State Prosecutors Defame Anti-Nazi Resistance Hero Yitzhak Arad while Closing Part of ‘Investigation’; Anonymous ‘Expert Historian’ Attacks Arad’s Book as Public is Asked to Provide ‘Evidence’

While closing ‘part’ of its ‘investigation’ against Holocaust survivor and eminent historian Dr Yitzhak Arad, the Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithuania issues a public call ‘to the society [public] for assistance’ searching for ‘people who can give evidence or have important information’. More incredibly, the prosecutors’ press release attacks Dr Arad’s famous memoir The Partisan, a classic of Holocaust resistance memoir literature, on the basis of an anonymous ‘Doctor of Humanitarian Sciences (expert-historian)‘. And so, the prosecution service that never achieved the slightest punishment of a single Nazi war criminal in connection with the genocide of 200,000 Lithuanian Jews, leaves for posterity its call to the public for ‘evidence’ against the anti-Nazi resistance hero Yitzhak Arad along with a gutless attack on the scholar’s book based on an anonymous trasher. Perhaps the prosecutors’ mysterious ‘Doctor of Humanitarian Sciences (Expert-Historian)’ will muster the courage to come forward and identify himself for history?

NOTE: This 25 Sept 2008 official press release has been the last word from prosecutors on the Arad affair. Rumors and claims of the case having been properly closed and an apology issued to Dr Arad (and to Yad Vashem, of which he was founding director) are sadly without basis and constitute misinformation [as of date of this entry: 22 Feb 2010]. Moreover, there has to date been not one public word on the affair from the ‘Red-Brown Commission‘, which is housed in the Prime Minister’s office, about its own former (and founding) member. Commission’s site here; it continues to list Dr Arad under ‘membership suspended’

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