Basheva Ran & Family

Families of Holocaust Survivors in the US Release Public Letter on Renewal of Lithuanian Government’s Red-Brown Commission

The following is the text of the statement released today by the signatories enumerated below.

Welcome to Holocaust Halloween: The Political Obfuscation of the Holocaust in Lithuania by Lies, Masquerades, Tricks, and Treats

The Soviet occupation of Lithuania is a painful part of its history.

The mass murder of approximately 95% of Lithuania’s Jewish population (noted by historians as the highest percentage of any European country) during World War two is an abomination and blot on the history of Lithuania and its citizenry.

The two events are not equal. Historical sufferings are not identical.

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Posted in "Red-Brown Commission", Basheva Ran & Family, Lithuania, News & Views, Opinion, Politics of Memory, United States, US State Dept Manipulated?, Yad Vashem and Lithuania | Comments Off on Families of Holocaust Survivors in the US Release Public Letter on Renewal of Lithuanian Government’s Red-Brown Commission

Leyzer Ran Family Writes Collective Open Letter on Yivo Debacle

The surviving family members of the late Leyzer Ran, led by his wife Basheva Ran, today released a statement concerning Yivo’s decision to honor the Lithuanian foreign minister in New York in the absence of apologies for the accusations against Jewish partisan heroes, and in the absence of progress on widespread antisemitism including legalized swatikas and Holocaust distortionism. Details and a PDF of the letter are available here.

Posted in "Jewish" Events as Cover?, A 21st Century Campaign Against Lithuanian Holocaust Survivors?, Basheva Ran & Family, Double Genocide, News & Views, Opinion, Politics of Memory, United States, Yivo Manipulated? | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Leyzer Ran Family Writes Collective Open Letter on Yivo Debacle