minister. Please attend and ask both about the Lithuanian government’s vast “history fixing industry” coming clean on:

(a) the thousands of Jews murdered by Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) butchers before the first Germans arrived or took over and the state effort to “cancel” this “little fact” from the historical record and narrative;

(b) the state’s current glorification of Holocaust collaborators and perpetrators via street names, plaques, sculptures, and museums;

(c) the investment in Prague Declaration inspired downgrade of the Holocaust to supposedly “one of a whole pot of complicated, confusing, coequal, concurrent and confounding mishaps in those complex years” (a mantra of “everyone was killing everyone, all very complicated”);

(d) need for public state apologies to families of Holocaust survivors defamed for the record of posterity as “war criminals”;

(e) last wish of a 100 year old survivor in Vilnius: preservation of the last Jewish partisan fort in the forest. Can the two speakers be asked to consider supporting these efforts?

See also: Respectfully disagreeing with Prof. Snyder. ALSO: the back story of Prof. Dieckmann’s new book.

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