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24 April 2015. CBC News Manitoba: ‘The problem with the monument to victims of communism’ by Dougald Lamont.
18 April 2015. National Post: ‘Jason Kenney says Canadian soldiers will not be training Nazi sympathizers in Ukraine’ by David Pugliese.
7 April 2015. National Post: ‘Toronto symphony bans Ukrainian-born pianist over “provocative” tweets denouncing Kyiv’s “neo-Nazis”’.
1 February 2015. CounterPunch: ‘Toronto Star is running with the extreme right in Ukraine’ by Roger Annis.
8 December 2014. Defending History: ‘A lowpoint in American (and Canadian) diplomacy?’
3 December 2014. News by InSerbia: ‘Why Did US, Canada and Ukraine vote against condemning Nazism at the UN?’ by John Meinhold.
28 November 2014. The Times of Israel: ‘Ukraine bonanza for upgraded Holocaust denial’ by Dovid Katz.
26 November 2014. Huffington Post: ‘Why Canada voted against resolution at UN to combat “glorification of Nazism”’ by Ryan Maloney.
23 November 2014. National Post: ‘Russia criticizes Canada for voting against its UN resolution to combat “glorification of Nazism”’ by Joseph Brean.
15 December 2013. ‘Facebook discussion (3 to 11 Dec. 2013) on a Nov. 2013 University of Toronto event.
5 December 2013. ‘Summary coverage of University of Toronto 24 Nov. 2013 symposium on the Holocaust in Lithuania’.
27 August 2013. ‘Studies on Ukrainian Nazi collaborators and their glorification in modern Ukraine — and Canada’ by Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe.
[28 February] 2013. Journal of Slavic Military Studies: ‘The honor they so clearly deserve: legitimizing the Waffen-SS Galizien’ by Per Anders Rudling.
1 November 2012. ‘Ukrainian Holocaust revisionists woo Canada, exposed by historian from Lund, Sweden’.
22 October 2012. ‘Canadian prime minister praises Holocaust-distorting museum in Ukraine’.
21 October 2012. ‘Open letter in support of Per Anders Rudling’.
15 October 2012. ‘Major new history paper on the Ukrainian Waffen SS’.
12 October 2012. ‘Ukrainian ultranationalists sponsor lecture tour across North American universities’ by Per Anders Rudling. Republished in Searchlight.
11 October 2012. ‘Canadian missile lands in Sweden’.
September 2012. Journal of Slavic Military Studies: ‘They defended Ukraine. The 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Galizische Nr. 1) revisited’ by Per Anders Rudling.
15 March 2012. Christopher Hale’s site: ‘Distorting nationalist history in Ukraine: Interview with GrzegorzRossolinski-Liebe’ by Christopher Hale.
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3 May 2011. ‘This year’s Yom Hashoah is different’ by Dovid Katz in Winnipeg Jewish Review.
23 April 2011. Publication of Open Letter signed by 105 international scholars in the National Post (p. 5). List of signatories updated regularly on the website of the Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism (CISA). The Canadian Jewish Congress posting. See also Letters received by CISA.
22 April 2011. Critique of the Open Letter, with a select list of signatories. . . on [in Polish]. Note start of 3rd paragraph: ‘It is difficult to mention all the signatories of the letter, so I stop at a selected group: Achinger, Bechtel, Breitman, Ganzer, Gold, Goldberg, Grossmann, Gutterman, Haberman, Hausmann, Hirsh, Horowitz, Kaplan, Katz, Kramer, Lipstadt, Litvak, Lower, Rabinovici, Risch, Rudling, Samuels, Siberklang, Steiman.’ …
21 April 2011. ‘Ukrainian Association tells foreign scholars to stay out of museum debate’ by James Adams in The Globe and Mail.
21 April 2011. ‘The anti-Ukrainian hate campaign infects the Winnipeg Free Press’ on The Black Rod [by ?].
19 April 2011. Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association / Media release: ‘“Stay out of the debate” — UCCLA’s reply’. Note the penultimate sentence on ‘the company they keep’ . . .
19 April 2011. Professor Roman Serbyn’s mass-emailed text.
17 April 2011. ‘It happened 65 years ago. World authorities recall the Polish victims of Volyn’ on Salon 24 [in Polish].
16 April 2011. Exchange of views between L. Luciuk and P. Rudling in the Globe and Mail comments section. Extracted from here.
16 April 2011. ‘International scholars issue open letter’ on Anton Shekhovtsov’s blog.
15 April 2011. ‘International scholars issue open letter criticizing Canadian Ukrainian groups re: Holocaust gallery in Rights Museum on Stop Racism and Hate Collective.
15 April 2011. ‘My academic is bigger than your academic’ by Dan Lett in the Winnipeg Free Press.
15 April 2011. ‘Discord, accusations taint Museum for Human Rights debate’ by James Adams in The Globe and Mail.
12 April 2011. ‘Open Letter: International scholars issue open letter on the UCCLA, UCC, and the CMHR’ onCanadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism (CISA).
11 April 2011. ‘Shut their mouths. The first legacy of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights’ [by ?] on The Black Rod.
8 April 2011. ‘No place for a gallery on the Holocaust in the new Canadian Museum of Human Rights?’ by David Hirsh on Engage.
