“Books in the Works”

by Dovid Katz




Publishers and/or literary agents with an interest in any of the following are invited to contact the author.


A Cultural Grammar of Yiddish

(extensive revision of 1987 grammar)

99 Yiddish Words: A Linguistic, Cultural and Political History

Yiddish Cultural Dictionary: An English-Yiddish Lexicon

in progress online

A Short History of Yiddish

Tale of a Brooklyn Yiddishist (Safad; Brooklyn; Manhattan; London; Oxford; Belarus; New Haven; Vilnius; Wales; Internetland)

On The Road in the Old Country: Memoirs of Journeys to the Last Yiddish Mohicans in the Litvak Lands. Vol I: The Last Shtetl Jews. Vol II: In the Erstwhile Cities of Yiddish.

Note: A draft of volume 1 was completed years ago, but never published. The late Professor Arthur Hertzberg wrote a preface.

Vilnius Jewish Culture

(folio volume on the scale of Lithuanian Jewish Culture, 2nd edition Baltos Lankos: Vilnius 2010)

A Litvak’s (Politically Incorrect) Guide to Modern Vilnius

A Dictionary of Ashkenazic Hebrew

in progress online

Normativism Gone Wrong: The Disaster of Postwar Yiddish Language Planning

Double Genocide: The East European Plot to Write the Holocaust out of History

The US, NATO, the EU and Israel: A Tilt Toward (East European) Holocaust Denial

Holocaust Denial of the Twenty-First Century

ALSO: Urgently looking for a publisher or agent to enable a new edition of Words on Fire: The Unfinished Story of Yiddish, Basic Books: New York 2004, 2nd edition 2007. It has gone out of print with rights reverting to the author.


Fifth collection of short stories set in pre World War I Jewish Lithuania. [previous books]

Translation of the Bible into Lithuanian Yiddish

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