NOTE: See also the evolving page on First Week Rescuers (in the final week of June 1941).
Alter and Schaje Friedberg Fund
Institute for Righteous Gentiles [Lithuania]
Yad Vashem’s list of Lithuanian Righteous among the Nations to January 2012
Lithuanian Righeous among the Nations (Wikipedia)
Books and Articles
Julija Šukys, Epistolophilia: Writing the Life of Ona Simate. University of Nebraska Press: 2011.
Jerusalem of Lithuania [publication of the Jewish Community of Lithuania] honors rescuers, no. 155-56, p. 5: 2010.
Hands Bringing Life and Bread, vol. IV. Compiled by D. D. Selčinskaja. Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum: Vilnius 2009.
Joseph Levinson, “The Righteous among the Nations” in his The Shoah (Holocaust) in Lithuania, pp 271-317. Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum of Lithuania: Vilnius 2006.
Michael Good, The Search for Major Plagge: The Nazi who Saved Jews. Fordham University Press: 2006.
Hands Bringing Life and Bread, vol. III. Compiled by Viktorija Sakaitė; edited by Dalija Epšteinaitė. Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum: Vilnius 2005.
With a Needle in the Heart. Memories of Former Prisoners of Ghettos and Concentration camps. Center for Research in Genocide and Resistance of the Citizens of Lithuania & the Government of the Republic of Lithuania: Vilnius 2003.
Dalia Kuodyte & Rimantas Stankevicius & Alexander Fortescue, Whoever Saves One Life… The Efforts to Save Jews in Lithuania between 1941 and 1944. Vilnius 2002.
Jonathan Goldstein, “Lithuania Honours a Holocaust Rescuer” in Polin, vol. XIV, pp 249-255, 2001.
Hands Bringing Life and Bread, vol. II. Compiled by Viktorija Sakaitė; edited by Dalija Epšteinaitė. Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum: Vilnius 1999.
Hands Bringing Life and Bread, vol. I. Compiled by Mikhail Ehrenburg and Viktorija Sakaite. Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum: Vilnius 1997.
“Saved Jews Disregarding Mortal Danger” & related chapters, pp 23-48 in Juozas Prunskis, Lithuania’s Jews and the Holocaust. Published by Lithuanian American Council: Chicago 1979.
Sofija Binkienė, Ir be ginklo kariai (Unarmed Fighters): Vilnius 1967.
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