7 April 2011. ‘Catherine Chatterley leads opposition to Holocaust Obfuscation campaign in Canada’ by Dovid Katz on
2 April 2011. ‘The war against the Holocaust’ by Catherine Chatterley in the Winnipeg Free Press. ALSO available, with inclusion of images of the antisemitic ‘pig postcards’ printed and circulated by t he Ukrainian Civil Liberties Association (UCCLA), on the CISA website. Also, with one postcard image, in the Winnipeg Jewish News of 8 April 2011.
1 April 2011. ‘Kevin Hamilton, Canada’s Chargé d’affaires in Vilnius, stands up against far-right slander’ on
24 March 2011. ‘Museum complaint parochial’ in the Winnipeg Free Press.
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29 December 2010. ‘Celebrating fascism and war criminality in Edmonton. The political myth and cult of Stepan Bandera in multicultural Canada’ by Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe on Kakanien Revisited.
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22 August 2009. Vilnius reception at the home of Prof. Dovid Katz in honor of Professor Sara Ginaite of Toronto, veteran of the anti-Nazi resistance, who defied prosecutors’ threats to visit her native Lithuania. In a show of support, the Canadian Embassy’s Chargé d’affaires Habib Massoud and the US Embassy’s political officer Tim O’Connor joined the group honoring Prof. Ginaite, as did the Lithuanian foreign ministry’s Jolanda Kriskovieciene in a personal capacity. Photo from left: Tim O’Connor; Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman of the Vilnius Jewish Community; Sara Ginaite; Dovid Katz; Jolanda Kriskovieciene.
July 2009. Canada, along with Britain and the United States and the other Western powers, unfortunately signed ‘The Vilnius Declaration’ of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) in July 2009, into which the Holocaust-obfuscating East European far right had slipped ‘just two short points’ taken to indicate acceptance of Double Genocide as national or international Western policy (document here, see p. 48, points 3 and 10), alongside traditional Holocaust-respecting language (e.g. point 4 on the same page); the problem being, that it is the revisionist lines alone which serve as catalysts — and cover — for the growing effort to minimize the Holocaust on the ground (see e.g. here and here) while providing lip-service to all sides in international declarations. [UPDATE: In December 2010, however, the European Union itself began to reject the eastern states’ insistence on international agreement on their revisionist Double Genocide history (see here and here), leaving a question mark over where Canada, Britain, the US and other Western powers now stand on the revisionist versions which frequently attempt to discredit the Allied war effort, and sacrifices, in defeating Nazi Germany.]
September 2008. ‘Investigating Jewish partisans in Lithuania: the protest of a veteran Jewish partisan’ by Professor Sara Ginaite (Toronto) in Jewish Currents.
“Prosecutors can easily turn into agents of injustice if they begin campaigns on ethnic or political grounds that have little to do with the work of identifying specific crimes and seeking to bring to a fair trial their alleged perpetrators. I invite the general prosecutor to put everything into its rightful context and not pursue a policy that appears to be based on ethnic targeting. The first step is to stop and ask: Why now, in 2008, schedule the pre-trial investigation of the circumstances of the event in Koniuchy, instead of examining the murder of 74,500 Lithuanian citizens during Soviet rule — and, yes, into the issue of who took part in the murder of two hundred thousand Jewish citizens of Lithuania during the Holocaust? Any request for bringing to justice the Nazi war criminals and the Soviet oppressors and killers is described as ‘too late.’ Strangely, however, it has just become not too late to use the Lithuanian justice system to discredit those who fought against the Nazis.
“How can one not be humiliated by this selective justice, which is, in practice, directed exclusively toward the few surviving Jewish partisans? Investigation of the Koniuchy case is not justice. It is a manipulation of justice, with the goal of forming a negative image of the Jewish partisans and of Holocaust survivors generally.
“A state prosecutor need not allow himself to become the instrument of some Lithuanian factions who support the idea of collective guilt and collective responsibility. But it looks as if the prosecutor has surrendered to pressure and has begun this useless investigation knowing perfectly well that he is not going to charge any concrete person with any concrete alleged crime.”
Professor Sara Ginaite
25 August 2008. Canada’s Chargé d’affaires in Vilnius, Habib Massoud, joins eight other NATO ambassadors in a letter of moral support dispatched to Dr. Rachel Margolis in Rechovot, Israel.
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11 June 2007. Farewell reception for Canada’s Chargé d’affaires in Vilnius, Brian Herman, at the Vilnius Yiddish Institute, Vilnius University. From left to right: HE Dónal Denham, ambassador of Ireland; Professor Dovid Katz; Brian Herman; HE Malin Kärre, ambassador of Sweden.
20 March 2007. ‘Noah Shneidman’s Vilna Ghetto boxing medal’ (by Dovid Katz) in the Algemeyner Zhurnal. Follow-up article on 16 August 2007. Two articles in Yiddish on the Vilna Ghetto boxing medal of Professor N.N. Shneidman (Toronto), found in Vilnius, and returned to its rightful owner (despite concerted efforts to the contrary), thanks to the dedicated and wise diplomacy of Canada’s Chargé d’affaires in Vilnius, Brian Herman.
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