MP John Mann (photo: Guardian)
2013: “It is an industrial rewriting of history in Eastern Europe to excuse mass murders carried out on behalf of the Nazis.”
— John Mann, 5 October 2013
2009: “[…] the Prague Declaration, currently circulating through email accounts at the European Parliament. A sinister document, it uses the smokescreen of legitimate concerns about the evils of Communist regimes to insist that Soviet Communism and Nazi Fascism be declared equal. Its recommendations include the re-writing of textbooks to “correct” this history. Its authors draw parallels between Nazi and Soviet crimes for Western European audiences.”
— John Mann, 29 October 2009
2008: “On 22 January [2008], in Tallinn, Estonia, five MEPs from five different countries met to launch a group called Common Europe—Common History. It has the same theme—the need for an equal evaluation of history. It is just a traditional form of prejudice, rewritten in a modern context. In essence, it is trying to equate communism and Judaism as one conspiracy and rewrite history from a nationalist point of view. Those are elected MEPs.”
— John Mann, 31 January 2008