War Criminal’s ‘Libel Case’ against Holocaust Historian headed for Verdict This Tuesday in Budapest

By most accounts, it could only happen in the ‘Eastern European Union’ region, where powers that be often spare no effort to use (or abuse) the law (‘lawfare’) and state institutions in the cause of Holocaust Obfuscation. Anything that can enhance the status of the Holocaust’s perpetrators and diminish that of the victims, survivors and their current advocates is pursued with a sense of convinced national purpose that by most accounts would have been considered inconceivable at the time of European Union and NATO accession.

In Budapest this Tuesday, 3 May 2011, at 2 PM, at the court on Markó utca 25 (Budapest 1055), the judge is expected to announce his verdict in the amazing case of the 97 year old twice-convicted Nazi war criminal, Sandor Kepiro, who is suing Holocaust historian and justice seeker, Dr Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Israel office, for ‘libel’.

‘Only in the Eastern EU’

The carnival atmosphere of a circus is enhanced by the timing. Just two days later, this coming Thursday 5 May, at 9 AM, Kepiro, who had spent 48 years in Argentina before returning to post Cold War Hungary, will go on trial for war crimes himself, at a different court, at Fő utca 70-78 (Budapest 1027). Experts on libel litigation and international law confess to being stunned that the libel trial could be allowed to precede the war crimes trial (by two days).

Background  here, here and here.

Both parties will be in court on Tuesday. Dr Zuroff, the leading pursuer of justice for Nazi war criminals, and author of Operation Last Chance, among other books, is reportedly planning to stick around for the week. He will be attending Thursday’s trial too.


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