Aleksandrs Feigmanis Documents Mysterious Eight-Pointed Star in Riga Synagogue

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAFollowing publication last year of an article on the mysterious eight-pointed star known from some old Jewish cemeteries in western Lithuania (the area known as Zámet in Yiddish, corresponding in part to Žemaitija), DH contributor Dr. Aleksandrs Feigmanis, director of Riga-based BalticGen Tours, has reported that a similar eight-pointed star adorns the (recently renovated) synagogue in Riga, Latvia. Hopefully, images will emerge of the prewar design corresponding to the reconstructed section in question.

The eight-pointed star on western Lithuanian Jewish gravestones (matséyves) drew a substantial discussion on Facebook.

Dr. Feigmanis’s publication of the star in Riga lends credence that it once characterized western Jewish Líte, areas including both Zámet and Kúrland. This larger westerly region of the Lithuanian Jewish map shares a number of specific Yiddish linguistic features too.

Dr. Feigmanis has provided the following two images from the Riga synagogue (the Peitav Shul).

Lite orn koydesh

Lite single star


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