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Škirpa and Noreika
17 Organizations in Lithuania Sign Petition in Favor of Central Vilnius Street Name Glorifying Holocaust Promoter K. Škirpa
Among the 17 who signed is Sąjūdis (Vilnius & Kaunas), whose honorary national chairman is Prof. V. Landsbergis, and whose national council includes MP Emanuelis Zingeris. Will Vilnius Mayor Remigijus Šimašius in his reply stand up for what’s right?
Background to the Vilnius street-naming debate. More street names. Dr. Andrius Kulikauskas documents Škirpa’s calls for the ethnic cleansing of Lithuania’s Jewish citizens during World War II.
Lithuanian weekly Veidas (5 April 2017) carries front page Škirpa image (“Kazys Škirpa and the ‘Jewish Question'”), editor Arūnas Brazauskas’s editorial “Dr. Dovid Katz’s Does-Not-Equal Sign” (pp. 4-5), and Andrius Kulikauskas’s “Getting to Know Kazys Škirpa from his Own Writings” (pp. 30-37).