Tag Archives: Yiddish at University of Texas at Austin

Robert D. King (1936-2023):

Works in Yiddish Studies

 toward a bibliography with scan-ins of the original publications

initiated in honor of Bob King on his 85th birthday, now in his cherished memory

This is the start of a bibliography with scan-ins undertaken in cooperation with my dear friend for close to half a century, Professor Robert D. King. Additions and corrections welcome. Prof. King expressed his fervent wish that PDFs of all his work in Yiddish linguistics be made available free online on this page (and no doubt, elsewhere as well — a university or library website with professional scans would be most appropriate).  Shortly after our intense cooperation on this page started, Bob’s final illness, which he bore with extraordinary dignity and an inimitable blend of Mississippi-Texas with Yiddish humor, cut short his plan to actually arrange for the PDFs via Austin. Thanks in anticipation to readers and libraries that can supply them from their collections (accreditation cab be supplied at each entry). Hopefully this modest effort can help inspire Bob’s professorial colleagues and former students to pursue an online university library page with all his splendid work in Yiddish studies, and, we hope, before too long, a beautiful new book too. One possible title: Robert D. King: Works in the Field of Yiddish.

Publications in honor of Robert D. King are listed below

אונדזערע שמועסן מיט די שקלא⸗וטריאס, טערער חבר, וועלן מיר שוין מירצעשעם ווטערפירן אויף יענער וועלט, אויפן אינדזעלע פון יידישע לינגוויסטן. אַ ליכטיקן גן⸗עדן…

Dovid Katz (Vilnius)


Historical Linguistics and Generative Grammar (Prentice Hall 1969). PDF of prelims and pages referencing Yiddish.

Review of U. Weinreich, English-Yiddish Yiddish-English Dictionary (1968) in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 68, pp. 465-466.


Review of  Werner Weinberg, Die Reste des Jüdischdeutschen (1970) in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 69, pp. 510-513.


The History of Final Devoicing in Yiddish (Indiana University Linguistics Club 1976).


“Can Historical Linguistic Evidence Support the Rhineland Theory of the Origins of Yiddish?” (paper placed before the First International Conference on Research in Yiddish Language and Literature at the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, 6-9 August 1979).


“The History of Final Devoicing in Yiddish” in Marvin I. Herzog, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Dan Miron, Ruth Wisse (eds), The Field of Yiddish. Studies in Yiddish Language, Folklore and Literature. Fourth Collection (Institute for the Study of Human Issues 1980), pp. 371-430.

& Alice Faber, “Historical Linguistics and History: Yiddish Prehistory” (paper presented at the Linguistic Society of America Winter Meeting).


Alice Faber & Robert D. King,  “Yiddish and the Settlement History of Ashkenazic Jews” in  The Mankind Quarterly 24 (1984), pp. 393–425. Republication in David Blumenthal (ed.), Approaches to the Study of Judaism in Medieval Times (vol. II of Brown Judaica Series, Scholar’s Press: Chico, California), pp. 73-108.


“Humanistic Byways: Yiddish for Beginners” in The Texas Humanist 7, pp. 35-36.


“Proto-Yiddish Morphology” in Dovid Katz (ed.), Origins of the Yiddish Language (Pergamon Press 1987), pp. 73-81.

“More about Uriel Weinreich’s Four Riddles” in Shofar 6 (1987).


“Two of Weinreich’s Four Riddles Revisited” in Dovid Katz (ed.), Dialects of the Yiddish Language (Pergamon Press 1988), pp.  85-98.

The Weinreich Legacy. Fifth Annual Avrom-Nokhem Stencl Lecture in Yiddish Studies (Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies 1988; frontispiece by S. S. Prawer; series edited by Dovid Katz).


“On the Origins of the -s Plural in Yiddish” in Paul Wexler (ed.),  Studies in Yiddish Linguistics (Max Niemeyer 1990), pp. 47-53.

“A Conspiracy and a Question Mark” [in Yiddish: “A konspirátsye un a fráge-tseykhn”] in Dovid Katz (ed.), Oksforder Yidish, vol. 1 (Harwood Academic Publishers 1990), pp. 247-251.


“Matisyohu Mieses” in Dov-Ber Kerler (ed.), History of Yiddish Studies (Harwood Academic Publishers 1991), pp. 25-38.


“Migration and Linguistics as Illustrated by Yiddish” in  Trends in Linguistics 58: Reconstructing Languages and Cultures (1992),  pp. 419–439.

Review of Joshua A. Fishman, Yiddish: Turning to Life (1991) in Language 68, pp. 831-833.


“Early Yiddish Vowel Systems: A Contribution by William G. Moulton to the Debate on the Origins of Yiddish” in  The Field of Yiddish. Fifth Collection (1993), pp. 87–98.

Review of Marvin I. Herzog et al, Language and Culture Atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry, vol. 1 (1991) in Michigan Germanic Studies 19, pp. 84-86.


Review of Jack Kugelmass (ed.) , Going Home = YIVO Annual, vol. 21 in Shofar 13:4 (1995), pp. 99-101.


“The Czernowitz Conference in Retrospect” in Dov-Ber Kerler (ed.), Politics of Yiddish (Alta Mira Press, 1998).

“On the Uses of Yiddish Linguistic Geography” in Shofar 27 (1998), pp. 81-89.

“Yiddish Evidence for Early Uvular [r] in German” in Studies in Germanic Philology  10 (1998), pp. 279-290.


Review of Marvin I. Herzog et al, The Language and Culture Atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry, vol. 3 in Michigan Germanic Studies 24, pp. 230-232.


“The Paradox of Creativity in Diaspora. The Yiddish Language and Jewish Identity” in Diaspora, Identity, and Language Communities = Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 31:1, pp. 213-229.

Review of Gennady Estraikh, Soviet Yiddish: Language Planning and Linguistic Development in Language in Society 30:1 (March 2001), pp. 118-121.


“A Different Side of Isaac Bashevis” in Jewish Affairs 59, pp. 36-39.


“Lessons of Yiddish for Nostratic” in Proceedings of the Conference on Nostratic in Pecz, Hungary (2005).


Lucy Dawidowicz, the Yiddish Eagle of the Bronx” in Tablet (5 Dec. 2019).


The Groundbreaking Memoirs of Glikl of Hamel” in Mosaic Magazine (4 Feb. 2020).

“Lucy the Warrior” (review of Nancy Sinkoff, From Left to Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History) in Commentary (May 2020).

◊Lucy the


Goodbye Chomsky and Other Essays on Language (Austin Macauley 2021), chapter 13, select pp.

Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Afterlife in Texas” in Tablet (23 July 2021).

Publications honoring Robert D. King:

Patricia C. Sutcliffe (ed.), The Polymath Intellectual: A Festschrift in Honor of Professor Robert D. King (Agarita Press, 2020).

Dovid Katz, I Kings (Mlókhim Alef) and II Kings (Mlókhim Beyz) Translated into Lithuanian Yiddish from the Biblical Hebrew. In Honor of Professor Robert D. King.


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