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2009 (updated 2024)


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Defending History (DefendingHistory.com) was founded on 6 September 2009 as Holocaust in the Baltics (www.HolocaustInTheBaltics.com). It was dedicated to the memory of Professor Meir Shub.

Defending History emerged from a Vilnius based effort that got underway in 2008, entailing: opposition to attempts to prosecute Holocaust survivorsopposition to the Prague Declaration; opposition to elitist antisemitism and  state-sanctioned city center neo-Nazi marches; opposition to attempts to glorify the local perpetrators and collaborators, and institutions engaged in such efforts; opposition to the Double Genocide movement emanating particularly from the eastern regions of the European Union. These efforts were and are seen as inseparable from work to preserve the decimated Litvak heritage and its living Yiddish culture; work to support the Lithuanian Jewish community and other remnant Jewish communities in Eastern Europe; and work to combat racism, homophobia and the New Far Right.

In 2012, Defending History was a primary focus of the documentary film Rewriting History by Marc Radomsky and Danny-Ben Moshe. The same year, at the initiative of Professor Ben-Moshe, Defending History launched the Seventy Years Declaration. In 2013, it was a key participant in Richard Bloom’s documentary, Defending Holocaust History.

Each signed article exclusively reflects its author’s opinion. Unsigned articles reflect the editor’s or the Defending History community’s outlook, and are not necessarily shared by staff, supporters, or contributing authors. Defending History respects the right of reply.

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