Editor’s note: The following open letter has been translated from the original Yiddish which will appear separately. See also the English version of the statement referred to in the open letter.
For many years now I have been starting the day by reading the latest on the website of the Jewish Community of Lithunia. Today for the first time in a long time I saw a published statement by chairperson Faina Kukliansky which I would happily sign on to. I would like to say: Bravo, Faina Kukliansky!
I very much hope that our Jewish honor will likewise be upheld in the future.
With best wishes
Professor Pinchos Fridberg (Vilnius)
PS: In my opinion, tolerance is a street with traffic in both directions. When the government brings and with colossal pomp reburies with full honors the Nazi collaborator Juozas Ambrazevicius Brazaitis, it is a colossal setback that disrupts this traffic for many years to come.