Efraim Zuroff is Lone Protester in Center of Tallinn

Efraim Zuroff is Lone Protestor at Far Right’s March in Central Tallinn on Independence Day

Publicized with the slogan “Estonia for Estonians,” today’s event was the second of four in the “Baltic month” (16 Feb—16 March) of city center state-approved events, on Tuesday Feb 24th (independence day) in Tallinn. March’s organizers include racists, Holocaust deniers, and glorifiers of Estonia’s Waffen SS whose members swore loyalty to Adolf Hitler. One of its leaders has led events to celebrate the 1941 “liberation” of Estonia by the Nazis. Delfi report and video. Posdtimees. More videoSWC’s press release.



Efraim Zuroff (left) monitors the more than 200 ultranationalists demonstrating in Tallinn. Photo: Ilmar Saabas / Delfi.ee

Legendary Nazi-hunter and defender of Holocaust history Dr. Efraim Zuroff, head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s office in Jerusalem, has embarked on a one-month odyssey in the icy Baltic winter to monitor all four events.

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