with Dovid Katz (1970s and 1980s)
Hartog Beem
Jechiel Bin-Nun (Fischer)
Solomon A. Birnbaum
Florence Guggenheim
Hartog Beem
HB (Hilversum) to DK (Brooklyn) (30 Dec 1977)
HB (Hilversum) to DK (Brooklyn) (9 Feb. 1978)
HB (Haifa) to DK (London) (15 June 1978)
HB (Hilversum) to DK (Brooklyn) (24 Aug. 1978)
HB (Hilversum) to DK (Brooklyn) (2 Sept. 1978)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (28 March 1979)
DK (London) to HB (The Hague) (3 May 1979)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (30 Aug. 1979)
HB (Haifa) to DK (London) (14 Sept. 1979)
HB (Haifa) to Menke Katz (Brooklyn) (27 Sept 1979)
DK (London) to HB (Haifa) (4 Oct. 1979)
HB (Haifa) to DK (London) (7 Nov. 1979)
DK (London) to HB (The Hague) (17 Dec 1979)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (6 May 1980)
DK (London) to HB (The Hague) (9 June 1980)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (7 Sept. 1980)
DK (London) to HB (The Hague) (1 Jan. 1981)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (12 Jan. 1981)
DK (London) to HB (The Hague) (22 Feb. 1981)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (25 Feb. 1981)
DK (London) to HB (The Hague) (1 March 1981)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (26 March 1981)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (31 March 1981)
DK (London) to HB (The Hague) (22 April 1981)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (10 May 1981)
HB (The Hague) to DK (London) (25 May 1981)
DK (Oxford) to HB (The Hague) (26 June 1981)
DK (Oxford) to HB (The Hague) 7 March 1982)
From our working papers over the years: HB’s replies to DK’s lists of queries
Joel Cahen (Amsterdam) to DP and DK (Oxford) (1 Dec. 1987) [telegram on Beem’s death]
Dov Noy’s appreciation of Hartog Beem’s contributions (1984)
Obituary by Marion Aptroot in Oksforder Yidish I (1990)
Dovid Katz’s paper on Netherlandic Yiddish vocalism (based largely on Beem’s work; 1978)
DK’s personal notes and memoir (2024)
Jechiel Bin-Nun
(Jechiel Fischer; Yekhiel Fisher)
Three of the papers he sent after the war to Yivo in New York for publication:
The e Sounds in Yiddish
The a Sounds in Yiddish
Phonetic Transcriptional Systems
JBN to DK (5 Feb. 1978)
JBN to DK (8 May 1978)
JBN to DK (31 August 1978)
DK to JBN (11 Feb. 1979)
JBN to DK (12 March 1979)
DK to JBN (11 May 1979)
JBN to DK (10 July 1979)
DK to JBN (1 Jan. 1981)
JBN to DK (20 Jan. 1981)
DK’s personal notes and memoir
Solomon A. Birnbaum
(Salomo Birnbaum; Shloyme Birnboym)
SAB to DK (twelve letters, 1979-1986) [from: Oxford Yiddish III (1995), pp. 937-962]
DK to SAB [unsent] (1976)
SAB’s MS on Soviet Yiddish submitted to Soviet Jewish Affairs
DK replies to SJA editor L. Hirszowicz on queries on MS (15 February 1977)
JRUL to DK (4 April 1979)
DK to SAB (14 Aug. 1979)
Notice of SAB’s 90th birthday (Toronto, 13 Dec. 1981)
DK to SAB (Dec. 1981 [telegram])
DK to SAB (24 Dec. 1981)
SAB to DK (23 May 1982)
SAB to Hugh Denman (20 July 1982)
SAB’s list of writings sent to DK (1983)
DK to SAB (3 March 1984)
DK to SAB (18 Jan. 1985)
SAB to DK (28 April 1985)
DK to SAB (9 May 1985)
DK to SAB (7 Oct. 1985)
SAB to DK (15 Oct. 1985)
DK to SAB (27 Oct. 1985)
DK to SAB (1 Nov. 1985)
SAB’s paper ‘Old Yiddish Manuscripts’ for the Winter Symposium (Autumn 1985)
SAB to DK (20 Nov. 1985)
DK to SAB (29 Nov. 1985)
SAB to DK (10 Dec. 1985)
SAB’s text for telegram to first Oxford Winter Symposium on Yiddish (Dec. 1985)
DK/CH/DBK to SAB (23 Dec. 1985)
SAB to DK (26 Jan. 1986)
SAB to DK (26 Feb. 1986)
DK to SAB (3 April 1986)
SAB to DK (8 June 1986)
SAB to DK (12 Feb. 1987)
DK to SAB (10 April 1987)
DK/DBK to SAB (11 Dec. 1987 [telegram])
YL Arbeitman to SAB (6 June 1988)
Oxford Program in Yiddish papers (in the Birnbaum papers)
Obituary by Dovid Katz in Oksforder Yidish II (1991)
New York Times obituary for SAB (4 Jan. 1990)
DK’s notes and short memoir on the letters
Note: Letters from SAB are from DK’s archive. DK’s letters in SAB’s archive were kindly photocopied and sent in 1999 by his son Dr. David Birnbaum of Toronto, with thanks to Vivian Felsen for enabling the introductions that resulted in assembling the above archive.
Florence Guggenheim
(Florence Guggenheim-Grünberg)
FG to DK (4 Oct. 1979)
DK to FG (16 Dec. 1979)
FG to DK (30 Dec. 1979)
DK to FG (25 Feb. 1980)
DK to FG (20 April 1980)
DK to FG (30 April 1980)
DK to FG (16 June 1980)
RW to DK (17 Aug. 1980)
DK to RW (4 Sept. 1980)
RW to DK (17 Sept. 1980)
DK to FG (1 Jan. 1981)
FG to DK (21 Jan. 1981)
DK to FG (1 March 1981)
DK to FG (17 Jan. 1985)
Obituary by Johannes Brosi in Oksforder Yidish I (1990)
DK’s notes